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never forget your roots
>That huge warehouse with the LEGO safety floors
>Free AOL frisbees
>Computer demos to mess around with
>That one screen saver with the house in the maze
Take me back
>walk by computer aisle
>workers just have CoD4 campaign on PC running for anyone to try
>never forget your roots
>posts picture of young boys in a deserted parking lot
not sure i want to know about your "roots".
Half life 2 was real impressive on these displays at the time. Just leave Gordon in a room with a lot of physics objects and you're good.
>he is upset children own their own bicycles
I know you wish to steal them, but control yourself...
>sees picture of a place with some foreground randos
>"Isn't it weird that OP posted a picture of YOUNG BOYS?"
What is your problem?
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>That one screen saver with the house in the maze
This one?
>Circuit City
>That one screen saver with the house in the maze
post, I've never seen this

Trips of truth. This kind of "humor" gets tiresome fast.
I'm not an american. As a kid I played in parks and fields, not on a parking lots
you are retarded for even thinking I meant playing in abandoned parking lots and not the store. If you don't get it why are you here in a circuit city thread, go back to >>>/int/
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Based RS enjoyer
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>lived pretty basically next to one and always wanted to go
>helicopter parents wouldn't let me go on my own
>parents kept promising to take me but never did
>circuit city closed down
>parents divorced
I never even saw the inside of a Fry's until I was a man, and it was only a few weeks before it shut down forever too. Even in its sad state I could tell it used to be glorious.
Circus city?
what the fuck is this goysoomer garbage
> Frys
Everything you could want
> Mountain Dew
> discrete components (resistors, capacitors, etc)
> PC parts (CPUs, all kinds of memory, disks, PSUs)
> DVDs
> kleenex
> porn
It was a great "wander around" store.
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What did yours turn into?
I got kicked out of one once for using the cable modem demo computer to download a Ludacris album from a XDCC bot on IRC and burning it on a CD-R I bought in the store. The manager was such a dick.
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Blocks you're path
i worked there for a few weeks
fry's was run by kikes
the worst kind
fucking zoom zoom with faux nostalgia, that wasn't raycasting, it was full 3d.
>incorrect use of you're
Found the jeetnigger
>Found the jeetnigger
found the grammer nazi
(and the humorless dipshit)
>I-I was merely joking HAHA
Nothing you said was remotely funny, jeetnigger.
Go flush yourself and your horrible ESL attempt at "humour."
I've also been kicked out of the Apple store in Honolulu for downloading music from XDCC bots and loading it onto my mp3 player. That was years later though. I was 13 when I got kicked out of Circuit City and 18 when I got kicked out of the Apple store.
>playing in a store
That's arguably worse than playing on a parking lot.
your dum
When will this retarded trend of exposed ceilings end? This store would look a million times better if you didn't have to see exposed wiring and piping above you everywhere. It looks like it's still under construction.
Samefag as fuck
Never forget what they took from you.

i remember playing battlefield 1942 on demo. can you even play demos of new games anymore?


i really want one of these to open in az. ive been to them in cali and theyre pretty sweet. they remind me of like all the old dead stores combined.
Calm down, rabbi
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All local places, but
>Tanner Electronics
>Electronic Discount Sales
>Dallas Sidewalk Sale
>that one flea market that they used to hold in the parking garage of the Solana business park in Westlake
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I found a huge surplus store in Sacramento that sells all the local college donations. Everything from chemistry glassware to high end cameras to Cisco routers. 100s of Powermacs and laptops.

I bought an $8000 soundproof server rack for $100.
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Forgot link.
PPSP Recycling
8176 Elder Creek Rd, Sacramento, CA 95824

https://www. Kikebook com/1PPSP/
working at circuit city was the best retail job i ever had
was just sell computers to old people, get high with my manager, and bullshit with the customer service girls. while getting paid $15 an hour in 2007.
we had a "code pink" on the walkies. which meant a hot chick walked in. then instant you heard code pink you saw every male employee, including managers, snap their head towards the entrance.
man i miss that place. different time.
I wish I had a place like that near me
the thrift stores here won't even sell computers, if you donate one they recycle it instead of reselling it
craigslist is just beat-to-shit celerons and C2Ds
also check out Northbay Networks out of Emeryville if you are ever down in the Bay Area
Overpriced junk?
>fucking zoom zoom with faux nostalgia, that wasn't raycasting, it was full 3d.
Hi, anon, I would like to sincerely apologize for my misunderstanding of a screensaver coming up on nearly 30 years old. I saw that it appeared similar to games/programs that utilized ray-casting. I foolishly and arrogantly made the assumption it was raycasting. I can only hope that my misunderstanding is as inconsequential to you as it is to me.
It's exposed so it's easier to service. They want you to look at the shelves not the ceilings.
was alive for all 3 and i hated every single one of them for various customer service related reasons.

microcenter is the only thing that continues to thrive amidst the sea of tech store trash that died. and for good reason.
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you must be 18 to post here
anon 9/11 was 23 years ago
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I'll never forget
My foreskin?
>Unless you're over 30 you likely don't even remember 9/11
Aesthetics used to be a vital aspect of retail before hordes of 60 iq brown people invaded America. Now everything just looks like an ugly unfinished warehouse because the public doesn't care anymore.
shred in pieces, old friend
>Computer demos to mess around with
I remember a sales lady helping tiny me learning to use a computer mouse on windows 3.1 solitaire while my dad was shopping. They had nice workers back then.
One of these recently opened in Charlotte which is less than an hour from me. If i had money I would be going crazy there.
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> also check out Northbay Networks out of Emeryville if you are ever down in the Bay Area
I’ll check it out next time I’m down there. These shops are disappearing. I thought they had all closed in Sac, and was excited to find this one still going.

It’s a gold mine of old esoteric things. Like this reel classical music.
Some sort of senior care center apparently.
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This store sells on ebay, but it’s not the same as digging through shelves for treasure. Pic is from their loading dock.
It really was soulful
I used to go to this store back in the late 2000s and at the time I thought it felt soulless as fuck compared to the stores I remember from the 90s. It was full of Mexicans desperately trying to sell you shit to get their commissions. Little did I know how much worse things would get that I would actually miss this place. Imagine how much worse it's going to get in another 10-20 from now.
my roots is from the base of my father's balls
I was there during Covid before it closed. The shelves were half empty and only a few employees were visible. It was sad.
Can I forget about CC's DiVX?
Thinking the same thing. Nice middle age white people probably earning a respectable salary as a sales rep at a computer store selling software for a brand new technology in personal computers.
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many Frys had themes
> the desert temple / pyramid one
> the wild west one, complete with hitching posts outside
> the UFO one
The one near me (Seattle area, in Renton, down by Boeing plant) was just a box.
> opened late in the Frys timeline
> full of fucking brown people in ill fitting white shirts
> wearing janky black pants
> jangling their keys
> saying anything to anybody about anything to close the sale
But the racks of DVDs were amazing.
And the selection of soldering irons.
And the capacitors and memory and disk drives and . . . They had everything.
But most of all, the weekly ads. I used to pour over pic rel with coffee and figure out what to buy.
Yeah Circuit City workers were on commission back then I think instead of min wage that they were in late life of the company
Yup, my dad worked back when it was commission based...he made an absolute killing.

I won't disclose the actual numbers but, ludicrous amounts.

Managed to buy a house in cash after 2 years, I'll put it that way.
Radioshack would always require that you provide a zip code when purchasing. I felt violated every time by such a requirement.
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the brownoid fears the genuinely apologetic reply
I bought an old ATI graphics card from Circuit City once. I asked a guy who worked there if it would run Doom 3. It did... barely.
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I have, as a white person, a strong emotional need to share images like this with those specific animals so they understand we're just as fucked as them.
any places like this in rose city? I no longer live in Super Faggots so i have to make do.
For me, it was the unthemed Fry's in Concord, CA.
some shitty mattress store
I remember a show like this called market pro (might be the same one as this ad) that would happen around here in North Carolina.
That was my first job out of high school, I was a PC technician for my local Circuit City before they rolled out "Fire Dogs". It was pretty fun working there and was higher paying hourly wages than other entry level jobs, and the employees there all relied on us pc tech guys to rip the latest dvd movies for them.
Same as this poster >>102450873, but I think its also just a general furniture store and they reused the "city" portion of the logo and is now called "Furniture City" and kept the red color scheme.
Love those 7 segment LED displays that showed the processor speed, haha.
>Radioshack would always require
No, they'd _ask_. Big difference.
> that you provide a zip code when purchasing.
What is "12345"
the one near my apartment still has the "audio" and "video" 3D text signs on the building and there's just a shitty spirit of Halloween sign hanging. I walked inside and they still had the textured large red floor mat from circuit city on the ground which was cool and most of the typical wall and ceiling design of circuit city was still up, they barely renovated it
I always went with the good ol 42069
>spirit of Halloween
All the local stores of seen of this brand are usually temporary shops that stay up only for the month of October, and so I don't ever see them caring about truly renovating w/e location they got a rental agreement for.
The only store location I've seen that stays up all year long is the one in LA and I only pass by it when I drive through LA but I guess that makes sense to me due to all the actors and filming shit they do out there they need costumes and other props shit or w/e.
more like circuit shitty haha amirite
>But most of all, the weekly ads. I used to pour over pic rel with coffee and figure out what to buy.
I loved the ads. Dreaming of buying.
RadioShack asked for phone numbers and later email addresses, not just zip codes. Micro Center is doing the same faggotry now and their POS POS systems require a phone number for the sale. You have to fight the zipperhead cashier who keeps insisting it only takes two seconds to sign up trust me bro, then they give up and put the sale on some rando's account.
god, it felt so good to go buy all the parts i needed for my server (multiple 8tb wd red pros as well) in one trip to microcenter
The real answer. The one I went to in San Diego looked a lot like that.
That one is San Diego’s store imo.
I don't remember the concrete orbs tho
Its been some time since I went to that SD store but I thought I saw large poles or concrete round objects acting as guard protection from possible car ramming into the entrance/exit way, but this news article shows the storefront and it does have some red poles in front https://timesofsandiego.com/business/2021/02/24/iconic-california-retailer-frys-electronics-closing-all-stores-due-to-industry-changes/
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Anaheim Fry's was incredible
dont forget the controlled lighting and how dark the store was inside
you mean poojeets
frys was loaded with poojeets
alice in wonderland was the theme at the one i frequented. Im actually kinda surprised i remember because i never really paid attention to all the decorative shit they had.
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Dark? I remember it being normal brightness with big open isles and lots of red.
>workers just have CoD4 campaign on PC running for anyone to try
Holy shit. This was awesome. And the game ran on the best hardware, so you got a taste of how the game *should* look.
So edgy.
I wasn't trying to be edgy I just wanted to pirate some music and I didn't have access to a computer of my own.
I bought a used sega saturn here for 20 dollars and megaman x4 for 5 dollars
For me it was Fry's Electronics...
I bought my first GPU there...
Because drop ceiling in a gigantic building are fucking expensive, and there is no food so the health department doesn't give a shit
>t. commerical roofing contractor
Think the only thing I ever actually got was a super gameboy for my old snes here. Was around the late 90s or early 00s.
Take me back.
The one in Renton, WA also served food too
what the FUCK are people talking about

this just looks like amogus sussy impostor to me
>a few shit tier sandwiches, prepackaged goyslop cookies and pastries, and supermarket fruit
that place was shit, like why even bother if you're only going to put in minimum effort
the managers there were total grade-a cunts too
literally shat on employees in front of customers
i dont know how they didnt shut down sooner
only good thing about the store were the neckbeard sales people actually seemed to know what they were talking about if you had any technical questions
sudo -i
You realize people made bank in tech right? Don't be retarded now son.
I had a Fry's 4 miles from my house :(
I currently have an Microcenter 7 miles from my house :)
Office Depot/Max
I worked there in the late 2000s but our store didn't have cool displays like >>102448165. Now my memories are only filled with Revenge of the Sith playing 24/7 in the TV department.
>electronics stores and other brick and mortar locations get killed off by amazon
>amazon becomes increasingly filled with chinese scam products and garbage but is too big to die
>brands and manufacturers of yore die and become zombie corporations the chinese use to sell shovelware products like "kodak" digital cameras and "bell+howell" camcorders that are just the cheapest point and shoot photo camera from 20 years ago in a camcorder format
Zenith TV shop and video rental. Family Video. Tons of little mom and pop electronic shops in the 90s. Chicago's Chinatown and the good Hong Kong Kowloon connection. Yohan Plaza before it was Mitsuwa and the Diho before it was everything else that it was.

Long live cobbled together electronics and manufacturer prototypes. the mid 90s were a hell of a time.
The first time I saw a sega saturn and Playstation was at one. Blew my mind
They need to pick a damn name already
who the fuck sits down and draws this trash?
No one, it's AI
My local Fry's was 4.8 miles from my house. The nearest Micro Center is 44mi and takes two hours because of traffic. There's no closer alternative beyond Best Buy either. Shit fucking sucks.
The renton one was where I got my first discrete gpu
No, it was a requirement. You had to provide a zip code or else no purchase.

>what is
stfu ignoramus. just being required in the first placed was an asshole move. because of how scummy it was its worth bitching about
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Nice hack! the pyramids started floating, I see!
>Fry's in Renton WA
>that place was shit
But the selection was top notch. So nice to be able to pick up caps and resistors and bread boards and solder and all sorts of other shit in one stop.
> sometimes you'd bump into a sales droid that knew what they were talking about and wasn't a total asshole
> sometimes you'd bump into another customer that was working on a similar project
Just for stupid stuff like PC cases they had a fuckton of selection. Great for "oh, hey, I could use that in . . ."
t. hates the soulless nature of online shopping
> zip at radio shack
>No, it was a requirement
t. from Beverly Hills
you mean 90210?
I was like wow remember radio shack they must have closed down decades ago and then I looked it up and there is one five minutes away
>first memories of tech for americans is some random corporate warehouse
>people ITT (like >>102443805) literally defending consumerism
no wonder americans are so cucked... you good goys are not real people

anyway, speaking of roots: it's kind of difficult for me not to forget my roots when the people around me treated me like shit when I was a kid and now see me as some sort of rich guy for having a well paid job, even though I was poorer than them and I still don't have my own house, and also, when my mom tried to steal some money from me.
I wonder how good that sounds.
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>being unironically nostalgic for big box goymarts
do americans really
Why wouldn't I be nostalgic for a big building I could walk into and fuck around with the latest tech products even if I had no intention to purchase them? It was a good experience. Those days have long since passed.
I get the tech part, but this is like being proud of watching apple launch a new product.
how braindead are americans?
derp, yeah.
There's no "pride" in it really it's just a memory of a positive experience that is now gone. You don't go to the store to try these things before you buy them. Maybe you watch a video review on YouTube or just buy blindly. As consumers it used to be more exciting to go out and buy something. Now all you have is the anticipation of waiting for packages to arrive. It's just one less place to go, one less thing to do. It's not just retail shit disappearing that makes that a problem in America.
> Those days have long since passed.
There’s a need for something similar. Most people want to be able to physically touch and play with tech. Something will pop up.
Also where I got the parts to build my first PC with an AMD Athlon 64 3200
>touch and play with tech
You can't judge build quality or material quality or sturdiness from pics.
> and you certainly can't trust online reviews
You aren't white.
Unfortunately the consumer does not seem to notice nor care considering how much purchasing occurs online. Wage-stagnation and collapse work-life balance seems to favor the time and cost savings of just ordering whatever is cheapest on TEMU and getting next-day delivery. Its never about quality of the product, its to maintain the consumer lifestyle within constraints of ever shrinking leisure time and expendable income.
You wouldn't get it Yuropoor. There was something unique about big box stores despite the consumerism. I guess it's just the fact that commerce was always a tactile experience: it's not the same feeling ordering something on the computer at home as it is going to a place, smelling the surroundings, seeing all the people go by and getting brief aural hits of their conversations along with touching the merchandise and engaging with it. Plus, they were good hang out spots if all you wanted to do is just look at the goods but not buy anything. It's a bygone era, but it was a good one for the most part.
I loved shopping in the big stores. It was an adventure.
Apple store is unironically your best bet.
>but they only got watches, phones, tablets and macs
4 is bigger than 0
>Blocks you're path
Blocks you are path, huh?
Why couldn't you just download music at home like a normal person?
No computer at home both times. I had a laptop when I was 18 but I don't know why the fuck I was never able to use it when I lived in Hawaii, honestly can't remember. My theory is that the DC jack was busted and I got it repaired when I moved back to the mainland.
>we had a "code pink" on the walkies. which meant a hot chick walked in. then instant you heard code pink you saw every male employee, including managers, snap their head towards the entrance.
Sounds kind of misogynistic, not gonna lie.
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For me, it was gif related

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