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iPhones are exploding in Lebanon, throw your iPhone now and save your face from being btfo
You have nothing to fear unless you are a terrorist ;)
>vote trump
>get your iPhone exploded in your face
>blind for the rest of your life
yeah nothing to fear
Then don't vote trump, should be pretty easy, right?
this just means apple is going to start making tamper labels for their products and it will probably drop prices in the used device marketplace
kek i love rightoids and their persecution fantasies
>conservatives: have to keep their heads down or some shitlib is going to make them lose their job, censor them, put them in jail or outright murder them - not persecuted
>shitlibs: might be called "sir" while raping kids in a girl's bathroom - ZOMG THIS IS TRANS GENOCIDE
Never gets old.
nta but
>noooooo I'm the victim here BAAWWWWWWWWWWWW
will someone please think of the racebaiting blacked and bnwo webm posting mudslimes from int, trash, and gif. NOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE JEWISH BVLLS DONT KILL THE SUBVERSIVE GASLIGHTING MUDSLIMES BY EXPLODING THEIR PHONES!!!!
>zogbot literally can't think of anything mudslims are guilty of, so he just randomly decides to accuse them of spreading blacked cuckshit
>when literally every single blacked cuckshit porn site is owned by jewish corporations
Paul Joseph was right.
im sorry but im just too good at nooooooooticing, i can tell when some mudslime immigrants in netherlands or france posts cuckshit on gif and int
kek i love rightoids and their persecution fantasies
No sane /g/entooman would be using hardware backdoored iphones on the first place
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My phone is getting tapped using the 2004 laws against terrorism, so I'm a terrorist.
Richfags fear me.
No i want to have a suicide tool just in case
Was turning every device in lebanon into a havana syndrome weapon not enough for Israel?
Did the mainstream media touch you in a bad place while you were a kid?
Imagine the electric cars LMAO
Peace in the Ukraine is more important than you shitty retard religion phones.
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Not a single accusation from a Zio hasn't been an admission
Not a single jew has done anything like this. I'm sure that one liberal kike woman in some shitty college saying that europe needs more diversity is just as bad as literal gangs of shitskins raping children and assaulting people over europe.
No it isn't
>Spreading FUD

Good tactic, mudslime
The republican party is a pressure release valve. The uniparty is in control.
Where's that anime posting troon when you need xer?
>Lithium battery fails for the millionth time this month
>Endless retarded IDF shill posts flood every website
I don't really see how this helps Israel. It seems counter productive to make me hate them more.
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It is
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>Lose thousands of dollars over decades buying or paying contract fees for Apple dogshit to browse social media and take blurred drunken pictures instead of getting an android for 1/10th of the price that basically does the same shit
>it explodes because of literal jews saying "ACTIVATE IT" like some /pol/ meme

This is the funniest shit I've ever heard in my LIFE
Wait, can jews actually explode your shit remotely?
Nobody wants peace in Ukraine, besides Ukrainian soldiers who just get genocided and thrown into the meatgrinder.
>Ukraine government
Makes fuckton of money. They will just leave what left of this so-called 'country' once it all ends
Makes fuckton of money
Makes fuckton of money, plus gets their weaponry tested for free
Makes fuckton of money
>Russian soldiers
Make fuckton of money. They just sign up 6 months contracts, get literal millions, then retire
Ukraine 'war' is fun.
chosen people shiet....
>Russia loves this war
Ok Ivan, have the ukranian/nato biochemically enhanced nazi warriors gotten to Moscow yet?
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# useradd nobody2
# /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G sudo nobody2
You have nothing to worry about if you use a phone case though, retards who use phones without cases deserve to get a battery blowing up
>>it explodes because of literal jews saying "ACTIVATE IT" like some /pol/ meme
Kek, I didn't make that connection until now. Then again neither did the Jews.
Stop being a terrorist supporter.
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>Barbara Lerner Spectre

A few days ago, she received 9 million of Swedish money by the largest neo-Nazi party in Sweden, the Sweden Democrats.

One of the co-founders of the party was a member of the Waffen SS. The party is also believed to be the most popular party in Sweden. It generates support by being "anti immigrant".

You can't make this shit up.

https://archive dot org/details/EuropeWillNotSurvive

https://archive dot is/CFig3
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this guy thinks hes a main character
You lost the culture war incel.
Over here you're saying you're anti--USA-fed, making you a terrorist in the USA.
Learn to speak English before trying to imply anything about me, Ahmed.
That actor would sue any anon the moment he sees that anon have a torrent client open.

Let that sink in. He's oppressing you and you make us witness that.
I've not seen any evidence that this isn't just phones exploding at their usual pace and then being blamed on israel due to the news
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that picture is from 2021
don't tell me you retards are too simple to do a reverse image search
get the fuck off /g/
Guess who pushes to let them in
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Imagine being a terrorist and knowing that your personal electronics could blow up on you at any time. Get fucked!
>REEEEEEEEE stop resisting my tranime illegal immigration to your land, as well as the acts of raping you, maiming you, stealing your organs, tissues, and skin, building a Jewish ethnostate on your land, dispossessing you, enslaving you, and committing genocide against you
Over here you're saying you're anti-USA-fed, making your a terrorist in the USA.

Better? No, right? You're too uneducated, probably.
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It's not that they're too simple. They're literally non human AI bots created with the express purpose of driving a narrative. Both from mossad and Hezbollah/Hamas. Every state has a server farm filled with these bots astroturfing enemies and running apologia for their own side 24/7 specifically on American websites to influence the American electorate.
Dead Internet but more world war III and less Grandma liking fucked up AI images of shrimp Jesus.
I didn't say anything about the Fed or the US and you're still an ESL retard that can't form a coherent English sentence. Brush up on your language drills and get off American English speaking sites. There must be a corner of the Internet for your kind. Stay there.
reminder you're talking to a US-funded shill

Yes you did, you said stop support the US-feds. They are threatening us "ESL"s with violence and fear. That is the definition of a terrorist. And saying you're against the US-feds, makes you a terrorist within the USA.

What's for dinner? Mac and cheese?
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>All that text just to let me know you're seething
Guess you could just create your own walkie talkies with micro chips not assembled in a NATO allied country so you can... Let me check my notes. Ah right, take out NATO and all of their allies. Fucking idiot. I hope you get your dick blown off.
Except terrorism is based when we do it. Might makes right. That's why you're bitching and moaning to me in ENGLISH on an AMERICAN hosted website using a computer with a chip most likely made by an American company manufactured in never NATO countries. And before you think you can escape by going the Chinese route just know that they'd love nothing more than to blow your dick off too for disrupting global trade which is literally their whole economy. Eat shit and stop being a terrorist. Full stop.
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Is khamas and khazbol in the room with us right now, Moshe?
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>Anyone that laughs at inbred terrorist retards being castrated by a walkie talkie is a Jew
Shalom I guess, ma'am.
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No, it is not based. How come you think of the chinks? I don't give a flying fuck about chinks, bucko.
It's very based. And it's hilarious that you can't use any technology without fear that it's going to kill you. Maybe just hide in the desert making smoke signals to communicate.
Why is it hilarious to you? What's for dinner? Mac and cheese?
Way to prove his point, Anon.
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You can kill that shooter using a FPV drone, guys
>using a computer with a chip most likely made by an American company manufactured in never NATO countries
You mean designed by a Taiwanese company and assembled by a chink.
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It's hilarious because you're fighting against your so called oppressor but are entirely reliant on the technology they provide. And now you realize the futility of your heroes' struggle and you're seething about it. Nobody in the world gives a single fuck about Palestine outside of political expediency. Especially not Iran or the rest of the Arab states. Lebanon was probably planning some shit and now they'll sit the fuck down.
If you hate the West so much then stop using all of our things. Stop coming to our sites. Stop speaking our language. Stop running to our countries.
Divest yourself from the West, for my sake.
Dinner is a lamb burger filled with fresh herbs from my garden. Oregano, basil, lemon balm, dill, green onions, garlic. Very tasty. Very based.
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Peace in Ukraine
TSMC doesn't "design" chips. They get design specifications from American companies like Intel, Nvidia, or AMD and they make the dyes for the chips that get assembled in China. But again the design is American and the fabrication is through a NATO ally.
>blowing schools
>blowing hospitals
>blowing civillians
>blowing phones
>muh terrorists
You can tell this guy is jewish because his hatred of White people is stronger then anything.
>quoting the jew is spam
>the actual spam coming from the jew isn't spam

Sasuga 4chan keep kvetching how you're victim
>Terrorists in a school or hospital dressed as a civilian
Maybe stop doing that.
Trump is only good at talking about MIGA
>Source: baby killer

Very convincing
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>Le West is uhh ackshaully what certain politicial figures in the 80s retroactively co-opted it to be you goyi- err I mean- you terrorist...
I'm noooticing
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iTods literally blown the fuck out
>muh babies
We both know you wouldn't give a shit about muh heckin baberinos if it didn't have a foreskin. Cut the shit. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. If you don't want to be blown up for doing terrorism maybe stop doing terrorism. Or just try doing terrorism without buying a bunch of American products. Good luck Abdul.
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Old news
>largest neo-Nazi party in Sweden, the Sweden Democrats
In a cucked way this makes sense.
>None of the cunts in charge of NATO countries, Ukraine and Russia want peace in Ukraine.
Fixed that for you
I think most of ukranians and russians want this war to end along with almost anybody outside of those countries who isn't a sociopath
ok then jews are crybabies who still cry about an ancient genocide from a gorillion years ago. anyone who complains about discrimination is just a crybaby, right?
in the previous thread, israeli spies attempted to mock the idea that, in general, lithium ion batteries are bombs.

Though the elements of the israeli government spread lies, I persisted in my commentary, and pointed out that we don't know which devices are capable of detonating the integral bombs (lithium ion batteries), and we don't even know if eg a square wave results in a different yield, we just don't know.
Who's asking for a retcon? It's called pragmatism. Our terrorism is based, justified, and morally correct because we can back it up instead of hiding our hand. Your terrorism is beta, cringe, and morally wrong because you dress in civilian clothes and hide in hospitals hoping your enemies will stick to their own rules that you don't respect.
Fuck you and fuck that. I hope you all get a war crime dropped on your head by Israel. Somebody needs to do it and I'm glad it's them. We give them enough money they may as well do something productive with it.
Orwell called your reduced emotional experience out, I call it "the orgasm of the boot". Australians say "he's having a wank."
>Israel has access to a sophisticated 0day that can turn any connected device with a lithium battery into an explosive
>Israel sold the Muslims devices with an implanted explosive
>>102 444451

>>10244 4301

>>102 444221

>>1024 44640

>>102 444146

>>1024 44101

>>1024 44063

>>102 444038

>>1024 43992

>>10244 4690

Ba by kill er tryin g to not same fag and schiz o babb le challen ge fa iled
same with yours you fucking retard
For sure they're all capable of being bombs if supplied with the correct voltage spike. Just stop using American products that have a backdoor to provide such a voltage.
israel never stuck to any rules. This is approximately the cause of expulsion, and what makes it unavoidable in israel as well, because the Christian claim to israel is the more substantial.
Holy shit you get warned that your post is spam and it doesn't get posted if you quote the literal Zio shill
>any connected device with a lithium battery into an explosive
No just iPhones
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>I had to kill babies...
>Because they were terrorists for not being a jew!
>Because they were human shields!
>Because you don't care about them

So much deflection, Moshe
K? You think I care who gets some worthless land in the desert? Despite what the coping ESL retard in the thread wants you to think, I'm not a Jew or even Jewish adjacent. I don't care when either side gets fucked up but it's for sure funnier when the Muslims get btfo since they want to violently kill me and destroy America for whatever reason. Zero sympathy. Happy belated 9-11.
imo just a non-integrated watchdog circuitbreaker is all that needs to be added.
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>ok then jews are crybabies who still cry about an ancient genocide from a gorillion years ago
the american republican party is the biggest supporter of zionism in the world.
>Israel destroys the communications industry
>You think I care who gets some worthless land in the desert?
That's literally all you care about, moshe
Actually the Chinese Terror of the coming century on your bitchmade ass is gonna be what's really based nigga. Sorry in advanced Shlomo.
Who said you had to kill the babies? It's more that the terrorists don't need to do terrorist things around babies but they rely on babies being killed as a part of their PR. Nobody would care if Hamas held artillery were blown up in some isolated desert. But they intentionally house it near civilians so there is necessarily casualties. Fuck them and fuck the civilians that condone it and support them. If combatants wear plain clothes then plain clothes civilians get the bullet too.
Am I a terrorist for saying the holocaust didnt happen
(unhinged irrelevant yidding)
schizo yid plox
>You have to be Jewish! Because you just have to ok!?
I've been to China. They're not taking over anything until they figure out how to make tap water that's safe to drink.
>Dusty tears
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Jews have also done that, it’s just with younger kids. It’s approved of in the Talmud.
No, just an edgy twelve-year-old.
Isn't every mass media product on your "side" of the "culture war" failing miserably, to the point 1/3 of the people in the entertainment indistry (no matter which field) had to be fired in the last 1.5 years alone?
>absolutely zero source posted
why do mods let pajeet google shills post this trash?
they must be on the payroll or they’re jeets themselves.
they’ll probably delete this post too, because I’m right.
plain ole phone
>here goyim, is listening device
>here goyim, is stalker
>here goyim, is censor
>here goyim is literally a BOMB with a lithium ion "battery" (bomb) inside
brain implant
>here goy is thought monitor
/g/ is already a deletion hellhole. No other boards have more posts purged than this one, stop asking for even more censorship.
Can you write that in Hebrew for me?
The Internet went from 90% Western to 70% ESL retards from India and China. They're literally going it for free with a tint of patriotism for whatever shit hole they represent.
I don't speak any desert languages, Samir.
parasite kike
asian girls a cute and based
explain the gestures.
So far the score:
>Israel 3000+
>Lebanon 1 chicken
>If it walks like a duck, talks like a talk...
Speaking of /g/ - Technology
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You kill gentile babies because you love to kill goy babies, Jew
Yeah, why is Harris trying to take guns? Anybody can buy drones at Walmart, and they are way more capable. I guess people don't understand that they are crash drones. All electronics are disposable to some degree.
That would be pretty impressive if my Pixel 3 had been compromised all this time.
>the technology they provide
Well, israel didn't invent much.
Based as fuck
Fuck if I know. It's so Japanese show. Probably Kamen Rider if I had to guess.
they think israel is a fortress, not a glass house.
You and I both know the hate for Israel is just level one.
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>muh human shields

Keep self-projecting, Jew


Israel is a glass house if Arabs, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, South Koreans, Taiwanese, Europeans, Americans and Canadians stop funding it
>We're not using human shields
Everyone knows it and even if you weren't, nobody cares.
The west won. NATO won. US won. EU won. Israel won. Ukraine won. All the enemies of liberty, freedom, human rights, democracy, civilization will be punished. We do not negotiate with terrorists. Liberty is non-negotiable.

No amount of shilling and psyops on 4chan will change the reality. You, the faggot posting from Russia/China/Iran. You lost. It's over. Game over.
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The only time Jews tried to prove the indigenous people i.e. Palestinians use human shields is by taking a satellite photo and drawing red lines around it in Photoshop
You sound like that retarded shooter who shot at Trump this week.

Why are you all the same retard?
Must be true because it has to be said, right?
Correct and based. The only people that deny this aren't American and can safely be ignored.
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>No amount of shilling and psyops on 4chan will change the reality

Yet here you are, Jew
Oh no is that a world leader taking a picture with another world leader?
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I read gun stores are getting banned and not guns?

You've concentrated almost three million gentiles into a tiny camp, Jew

You've no proof too

If you don't care, why are you spamming the thread?
>Attack dog of the West
>World leader

>Denies China/Russia funds the attack dog of the West

Jew detected
>t. yellow roastie spam bot
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You are going to get droned to death. The last thing you see before you die will be the flag of NATO and US.
God bless.
Solar panels have exploded too!
Who even cares? Your kind reproduce only stupidity.
Why do you think I'm Jewish when I'm telling you I'm American? The world would be a better place if everything south of Turkey was nuked. It's that simple. You're all insufferable but seeing muds btfo in such a way is extra hilarious since you claim to hate the West but are slave to our technology and so this will not be the last.
If I open my phone will I die
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It's time to stop
>Farcical NAFO posting now
Oh so you're just underage
>195 nation-states in the world
>only one is Jewish
"B-b-but I'm not an antisemite just for hating Israel!"
This one is especially interesting. So a controller board of some kind? Do those have lithium ion batteries as well?
Maybe don't blow up babies.
God, I pray that Iran actually tries attacking Israel. These people need to be fucking flattened and we need their oil. Just give us an excuse already.
Putin hates globalhomo jews, but not all jews
Really, a pro Russian jew is hardly a jew at all.
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you are not white
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How is the FSB pay, Ivan?
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Don't really care about watching your meme edit zoom-zoom. Your life's destinty in Amerikkka is to fund the lifestyle of NEETGODS such as myself.
Won't have happened on a samsung btw
You will never stop seething about NATO, US and EU. It's your destiny as a thirdie poorfag to live in envy and contempt for your superiors. Maybe if you are lucky your sister comes to get knocked up by a rich western guy and sends you some money back home. That should be your goal in life, getting a sister or a daughter you can pimp out to rich westerners.
That's Slovenia, they're in NATO.
Bro is seething too hard to read straight. You're actively paying for my lifestyle NIGGA.
You are a serbian goat fucker in some rural village. The only ones paying for your lifestyle are your depressed alcoholic chainsmoking parents who are missing half their teeth. You are a loser. A poor faggot.
Bro I honest to goodness have no clue what you're yapping about. That old Baltic stuff is boring to me historically
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>they're in NATO.
They shouldn't be
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If you don't buy Huawei there's a high chance this will happen to you
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how do those work, do they have a phone installed?

We don't have a confirmation of that.
You fool Israel loves trump
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keep coping, filthy pig.

Amalek must die so that Jews can live, hownewru.
This is the most 4chan post I've seen today
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>he still uses Apple after today's incident
It's okay, they don't let anti israel politicians run for president anyway, you don't have to fear being exploded because you voted for the wrong guy because you can't vote for the wrong guy.
Sir your Hebrew "copium" is incorrectly written left to right.
Voting for the most pro-israel person on Earth will make Israel kill you. How?
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this looks AI generated.
just running as intended
That's an AI image.
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>Taliban uses Xiaomi phones
>was able to pull off the attack on the US army that killed 13 people on the day of departure
>was able to take over Afghanistan in 1 week

>Hamas uses Xiaomi phones
>was able to pull of an attack on Israel killing almost 400 people, kidnapping 200 more

>Hezbollah uses Taiwanese pagers with AMD chips
>immediately got hacked and their balls blown off

Hope you're not doing anything illegal on your iPhone, your Dell laptop, or your PC with Intel/AMD chips.
>He thinks china phones will save him instead of using non-digital comms like hamas did last year
that doesnt count. its different. google it
The Taliban used dudes on motorcycles. They carried codes and were kept separate from discussions, so they didn't know anything if tortured.
>the orgasm of the boot

I don't want a country that has any of your kind in it.
Imagine if there was a single nation exclusively for white Christians. The Jewish kvetching would be so loud you could hear it from another solar system. Even now they never stop their anti-white rhetoric, but don't you dare accuse them of being prejudiced against whites.
>₹418.20 was deposed into your account!
Thank you saar!
What makes you think non-digital equipment can't explode?
This stupid thread is still up? What the fuck is wrong with the gaped asshole tranitors?
Well, they used pen and paper...
Hard to put an explosive charge inside a pen, but not impossible.
Are you suggesting they too were blown up?? Even if they didn't catch the latest rounds of flooding it is possible they are still here. I expect more janitor recruiting soon though.
Anon, if you don't even inspect your pens during a war idk how to help you
So stop escalating the war and ignoring peace talks?
Why didn't you inspect your pagers?
Because I never ordered any. Also I'm still of the mind that they would have inspected them.
>Bro stop hurting the invading force
>Bro just give Russia Alaska and Washington
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The Taiwanese company has links to the FBI. They even bragged about it years ago.
well, you see, he's only pretending to love israel, just like he pretended to love the vax when he said it was a miracle that saved tens of millions of lives and told everybody to take it
I've never read a more accurate comment

Apple are masters at turning bad PR to a marketing advantage
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like Israel or not you have to concede this was a giga based attack
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>not at bump limit
>tranny janny flagged thread to autosage
i wonder who could be behind this
>Imagine if there was a single nation exclusively for white Christians.
Never gonna happen, chud.
Wouldn't be for Christians for too long, because Christians always flood their countries with jews and put them into power.

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