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Why is this hated by /g/ and Reddit?
If i need to: 1) debloat the os; 2) check for spyware shit in it enabled by default, might as well remain on windows, what's the purpose of Ubuntu? Also Canonical is retarded, source: mir, unity and soon to be snaps.
I don't hate it
>Canonical is retarded, source: mir, unity and soon to be snaps.
Also Ubuntu one and the Amazon partnership.
snap slop forced everywhere
ubuntu pro slop
It's based on Debian aka patchy insanity
I don't hate it. I might use it at some time in the future if they bring back Unity. I probably won't use it for another 20 years though.
because its overated
i think you meant 3 subreddits
Used it for 12 years. Switched to Q4OS because I didn't like the direction they took.
debian with many bloat and GNOME and gay

just use debian holy shit wtf
>just use debian holy shit wtf
debian is a server OS that makes you bend over backwards to get drivers
you only use debian because they bent the knee and turned their back on their principles and started including wifi drivers in the install media
Ubuntu does suck but Mint is awesome
The Debian whose "unstable" branch still ships KDE 5?
>they fixed the issue i was dealing with but fuck'em
>Why is this hated by /g/
Only by irrelevant neets
>and Reddit?
They are always irrelevant,
I have used Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Lubuntu for years, quite happy with those.
why is canonical in full shill mode since the 24 fiasco?
it just works which means you can't spend your entire day on tinkering and fixing your computer while thinking you're accomplishing anything
the only device i use that has wifi is my phone. for the first time i got a motherboard with wifi in it recently and the first thing i did was disable it in the bios
>the 24 fiasco
There's three kinds of Ubuntu haters:
>NEETs / faggots
They hate it because they want GNU/Linux to be a secret club. They think Ubuntu is bad because it makes stuff easier to use.

They will constantly bring up bullshit like the Amazon lens that was enabled by default on a single version of Ubuntu 11 years ago and was promptly fixed, they claim that Snaps are bad but never back their claims and hate on everything Canonical for no reason, including Ubuntu Pro.
>Red Hat employees / Red Hat shills / grifters
They pretend to be part of the community but in reality they have a vested interest in Canonical abandoning their technologies I'm favor of adopting Red Hat products. They will constantly claim that deb/Unity/Upstart/Mir/Snap are bad and should be immediately replaced by Red Hat products like rpm/GNOME/systemd/Wayland/Flatpak.

They will continue to push their FUD as community grievances until Canonical disappears and Red Hat has full control over GNU/Linux.
They hate Ubuntu because it's not libre.

There are no freetards left on /g/ or Reddit though. So it's either Red Hat shills or Arch/NixOS transexuals.
24 is worse than Windows 11.
Windows 11 doesn't randomly crashes during its installation.
It also doesn't have main parts of the system installed through Microsoft store.
Microsoft didn't start cold calling IT people to join some Microsoft marketing meetings to pay for patch subscription.

Redhat seems like good guys compared to Canonical, now. They take your money and leave you alone.
>If you dare to criticise ubuntu features you're... le rhel shill!!
Nigger, i fucking hate with a burning passion ibm/systemd, what i also hate is wasted efforts and canonical is a fucking champion at that: where the fuck is unity? Oh right, got discontinued and replaced with gnome tweaked, MIR? Never delivered, Ubuntu one? Died shortly after the initial release, Snaps? Fucking appimages existed, they're on par with rhel in reinventing the wheel with flatpacks but at least red hat has the weight to force their shit down everybody's throat. Literally fucking wasted potential everywhere, the only good thing ubuntu did was slightly improving Debian packaging and bug correction for a while.
I'm corpo-enterprise as heck.

Canonical is speed running to alienate anyone in enterprise environment. Snaps, making ubuntu pro pop us harder to disable, abandoning projects every 2nd release, and their other ideas are copied straight from worst parts of Windows home edition.

If you don't understand how these are issue, you're neet or a paid shill.
why dont they just change the name. no one wants to use an OS named after African concepts.
It was a pretty bad look when you logged in to a fresh install and this nigger started popping up.
/g/ picks distros based on how cool the logo is. Ubuntu has an ugly baby logo so they convince themselves it's a shit OS.
Because it has ads. Why would anyone use a Linux distro that’s filled with ads? I don’t even shop at Amazon.
they fucking suck ass, and the fact they apt install defaults to installing snaps if available is just fucking evil
when i tried the recent LTS release i installed steam and downloaded a bunch of vidya during the night. the next day launching steam took a fucking minute, and the games themselves werent much quicker because i unknowingly installed a fucking snap.
Please my favourite distro (devuan) has a fucking kikenose outline as a logo, debian is a pedoswirl, arch is a fatguy and gentoo is a chromed malformed donut. The logo is literally the last thing "we" care about.
the problem I have with ubuntu is it does nothing better then Mint and it has spyware in it. If your going to be spied on may as well stay with windows
Mint is just Ubuntu with a different background
People who want to get stuff done use Ubuntu because it supports anything you want to run and then it just works.

Tinker trannies use arch or Gentoo because they think that troubleshooting their desktop issues is "learning Linux"

Enterprise fags use RHEL because they gave up on life
snap is best option to isolate non-trust software, faggot.
Steam in snap best option to play games safely.

All non-core software and utils should be in snap. Its good way to make App permissions like on macOS.
snap is best option to isolate non-trust software, faggot.
Steam in snap GOOD option to play games safely.

All non-core software and utils should be in snap. Its good way to make App permissions like on macOS.
yeah, i really don't know how snaps play out long term.

for the last few years, ubuntu has enjoyed rapid adoption in the microservices world due to their slim ubuntu docker images. with apt now acting as a shim to pull and run a snap, some of us searching for the door because we don't know when our images will suddenly require a vastly more complicated installation / security model.

terrible business decision tbdesu.
Ubuntu was good when I was a teenager, its what got me into linux. Unity sucked so bad thou
the core of the hate is usually a combination of
>it's corporate and gives extra things to people who pay, so i don't like it
>it's the most popular, so it can't be good
there are real grievances to have with ubuntu, like the amazon lens shit (but that was 10y ago now), the ads for ubuntu pro (please don't change the output of apt, thank you) and snaps as a whole (good and necessary idea, abysmal execution), but they are only arguments and not reasons
Just replaced ChromeOS on an old Chromebook with Budgie, comfy as fuck bros.
I think it's alright. Even snaps are alright desu, I don't hate them as much as I used to.
Schizophrenia and low iq
Mir was actually good though. Only bad decision they made with it was the copyleft license (GPLv3) and their shitty CLA / Contributor's License Agreement. It was basically going to be similar to Android's SurfaceFlinger but for Linux (https://www.phoronix.com/news/MTMxNzI/ & https://www.phoronix.com/news/MTMxNzg/). Red Hat devs at the time (including yours truly Poettering) literally started a campaign against others from adopting Mir in favor of Wayland. It worked as Intel dropped support and the community didn't view Canonical favorably at the time.
Mint is ubuntu but good
>It's based on Debian
... and without all the drama.
Who asked
>stock debian is outdated shit
>arch is unstable tinkertroon garbage
>only good distros are fedora or [fotm ubuntu fork]
Corporations are the only ones who make good linux experiences. Just don't use snaps if you are concerned about le spyware
Because it is the only distro that actually tries to make the OS user friendly, they even actively get hardware manufacturers proper support for their OS.
All of these things make tinker trannies seethe
What ads?
Pics or it didn't happen
kubuntu because mint uses cinnamon
>stock debian is outdated shit
Use the backports repos and appimages/flatpacks for anything else, done. Also LMDE makes debian essentially 'tard-proof.

>arch is unstable tinkertroon garbage
Don't use aur (or use them in a sandbox), appimages/flatpacks for the rest. Also Manjaro makes arch 'tard-proof.

Also Mageia, OpenMandriva and PClinuxOS exists, work out of the box and are 'tard-proof.

Stop making shit up negro.
I rest my case
>No retort
I accept your concession. Now gtfo.
>Arch without aur, ran by a bunch of retards
What's the fucking point kek
>Also Mageia, OpenMandriva and PClinuxOS exists, work out of the box and are 'tard-proof.
This, just use these
why would you install troonix on a laptop in the first place? on any distro its power management sucks cock. lmao
is Mint better than Ubuntu?
Commie NEETs hate tools that just work.
Commie NEETs hate tools that just work.
It's ubungo with a coat of paint. I'm personally more curious about lmde
I tried it a while back, it's nice. It's basically just Debian but with the latest release of Cinnamon. Backports are also enabled by default and they give you latest stable release of Firefox instead of the ESR version.
>It's ubungo with a coat of paint.
>I'm more curious about doobian with a coat of paint.
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Unbridled faggotry, and pathetic total losers with nothing better to do, and then there's Canonical's own faggotry added to the mix, but it is overwhelming the former two.
Ubuntu "Just Works"(TM) at the end of the day these days.
and Unity Ubuntu is now history, remembered only by egotists who live to stroke themselves to inane generalizations about shit they don't care about
No one cares except schizoids
>There are no freetards left on /g/
Sure don't feel that way, especially when a bunch of us bash freetards for being unreasonable with themselves.
You don't know what that word means
Pseuds hate shit that just works. Ubuntu LTS is the pinnacle of linux. But the inner contrarian sissy of every linuxtard causes them to use some meme distros like debian, arch, gentoo, fedora, opensuse that are just not intended for home users.
>Corporations are the only ones who make good linux experiences
I just think that snaps and the "Ubuntu App Center" are extremely homosexual
Never heard of the "24 fiasco". I've only read that 24 is all around better than 22. I did pick up clues that 24 was a little buggy in the beginning. You probably read articles by drama queens, there tons of folks that thrive on attention and other believing their shit, for better or worse. That's why you want to be able to grab opinions from many folks and sources to compare and contrast and deduce your own conclusions. Not a fool-proof methodology, but it helps.

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC will be released next month at some unknown point, it should be barebones and Store-less for anyone's convenience. We should be thankful for them even making a publicly available ISO without all their wasteful bloatware. W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC rocks, and the W11 version will be the successor, even though W10 IoT LTSC still has years of regular security updates left.
dis gon b gud
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Now more seriously,
Flatpaks and the Flatpaks repo can be added in a minute to their Gnome Software center.
I find that Software center pointless, but if it is a convenience to some techlets, that is fine. "apt" Just Works (TM), so I hardly care. I'll bet that if you can blame someone, it is techlets and folks who hate text and typing. I don't know why we have such people trying to use computers or the internet, their existence is incredibly annoying and opposed to modern civilization, and just doesn't have enough benefit by very far. I want to punch these people every damn day.
I install snapd on all my Linux systems so my IDEs and SDKs just werk.
>Oh noes, i have to wait an extra week before getting the updoots!!!
>Oh no i can't use the prepackaged third part stuff from this specific source and have to rely on other sources i don't like (le flatpacks)!!! I'm going to shit myself while screaming like a mongoloid!!!!
That's it, that's your whole argument against manjaro.
Indeed. For a time I drank some serious koolaid and tried to make FreeBSD work as a deskop OS. It does not. There is no reason to use anything but Ubuntu LTS unless you have very very specific use cases. It is certainly the best "home base" linux distro. For a longtime Google used a slightly modified version of it called Goobuntu because they didnt want to spend the time/resources rolling their full distro.
Snaps have made it slow as all fuck and it's just not as polished as it used to be. I see graphical bugs in GNOME on lower resolutions (1366x768) and the flavours tend to be glitchy as all fuck (Kubuntu 24 was borderline unusable).
Mint is basically just what Ubuntu used to be 8 years ago.
If you play modern video games you basically have to use archlinux, but otherwise there's not any reason to use anything other than (modern!) debian. ubuntu just adds more bullshit on top
Retarded argument. If you cared about gaming you'd want to use something like CachyOS then which is just Arch but on steroids for vidya.
It just werks

It installs and just works on everything, which is why it’s so often forked. But default Ubuntu has already fixed the gnome retardness of no minimize or taskbar/dock/desktop.

Everything is geared towards normies or developers used to Mac or windows.

Disabling snaps is pretty easy. The normie who figured out how to google “Ubuntu” and follow instructions to install it can do the same for “remove snap from Ubuntu”
>Install bleeding edge distro meant for power users from a notoriously incompetent team
>just to use flatpaks
At least have the self respect to install endeavour if you want arch for retards
I'm using 24.04 and I love it. Been using it since 12.04.
Mint is a straight upgrade
because its a garbage file format and completely inappropriate for the image you posted
Linux for kids and babies
Just like Python is programming for kids and babies
Checked and true.
manjaro does not succeed at that. it works great until it doesn't and you're fucked and have to nuke the install. it's the best environment otherwise. i use kubuntu begrudgingly because at least the drivers work reliably.
Every time I try to install Ubuntu Server the installer crashes. Why the fuck don't they want me to install their operating system?
Absolute NPC take.
that sounds like a skill issue
Ubuntu is the best Linux distro. They took Debian the best distro at the time and solved all the problems there, namely bureaucratic constipation and too many architectures. Ubuntu made Linux usable for the normie and took the overhead out for the power user.

Everything that people flag against them like Mir, Unity, Snaps etc were responses to their own problems. Mir was because wayland was shit. Unity was because Gnome is a nightmare. Snaps solved real probles for Ubuntu as they were leaders in offering LTS desktop.

Ubuntu is good, and I'm pretty sure redhate pays people to shitpost against them.

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