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should i abandon my programming career and just learn to plumb?

seriously, chatgpt is better than me.
have you ever had to fight with your landlord or apartment maintenance over bullshit? cause that's who you'll be dealing with 95% of your days trying to tell you what the fuck needs doing when you know 5 times more needs to be done for it to be right
it's dealing with self made piece of shit building supervisors and knowing when and how much to fuck them so you continue getting business but still get to eat
if you can't even make it as a programmer bro
>building supervisor
>your landlord
wtf is that
not all of us live in 3rd world america
Pick up a creative hobby so you can develop some vision to know what to use your skills for. Like writing. Or playing acoustic guitar in the park. This also solves the incel problem.
yeah going to people's dirty houses, working down on your knees to fix their overflown toilets
such a glamorous job, go right ahead
What's with all the "just learn to X, bro!" faggotry lately? They are gonna overcrowd field X and the cycle will repeat.
I mean, if you want to be unclogging shitty toilets for the rest of your life while driving your own prices down, go right the fuck ahead.
It is fulfilling if your a clean freak with OCD. You might find yourself at the bottom of a toilet bowel, you never know. Be open minded, there's a lot of filthy pigs that could use a purification of their cesspool of mediocrity. Jordan Peterson would be proud
Bot-ass post.
Just do what Indians do for a living, fixing Windows 10 when it doesn't hook up to the printer. What do I do? I really need to deliver a 55 page essay to my Fifth Wave Feminism professor or else I'm gonna lose 50 percent credit. So what are you waiting for? Put down the curry and pick up a screwdriver or something. Cause I really need this printer to work or I'm gonna have to trade in my food stamps for cash to buy more copies at Kinkos
lots of young men feeling lost on what to do for a career
Do not turn a hobby into a career. That is guaranteed to destroy the love and passion. Only exception is if you make shit and sometimes put it in galleries to be sold, even then, it's a side gig that you might make money from, not a career you depend on to survive. Fuck off you worthless nigger.
The idea is that you start writing books so you'll develop an imagination and social skills and the ability to interpret English, and then take these new skills into coding. Doing this would've helped you, right now, in this conversation.
Why pick a dirty and finicky trade like plumbing just to make less money than sparkies? Just do an electrical apprenticeship, get your licence to print money, and get paid 5k a week to connect some wires. Easiest shit ever.
what if you get zapped and die?
You guys are going to be so fucked when we make plumb bot 5000 powered by machine learning and trained on a million youtube plumbing tutorials
what about this: Home automation is becoming a big thing. Being able to program and install fully integrated home automation systems might be something rich retards will pay lots of money for.
can you please get into flipping burgers? my chezburgers are getting expensive lately. thanks.
in fact, offering systems that don't have any of that cloud bullshit and are privacy focused might be a good selling point
I first made over 100k gross three years ago and am likely to break 150 this year. I dropped out of school in the 9th grade and as such never assumed any student loan debt. I also don't do service work, so I don't have to deal with feces. It's an okay job of you can handle working with a bunch of rough and abrasive alcoholics.
I hope.you fall off a ladder and die
and I hope you have a great day at Wendy's
I can has my cheezburger now?
You should apply your programming skills to plumbing
Approach problem solving in plumbing like you would with programming
Write scripts to schedule or automate certain meta cognitive processes
You could even use microcontrollers and program them to make things you can use while plumbing
it's 150 to 250 usd per hour.

So how much do you charge for making a wordpress website?
Based plumberbro
maybe in the usa, but in europe the rates for plumbers are like 30/hour
and i don't make wordpress websites, so i don't know, but that sounds like something a high school kid would do to make extra cash, not a real job
jealous codetranny kek
you know nothing about plumbing the post
>wtf is landlord
Hello chairman, you have slept for long
>just learn to plumb?
You think it's that easy? LMAO if you wont start early you are fucked just like with programming.
scaredy cat!

plumbing seems cozy but you have to deal with doo doo and go into crazy people's homes. Maybe this anons job
is OK, but yes, the blue collars are fucking insane and exhausting to be around

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