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M.2 bros, is there a solid reason to invest in this technology?
I already know that m.2 moggs sata in numbers, but in vidya the nvme ssd doesn't change too much from the sata one in loading speed, and for daily task it is almost useless.
Also, a motherboard that have this port is more pricey than an average motherboard l can say the same about the ssd.
for gaymers, no.
but motherboards for the past 5 years have this slot, what kind of old shit are you looking at?
Most motherboards don't have adequate PCIe slots anymore, so if want more than just a GPU and 2.5GbE, you have to adapt your picrel - which, in reality, is nothing but a PCIe x4 slot with a stupid connector, in an annoying place.
Cheap Chinese motherboard
in gaming it does matter for open world streaming and avoids stuttering when it needs to load while playing.
and nvme and ssd are the same price unless your buying gen5.
its a no brainer
>daily tasks its almost useless
>gen5 nvme read/write 12GBps
>sata ssd read/write 400MB/s
you might be retarded. that's a 30x difference
i lose half my PCIe lanes if i use sata instead of NVMe. at least on my board.
>m.2 moggs sata in numbers
M.2 is a form factor, SATA is a protocol. You're thinking about NVMe.
And yet it has nothing like a 30x difference in real-world testing. Low-IQs such as yourself never understood that the performance win SSDs brought was from removing rotation latency from the equation, not from being able to I/O gigabytes a second.
Most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a 12GB/sec NVMe drive, a 500MB/sec SATA SSD, and a 80MB/sec DOM without HDTune to tell them.
nah I can definitely tell when I'm moving files and especially when doing backups
idk what you're smoking
For me it was a no brainer. I was going to upgrade my SSD for higher capacity anyway, and I had the PCIe lanes free anyway. NVMe does a couple thousand MB/s instead of SATA's couple hundred, and the drive is smaller and plugged into the motherboard, so I now have better airflow in the front of my case.
Did you just make this thread to cope with the fact you're a poorfag?
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>i really notice the difference between 500mb/sec
>and 5gb/sec for the first two seconds and then 500mb/sec
Of all the copium to pull out, you had to choose the dumbest.
Don't ever change, /g/.
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The SSD on my old PC crapped out and I swapped it out for a spare HDD and desu while noticeable the difference isn't too bad. It's mostly noticeable whne movign large files and on startup, takes around 10 seconds now instead of near instantly. It's sometimes noticeable when you do something that's not cached but still, after using SSDs for so long I expected the difference to be way worse.
>i lose half my PCIe lanes if i use sata instead of NVMe
wut? for me it's the opposite
more specifically, if I use the 2nd M.2 slot, the bottom x4 slot gets disabled.
I suspect he meant to say the opposite. Nobody's stupid enough to believe that it works that way.
atchuelly its about 2x (average) depending on what you're spending for an m.2 ssd
my board disables sata connectors 5/6 if I use the 2nd m.2 slot (which is x2 only).

most non-shit ssds manage to do at least 1500MB/s even after running out of SLC cache, and can keep that up even when getting temperature throttled.
Called it.
Protip: a SATA slot is not a PCIe lane. Don't mix them up.
>M.2 bros, is there a solid reason to invest in this technology?
I bought an M.2 pretty much only for faster boot times. I keep most of my games on a spinner anyways, very few go on the OS drive. I am completely satisfied with my decision.
m2 is an illegitimate successor to sata
u2 shoulda caught on since its not constrained by mobo space and uses the same 2.5" size which supports much larger 8-64TB ssds
>[form factor] is an illegitimate successor to [protocol]
Mine does. I think you bought a shit brand board and a shit brand nvme. everything is blazing fast.
While I'm a bit of a fan of U.2 (coming from an enterprise storage background), it's a bit overkill for your average coomsoomer pleb.
>I already know that m.2 moggs sata in numbers
M.2 is a specification for the connector; an M.2 form factor SSD can use either SATA or NVMe for its protocol.
>Also, a motherboard that have this port is more pricey than an average motherboard l can say the same about the ssd.
Your current motherboard can almost certainly have such a port for about $3.
yes. the PCIe lanes you lose are not “real” PCIe lanes connected to the CPU directly; they are hanging off of the PCH and thus share the DMI bandwidth between the PCH and CPU. that’s why some SATA ports (which also are on PCH and share DMI bandwidth) get disabled when using them.
actually, in that case it may be real direct-to-CPU lanes that the mobo is just deciding between connecting to an x4 slot vs. m.2. but any SATA ports will always be on the PCH and thus using DMI bandwidth
>a motherboard that have this port is more pricey
All modern motherboards have at least one m.2 slot.
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For the purposes of chipsets, they are
They share some of the same physical pins with a PCIe switch inbetween them. If something is inserted in that M.2 slot, the switch reroutes those pins from sata to the m.2
See the block diagram for one if my boards
>Let's set global standards based on normies lack of understanding
You'll have to return to plebbit after this post.
>i don't understand what was said
Then maybe you should stay quiet, child.
say you got one of those expansion cards, would the performance be the same or comparable?
>m.2 moggs sata in numbers
m.2 doesn't "compete" against SATA, you can use SATA drives in an m.2 slot or you can use NVMe drives in an m.2 slot. That's the speed difference, not the plug it uses lol
I don't know about the specific expansion card, but in theory it should be the same.
Those adapters are entirely passive (they just route the PCIe lanes to an M.2 connector), so yeah. The only caveat is that you should get the x4 adapter if you have a free slot that will fit it; if you get the x1 adapter your SSD will be limited to the performance of a single PCIe lane.
could be cool considering game sizes these days and how awkwardly placed some of the normal slots are (i would have to take out my 3080 to use the 2nd one) vs the fact that most expansion slots are never used
good to know!
Decent m.2 SSDs aren't more expensive than decent SATA SSDs last time I checked, there's no reason not to. Even cheap motherboards have m.2 support nowadays.
M.2 is just another consumer tier cretin filter.
Use HDDs or U.2/3.
Also how poor do you have to be to think you can flex on "poorfags" with a fucking M.2
>Also how poor do you have to be to think you can flex on "poorfags" with a fucking M.2
Indians and stinkpad poorfags are the most vocal on this board.
>past 5 years
past 10 years, intel launched the slot with haswell refresh in 2014.
m.2 drives can be sata retard
Hey bros. Is am so sad because they released nvme.
I wanted to install a sata switch on my desktop to be able to multi boot windows and other 5 versions of linux using a device sata switch like this http://www.kingwin.com/hard-drive-power-switch-hdd-ps6/
But they don’t make any nvme switch yet.
Is any company that produces an nvmi switch?
...why do you need this switch?
why does the existence of NVMe mean you can't use SATA?
what is your problem??
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>Nobody's stupid enough to believe that it works that way.
The only stupid ones are you and anyone who believe you. Go shit up >>>/v/ or something.
Many older motherboards did that. Everything Is sent over PCIe internally so most ports are just a matter of PCIe bandwidth at least when linked via the south bridge.
I just like not having the cables really
i dont really notice any difference in speed, id use whatever SSD but the m.2's are just convenient, its one screw
I would like to get a nvmi switch because nvmi is faster. Maybe I could use a sata switch for my multiboot, but why use sata when nvmi is better?
Is it possible to create a nvmi switch for multi boot ?
For a 12GB/sec NVMe drive is it required 4 pci express lines or 5? I ask because the speed is too high to work only on 4 lines.
Will they switch to 5 or 6 PCIe lines for the fastest nvme?
Aren't you agreeing with those two guys pointing out that it was the opposite, as you're yourself pointing out in your picture?
read the thread again
sir... why do you need a manual drive switch for multiboot??
is this nigga trolling
does he really not notice the difference between 3-400mbps and 12gbps
this is like saying rural adsl and gigabit fiber are the same
The entire Internet has complained for a decade that NVMe SSDs don't give them anywhere near the boost over SATA SSDs that SATA SSDs gave them over SATA hard disks, precisely because latency is so much more important than transfer rate.
You can seethe and samefag about it to your heart's content, but it doesn't make it reality.
Cabling power and data for HDDs and SSDs is kind of a pain and m.2s tend to be priced pretty competitively so you'd probably save some money going that route
M.2 is just the normalfag version of U.2
2.5GbE works pretty well over USB now with the newest revision of the realkek chip
now factor in os overhead
I can't even saturate my internet speed with sata 3.
>instead of 30x its only 28x faster in every way
my bad
>30x faster sequential speed somehow means 30x faster everything and no other bottlenecks are present
you are fucking retarded
go see any sata vs nvme comparison on youtube, literally a 5% difference at best in most scenarios
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>10 seconds is 28 times faster than 9 seconds
you really suck at math
>this is like saying rural adsl and gigabit fiber are the same
no, this is like saying 200 megabit and gigabit fiber are the same
and for most daily tasks (just like op specified), that's completely true
does a gigabit connection load 2 mbps vp9 videos from youtube faster than a 200 megabit one? no it doesn't
I really don't see gen5 nvme on there
I know you're retarded but 200mbit to gigabit is a 5x difference. This is a 30x difference.
>I really don't see gen5 nvme on there
you can't be fucking serious
if there's no difference from sata to gen 4, why the fuck would gen 5 somehow change things? >>102450422
>but 200mbit to gigabit is a 5x difference. This is a 30x difference.
and how does that fucking matter or make my example invalid at all?
i honestly can't tell if you are trolling or completely braindead, probably the former, or a mix of both
Wait, this braindead little faggot is STILL crying that nobody thinks he's special because his mom's latest soifriend bought him an NVMe SSD for little boy anus on demand? Jesus fucking Christ.
but imagine the speed of clonezilla
That is actually mouth watering.
I wanted to install a sata switch on my I need such thing but nvmi not sata http://www.kingwin.com/hard-drive-power-switch-hdd-ps6/
Why nobody produces an nvmi switch?
Are people really arguing about NVME drives? It's better? I'd understand years ago when they were expensive but what is the point anymore? Just get one, if you can't afford one I don't care about your opinion on computer hardware. If you can't notice a difference in the shitty unimportant work you do, oh well, it does for me.
my street shitting friend in Christ. you are insane. do you think this kind of physical switch is required for multiboot or something? do you think 5 separate SSDs are required for 5 different operating systems? whatever you're trying to do makes no sense, you need to stop and read about it.
Most NVMe drives, including M.2 and U.2 ones, regardless of generation, run at x4 width. There are only a few high-end/enterprise NVMe add-in cards (Intel P4608, Samsung PM1725/PM1735, etc.) that run at x8 width. So that means you just have to know the PCIe generation to calculate the link speed.

One way to remember is that a single lane of Gen 3 PCIe runs at 1 GiB/s uplink and 1 GiB/s downlink. And it doubles each new generation. So, most Gen 3 NVMe SSDs have (4 * 1 GiB/s) = 4 GiB/s of interface bandwidth in each direction. Thus Gen 4 is 8 GiB/s, and Gen 5 is 16 GiB/s.

Of course these are theoretical maximum link speeds and the SSD itself will likely not quite achieve those speeds, even for sequential transfers.
So what's the solution? Reviving Intel Optane? I've heard that it had much lower latency than even good NAND memory.
> do you think this kind of physical switch is required for multiboot or something
I am not indian, I am european and I have enough money to buy a ssd for each operating system. I used to install multiple operating systems on a single drive but I don’t do it anymore. I figured out that it doesn’t worth to install on the same drive multiple os for multiboot. Best solution for multiboot is to not allow them to interact so when you boot from a nvme the rest of drives with different operating systems are disconnected.
That is why I need an nvme switch.
NVMe is better than SATA, worth paying a little bit extra. But it's not better enough to be worth replacing your hardware immediately if you already have a SATA SSD setup that works for you. Just wait a few years until the ever-increasing bloat of software forces you to upgrade your hardware anyway, and pick NVMe then.
>Best solution for multiboot is to not allow them to interact so when you boot from a nvme the rest of drives with different operating systems are disconnected.
Nobody does this.
>That is why I need an nvme switch.
You don't.
>Nobody does this
I want to do it. And also a lot of people use sata switches to not have to open the desktop and to connect the drives to the cables each time they want to change the OS for multiboot.
> You don't need
Not true. I need, but I need an nvme switch to work like the sata switch I posted the link about it.

Just pick up and flash a SAS controller or get some hotswap drive bays if you want to play swapsies. Or better yet go virtual and do GPU passthrough if you want it all on the same rig.
wth even is this thread?? just bots arguing with other bots? nvme drives are the size of a gumstick and faster than any sata.
>Just pick up and flash a SAS controller
Why I should flash it? You mean to write some C drivers for it to be able to perform swap of the nvme ?

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