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Is privacy unironically holding us back? How will the unmarked compete with the compromised marked in a future where having a proprietary computer inside your brain is as ubiquitous and necessary as internet access?
>Is privacy unironically holding us back
>twitter screencap of an obscenely rich psyhotic man.
Did not read any of that but you need to kill yourself as soon as possible
If you're dumb enough to let that motherfuckers hardware or software into your body then you will get what you fucking deserve.
Is Elon Musk the Antichrist?
i agree with this anon

no, just a retard.
You're not worth microchipping.

No such thing, dummy.
Desu we're already here with smartphones, just without the "inside your brain"
Has there ever been a good thread based on tweetshit?
Why is this place so open to advertising megacorps
I can't even imagine what it would be like for a brain that has never experienced sight to suddenly get it in later life.
It may not even be able to adapt to it correctly.
to set expectations, I am $10k in debt, but eventually I have the potential to be a billionaire
The only winning move is not to play. If I don't like the way my society is going then I will devote my life to being as big a burden and a nuisance to it as possible. Every prison cell they are forced to keep me in, every bullet they must waste to kill me, all the tiny but tangible ways I can drag them down. My life and death will be worthwhile, even if my only role is to be the weeping sore that mars a monster's vision of perfection.
>Mr. Mark of the Beast cures peoples blindness
>Felon Muskrat cures peoples blindness
if someone was blind from birth, their visual cortex would be completely undeveloped
blah blah bullshit bullshit blah GIVE US MONEY blah bullshit nothing ever happens FUND US pbbllt blah bullshit blah
typical elon
>like atari graphics
Who picked this clown to speak up about stuff? Good god he sounds so fucking retarded.
It is very shocking that pretty much all new tech that has happened came from Russia and China while western companies are just begging for subsidies and tax cuts, but never delivering anything
Implanting a computer directly to the brain is one of the worst sci-fi ideas I've ever heard. Even worse than VR. VR is just an expensive gimmick, this is an unimaginably dangerous vulnerability.
Yeah I don't trust either companies or government with my brain implants. Don't care if it is "open source", don't care if it is "regulated"
I wonder if richer gangs will jailbreak this and then kidnap and reprogram people to work for them
Elon used an easily understood reference so the masses and investors can grasp the idea of what to expect for early neuralink vison performance
Imagine being this much if a pseud to not understand this.
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>allowing you to see in infrared, ect
We can literally just do that now. Any HUD style shitty E-glasses project and handful of components/sensors can give you the same thing without being invasive, while being far more reliable.
How the actual fuck are rich megalomaniacs always so fucking retarded?
>gives man telepathy
>cures blind
>saves humanity from castration death cult
>saves democracy with free speech
A true American hero
>How the actual fuck are rich megalomaniacs always so fucking retarded?
Elon is very financially incentivized to launch these "visionary" sci-fi projects. It's literally the thing his entire brand was built on. It collapses entirely if he just has "normal" business projects which is exactly what SpaceX and Tesla have become. No longer extreme futurism, now just an ISS shuttle and middling car manufacturer.
normaltards don't care about practicality, they want to modify their body until they're inspector gadget or something
Hey, if your products are better, then it would sell well. If Musk's product is better, then his would sell better. Why are you seething so much about competition? If its as "retarded" as you say, then it would naturally flop.
F9 is still more futuristic than anything in active service.
Tesla are also the only ones to return a profit on EVs. Everyone else loses their ass with each one sold.
By that logic apple is good which is objectively false
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>wtf is some cardboard, your phone, an already existent $100 infrared camera dongle, and some duct tape???
I think there's a mental disease that prevents people from having basic problem solving skills.
>atari graphics
So people will be able to see like 3 rectangles and that's it? Has this faggot seen an Atari game?
I would like to know what it's called, all I know is that normal people got psyopped into believing that autism is a mental illness and not the opposite of it.
Entertainingly defensive response but to be clear, I am not saying SpaceX and Tesla are "failing" by any stretch of the imagination. Just that they are now grounded businesses instead of "optimistic futurism". Elon needs the retarded futuristic projects to maintain the image that he is a gigabrained visionary.
Not being defensive, but it's how I see it.
Those two companies are still so far ahead despite existing for years.
People have only grown bored of SpaceX because they made being a decade ahead so obscenly routine. Other than Bezo's sounding cock rocket, everyone else is still where F9 was 10 years ago with hops.
You WILL receive the cortex bomb.
>You're not worth microchipping
Happy to hear that, anon. I intend to keep it that way.
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>Be blind since birth
>"You can see but we'll record everything you see and do"
Well that sounds like a rather fair trade, compared to us normal people who are not blind and are currently spied on and have everything we see and do recorded for absolutely nothing in exchange.
absolutely ridiculous claim by (((elon))). Kids who haven't learned how to talk by 3 years old for whataever reason lose their ability to ever do it. The brain develops at certain paces for each function, once you're past a certain point, there is no going back.
if you were blindfolded (even having perfectly functioning organs) during your first 5-10 years of life and suddenly someone took them off, you'd still be fucked.

Blind doesn't always mean "pitch black darkness"
Your visual cortex is stimulated regardless but it may mean any corrections to solve the root cause may not be as effective as compared to someone who did see clearly once during life.

It's not as black and white as born blind = always blind.
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>Kids who haven't learned how to talk by 3 years old for whataever reason lose their ability to ever do it. The brain develops at certain paces for each function, once you're past a certain point, there is no going back.
Tell me more Anon, people often lose their ability to talk due to brain trauma and recover it don't they, are you saying the ability to speak is a psychological change that must occur at 3 how to you rectify physiological injuries later in life and the need for the brain to form new neural pathways?
>how do you rectify physiological injuries
you don't, you get left behind by your peers and once you catch up you're 10 years too old and everyone with same mental age as you is repulsed by you and you die alone and miserable

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