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You may not like it.
But 1-indexed arrays are peak design.
What difference does it make other than make it simpler for retards?
I prefer using C# for math instead of this bullshit program simply because at one point you're tired of waiting upwards of 60 seconds for a program, C# is faster than this
0-indexed arrays are better
>array memory address + 0 × element size offset
this makes way more sense, the advent of zero was the most significant thing in mathematics history.
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>not using a language with arbitrary indexing
reminder that 0 is not a number.
reminder that programming languages are abstractions. the first element being labeled "1" is objectively correct.
Usually mathematicians are smarter than your typical cs monkey
is that why they pay for matlab when python is free?
University pays for this. It works out of box in all scenarios.
Sorry, I thought you meant intelligent mathematicians.
you may like my massive cock
Are there any practical differences or consequences between 0 vs 1 indexing? Or is it just an aesthetic preference?
>try executing arr[n % 32]
>when n == 32, then resulting code is arr[0]
>0 is not a valid index
>segmentation fault
So now you need an uglier arr[(n % 32) + 1] just to fix the mistake caused by 1-based indexing, congratulations.
There are more examples of this where you need these little n + 1 adjustments, but I'm too lazy right now to look them up.
Then you have shit like 'arr.length -1'in zero based
If you're gonna create 1 indexed arrays, why not create a "wrap to 1" operator?
>people bitching about +1 adjustments
Both indexing methods have either their +1 or -1 problem, what about it? Focus on eliminating these instead of attacking the indexing methods.
uhm that happens with 1 based too?

1, 2, 3 has 3 elements but it's length is 3-1= 2.
>Just change how math works, bro
Why would it be 2 if it has three entries
The point is that 1-based indexing has more of these n + 1 issues and in places that are more annoying, than 0-based indexing has n - 1 issues.
because it starts at 1 and ends in 3
Youlve never created an operator in a programming language?
I'm not saying you should replace modulo, I am saying you can create a new wrap operator.
That will make three.
size(arr) would result in 3x1 matrix (or 1x3 matrix if you are a faggot) thanks to matlab's 'everything is a matrix unless it's a cell' policy
Of fuck me, sorry. It would yield 2x1 matrix with entries 3 1 or 1 3 depending did you initialize a column or a row vector.
nah it would make it
I can only see
>[(i % len) + 1]
in 1 indexed

>for (...; i <= len - 1)
>len = last_iteration + 1
in 0 indexed.

What else am I missing?
>I'm going to define an entirely new "wrap operator" just to increment a value by one.
Found the enterprise Java developer, are you going to write a factory for this operator as well?
It's just n + 1, that's it. Or n++ in languages that have an increment operator.
>L = length( X ) returns the length of the largest array dimension in X . For vectors, the length is simply the number of elements. For arrays with more dimensions, the length is max(size(X)) . The length of an empty array is zero.

Why I haven't used this before? I always called size for vectors when length would yield the result instantly
for ( i < len)

you moron
Now start loop backwards
If they created n++ in C-likes, a @ b for matrix multiplication in Python and a <=> b for comparison in Ruby, what's wrong with a potential i whateversymbol n in Lua?
Mathematica is basically a 1-indexed Lisp with infix operators for function application and pattern matching, I don't see how this is Java at all.
>muh math
the first element of a matrix is usually called a_{1, 1} in linear algebra, retard
for ( i = n ; i-- > 0 ; )

you moron
What is this heresy
Okay, let's say that's not a problem for 0 indexed arrays. Can yiu think of any more cases that make 1 indexed worse in this comparison? >>102438045

Not trying to be facetious, I'm actually curious.
Who normally accesses arrays from the back? The only cases I saw were very contrived like some shit leetcode example or where the front needs to be accessed at the same time. Also you will always save a little time as the tenth element is 9 and starting at 0 is standard already
>Who normally accesses arrays from the back?
Easy way to reverse a sequence.
mucking around with indexing doesn't even qualify as design you freshman shit.
Most languages had 1-based arrays (actually you can choose the lower and upper bound for each array with 1 as the default because it makes the upper bound the same as the length) but then C shills came along and said "it's LE BAD" because they didn't want people to use those languages. That was just a way to shill C, not because being stuck with 0-based arrays is better.
Fortran figured it out first, by allowing the programmer to choose. Indexin starting from something other than 1 can be useful when implementing certain algorithms. Having 0 as default is just some cs bullshit though

Is this some resurfaced meme, or a real schitzo?
>I must customize my language like I customize my body
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Many cannot understand arrays or misread them, so I try to get away from them when possible.
>using a base other than the default, 0 based

>using a base other than the default, 1 based

see the issue?
"most languages"
you stupid fucking faggot, they are and still are 0 based because of the memory accessing speed. its a literal nothing happens operation when you access the very first element at index 0.
Using the array indexes as offsets. Like v+i*size.

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