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how does YouTube handle this much bandwidth?
>YouTube has more than 2.70 billion monthly active users as of September 2024.
You underestimate how powerful YouTube really is.
They don't. The ISP do.
Is ishowspeed still relevant? I remember a bunch of zoomies worshipping him a year ago or so but I haven't heard anything lately
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are you genuinely blind?
There's a reason why youtube uses 1% of global electricity production, and why talented engineers get paid so much to optimize.
I dont understand how this guy is so popular. He literally just screamed and chimped out at games or videos.
screaming and chimping out at gaymes and videos is interesting I guess
Is that a lot?
uhh yeah it's like more than the population of denver
>question about technology
>fa/g/gots turn it into an eceleb thread
>thread about an eceleb
>fa/g/got turns it into a meta thread
700k to stream isn't a lot when you consider it;s being compressed by a ton and then streamed through multiple datacenters across the world.

YT has probably billions logged in at any given time
zoomers, they love watching random nonsense and throwing all their parents money at the streamers
Most other relevent streamers get between 10k-50k on average, 100k on the best days, ishowspeed's fans are aged between 6-14 so they keep consuming youtube 24/7, and they just want to se him acting like a monkey so they can laugh at him. Like the others, his relevence will decline with his growth, if he doesn't change his style.
edge servers
wish it would be possible but ISPs are greedy fuckers and there is too much potential of abusing it


Why are you LARPing, Zoomie?

>love watching random nonsense and throwing all their parents money at the streamers

Is that why you use your parents bank accounts to fund King Incel Asmongold?
just because you aren't allowed to do it doesn't mean they can't
they can't
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open a youtube livestream and check the network tab on dev tools
>reddit spaces
>doesn't know what larp means
>call others zoomers
Google has its own Cloud Services and has learnt to balance load on youtube since it took over
They have a CDN
iShowSpeed content is gay
and so am I
you need to be at least 18 to post here. get the fuck outta here, kid.
Google is a governmental agency.

For all purposes, they have unlimited bandwidth to keep the spying going
Easy, by making it up. In a world awash with niggers chimping out for attention, what makes this one any different? I bet you think anyone actually watches marques brownlee's ugly nigjew face too?
there are warehouses of server computers stacked on top of teach other and these ones google has are the highest quality in diskspace, ram and more.
>how does YouTube handle this much bandwidth?
for the first time, I consider zoomers huge idiots. I can't believe they are giving this monkey so much attention
For the first time?

Please, just go outside and come back when you're 18.
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>thinks Reddit invented paragraphs

>denies being a Zoomer

>doesn't understand English

>claims to be an oldfag

Least mentally ill newfag
i mean true but him jumping over those 2 lambos speeding at him was pretty poggers
Please, stop coping, take your meds and lock yourself up in a hospital.
A generation of kids raised to believe screeching as a baboon is peak comedy. Can't wait for the fruits of this to blossom. This is the fake Ronaldo dude, right? Truly a blessed timeline.
>zoomer he love watchin dey ishowspeed
Based and pidgin pilled
He likely is 18 hence why he works for a zbot troll farm.
>double downs on retardation
>pulls out some old screenshot to try and look like an epic 4chan hacker
>still doesn't know what larp means but says "no u" anyway
>hallucinates claims
Holy cringe
>uniform single line
this is your brain you reddit
>gets BTFO
>no response
many such cases
I thought he faked it

It's why google was so hard against repealing net neutrality. They feared that ISPs would charge them.
The Google datacenters just have to be in an area where nice cables cross and get a >100 Gbit/s connection.
The datacenter gets built where the internet backbone, and not the other way around. They don't have to dig in lots of cables. They settle down where they already are.
Are those just the ones who sing in or anyone clicking play on a vid?
No he didn't. You lost.
Because you are literally watching a delayed VOD you stupid negro.

Displaying that number doesn't affect any bandwidth.
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Always wondered why youtube doesnt make livestreams and videos p2p like on peertube
not my problem that you are retarded
I will use sharkwire and find the IP and find what people are torrenting on iknowwhatyoudownload
You retarded waste of space. OP is asking how youtube manages to serve content to 700k people simultaneously, not how they update the view count.
Data costs next to nothing. Gigabytes on the penny. Yes, your ISP is overcharging you to an insane degree.
not my problem that you or OP are retarded
literal who nigger stream his video to youtube, youtube fordwards that video to 100 content servers located in key regions, every server fordwards the video to 100 more edge servers located in smaller regions.
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again you have no response. consult pic related to get BTFO again.

face it: you got caught. you're a reddit refugee trying to fit in by calling others reddit. take the L and move on little guy.
It took more than a dozen posts to get to the correct answer. ffs /g/
multicast is still not possible over the internet
We live in an era where we still cannot cure arthritis, regenerate organs or make artificial blood, but we have the technology to show niggers doing nigger things online for everyone to see.

Fucking science, man.
Surely within the CDN multicast is used, sir.
>amerifats will use literally anything but the metric system
They still have to HTTPS reencode pedobytes of video data per second
a lot of children wasting their time, yes.
they have enough money to buy this much bandwidth
the question is, where the fuck do they get their money from? advertisers obviously, but why do people pay to advertise on youtube? every time online advertising has been studied, the conclusion is that it's a net loss; so what do the advertisers think they are gaining, if not a return on their investment?
or maybe apply occam's razor to this phenomena, there was a large influx of reddit-spacing tourists in 2016
Money and intelligent engineers
leprechauns on hamster wheels

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