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Japanese ICOM VHF transceivers were specifically implicated. So I don't think it was Taiwan's fault. lol.
Oh, and the explosions appear to be much bigger than the pager ones.
Talk is of explosives being attached on the side of batteries.
Fires going off in multiple buildings. Not sure what's that about.
Starting to think these aren't accidents.
yeah thats fucked up
So what does Israel hope to gain here? Do they want war really that badly? Whats the usecase of blowing up your enemy when they aren't invading you?
This is a video of one of these devices exploding in one of the funerals/memorials for those who got killed yesterday:
Cope harder
>Hizbala terrorists go brrrrrr
scary stuff
Never happened and they deserved it :)
I guess sending rockets is ok then
into the oven you go, kike
Pick up the phone goy-chan you have new message :^)
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ICOM V82 specifically implicated.
RIP shareholders
>Do they want war really that badly?
They've been at war since at least 2011, anon.
>since at least 2011
has there really been peace in the Middle East any time the last 5000 years?
Right, I get your point. I was referring to the most recent strife between nation states of Lebanon and Israel.
Looks like the scene is more hysteric and out of control than yesterday, with unconfirmed reports that solar system inverters/batteries, and even car batteries going off.
If these reports were to be confirmed, this already unprecedented attack would be on a whole other level.
>been telling people for years that Jews have been tampering with people's electronics
>everyone calls me a conspiracy theorist
>turn on news today and see headline "Israeli warfare using tampered electronics"
>news anchor touts it as the greatest tactical move ever in history and congratulates the Jews
Interesting thing that I don’t think enough people are talking about is the similarity to Stuxnet in that they physically affected the devices. Going theory right now is that the explosives were placed near/around the battery and they were able to get the batteries to overload/overheat or whatever which then caused the explosions. Pretty wild shit.
>>news anchor touts it as the greatest tactical move ever in history and congratulates the Jews
Wow america is insanely cucked. 'This basic strategy that mainly hurt civilians is actually really sophisticated and based'
>Stuxnet in that they physically affected the devices.
That's dumb. Stuxnet targeted software that already 'physically affected' the machines. Also most people seem to reject that the battery itself is the problem.
One day...

Beside the occasional scuffle, nothing major happened for many years before October 7th. This is true regarding both the Lebanese front and Gazan front.
Anyone can check the total number of Israelis killed annually in that period for themselves. Dying in car accident was infinitely more probable in those years.
These post hoc claims and attempts at redefining the word "war" from both sides are retarded.
Still waiting for the bigclive teardown
Oh yes I am dumb. Genuinely trying to understand it and Stuxnet was just the first metaphor that popped into my head as I thought it had something to do with physical manipulation of the devices. Which, as far as I know they somehow caused the batteries to ignite the explosives. Which again, I don’t know.
>number of Israelis being killed
Skillful avoidance of addressing the entire Lebanese civil war and deaths due to Israeli airstrikes.
>Which again, I don’t know.
We all don't. Anyway, I'm for the battery hypothesis but so far we got no clue.
I like battery + implanted chemical detonator/accelerant.
>since 2011
>Lebanese civil war
focus anon.
btw, I'm not on the side you assumed.
I'm sure the Lebanese people won't hate the zionists even more after this.
You are correct, the controllers Iran had to buy off the black market (because of sanctions) was from a fake supplier created by the intelligence agencies involved that had already modified them in some way.
Lots of Lebanese have no problem with Hezbollah getting blown up.
What's the next device to explode?
Zogbots in Iraq.
nothing this is normal we just live in a pussy world were we think that if you kill your enemies they win,shit you think israel would accept russian drones in romania like nato does,would israel accept foreign powers launching rockets like the russians accept it,would israel accept niggers taking their uranium like the frenchoids did.
All pussy bitches the kike state is the only one with balls to fight.

Granted the kikes also know that if anything was to happen america would come down and do desert storm 2
Holy fucking shit lol

Are you retarded? Hezbollah shoots at them all the time.
brb shorting shares
Hezbollahs' anal buttplugs.
Meanwhile in real life only Hezbollah were affected.
Israel wants war for creating greater israel and making all goyim their slaves.
>kike in damage control
>kike scares goyim don't buy their shit
>anal buttplugs
are there buttplugs that aren't anal?
>All pussy bitches the kike state is the only one with balls to fight.
they don't fight, they play dirty
also, they "fight" with your tax money, so be a good goy and don't criticize gods chosen people.
>not one innocent person was standing next to the devices when they started going off completely indiscriminately
>they play dirty

this shit straight up dosent exit and never has existed if you just look at all the shit we did back during the cold war we just lost the mentality and the kikes kept it, there is no honor in street fights you kick the balls
>Kick someone in the balls
>Refuse to end the fight so you can keep kicking them in the balls
the han chinese were forced to wear little gay ass pony tails by the manchu to show submission for centuries,we forgot what planet we live on pussy liberals and IMF sanctions cant rule the world.
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heres my p25 on deck
why would anyone wear those things the day after most of them exploded
israel doesn't have balls, it just has US senators BY the balls
Hezbollah is not the first place I'd go If I wanted to buy a walkie/talkie or pager.
Imagine one of these booby trapped pagers, walkie talkies or cellphones on a plane

Jew kikes are the biggest terrorists on the planet
>it dosent take balls to hold the most powerful nation in the world as a hostage
>muslim terrorists taking explosives on a plane
destroy limit hezbollah member's ability to communicate, maybe take out a few in the process and maybe foment division and strife inside hezbollah. There are already reports of internal fighting and paranoia within hezbollah.
yesterday => pagers
today => walkie talkies*
keep up
* and other unconfirmed devices
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Who said it was Taiwan's fault? All strife and evil in the world can unironically be blamed on the Jews.
an 8 year old girl was killed, 2800 injured and this was only in the first attack wave
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>Whats the usecase of blowing up your enemy when they aren't invading you?
They want to genocide those pesky Palestinians who have claim to Israel land. Or drive them into Europe.
>Jew kikes are the biggest terrorists on the planet
Always have been. They have nukes pointed at Rome, Paris, and Berlin, just in case things don't go PRECISELY the way the want.
>Who said it was Taiwan's fault?
I'd imagine Jews mostly.
>these devices that were procured by a terrorist organization and distributed to their agents to relay orders are somehow exclusively in the hands of civilians
I genuinely don't understand this line of thought.
There is precedent. Stuxnet escaped containment and damaged Siemens PLCs worldwide, including those at water treatment and power plants.
Isreal DOES NOT care about collateral damage.
>Those civillians are human shields, we HAVE to kill them!
Are you actually retarded or just pretending?
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PETN doesn’t explode from heat. It needs a detonator.
And the Manchus were effectively wiped out by the end of the 19th century after the chinks chimped out under Mao
Next time just don't buy used pagers from deathtodajooz on ebay?
yes every empire falls
The fact that thet heavily infiltrated Lebanon and Iran to carry out these attacks should scare those countries. No wonder Iran has done nothing after sabre rattling so much.
Start a war now so whichever president is next inherits it and can't stop it. Trump, as much Israel dick that he sucks, is much more likely to get peace across the board vs Kamala or Jill Stein
well we'll see how long that goodwill lasts as they insist on continuing to "martyr" the children of the hez leadership. I know this is what insurgencies do, they hide behind innocents, but bibi needs to be replaced as soon as possible because this is getting ridiculous
Lots of Lebanese not affiliated with Hezbollah got blown up too
>walkie kikie
Lebanon is a nation state?
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I dunno trump is pretty convincing
Airports check for explosives
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The delegation (to the European Jewish settlers in Shanghai) included Amshinover rabbi Shimon Sholom Kalish. The Japanese governor was curious and asked "Why do the Germans hate you so much?"

Without hesitation and knowing the fate of his community hung on his answer, Reb Kalish told the translator (in Yiddish): "Zugim weil wir senen orientalim—Tell him [the Germans hate us] because we are Orientals."

The governor, whose face had been stern throughout the confrontation, broke into a slight smile. In spite of the military alliance, he did not accede to the German demand and the Shanghai Jews were never handed over
>Lots of self-hating Arabs have no problem getting blown up.

Ftfy, Jew

Without khazbellah, there'd be no Lebanon standing today
The fact that you're pretending the Jews are a little fledling and not funded and backed by 90% of the world reveals that you're a Jew
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>Japanese ICOM VHF transceivers were specifically implicated.
Quansheng chads stay winning.
>Oy vey
>We want to kill your babies
>It's your fault goy
>You're antisemitic if you don't let us kill your babies

least psychotic jew
Hezbollah members are civilians who belong to a militant terrorist group
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you never hear about innocent people getting their nuts blown off. Israel should be commended for their excellent work at targeting only bad guys' testicles.
>REEEEEEEEE you're a terrorist unless you stop resisting my illegal immigration to your land, as well as the acts of raping you, maiming you, stealing your organs, tissues, and skin, building a Jewish ethnostate on your land, dispossessing you, enslaving you, and committing genocide against you

Fuck you

icom is a nice brand, too!!!
childslayer is rarely a name you want to earn.
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What if this was the last thing you ever saw before you lost your vision forever?
Normies do what the tv tells them to do.
>most people seem to reject that the battery itself is the problem.
Go try and mail a lithium ion battery.
Kamala's husband is an israeli.
Good morning John, how's your flouride water today?

I'm pro-battery as the attack vector.
Not surprising to anyone who knows real Japanese history

Besides the Jewish ethnostate being a White military outpost and Japan LARPing as a White country

The Japanese emperor Hirohito's siblings wrote in their diaries how they worshiped Jews and begged rabbis in Tokyo to convert them

Japan tried to create a Jewish ethnostate in Manchuria and give Jews control of the Japanese economy

Anglos and Jews funded Japan, turned Japan into a regional power as a thorn against Russia, and Japan would've never defeated Russia without funds from Anglos and Jews

Japan thinks the stuff about Jews controlling the world through banks is real and wants to rule the world with Jews

Japan let Jews do anything in SEA, refused to kill or rape any Jew, and raped and killed White Gentile Christian European girls

Japan shielded Jews from Germans

When visiting SEA, Germans screamed at Japanis for letting Jews run around instead of killing them
Do you think Hezbollah will target the Japanese guys running those companies?
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>Oy vey hszbollah is this mighty foe and also they're weak
>Israhell is master race

Hi, jew
no the jews literally randomly put bombs in them, hoping some of em will end up with hezbollah members

several children died, including christians (hezbollah is a shia organization btw)
/pol/tards, Jews, chuds, are all the same, retard
Hezbollah is an indigenous resistance movement against the Jewish settler colonial ethnostate
israel was out in force on the thread yesterday shilling against the lion theory. Pretty wild.
>dodges the question
Gee, what race does that?
Yeah, loved seeing how the explosives theory popped across all threads at the same time, answering multiple posts at once. Once you notice the patterns it's impossible to not noooootice
Yeah, it's super cool to literally see operatives. They made my skin crawl.
>childslayer is rarely a name you want to earn.

Jews are actually proud of that title

Only when they speak to gentiles do they deny it

Jews literally record themselves eating gentile babies and post it on social media
Honestly it disappointed me a little. They are not even trying anymore. Maybe they use other methods when they are not in crisis control
I was going to say how some of these could have ended up in the hands of random people doing airshit larps and the likes, but it's not like collateral casualties is something the jews have a track record of giving a shit about anyway
>they control the banks
>they control media
>they control high corpo
>they control academia
>they control cyberwarfare

Good luck, I guess. LoL.
They literally think they are God's chosen people and everyone else are goyim that can be sacrificed at will.

They don't give a fuck anymore. Jewish century is coming!
I heard a joke (possibly not a joke) that the last time Afghanistan was peaceful was when Alexander the Great had the flu for a few days lol
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Yep, an old discontinued model, so probably brought second hand from somewhere and intercepted along the way by Israel and CIA (TAO) for the explosives to be added
Zionism as a concept is essentially the artificial fulfillment of Jewish prophecies. In order to fulfill those prophecies according to the interpretations of the Kabbalists who have been the driving force behind Zionism since at least 1666, they need to embroil Lebanon, Iran and "Edom" (the West) in a major war. If you really want to know the background, watch these videos and read up on the various topics he mentions:

the cope is pretty funny. Your guy is a jew lover
according to reuters, purchased 5 months ago, along with the pagers
Afghanistan was only peaceful when it was part of Iran. Afghans are subhumans who only know how to sleel with the enemy.
Zionism was invented in the 18th and it's a Western project you fucking retard

You sound like a Jew by polluting the well

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