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What does it take to make Linux more mainstream?
An increase in self awareness
Make the normies valorize their privacy more.
Better UI.
Let users use terminal much less often.
Not throwing technical shit to users.
he needs to do something about his jaundice
Not needing to access bios and boot order. Never needing to touch the terminal. Probably also needing it installed by OEM. they'll still be scared but maybe give it a chance if not needing a windows license bumped 100 bucks off the price. It would have to be some kind of custom distro with protections the basically make it nothing but a browser machine like chrome OS but degoogled.
Because Linux isn't better in any way. It has less software, less hardware support, lower performance in tasks people actually want to do, and you have to reinstall when anything goes wrong.
It's why Linux has only found any sort of success in areas where none of this matters: single-tasking IoT lightbulbs or ISP-supplied modems, embedded and server where you can control what hardware is available top to bottom (or are running in a VM), etc.
Holy fucking hairline, Batman.
Linux not being garbage would probably help. Crazy idea, I know.
Better UI
It's 2024 and my Linux desktop still shouldn't shut down/suspend correctly.
well how about you make loonix run software I use on windblows without having to install some kind of specific crutch? I use capcut to edit videos because it's super simple. but there's no capcut for loonix.
Just a few big streamers using it for a while.
That's it, that's what you need to do.
Keep in mind that grifters like Asmongoloid stream with Recall in full frontal view and not a single normie gives a shit.
Probably because people look up what Recall is, and find it's only available on three shitty tablet computers they've never heard of.
Don't care. Back in 2014, I wished Wendell would do his own channel and Pistol would just start doing porn. Got my wish for both.
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Why should developers waste time making software for the 1% lintroons who can't even agree on a distro?
Why not just have one distro and have changeable DE and package manager in settings which is the only difference the casual Linux users notice.
why does it need to be mainstream?
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is he still fucking pistol?
well I shall not be using loonix then
Is that a tranny?
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Not a hairline problem, just a big forhead.
klingon ass mf
No, genuine™ woman. With lots of sources to validate.
if pussies are so good why does OP never get to touch them and prefer swallowing cocks on a daily basis ?
fuck, you killed my hard-on
higher populus IQ
high IQ countries have low linux usage tho
Because Linux is not a plug and play, ready to use operating system. It's a tool kit for tinkerers. People who love to tune and customize the system to meet their needs. Anyone who isn't a super user or professional will be perfectly happy with windows or even AppleOS. The only way for any Linux distro to make a dent in Apple or Microsofts market share is by offering a system that isn't just better but does something that neither systems offer that most people need, is easier to use and widely supported. Which is never going to happen.
>What does it take to make Linux more mainstream?
It already is, in Android and chromebooks.

How to make a more mainline Linux mainstream? Valve starts making their own laptops and phones, they are the only one with the hook to launch a new platform. A mainstream platform needs to be everything in one. Laptops, phones, smart watch, email, cloud backup, mapping and in principle streetview (but just using google maps web for streetview is probably okay in the short term).

Microsoft only gets away not offering a complete platform because of inertia, but it's dying in the mainstream.
What happened really? I know Wendell wanted out of tek syndicate but don't know the details of it
I will go back to Linux again if I don't have to fight to use it
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There are three people.
A is a Windowsfag who is getting more and more fed up with Microsoft's current practices.
B is a Linux user who enjoys Linux but also feels that it could use a lot of work and more support, open-source or otherwise.
C is the freetard autistic sperg who insists that Linux is perfect the way it is and that those who don't like it should just stick to Windows instead.

So person A wants to give Linux a shot and obviously runs into issues, tries to find help as best he can. For instance he needs to figure out wtf a package manager is and how to use it.
Now that's not a huge issue and he gets it going soon, but now he says he wants to use Photoshop as well. The Linux community will tell him to try GIMP instead, and he gives it a shot, but it's obvious that it's subpar and he'd really like to use Photoshop instead.
Sadly it doesn't run well in Wine and it's been a lament of the Linux community for some time now. Person B also agrees that he dual boots in order to run software that isn't natively supported by Linux, but obviously they'd all much prefer more native ports.

Now in storms person C in a fit of sperg rage, yelling at everyone that OBVIOUSLY Linux was never designed for artsy fartsy people and that if they want to use proprietary Adobe software so badly they should just go buy a Mac instead.
He insists that Linux has all the software it needs to satisfy HIS use-cases and that everyone else is just whining. Linux is supposed to be hard because otherwise it would just be Windows.

Because of this cunt, person A becomes disillusioned with Linux as a whole and moves back to Windows. It's not ideal but at least he can get work done.
He'll do some sour grapes and tell himself that free software doesn't fundamentally matter anyway since he's not a criminal, and the forced updates aren't all that bad.
And because he and others like him stick to Windows, companies like Adobe won't bring their software to Linux, completing the cycle.
Linux becoming mainstream is the worst thing that could happen to it. Normies and tech bros will ruin it by turning it into Windows. In fact, I disparage Linux in front of normies any chance I get.
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Poor management and weird behavior from Logan. Bunch of them ended up leaving to do their own thing. Not as exciting as it sounds.
if high IQ means a willingness to let a jewish company spy on everything you do and sell your data to NSA/Mossad, then i am as low IQ as they come. i am the niggest
remove terminal completely and add auto updater and apple cloud cancer etc etc
pegging fantasy is high iq fantasy
In no particular order:

Killer app. This is probably the most important and you can see some effect of this. Most web developers use linux. Why? becuase it is easier to mount your server to test your garbage js. Windows has Office and MacOS has mmm MacOS (honestly, i don't know what exclusive software macos has). It doesn't need to have ALL the killer apps, just the most important ones. We’re partially here with games on Steam.

Better GUI support. Most people are normies they want to use their computer for facebook, instagram, watch porn etc, play vidya etc. What do you mean I need to run my broswer with this environment variable to run the browser with hardware acceleration to watch netflix without my laptop's fan sounding like a jet engine? To enable hard acc it should be as easy as right click firefox/chrome/etc and select "run with hardware acceleration" (or hell even better, it should be enabled by default, wtf?)

Better Idiot proof. This is IMHO the most important. Most people are idiots, it shouldn’t be possible to kill the GUI because you updated your distro and now your GPU driver is outdated and it is not compatible with the new version of X (or wayland or whatever). Yes, yes I know similar stuff happens in MS too, but those people have tons and tons of local tech support that will fix the problem for you

This pic is BS. I don't know what that software is but I smell skill issue. You can go the easy route, assure compatibility via wine and that’s it. I smell skill issue from this baseddev.
This. It's also why Win7 baby ducks are comprehensively laughed at when they alternate between begging and throwing tantrums to support their deadshitos.
It all comes back to ROI - a concept autistic NEETs are incapable of understanding.
We had a distro we all agreed on but then Red Hat threw a fit
>What does it take to make Linux more mainstream?
UX > Customizability
Everyone is this fucking thread is wrong holy shit.
The only way to make linux mainstream is to preinstall it on OEM systems. That's it. Most goyms don't even know what an OS is, and even less know that it can be changed. And they'll accept even garbage UI if its the default since they don't know any better.
And before someone says that linux is unusable / too technical for them; I've installed mint on my grandpa's laptop and he can use it fine.
Person C needs a label so we can mock people like >>102440079
>This. It's also why Win7 baby ducks are comprehensively laughed at when they alternate between begging and throwing tantrums to support their deadshitos.
What has anyone on Windows ever "begged" for that existed only on Linux?
this thread is so goddamn bad
nu g is utterly irredeemably disgusting now
it was never this bad, i blame the aicg mouth breather faggots
You helped make it this way, your post right now is literally making it worse.
it needs good vendor support, that's all
We need a new display thingy. Since X11 doesn't work properly and Wayland is even worse.
Linux doesn't need drooling normies. It's better without them.
cringe arguing against your own delusions
>mock people like >>102440079 (You)
Nigger I'm just being realistic. I've been using Linux for 12 years and there is literally NO REASON for a normie to use Linux. None. And if you recommend Linux to your friend who has become disillusioned with Windows, then you're just fucking him over because of your own personal beliefs and friends don't do that to friends. Tell him to buy a Mac and move on. macOS is a very well polished and good product and you cannot deny that. Being spied on by the mossad is unavoidable in current year.
There's Arcan
Lol you think OEMs don't want to save money by preinstalling Linux? They do, but they know customers will complain.

>Most goyms don't even know what an OS is
Because Windows just works. The first time Linux shits itself, which will inevitably happen, they'll learn what an OS is.
Mainstream will make it suck more. I'd rather it stays a niche for programmers and normies keep using windows.
>Because Windows just works.
Lmao no. The reason I've installed mint for my grandpa is because Windows shat itself after an update. And it's snappier than Windows on his 12yo laptop.
Linux is going to become the new Android if it becomes popular. An ultra bloated and insecure thing that only serves corporations.
Linux is much better as a niche than substituting Windows in any way.
>What does it take to make Linux more mainstream?
Normies learning how to read.
Normies learning how to put effort into something.
That's all it really is. So, Linux will never go mainstream and that's a good thing. Fuck normies.
Go ahead, open a computer business then. Success guaranteed.
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FIX is ez, stop acting like linux is sum special OS that only the best use and get off ur fucking high horse.
Normal people dont want to use linux cuz yall make it look like its sum super hard thing to do.
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There are many good alternatives to adobe crap on linux, unless you need to share .psd, .ai etc. files. In that case you need windows for work and you should just stay on it, so the person C is the smartest one in the room. There is nothing wrong with gimp btw.
- Hybrid graphics suck on both X11 and especially Wayland
- Neither Krita nor Gimp can compete with Photoshop or Affinity Photo
- Resolve on Linux doesn't support AAC
- Resolve on Linux doesn't support VST
- Hardware Acceleration on Browsers broken
- etc..
>There are many good alternatives to adobe crap on linux
No there aren't. Gimp is unusable garbage. You can't even do content aware filling without installing some obscure abandoned Python plugin and Krita's text tool is utter garbage.
>being so poor and stupid you have to use a 12yo laptop
Found your real problem.
Well then, don't use krita for text and install plugins that you need. Image editors could be better on linux, but you can get the job done with gimp or inkscape or whatever.
Freetards claiming "my foss shitware is better than large, professional supported suite" reminds me of congenital amputees saying having no arms and legs is perfectly fine.
get rid of the stigma of "programming" in the terminal
cope winshill
Why are you quoting me, I never said that. Majority of people who have cracked adobe suite don't even use (you probably aren't using it either) and they still arguing how it's "better" and how it's the only reason they aren't switching to linux.
Anon, normies are going to forget how to type entirely within ten years. Phones with cloud AI will be the main computing device. Just be happy that you escaped the matrix.
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there is no terminal stigma, clicking things and moving them aroudn by mouse is just easier and more intuitive, same reason why people stopped using MSDOS over Windows
>but you can get the job done with gimp
I can get the job done with all kinds of shit but it's 10x faster and more convenient in Photoshop
kek this
jannies are trannies
The eradication of the wrong idea that popularity correlates with quality
there's an armless and legless japanese man who cheated on his wife with five mistresses
that's what being a linux user feels like
Even something as simple as letting users truly disable middleclick paste without hacky solutions such as services. I do not need PRIMARY and I will not use it. I understand the usecase perfectly well, and I understand many people have gotten used to it. If I can find a solution to this that actually works, my mind will be changed. Until then, I'm not gonna be able to get used to the autoscroll button being a information leak vector.

I suppose many Linux users are not asking the question "what can we do to let Windows users acclimate better" for understandable reasons though. I'm fully aware that the average Windows user is a screeching retard that can barely navigate their computer, let alone perform maintenance on it.
except the getting pussy part
-Educate the masses. But generally normies don't want to be freed from big corps unfortunately and don't care much about privacy unless nudes are leaked.
-Big retailers may try to sell computers shipped with Linux or without system. They tried 15 years ago but the ecosystem wasn't mature enough. Now there is a popular handheld that uses x86 Linux, this can go forward now.
-The system must be shipped with a familiar enough (close to Windows) defaults
-Support from big app developers and AAA game publishers.
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It's just the chicken and egg problem that linux will realistically never solve.
>Hardware and software companies won't support linux because it's usage base it's too small (1.64% @ Sep/24)
>Usage base won't increase and people won't use linux because it doesn't support their software and hardware
There's also the element of linux being hard to get into, there is no "Linux OS", there are a billion different distros and when a normalfag hears that there are options to choose from they just check out from being overwhelmed and go back to what just werks like Windows and macOS. I wouldn't mind using linux but the question is why should I? It's literally a waste of my time to learn a complete new OS and have to start from scratch searching for alternatives to software I like using on windows. It's a tedious task that has no reward. I don't have a tinfoil hat and I don't believe microsoft is spying on me, I also like how windows performs and looks. I posted before about how linux makes text look blurry and everyone just tried gaslighting me that it isn't true. That's how every normalfag feels, they complain about something and some tards just show up telling them they are lying. Linux will never get better. No funding to attract talented devs, no telemetry for data and development of features and bug fixing. It's over.
You can configure this in Foot, at least:
# primary-paste=BTN_MIDDLE
I unironically love middle-click paste and hating the primary clipboard is the sign of a low IQ I feel
it works for people who started on linux and have no terminal background
but "programming" in the terminal is still one of the most common excuses they have
>if linux is so good
It isn't
Thanks for the response. I haven't heard of that before. A quick search tells me Foot is a terminal emulator, correct? If only it could be the reverse, where it was only inside the terminal. I don't need it in other programs.

>if you don't like what I like you're low IQ
you might genuinely have autism, but who am I to tell you what to like? I just want to disable PRIMARY and rely on CLIPBOARD like I've been used to for my whole life as wangblows user. I will genuinely never get used to having my middle clicks overrided by a paste function, it's useful to me and can even be considered a vulnerability. It has nothing to do with intelligence.
>if an excavator is better than a shovel, why don't more people use it???
>it works for people who started on linux and have no terminal background
Graphic UI is still easier and more intuitive to use, I've used MSDOS years ago but I prefer using Windows and don't miss DOS, it's simply more comfortable for everyday use. As long as Linux isn't comfortable to use for everyday things no one will use it.
>it's useful to me
it's NOT useful to me
overediting my posts fucks me over once again
since when did "most people" care about good things?
No terminal, I tried to install Unbuntu on my mothers laptop and it was requiring me to edit config files in terminal to get the WiFi working, no normie is gonna be able to do that
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I had to look up what a congenital amputee was
Then I kek'd heartily
>five mistresses
Try to make your cope believable.
What's the use case for arms and legs? Do you actually NEED arms and legs or is it just the jews trying to get you to think you NEED them to function? Have you ever considered that you'd feel less bloated if you cut them off? Free yourself from proprietary body parts that you can't tinker with
I believe there's an option to disable it in Wayland but not in X11.
I will look into this. Thank you.
CLI != mainstread
GUI = mainstream
Heavily reduce the need to use the terminal.
99% of tasks on a computer should be accessable from the GUI.
>engagement farming
This malding retard would do anything to be relevant 'again'.
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seriously, an OS with comfortable GUI that still offers the the ability to tinker for those who want woudl be 10/10
good thing my terminal emulator is a gui application ;)
It just needs to come pre-installed and pre-configured on machines.

That's literally it. Easily since at least 2000 I have never met a real normie who has installed their own OS, whether it is Windows or anything else.
I'm always surprised how many people use Photoshop as the excuse for staying with Windows. Is literally everyone a professional graphic designer for work? I've never used photoshop in my life.
It seems to be mostly youtube ecelebs that say that though? Wouldn't it make sense then? What confuses you about it? I imagine the actual issue is that PC is only used for two things in 2024: education, work, and entertainment (gaming or streaming). In which case linux can't stream netflix on 4K, can't play the most popular games in the word like fortnite, and isn't fit for work and education either because everyone and their mom needs microsoft office at least at some point in their lives.
You can't.
To make Linux more mainstream you would need to kill what makes Linux so special and different from other OSes. "Mainstream" wants a gated playground OS with few very simple choices. They hate choice, freedom and the fact that nothing conjure itself magically in front of them.
There are attempts to turn Linux into something like that but ultimately they are doomed to fail because already existing Linux users want that choice and ability to setup their OS exactly the way they want.

You can make this kind of limited environment for normiefags basing on Linux but the issue is that the moment you call it "Linux", normies will start asking about other Linux systems and you'll need to explain them that their Linux is a cage for retarded monkeys. That was Chrome OS, Steam OS and few others.
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Working audio
Loonix is simply incapable of professional audio recording and production
What are you talking about
Read the OP you massive retard
You make an excellent point.
Anything that's good on Linux is ported to Windows very quickly. Garbage stays confined to Linux.
CLI being scary is a meme.
You type a command and it does the thing you told it to do, if the program can keep to some best practices, then working with it is intuitive across many programs because you know what commands will do what, like -v being a verbose output.
This contrasts with a GUI which will always need to squirrel away its options to avoid completely overloading everyone with visual soup and which must be explored by wading through the hidden soup until you find all the options you need.
It is.
>CLI being scary
What is it with troons, fags and Linux users that they can't understand the difference between "scary" and "disgusting/repellent"?
Nobody's scared of your DOS prompt - our OSes got advanced enough to not see them every day 30 years ago, and we were glad to see the back of them.
Just remember, we used to have technophobic boomers who thought they could literally delete "My Computer". Today we have zoomzooms that don't know how to open a zip file or navigate the C:\ drive. The CLI is something they fear like the reaper coming for their PC, they think it can destroy it with a single typo. This belief is held even by moderately experienced users.

These are typically the people the Linux crowd would have to win over for it to enter the mainstream. Is it really worth it?
its the whole thing
>akschually you dont want to see trannies with euophoric boners walking around in fetish gear and old faggots sucking each other off on the street BECAUSE YOU ARE SCARED AND A PUSSY HAH
they unironically think anyone who is just disturbed by something being disgusting and not watning to see that shit, is supposedly not intelligent enough to like it
Bring back Linux for Niggers and make it a Snap-only immutable distro based on Ubuntu Core.
If you aren't afraid of the CLI, and have sufficient programming skills, it would go a long way if you could create programs which suit the needs of those who need GUIs. This isn't an anti-GUI post, I'm just really tired of seeing the unproductive arguments that lead nowhere. If people would do half as much time talking, and put that towards converting CLI tools to have straightforward and efficient GUIs, the user experience would improve so much that we might not even have these conversations anymore.

That's not to tell you how to use your time, however. If even one person reading this post adopted this goal it would work wonders.
a mystery for the ages
someone need remedial Philosophy 101

Positive outcomes when you use it. I installed Mint and make it about 3 hours before I return to Windows. There’s a lot to like about it but I got stuff to do on my PC.
>Android and chromebooks
not GNU/Linux, or even GNU+Linux
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I'd like to check, but I can't hear shit.
it's not meant to be mainstream and you don't need it to be as long as it works for you
you can make a distro with great UI, easier UX for beginners, and perfect emulation/compatibility without any need for user tinkering, it's still not gonna be mainstream because there's no multi-trillion dollar company pushing it to come pre-installed on retail PC's
1:1 gaming support and peripherals compared to windows. I would switch today.
the same thing that nordvpn does with all their ads
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Soon right after we have our threadly snap vs flatpak discussion for the 15423534th time
Same as with AMD. People get indoctrinated at work and skewl that Wangblows and inTEL AVIV is good. People still think AMD has no thermal protection because it didn't have it 25 years ago.
Linux needs stop trying to abandon older hardware
The synthtune on that Tom's Hardware video was fucking fire.
It's a leftist thing. They came home crying from school every day and mommy told them "they just pick on you/belt you/rape your faggot ass because they're afraid of you". They're too stupid to understand their moms only told them that to shut them up.
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To be fair, Linux was shit 25 years ago, and is still shit today.
a gui
It's really not, faggot. Nothing high IQ about playing with your anus.
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Checked and kek'd. Freetards seething.
Loonix is decent recently. Amd is good since 2017.
If more people used it it would cease to be good. Most people are extremely stupid and it would have to cater to the lowest common denominator.
tranny meltdown
You can't
The command line is the main reason to use Linux, and that's too much for non technical people. Simply telling people to use Mint or Ubuntu doesn't fix this problem cause it's just Windows reskinned, unless they are willing to learn the cli
fpbp /thread
Linux will never be mainstream. Evangelists are delusional for thinking that a server OS with unpaid volunteer maintainers will ever even remotely compete with a professional, heavily funded, corporate-managed and maintained offering.
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viral marketing
normalfags will write in 1 and 0s if their favourite mumblerapper/actor/rapist/twitchstreamer/cartoon did it. Also a campaign to convince them that
>hey everyone is doing it! Where is everyone? Uuuh, check those non bot accounts confirming it yeah
I fucking hate marketing so fucking much
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Please don't. Everything that goes "mainstream" becomes lame. Just think 1998 internet compared to 2024 internet. You don't really want to do that to Linux do you?
It's actually very easy. There are few facts Linux devs struggle to accept. Here you go:
>People who buy new PC always ask for Windows (if it's not already preinstalled).
>Only people using old hardware (sometimes very old) are willing to install Linux because new Windows has too high requirements or they are tired of constant invigilation.

What are Linux devs are doing those past few years?

Obviously it will always be behind.
Some people just use old versions of windows, it's not like when microsoft stops supporting them these copies just magically self-destruct. If you don't need the internet the computer still works flawlessly, and even then you can just use your phone for internet stuff and downloads. There's literally no point to upgrade software anymore except the AI trends.
Yes that's the whole point if this thread, they use old Windows because there is no alternative. Other than that i agree with you of course.
because of tedium.

tedium is good if its foss
Not for the mainstream. Most people would rather click and play their games/run their software instead of spending 3 hours in terminal troubleshooting errors.
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As always, complete and total video game support natively without any translation layers.
It's on a meteoric rise my friend. Month after month the market share is rising. If Linux were tradable, we would call it a healthy stock increase.
>meteoric rise
uhhh......... where? i cant find it
Android isn't desktop computers anon.
Where? Are you blind? Look at how well Android is dominating. Linux won. It's over for Microsoft.
oh i already use that, am i a linux user then? wtf so it IS possible to use both microsoft and google products like android+pixel+windows and edge+chrome while still being a linux user. BASED
Contrary to some peoples beliefs on here, this is very much a correct statement. Most people aren't autistic enough to do hypercustomization with Linux. Most people do not have the time nor patience to troubleshoot for hours, weeks, sometimes even months when something inevitably goes wrong in Linux. And most people do not like the terminal for a lot of pretty valid reasons, like having to memorize tons and tons of commands, flags, etc. and reading manual after manual like who the fuck wants to do that? I know it shocks some /g/oys on here but a lot of people don't want to waste that time fixing computers, there's a reason 3rd party repair still makes money. Call me Mid-IQ all you want but most people ARE mid-iq no matter what mommy tells these evangelists otherwise.
Average Joe isn't going to use terminal for achieving the same things Mac and WIn do with a gui.

>people do not want to undertake the learning curve to have an operable platform.

Linux will be popular when people decide to work for results. Until then only us lovers will enjoy virus proof and security tight distros.
Problem: Linux install base is less than 10%
>Linux isn't mainstream! We should make a new distribution that appeals to normal users and comes pre-installed on devices!
Linux install base jumps significantly since users don't need to use the command line on these distros unless they really want to.
Stats companies declare those devices to be 'not desktop linux', they get segregated into new categories or given different labels.
Setting the Linux install base back to less than 10%

Meanwhile every Windows device is counted in the same group regardless of architecture, user interface, input (touchscreen), etc.
You can have two identical ARM Touchscreen devices, and if you install a developed focused Linux distribution on it and use a keyboard, then it is still a 'tablet', but running a touchscreen version of Windows it shows up in Desktop.

If only developer centered distributions that users install themselves on x86 compatible systems are allowed to get counted as Linux, then of course Linux will never be mainstream.
MacOS is a BSD since version 10 and has a command line that enables you to do all the same things you can use a command line for on Linux.
Windows also has multiple command line interfaces for users who want to accomplish various types of tasks.
There are have been Linux distributions that do not require the user to access the command line around for at least a decade.
You mean like pop os with Cosmic desktop? It's in the works friend.
Distros like this exist. I'm not going to list them because you can get descriptive synopsis of each OS right from the website.
Hopefully it catches on and is successful, but it will just be the latest in a long line of end user focused Linux distributions that Microsoft fans will insist shouldn't count as Linux.
for more complicated tasks you will need to eventually use the terminal on linux, from linux mint, debian, arch, pop-os, and manjaro (the most common ones)., haven't seen one that doesn't eventually devolve to terminal simulator. meanwhile for windows i've never had to touch it, i could always just install a program that handles the details while I handle the big picture.
>A is a Windowsfag who is getting more and more fed up with Microsoft's current practices.

This is me
>total video game support natively without any translation layers.
Why is a win32 compatibility layer a problem? Even NT uses a win32 compatibility layer.
>for more complicated tasks you will need to eventually use the terminal
False. It is simply more efficient to perform complicated tasks with the command line which is why Microsoft has multiple command line interfaces in their OS.

>the most common ones
None of those are the most common Linux distributions.
Linux worked ok with my old GPU. I upgraded to a 4080 and am running into all sorts of issues. Meanwhile Windows just works.

>Add the technical necessities to the inability to reach people without trying.

> a lot of anons here have made good points proprietary Microsoft on everything.

>and a lot of it is much more used now.

>I think op meant to say how can Linux get more people actively use it as a toolbox.
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Just make Windows apps fully compatible.
That's literally all it will take.
This should be the #1 priority of all GNU/Linux devs.
OEM deals but good luck competing against Microsoft in that regard.
>False. It is simply more efficient to perform complicated tasks with the command line which is why Microsoft has multiple command line interfaces in their OS.
How is what I said false? The terminal being more efficient does not disprove my previous statement, nor the statement before that about how the average Joe does not like to use the terminal due to the inconvenience of learning it.

>None of those are the most common Linux distributions.
It's the ones I know of and used in the past, if there's something more common feel free to mention it and I can test it out to see if i can perform complicated tasks without using the terminal.
watching the ongoing arms race between you and the jannies is highly entertaining
That is the big problem. Unless you are an industry titan like Google you're not going to get enough legal leverage against Microsoft to make inroads with OEMs. This may be another reason why the big mainstream Linux distributions are counted as either 'not desktop' or 'not Linux', it may exclude them from whatever legal restrictions Microsoft places on OEMs distribution of Linux systems.

For example, Dell ships some developer hardware with Ubuntu pre-installed, but they pay Microsoft a premium for every one of those systems for a "patent license" that costs them more than a Windows license would.
However, Dell ships Google's distributions on hardware without any problem because that is a fight Microsoft doesn't want.
only sensible reply in this thread. i disagree on the part where you say you must clean install every time you fuck something up: there's ways to fix it yourself because linxu gives you the tools to get down and dirty yourself instead of needing to rely on "foolproof" mechanisms
Fuck off we're full.
*proceeds to shame everyone for not using linux*
It isn't hard to find directions for performing any complicated task through a GUI on UNIX systems these days.
But the steps to set up bluetooth, manage a printer, format a hard disk, or manage applications are all going to be particular to their distribution and UI.
Meanwhile the command line utilities for those tasks can be universal across UNIX systems, or across distributions within particular families of distributions.

>average Joe does not like to use the terminal due to the inconvenience of learning it.
The most popular Linux distributions are set up so the end user never has to use the terminal. The one way that most users lack of understanding that they are Linux distributions is helpful, is that they will look for the instructions for that distribution rather than more generically for "Linux".

There are distributions of Linux where the users if far less likely to have to use a command line than modern Windows where the user has DOS, Powershell, and a UNIX Terminal Emulator for various tasks that require them.
Most people will only use the OS that's on a computer when they buy it, and there's no incentive for putting Linux on consumer laptops. And consumer-grade, home user-Linux would look like desktop Android or ChromeOS anyway.
>consumer-grade, home user-Linux user-Linux would look like desktop Android or ChromeOS anyway.
Huh, so a consumer-grade home user-Linux distribution would look the other Linux distributions already in that market?
Imagine that.
>It isn't hard to find directions for performing any complicated task through a GUI on UNIX systems these days.
This isn't true for me, sometimes it would takes weeks of aggressive research for me through ancient stackoverflow and other forum pages just to find even a fraction of a solution when something breaks or i need to do something like set up a LAN-only use firewall for example, in Windows I can just use NetLimiter but in Linux it's oft recommended to use ufw or iptables which is god-awful autist software I don't want to deal with. And it always ends up with me spending more time RTFMing and having to learn hundreds of commands, their flags, their interactions with other commands, like I'm an unwilling programmer. I'm sure there may be alternatives to these that are simpler, but the whole point is I like many average Joe's don't want to deal with such unnecessary work, I want to enjoy my computing experience not hate it like an unpaid intern.

>But the steps to set up bluetooth, manage a printer, format a hard disk, or manage applications are all going to be particular to their distribution and UI. Meanwhile the command line utilities for those tasks can be universal across UNIX systems, or across distributions within particular families of distributions.
I don't know about Bluetooth, but the others I've done and yes this is very much correct. And it's extremely painful as well, nearly all had to be done via terminal. In Windows 7, which I use this is all relatively easy to do that it takes maybe 5 minutes of Googling to figure out, but on Linux? It took a week of research to figure out how to properly wipe, format, and allow the auto-mounting for external hard drives.
Continuing from >>102447345 because my comment was too long
>The most popular Linux distributions are set up so the end user never has to use the terminal. The one way that most users lack of understanding that they are Linux distributions is helpful, is that they will look for the instructions for that distribution rather than more generically for "Linux".
Can you provide a few examples? I've used Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Artix, Devuan, Manjaro, Linux Mint, and a brief time Gentoo and OpenBSD. I've been around clearly not around enough lol.
we dont need more retards shitting up linux boards
I was going to go on a long rant from my nearly three decades of experience with Linux but first post summed it up far better than I ever could have.
What "Linux distribution"? Why didn't you look for directions on using their GUI instead of following more generic command line instructions? Most distributions, even ones focused on developers, have GUI firewall management applications that can be installed.

Basically you're complaining about the problems of using distributions that are essentially in the category of 'build your own operating system kits' for developers, and then pretending that there are not in fact Linux distributions that are put together for mainstream users and sold on supported hardware with GUIs.

You'll just pretend that those systems "Aren't Linux" or say that "Normal users wouldn't care that they're Linux".
Like I said, it isn't necessarily a bad thing users don't know those are Linux, because then they search for instructions related to that particular distribution and its GUI rather than generic Linux instructions.
explorer still looks nicer
japan doesn't care about linux and I like their games
>Can you provide a few examples?
You're being intentionally obtuse.

The most popular Linux distributions right now are:
ChromeOS GNU/Linux
SteamOS GNU/Linux

All of these are distributions that are sold pre-installed on devices, and which normal users under ordinary conditions will never need to access the command line.
No operating system users have to install themselves will ever be mainstream.
Linux is more like a natural phenomenon that just slowly inches along until it takes over
Their GUI firewalls are often either too simple, or don't exist. And again, can you name some that do this then? Because I haven't found crap.

>Basically you're complaining about the problems of using distributions that are essentially in the category of 'build your own operating system kits' for developers, and then pretending that there are not in fact Linux distributions that are put together for mainstream users and sold on supported hardware with GUIs.
Most of the OSes I listed have GUIs, and are supposedly well-put together for general use: Debian, Devuan, Ubuntu, Manjaro, Linux Mint, are those equivalent of "Build Your Own"s? Obviously for Arch and Artix and the others they're for power-users so to speak but again that was part of the distro-hopping situation trying to find a distro that I could actually use.

>You'll just pretend that those systems "Aren't Linux" or say that "Normal users wouldn't care that they're Linux".
You're accusing me of something I never support nor claimed. Linux distros are Linux distros. My whole point has always been that average Joes cannot do complicated tasks on Linux as conveniently or easily as they can on Windows for example.

>Like I said, it isn't necessarily a bad thing users don't know those are Linux, because then they search for instructions related to that particular distribution and its GUI rather than generic Linux instructions.
I used generic Linux instructions because I don't KNOW any alternative softwares on offer. I look up my problem and it tells me to use this that and the other, so I use it. When I look up how to set up a LAN filter in linux, it tells me to use iptables, so I use it because there's nothing else being shown.
>Their GUI firewalls are often either too simple, or don't exist.
Anon, did you ever just try hitting super and finding 'firewall'? Redhat provides a pretty powerful GUI tool you can get on just about any Gnome distribution. I have to assume KDE provides something similar.

>supposedly well-put together for general use
All the distributions you list are OSes users have to install themselves. That simple requirement is going to make them targeted at a more capable group of users. They also have little install base which makes it far more likely users will find documentation for more universal command line utilities, than for whatever GUI utilities they provide.

>You're accusing me of something I never support nor claimed.
Yet you keep ignoring the existence of mainstream targeted Linux distributions sold pre-installed and pre-configured.

As I keep saying, mainstream targeted Linux distributions provide GUIs for what you're trying to do. Users are also more likely to find GUI instructions for those distributions because they have a more significant install base, and users are less likely to search for "Linux" instructions.
>You're being intentionally obtuse.
If I was I would've just been trolling you with one-liners from /pol/ instead of trying to discuss this fairly. Nevertheless I didn't see this when I typed >>102447698 so I am sorry if I repeated anything regarding requests for examples. Also Android I already have it's on my phone, but I can't really do much complicated things with a phone. Also isn't ChromeOS more of a cloud-reliant OS? That honestly sounds even worse than Windows.

>Anon, did you ever just try hitting super and finding 'firewall'?
Come on now, don't do that.

>Redhat provides a pretty powerful GUI tool you can get on just about any Gnome distribution. I have to assume KDE provides something similar.
Pretty sure RedHat is paid software, so I never used it. But thank you I'll look into it.

>Yet you keep ignoring the existence of mainstream targeted Linux distributions sold pre-installed and pre-configured.
I simply didn't know. My ignorance is not intentional I'm just not very active online to know the hot new things.
You might be surprised what you can do with Android/Linux or ChromeOS GNU/Linux if you're motivated. They are more locked down than developer focused distributions by default, but less locked down than some of Apple's BSD distributions.

>That honestly sounds even worse than Windows.
For users who need a full power operating system, but the majority of users don't. Which is why distributions that present a more focused interface for mainstream users gained the most traction.
It also didn't hurt that they managed to find a niche and corporate backing that let them side step Microsoft's abuse of their monopoly.

>Come on now, don't do that.
The program is literally called "Firewall" by Gnome. It is hard to miss. The super+typing the name of the thing you want combo, is the most common way to launch software in the Gnome GUI.

>Pretty sure RedHat is paid software
Redhat makes their money providing support and cloud services to their corporate customers, not that different than how Microsoft makes their money these days.
Software Redhat develops for those corporate customers who have users who for instance care about GUIs for performing system management tasks are available on many distributions.
Redhat itself may be paywalled, but because it is a Linux distribution there are off-brand distributions based on it.
Linux is for people who like to tinker and customize. It's not for normies
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>What does it take to make Linux more mainstream?
OEM and Software. That's how Billy G did it and that's how its gonna be done in the future.
He never gets called a liar though
>will enjoy virus proof and security tight distros.
......... Without working audio!
>Let users use terminal much less often.
Let users not have to touch the terminal EVER, that's one of the things holding it back, the majority of people who aren't into tinkering with their PC don't wanna ever have to see the terminal.
get rid of command line UI completely, look what android did
That was solved years ago for systems that are built to run Linux and come with it pre-installed.
The crossover of users who will install their own OS, and users who are completely unwilling to research supported hardware or touch a command line interface is exceptionally small.
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If somebody has to open the terminal or write a config file, it is 100% game over.
They aren't going to do it. If you ask them to, they're going to tell you to go fuck yourself and buy a new computer.
On Linux, numerous basic actions still require the terminal, even on "user-friendly" distros.
For example, how to add a program to the taskbar:
> Windows: run the program, right click it in the task bar, click "pin to task bar"
> Linux: Write a .desktop file according to the XDG spec. Reference other .desktop files on your computer or read the spec to figure out how. It's a good idea to install desktop-file-utils and run desktop-file-validate to check it because that shit is NOT going to give you any error messages if it's wrong. Copy it to ~/.local/share/applications. If you do this more than once, you might as well write a small bash script to generate the file. If all goes well, you can now see your application in a menu on your DE.

Don't even get me started on wifi. I have NEVER, not ONCE had wifi work out of the box, even though it ALWAYS works on the live USB.
It's always 30 minutes or more fiddling around trying to figure out what combination of drivers, managers, and services I need that the installation inexplicably didn't include. They'll bundle Vim, Emacs, and a Perl interpreter but they won't bundle the wifi in 2024.
The real problem is a kernel update that breaks the display or audio
Windows or Mac doesn't pull that crap
That guy still streams?
The only good thing about his old channel was the big autistic guy that has his own channel now with 2 other weirdos, and the trashy chick who did OF or something but she is old now.
>buy puter
>comes with winblows or icrap
>just werks
why would normies mess with shit when enough have trouble just turning a pc on?
>Mac doesn't pull that crap
Apple only has to worry about a small set of hardware and they QA it. Same is true for hardware built for and sold with mainstream targeted Linux distributions.
If you want the 'Apple-style' experience from other UNIX OSes just use supported hardware, and run a distribution that isn't absolutely bleeding edge.

LOL, come on now. Microsoft's package management to handle software migrations are notoriously bad.
>For example, how to add a program to the taskbar:
In a modern Gnome distribution
Hit the Super key
Type the name, or role of the application you want
The application will pop up as a result
Clicking on it will open Gnome Software
There will be a blue button that says "Install" with Flathub as the source
Click on it and the software will install, the button will change to 'open'
Click on that and the program will run
All you have to do then is right click on the icon in the dash and select 'pin'

>Don't even get me started on wifi.
Works for me without issue, but then I buy supported hardware.
You didn't say that I was wrong......
Because I'm not
Keep making excuses for troonix
Linux has 9000 different UIs you can choose from retard. But its better this way, stick to windows or apple if youre a homosexual you techweenie.
All of answers are incorrect. The answer is that it needs to come pre-installed on a computer. Regular computer users just use the default they are given. They use steamos (arch based) on steam deck, chromeos (gentoo based) on chromebooks and Android (linux) on Android phones. Users have never have gone out of their way to replace their os.
But why do you want linux to be mainstream anyways? that would just turn linux into windows. Why use linux over windows then?
Linux is already mainstream, Linux becoming even more mainstream as Microsoft's share of the market continues to decrease won't really change anything.
Users who don't want a mainstream targeted distribution will just install a different distribution, but as long as improvements are upstream everyone still benefits.

Maybe users who really don't like it will move to BSD, or try out something even more obscure. Haiku is still a thing.
>I know of a solution, but I'm not going to share it with you because I am a spiteful piece of shit.

typical linux user
The same shit it always has.
>ease of use
>software / driver support
>game support
cute anecdote (i love my gramps) but most people aren't going through some bullshit with windows like your old man's old man did.
Call me a shill all you want, but Windows has been too popular and too successful to ever be as notorious for its instability as loonix.
the fact that they'd rather bitch and whine about other OSs when they can instead be figuring out how to emulate every proprietary PoS on Windows makes it obvious to me that its users are simply NOT INTERESTED in getting a larger share of the market.
I don't blame them for it at all, considering what normies do to everything. Just face the facts: a vast majority of people who daily drive a distro have no interest in getting more people involved.
if windows is 'notoriously bad', then linux wrote the damn book about it. The sentiment against windows updates didn't really enter the heads of even pseud-normies until windows 8.1 and that was more about the look than any technical issues.
meanwhile bricked updates are as rare as fish in a lake in Linux discussion circles.
Linux should never be made mainstream. To try and do so is a fools errand.
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>Blocks your path
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Google/Linux is very much mainstream
you need macOS to develop for iPhone, thats MacOS's killer app
make linux good
>nooo, that's too much work, i want to "convert" people instead by preaching about it

suit yourself

i'm never installing linux
and you'll never be a woman
seriously what's it with Linux and transsexuals
Have proper software and hardware support and compatibility with all the features and same or better performance than Windows. Also every single DE should be polished with intuitive UI and most if not all software should have a proper GUI, the majority of the people don't want to waste their time trying to figure out how to do any task or fix issues using the CLI.
But we all know that won't happen, Linux is plagued with autistic schizo developers that only program open source projects to build a portfolio.
Because trans people are mentally ill people that create a new identity to run away from their past trauma, they need something "unique and different" to build their own new personality. Also autism.
I don't believe you, post all your sources on catbox for me to inspect.
>if being nice is good why aren’t people nice
This confuses mutts.
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A backroom contract between the Linux foundation and PC manufacturers that prevents non Linux operating systems from being installed by default because default is king.
Worked for microcock, even with dell and lenovo now offering rigs with Linux pre installed.
as long as Linux doesnt run Microshit Office and isnt used by the average office drone, it wont replace Windows.
centos, right?
None of these three people exist because Photopea exists and absolutely obliterates Photoshop, GIMP, Krita, CSP, Affinity, and everything else in every possible conceivable metric, and it's not even trying.
Here's how it actually works:
A is a Windows user who prefers to stick to Windows.
B is a Linux user who rages and seethes at everyone who uses Windows because muh privacy and bloatware. (Linux consumes WAY more power than Windows but don't tell them that)

B tells A that he's a fucking retard because he's giving all his data to Microsoft. A tells B to install Enterprise IoT LTSC, and install Shutup10 and WSL, which creates a Linux-like experience on Windows. B keeps raging and seething because he doesn't know what any of that is.


If Linus Torvalds doesn't trust Linux, why should A? A reinstalls Windows.
Then why is Windows market share down under 26% if everyone running it is just installing the IoT version and performing after market hacks?

I think a check of Windows marketshare will similarly show that Windows 11 use is 8% and increasing, Windows 10 use is 16% and declining, with users running older or more obscure versions barely at 1%. Linux distributions for Developers have more users.

Don't know where you get the idea that Linus Torvalds doesn't run Linux. He's just an old guy now and just gets a system with it already installed. The majority of Linux users now are like the majority of users of other OSes, they just get hardware that has it already installed for them. PC enthusiasts who install their own daily use OS are a tiny minority.
It coming pre-installed on commercially sold computers.

You think normies are going to install a new OS just because? Get real.

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