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Yesterday pagers detonated by the jew, today walkie talkies detonated by the jew, what's stopping them from putting explosives charges in every iPhone?
It's almost like they're poisoning the well.
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iToddlers would literally be BTFO
already have >>102441441
Just don't be a terrorist. Sounds easy enough to me
you should remove intel cpu before it explodes
Israeli state sponsored terrorism.
They have now detonated thousands of hidden bombs in public areas. Their murder is indiscriminate
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Buy Chinese phones from now on
the aryan jewish BVLL marches on until TMD is achieved. daily reminder they are literally the only white state with birth rates on levels of niggers kek. THE ARYAN JEWISH BVLL will run the world until there are no stars left in the universe
I don't see how this is a victory for Israel. They might have explosively castrated a few thousand muzzies but that's a drop in the bucket for the middle east.

What was the point of even doing this?
Next are cock rings and anal dildos from Hamas.
A massive rise in anti-semitism both locally and globally which Israel can then use as an excuse to pretend to be the victim when they finally nuke a city
you stop buying cheap chinese lithium ion batteries, goy
buy dead sea lithium. 100% kosher
What is this, 1910? Do we refer to grenades as bombs again? These didn't have the power of a grenade. Words have meaning. But your words are meaningless.

No explosives necessary, well, the batteries themself are explosives. Do you ni/g/gers know how induction works?
this is going to be funny
show us
i always laugh it is called fucking INTEL and you are voluntarily using it.. lmaoooo
Fucking lost holy shit
To strike deep rooted fear, ever permanent fear into the hearts of mleccha muslims.
Goading Lebanon into attacking them so they have a Causus Belli to bulldoze them aswell
bibi will die from old age in office or see the whole region turn into radioactive glass
The batteries aren't the ones exploding like that, the Mossad tampered with the devices before entering Lebanon, simple as.
Lithium ion batteries combust, don't explode.
If you look on /pol/ jidf is trying to float the idea that if you say anything negative about Isreal online they will blow up your phone.
Here's your well deserved (You)
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Very well played, holy shit
proprietary screws
Who do you think invented them?
>grrr me no like you! me rapey rapey and kili kili! me take your stuff!
OK *defeats you*
Why are Russianshits and Iranshits like this?
tomorrow probably laptops
Based. Maybe if you want to play fun time pirates in the desert you should stop sourcing all of your technology from your "enemy".
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They'll be paranoid to use walkie talkies and pagers going forward. That paranoid concern will lead to other mistakes.
>jews killing monkeys vs monkeys killing jews
win win either way for me
Ok but if they revert to messengers on motorbikes, wouldn't that neutralize a large chunk of Israel's massive e-surveillance advantage?
On the ground informants, spy satellites, Lora radio communication on low power planted bug devices. There are still options that are likely more easily intercepted.
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>what's stopping them from putting explosives charges in every iPhone?
he thinks they havent already
lmao even
>Goading Lebanon into attacking them so they have a Causus Belli to call the US in to bulldoze them aswell

Because it appeals to naive autists (me seven(?) years ago) who hate hypocrisy. I don't understand why western governments/glownigs handle it so fucking poorly, it feels like it shouldn't be that hard to combat the retarded narratives chinks/Russians come up with. I guess because they have to satisfy the bpd demographic at the same time and they care about them more.
They have no other option when their entire propaganda apparatus is around how weak and effeminate the West is. Like imagine constantly being btfo by the supposed "tranny" West. How embarrassing must that be?
Dominance, they want to send muzzies a clear message to not mess with them.
Get the USA involved in a war
Demonstration of power and keeping us from coming to Christ which is their ultimate goal
Making muzzies fear all communication devices is pretty based
Now they will be able to assassinate whoever they want with phones.
>swap target's phone
Muzzies: heh I'll surround myself with my kids and family so then I can't be attacked
is he okay?
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>every single army in the world, soldier stands in front of kids and elderly
>mudslime armies, uhhh lemme hide in kindergartens and hospitals
why are muslims so cowardly and evil? they'd sacrifice their own children and wives as shields
Yeah. I think they gave away a big exploit for what? A few hundred (maybe) muzzies dying
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Jews do it all the time
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Chinks fund Jews
>All the strongest and most developed nations in the world with happiest and most educated and intelligent people in them side with and respect Israel and jews
>somehow they are all wrong and anons shithole country is right, so we are supposed to hate jews because ___?
make it make sense
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Aside from the fact that you're a subbuman for being retarded enough to WE WUZ, you Jews are in fact trying to exterminate the real Aryans
>heccin centrist
>still refers to gentiles as monkeys

I thought you Jews have a high IQ
If they were educated and intelligent, they wouldn't serve you, the Jew, who sees them as subhumans i.e. goy/gentile

If the world made sense, you'd literally be catapulted into space so no one has to deal with you schizos ever again
It's for your own good goy
You have nothing to fear unless you are a terrorist
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Now let me see you condemn the Talmud and blame Jews for pouring Muslims into White Gentile lands
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Why are you Jews always self-projecting?
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Every accusation from the Zio is an admission
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The only time Jews "proved" that Palestinians use human shields is when they took a satellite photo of a building and drew some red lines around it in Photoshop, and they call you an anti"semite" if you don't take it seriously.
Jews will call you an anti"semite" when you learn they're the most evil shit out there when you learn they don't see differences between Goys, blame all Goys for anything a Goy does, have concentrated almost 3 million Goy refugees (Palestinians) into a camp, kept the camp up for almost 100 years and that the concentration camp is 40 km long and 6 km wide
schizophrenic terrorist and child grooming pedo freak
> t. rabbi from the terrorist pedo country
kek basido
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>t. self-projecting Jew
They're quite literally discriminating based on possession of standard issue Hezbollah gear.
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>exploding iphones was a beta test

My mom is an itoddler...
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please jews do it it'd be the only based thing you ever do
Make a high quality compact that works on all US bands that is also rootable. Then we can talk (on my new rootable compact chinkphone (long distance charges may apply)).
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Wat phone, wat OS, wat network?
Watch out guys, this anonymous board is loaded with expl
c4 has been around for a very long time, i do not understand this hysteria

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