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good thing you kept regular backups, anon.
You had backups right?
of some of the important things, yeah, although they're a bit outdated. i'm mostly pissed because it had my OS on it, meaning the computer is completely useless now.
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Have you considered installing a new SSD and Windows?
usually when SSDs die, they are still readable
It was working perfectly fine an hour ago. I turned the computer off, turned it back on a few minutes later, and the motherboard can no longer detect it. I've confirmed it's not an issue with the SATA cables or ports. The thing just fucking shat itself for no reason. And I've only had it for 2 months now.
Never buying another WD product again.
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I'm truly sorry for your loss, anon.
Normalfags don't know how to do that, it's basically magic to them
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That's why I didn't mention Mac
I still have my old SSD from before I got this new one, and luckily I never wiped it or anything, so it still has Windows on it. It's a really old SSD and I wouldn't be surprised if it suddenly dies on me, but hopefully it'll at least last until I can get a replacement.
should had bought Movespeed
How poor are you? A 1TB SSD is 50 pounds.
I paid about $50 for the new one (WD Blue SA510 500GB).
This shit is why I have two complete parallel disk systems installed.
Macs have magic built in, they can download and "refresh" the Mac if the OS is borked and cannot boot
The only SSD I've ever had up and die on me was a 128 GB Plextor SATA SSD. It was my baby sister's boot drive. That computer was fucking cursed because her WinSxS folder was regularly ballooning up to 80-90 GiB and filling up C:\ and no she wasn't hiding yaoi in there. When it died, it fucking DIED. No read-only grace period. Trying to plug it into another machine with a USB3/SATA adapter results in nothing. UEFI flips shit if it's plugged in at boot.
babies can't use computers
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>only had it for two months
you got a lemon and that's the reason warranties exist, no big deal
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I've had 5 SSDs die on me.
None of them ever went into this so-called 'read-only mode.' Total meme, might as well tell people to dunk their dead SSDs in a bowl of rice and put it in the freezer for 10 minutes.
>SSD dies
>take it out
>put in the full disk clone backup you made two weeks ago
>carry on
it's that simple
Not like I have a drawer of spare SSD sticks ready to swap out.
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Fuck off with your bloated spyware slop, Rajesh
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>anything but samsung or micron for ssds
when will you ever learn you fucking retard
>daily "im a moran who didn't realize coomsoomer ssds are cheap, disposable, wearing parts to cache your os and swap on, and i retardedly put important data on one"
It's all so tiresome.
>here's owner-drawn menus from eight different versions of windows copypasta'd onto one pic
Brown third-worlders keep posting variants of this image.
I don't think they understand that you'll see more variants on one screen simultaneously on your average freetoddler DE.
WD is fine. Bathtub curve.
>Microsaars can't recognize xheir own OS
I look like that
They don't care. It's all just envy and sour grapes that motivates unwhites and their masters.
>literally says "microsoft" on the image
Sorry you can't read, turd-worlder.
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>>here's owner-drawn menus from eight different versions of windows copypasta'd onto one pic
>Brown third-worlders keep posting variants of this image.
>I don't think they understand that you'll see more variants on one screen simultaneously on your average freetoddler DE.
>the most used operating system on the planet is le jeet o algo hehe
>yes im a brown who swims in my own shit
Don't know why you needed five lines to say this.
there's over 1 billion 'jeets albeitever
Anecdote I know, but I'm on my fourth SA510. They've blown up every 10-15 months like clockwork.
>n-no its ur computer umm... psu or some shit
No, because warranty claims take weeks and I need that computer working now, the replacement always ends up in a different machine. First one was in my main desktop, second one lived in this laptop, third one was a boot drive for my home server. Fourth one is gathering dust on top of my rack as we speak.
OP here. This is what I'm mostly afraid of. What if the replacement they send me also breaks for no reason? Fuck computers.
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To be fair, you're running the same risk with hard disks.
The differences is, hard disks usually give you some warning that they're on the way out - indeed, I've spent the last week or so recovering data from a hard disk that's been "dying" for 18 months now.
SSDs, on the other hard, by far their most common failure mode is that you restart your computer, and see pic related.
I have a Western Digital 7200 RPM HDD from 2011 that's still going totally strong.
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Don't we all, anon.

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