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Hello /g/,

I am interested in making a DE that feels like picrel. Windows 7 DWM looks and feels amazing and nothing on linux comes close, except maybe plasma, sadly plasma doesn't work.

I want to write a DE/ WM that looks and feels like windows 7 one. What should I write it for? X11 or Wayland, no I wont do both. Should I stick with the new or keep the old running?

Also if you have some useful resources or trickshots for speedrunning it, do share anons.
Just customize KDE. It's already much better than everything Windows.
If you're useless enough to still be baby ducked on Windows 7, you aren't up to writing a Hello World in BASIC, let alone a whole desktop environment.
this is a paid shill trying to convince you to buy the latest software
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Why not help with Cinnamon..?
If you hate Plasma, take a look at Trinity DE or Labwc and contribute there instead. You can get something like that working there.
Ask ChatGPT to help you.
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This. >>102440402
KDE themes could reach quite close to real thing, with aero glass effects etc.
Unfortunately kde6 breaks a few things. Now we need a good taskbar theme (plasma style) and icon theme.
what fucker doesn't even run on 10?
you could do it with kde and write your own qt apps that replicate windows 7
ive got some ideas about how my next DE should look like

- black classic mode (non-aero) by default

- bigger mouse cursor (really a single one) with animated states, like when link hovering - white/green blinking (instead of a swap to a hand-like), hourglass - white/red blinking etc.

- configured ConEmu+Far on CTRL+F12, same as admin CTRL+F11, quake console

- RBClick (hide to tray any window), ZoomIt (zoom in/out), ctfmon (language display) in background

- somehow replace windows time service with own compiled ntp-sync.exe

- replace taskmgr.exe with process explorer (dont remember if i did that already)

- set firewall into block mode (both inbound/outbound) by default, earlier i had inbound block and a list of MS/Google telemetry centers

- change "Start" button into some simple green brick [####] or something alike (remove logo and text)

- play/try expanded kernel project (test if its possible to turn win7 into win10 with those patches)

- same old stuff i had, like sudo analogue to run anything as admin without typing stupid passwords etc etc

- ...

really, have a growing list of things for integration and reduction
Just port the themes. There some guides on what change between versions.
kek, duckies on suicide watch
You can't even post here without showing you are a redditor, much less actually accomplish something.
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spbp and /thread
People who can't even install an new operating system sure as fuck can't write a large, important piece of one.
>artificial bullshit requirements
Nope, 10 and earlier don't support the calls to the Storage API.
I wrote several hundred lines of fallback code (that basically scripted StorageWMI) so it would run down to Windows 8, but your deadshitos has no way of doing it at all.
>10 and earlier don't support the calls to the Storage API
could be easily added to 10 (as it could be to 8.1/8/7/vista but they wont because nobody would buy new licenses)
updooter tranny buzzword. kill yourself. (posting from arch btw)

the list is accomplished, even in this unfinished state, i have it. you have nothing



- CristalDiskInfo in the background (in the tray) maybe with some anime girl theme

- some laggy but trusty browser

- my php runtime, like php-r4.exe to avoid future name collision

ive dont it before ill do it again, my system just live long enough, so i didnt update those image repo. writing DE from scratch is stupid - composing, debloating, configuring is the way to go.
Fuck off, I'm not writing a million-line Storage API provider to comfort of poor NEETs.
I am quite capable, if I can work on the kernel, I am fairly certain I can wrap my head around a DE.

I really want to like KDE, but many things are just buggy or broken. I cannot even move icons on the desktop for some reason, they troll me by going back to previous position. kek

no I don't like windows 7 as an OS, I like it's desktop environment, it's perfect!

cinnamon feels kinda sovlless to me

no I value (you)r opinion, because you are a strong, independent transfaggot.

oh wow, that does look nice, do you have some info on how to do this or will i have to figure it out myself?

anon... I... I am sorry.

Well seems like you goys love uniXporn too much, and don't even know what OS I am referring to lmao, I am clearly on the wrong place
KDE is usually only unstable on Ubuntu and Debian. It works fine on Fedora and Arch.

the OS at the pic is clearly Windows 7, you may refer to imaginary OS or imaginary DE in the perfect imaginary world, but it is not practical.

you didnt even list any feature for the exchange

feels, tastes, good, bad, evilish, heavenish.. a plasticine words..
just install windows 10 ltsc and the 10 to 7 transformation pack
Imho this is pointless. Popular DEs like XFCE or KDE can look almost like Windows 7, so there is really no pointing in re-inventing the wheel just for a few very insufferable people who cant stand a few minor differences. Best you can do is just get a distro with KDE and rice it to look similar to pic related.
>le updooter
>le tranny
He is right. Most Windows 7 users are broke, obsessed NEETs who really deserve to be called that way.

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