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lamest and most shameless company ever that straight up scams its buyers and nobody bats an eye. The first to follow apple's shitty anti consumer trends and they are still going at it. Qualcomm handed them manufacturing process back in 2021 and 2022 and it fucked them over. Before samsung existed i didn't know a company can be a cuck. Their fans are now more braindead and annoying than apple fans which is pretty damn hard to do.

feel free to expand on this list
At least apple smartphones don't have any poopdroid/slavdroid shit on it.
samshit cannot innovate it can only copy or take from others
bait used to be believable
Poopdroid is a shit OS and highly popular with slavs and pajeets. I smell a slav behind this post.
I smell a cuck that enjoys being caged
The worst part is when they mock apple in commercials for things that they ended up also implementing. I despise apple products, but I'd prefer them over their samtranny imitations.
exactly, grade A faggots. Dont know about choosing iphone over them though, all my apps are cracked or modded so ios feels like a literal prison.
Who's going to tell him that the Galaxy s3 is the blueprint for the modern smartphone?

>Inbe4 iToddler coping and saying it was the iPhone.
>whos going to tell him that the phone from 2013 is good
Here's the thing, I don't care who had the idea first. I care who did it best, for the lowest price. I have zero loyalty to Samsung but I'll buy their tech for as long as it's good to use.
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I love my iPhone.
Apple may have did it first but Samsung perfected it.
perfected what? lack of headphone jacks, chargers and sd card slots? lm fucking ao
>for the lowest price
they're not even
Ever since reading the korean manwha "A man's man" I like samsung alot more
"copying" isnt bad at all if thats what customers want. That being said Samsung is still cancer for having the most bloated Android in history, especially when their hardware is so good. Shame, i would take an iphone every time over that.
Stop consuming faggot
Android intends to eventually block sideloading as well. It's becoming more and more like iOS and it blows.
>"copying" isnt bad at all if thats what customers want
what did samsung copy that the customers asked for?
my bmi is lower than yours, bitch
samsung sheep made it to the thread and they are trying to be nonchalant about it. And I thought this wouldn't be and instagram post comment section, holy shit there is no escaping you retards.
>Illiterate iToddler says something that doesn't make any sense
Not much of a surprise considering every black person is an iToddler
how is he wrong?
yeah he is right iphones dont have an android, which is why its shit.
im neither black nor do i use iphone. Crazy right, because illiterate samsung retards think only their phone exists along with their grave enemy iphone.

>>Illiterate iToddler says something that doesn't make any sense
what you said makes no sense, retard. Who gives a shit about a phone from 2013? What does it have to do with anything?
imaging caring about your shitty B grade os this much. end it
is this a projection? youre literally dick riding an ios here. And i dont really care about android, it can also be hella inconvenient at times. However, at least it lets me sideload and doesn't treat me like a zoo animal.
I'll break this down for your sub-80 IQ.

This is a thread about copying technology.

Specifically this is a thread that alleges that Scamscum copies Applel.

I am pointing out the iPhone copied the Galaxy S4, which is the blueprint for all modern smart phones.

Sorry to assume you were an iToddler; you're just retarded.
you can't change fucking watch 5 pro with wireless charging with wrist on since in have stupid shape and springs from phone. I love android but goddamn samsung think a little
Any good alternatives? How about xiaomi or google pixel phones? I dont know what to buy all these companies suck
>This is a thread about copying technology.
i made the thread and its not about that only. Its about samsung scamming people with shitty exynos chips to them having exploding batteries. First you said s3 and now its s4, make up your mind retard.
>I hate samshit because it makes apple look like utter garbage
Samsung and apple are both utter garbage but man is Samsung more appealing
sony phones tick all the boxes except maybe reliability in some cases

and price
its more appealing because of its OS which has nothing to do with samsung itself
Typo. Sorry anon.
Now let's kiss and makeup
not a bi, sorry. only a handshake with hands
Well reliability and price together as cons is kind of a deal breaker..
Chuu :*
reliability is more software sided rather than hardware
lol the android tinker-tranny is trying to appeal to my nigger-hate. go back to your chinese knock-off OS tinker-tranny!

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