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When will they learn to code?
I mean even pajeets can do it so what the fuck is their problem?
Programming languages are in English and they refuse to learn even basic English words
pajeets can't do it
Why should they? Take a look at their market
Unironically this
Their website design take you back to the 90s...
They do it better than jeets.
Pajeets suck at coding because their only motivation is money and status.
They have no interest in creativity, knowledge etc.
There's literally nothing wrong with the way Japanese people program. Not all websites need to be an all white blank space rounded corner featureless pozzfest
coding is worthless dogslop for japanese
product matters way more than western shite clean code retards that ship awful "products" and try to fix it after release
They are fak products anyway since westerners no longer purchase anything physical
Like with all subjects there are a small core of Japanese computer scientists who do incredible work.
They compensate it by being great at hardware, or at least "compensated".
Equipment like headphones became popular in Japan earlier than in the west, not to mention the fact that they invented the cd and dvd which pioneered digital recordings.
for what purpose should they learn it now?
retarded weebs will eat up their low effort ai slop
Nay, japos are waaay better than pajeet at coding. Matzu created the ruby programming language, for example.

Pajeets are the cancer in the technology sector
The important point for OS is EROTIC Games
First off, fuck pajeets. Second, it's not that they don't know some basic English words. It's that they insist on using them when they don't even understand the language. It's genuinely tiresome communicating with Japanese over the internet who are clearly not fluent in English, and yet insist on talking to me in it anyways. I'd much rather just receive their Japanese and run it through GPT than watch them butcher my language. AI literally does better than them. The problem is, they think it's super cool to use English, hence retarded, randomass usage of English words being placed on titles and shirts just because.
What's with ruby tho?
They are too based
English is taught in japanese schools what are you on about
It's taught horribly to the point they don't know shit after learning the language for 12 years. Look up any jewtube video by former English teachers in Japan.
Kojimbo created Ruby
Perhaps that's why their culture is so good. They can't read most of the retardation on Twitter, so they mostly just do their own thing.
>culture is determined by the amount of interaction you have with a select group of morons online
kys jew
Their culture is coming to an end fast after they keep importing more non-white foreigners and of course them not having enough Jap babies.
Culturally they just don't value software engineering. Also consider that they already have a nice country and for the most part have no desire to live in the west, unlike Indians and Chinese etc who've used a software engineering career as a way to escape their countries.

I've been meeting lots of Japanese programmers recently so maybe there's some growing opportunities there, I'd like to create a startup in Japan and hire cheap Japanese code monkeys. With AI translation for stuff like documentation the language barrier is becoming less of an issue
Nta. Are they actually importing a bunch of brown people?
Yes? Japanese people have no idea how mentally ill westoids are.
>non-white foreigners
Make that "foreigners". Don't pretend that whites are innocent, they are the ones primarily responsible for political correctness.
White foreigners are infinitely better than non-white ones. If you're going to import foreigners, might as well make it the best of the bunch.
>they are the ones primarily responsible for political correctness
Jews aren't White
25% of their immigrants are Vietnamese. 19% are from mainland China, so CCP pushers. 11% are Filipinos.
They have no desire to innovate on what already works.
autism (but it works out).
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Why is that our problem though? (I'm assuming you're American or European). Importing immigrants for low pay skilled labor has been the standard for developed nations since.... Well.... Forever. Are you implying Japan has only recently had to do this on a large scale?
Honestly tech literacy is very bad. Teachers are clueless, as are students.
T. English teacher for 3 yrs k-9th.
Coping much?
Whites are super religious, and we really don't need that kind of pozz in Japan. It infects the society at its very roots.
I knew some Japanese programmers who were working in CommonLISP and(one of them) in Haskell.
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>so what the fuck is their problem?
>what's wrong with importing CCP pushers
>Whites are super religious
No they aren't. Christians don't read or follow their own book.
What a "pusher"?
They push the views of the CCP. Massive on college campuses in the US.
I'm actually at a university right now but I've never seen anything like that. Maybe it's because mine isn't well known. What do they actually try to do? Is it public speaking type shit?
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We have more important things to focus, like women and good coffee
Visual novels are simple programs, yet some of them are at the xenith of shit code.
Importing their game engines has been hell for some devs. Though I won't assume competence from localizers.
Like with clubs/groups and shit that setup tables with pamphlets & signs. They'll have a table and get people to read the CCP literature and join their club to indoctrinate them. China will also fund institutions to teach Mandarin, Chinese history, culture etc. as classes so they can push pro-CCP shit to students.
You're saying Japanese push CCP shit? Or do you just mean Asians in general? The former has me puzzled.
actually, ignore me. I've been too long without sleep. It makes sense now.
They are too based to become codemonkeys
You're missing the really problematic part on university campuses, which is that the CCP basically mandates you have a government sponsored club in the university if you have their students (like the commie cell in all companies they have over there), and this group will usually have state actors that organize disinformation, anti-protesting campaigns along with narcing on chinese students that go against the grain so they can be threatened with their families back home. They are also well known for losing their shit over even slightly "controversial" content in university courses and getting it censored.
NTA but I think he is saying that China exports immigrants with the intent that they push CCP propaganda. In fact I think the CCP might sponsor you if you agree to do it. I think I might've ran into something like this while I was at uni.
>bee le me
>average guy
>not handsome
>not ugly
>meet chinese transfer student
>she is weirdly friendly
>we have le sex
>out whole relationship she talks about American injustices that effect minority groups
>I could not care less
>just sex all semester and ditch her when she want's me to join a chinese culture club
There's that video in the UK I think of the CCP woman pushing their propaganda and some brown dude records them, questioning why they love Communism. She loses her shit and says you can't film her, and then packs up when he refuses to stop recording. It's easy to tell it's all propaganda too, just ask about the massacre and say that Taiwan is its own country.
That's some Red Sparrow shit, if you've seen the movie. But yes, that's exactly what they do. They never speak ill of China because you never know who the narc is reporting back to the superior. There are videos of two Chinese male students at an American university being interviewed, and they randomly start speaking great things about Mao Zedong.
never, they'll import westerners to code instead and that's a good thing
>Red Sparrow
lol Yeah I never thought of it like that.
>you never know who the narc is reporting back to the superior.
Crazy how good they've gotten at striking fear even from the other side of the globe. I feel bad for the Chinese people almost. Wonder if there is any way around it for them.
Some escape. There's plenty of illegal Chinese coming into the US through Mexico as well. The problem is you have to either fake your death or have no family living in China or else they're getting killed. Basically just like with the North Koreans.
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what's motivating these students to do it? Money? Threats? Brainwash nationalism? Or agents?>>102447708
Yeah, that's a problem. We already have niggers aping out over shit, we don't need asian monkeys too
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I taught English in a Japanese Elementary school for a year. I don't know how they did it but their second language classes are worse than American ones.
I keep hearing this but what specifically is worse?
>Money? Threats? Brainwash nationalism? Or agents?
One or more, really. Most likely money for their family. You target poor families or those with a parent in work camps. No different from criminals shaving time. Could also be kids of CCP ranking members.
>t. shitskin poo monkey
Good morning sar
I don't know about from a teaching perspective, but in terms of communication with adults, it varies. However, they all seem to want to use English if given the chance. Sometimes, it just makes me cringe and double read the sentence, other times, they accidentally make what their culture would consider to be a pretty major faux pas. Sometimes, they realize it, and try to course correct. It's just weird to witness. Either way, I usually have to re-read their "translation" of the sentence more than I would from GPT to understand it- and also GPT flows more smoothly. They can't translate as good as AI on the vast majority of occasions
China and North Korea, prime model of the modern dystopia.
So let me break down my two experiences with teaching English.

First is when I was working as an assistant teacher for a dispatch company.
I was practically a white monkey. I sang songs and did fun games bur overall didn't really teach. I got tired of that real quick since I didn't go to school to act like a clown.

I then moved to Osaka and worked for a school as a direct hire. The way they taught was very mathematical. By that I mean they just learned the category of words and just learned where to put them. If this then use verb but if that then use noun. Also they REFUSE to let filthy gaijin write or edit their SUPERIOR 2000 TIMES FOLDED English text books and since nobody knows English so nobody knows if it's actually correct or not. Most of the time it's "grammatically correct"......most of the time, but a lot are very awkward and unnatural sounding.

Here are some examples
>Soon I will see a dog and people think that's good.
>When can a mother see a child?
>Rain? I think that one is correct.

It was funny because the English teacher literately could not speak English and only knew the sentences for the class and the answers. He had a lot of technical knowledge but could not apply it. Language is an art, not a science. Just because you know every color in the world does not mean you know how to use them.

Had a lot of fun though. I fucked some porn-star grad whore. But she just stood still like dead fish so I didn't enjoy it. Then I got some kinda ugly chick but she know how to fuck and suck like a pro.
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>Soon I will see a dog and people think that's good.
Why does (((society))) push dog seeing on us bros....
Damn I am currently studying language acquisition and behavioral science. I think it's interesting that they insist that their isolated pure Japanese English text book is number one. Language learning is the one place where you want the outside influence of the language's culture no? You would think the nips would get hip to this. Also how common are porn stars in Japan? Aren't a ridiculous amount of women part of the industry in some way?
All their embedded electronic devices are programmed though?

They just program simply and use languages that work and don't jerk off over 'muh OOP', 'muh functional', 'muh AGILE method' and other such nonsense.
They outsource all coding to the pajeets as far as I can tell
I'm not sure what porn star grad whore means? Was she a student about to graduate from the school, or are you saying she was a grad student? >>102448731
>also how common are porn stars in Japan?
Haven't a clue, but if nothing else, it seems to me a lot more voice actresses are okay with voicing lewd stuff (anime) or sex (Visual Novels) than the average American Voice Actress.
>Language learning is the one place where you want the outside influence of the language's culture
Precisely. But, it's part of Japanese culture to be xenophobic and exclusive towards outsiders, while simultaneously being polite on the surface.
See term: "Honne and tatemae"
>Also how common are porn stars in Japan? Aren't a ridiculous amount of women part of the industry in some way?
Japan, and Asia in general are weird in that regard. I wouldn't say that a lot of women are in the porn industry but a lot of women are in the sex industry and porn is just apart of it. Every street has some sort of snack bar, a bar that happens to have girls in it that will talk to you and laugh at your joke. Then you have hostess bars, an upgrade from snack bars. And don't forget your bunny girl bars and maid cafes and titty bars and brothels and blowjob bars and street hookers and you get the point. Most women are in some way or shape "selling" themselves off to men. Some offices will just hire slutty women as interns or office ladies so the men can release their urges and focus on their work. But it's seen as normal for young women so marrying a women who did that stuff is not seen as weird, but for a older women to be doing that is a bit...not bad but like "oh your still not married"?

Oddly enough I did not get a girlfriend even though I tried. I wasn't in Tokyo so maybe that's why but the stereotype of Jap girls throwing themselves at white men is not true.

Yes you should have outside influence of the language's culture. But Japan is weird and I don't think that will change anytime soon.
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Sir I think you just banged what many of you would refer to as a "libshit". Liberal ideology doesn't mean Chinese spy. If anything all that tells me that she'd be HEAVILY opposed to the CCP considering they do even worse shit to their own citizens and minorities than whatever she told you.

>There are videos of two Chinese male students at an American university being interviewed, and they randomly start speaking great things about Mao Zedong.
Shit like THIS however is more likely to be genuine spooky shit.

>or have no family living in China or else they're getting killed. Basically just like with the North Koreans.
Citation needed
>porn-star grade
In this context grade does not mean a school grade but the quality of something. So she was porn star quality.
So I mean she was really hot like a porn star. Like a 9/10. Perfect body, face, tits, ass. But she acted like a dead fish, I couldn't even finish.
The stereotype is overstated by a bunch of horny weirdos writing smutty blog posts online that are mostly bullshit. Check any Asian girl thread on /gif/ and it's like something you'd read in an old school porn mag. Yeah man, I fucked Hitomi Tanaka on top of the Tokyo Big Sight center.
You'd have to be crazy to think the Japanese, who are particular about how they do EVERYTHING, won't also have a particular way they do relationships. Why would they mess around with someone who doesn't know anything about that? Either you're chad thundercock or she resents her culture and sees white culture as a way out. The latter is a major source of Asian women coming over to the west. The actual trad wives are the ones who insist the white guy comes to them.
>they refuse to learn even basic English words
never heard of this, their daily speech is even peppered with English words they all pick up in school, their language has literally been gradually evolving with Amerimutt influence - for better or for worse, and they produce plenty of software that they keep to themselves and foreigners tend to be too lazy to put in the hard work to translate outside of the rare and occasional exception
>or else they're getting killed
No retard, they just pressure your family into pressuring you to not be a treacherous little faggot overseas. In countries where families actually matter, your daughter being a tattooed up lesbian reflects poorly on you too.
That's exactly it. Why date a white man when you can have a Japanese man who has the same values and know the customs of dating. At least that was what other expats told me. Dating in Japan in weird, so I was told, so I don't think I missed out on much. I enjoyed the women though, can't imagine how much money I spend going to those places getting my dick sucked and slamming some ass. But overall I was happy with my experience living in Japan. Meeting new people and learning the language and culture.
I disagree. It may be overexaggerated, but it also may be more prevalent than we tend to give credit. I was speculating about the voice actress stuff, but I do have some concrete knowledge.
I had family that lived in Japan for years, and they were pretty familiar with coworkers being into prostitution, dominatrixes specifically. I don't believe my family to be experts on Japan, but I'd say the Japanese don't see infidelity and love vs sex the same way Americans do.
Here's an article from 1993 that involves infidelity on the part of both husband and wife
This. Most asian girls but especially japanese ones insist you play they're autism dating game. It sucks for people who can barely figure out how relationships work in their country. The way my autistic brain works I actually enjoyed figuring out the hidden game mechanics and gaming the system.
I think Chinese women date white guys more often but they get round the issue by trying to Sinicize their husbands. I used to learn the language and half the guys in the learning center were sent by their Chinese wives.
Wrong, look at Kovid Goyal
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>also how common are porn stars in Japan?
Consider this: why are there so many anime about fake, forced relationships (that eventually become true). Koi to Uso, Nisekoi (gotta say, these both suck), "More Than A Married Couple, Less Than Lovers", Oreshura, motherfucking Rent A Girlfriend, Spy x Family... arranged marriages, bf-gf relationships based on a lie out of social necessity... and rental girlfriends. There's anime tropes, but anime is still sub-culture; it draws on that stuff from somewhere
>The actual trad wives are the ones who insist the white guy comes to them.
imo Asian girls can act more princessy, helpless, and feminine than white women, and that's not inherently a good thing. Feminine looking women are best, and some aspects of femineity in terms of psychology-personality are golden. Not all of them, though
Taught English in Japan a while back (2015ish). Rural schools don't teach tech literacy or have computer rooms so students can learn to type. Felt like the 1980s. They think turning a computer on will instantly give it a "virus from China". That's what the principle told me.
Where did this meme about japan not being able to code come from? We are really good at what we do, we just don’t want to start companies because it’s too risky
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They are competent enough to build their own ARM based supercomputer that runs on both a custom Linux kernel and another custom lightweight microkernel.
They included gravure in that, so it basically doesn't count. There aren't 100 porn videos being released a day, you can only get that number by including gravure/"idol" videos
well, their pc-98 still lost to windows, and even mac
They're good at adopting slang words into their lexicon. Even we do it with their Japanese words to some extent (ex. Kawaii, heavily used by weebs). This does not directly translate to actually being PROFICIENT (not even fluent, proficient) in the language. Just because they have what would essentially be reverse-weebs doesn't mean they're actually any good at speaking English.
they use common lisp
>women and good coffee
but enough about Medellín
Their PISA English scores have been plummeting for the past decade though
Plotting in random English words, or even making up fake English words won't teach them English
Most of Japan's attempts at developing a domestic home PC market were stifled by foreign interests. PC-98 was no exception to this even with it's comparative weaknesses.
So Americans should be good at French because of all the French loanwords in English?
I don't see Americans often wearing shirts with random french words on them, nor do I see a large number of them trying to speak exclusively French (not just loan words) whenever they encounter French people in the United States
Goyman here (with the added complexity of being EFL, for some obscure reason), countries that are large and relevant have the curse of having dubbing available, meaning all popular English media gets translated.
I noticed Eastern European students were all much more fluent in English than their German counterparts, probably from all the (pirated) media consumed in original dubs.
>even pajeets can do it
Good morning saaaar!
Another schizo aka Weeb detected because only Weebs think Japanese culture isn't Western culture and Japanese don't use Twitter

Also not surprising that the schizo was retarded enough to fall for Reddit spacing
You're a schizo for not knowing anything about the things that you claim to be an expert on

1. Jews are White

2. You only put Japs on a pedestal because they LARP as Westerners (which makes your schizo more apparent to people since you pretend to hate Westerners)

3. You should kill yourself for pretending otherwise

4. Japs are brown

5. Japs are one of the biggest simps of Jews


Go back, Redditor.
That's not even a Japanese thing though, everyone does that and everyone wears shirts with English on it because the Anglosphere is the culture capital of the world. I distinctly remember watching a documentary on Liberia or some shit and a guy was wearing a biggie smalls t-shirt.
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Imagine being such a schizo that you claim to hate the Jews and the West while worshiping Japs

The delegation (to the European Jewish settlers in Shanghai) included Amshinover rabbi Shimon Sholom Kalish. The Japanese governor was curious and asked "Why do the Germans hate you so much?"

Without hesitation and knowing the fate of his community hung on his answer, Reb Kalish told the translator (in Yiddish): "Zugim weil wir senen orientalim—Tell him [the Germans hate us] because we are Orientals."

The governor, whose face had been stern throughout the confrontation, broke into a slight smile. In spite of the military alliance, he did not accede to the German demand and the Shanghai Jews were never handed over
Yeah bro poor African countries relying on donations is the same thing as Japs choosing to wear English shirts

Kill yourself retard stop coping and it NOW stop hurting yourself
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Your point has some merit. But I'm not sure it's the whole answer. Do the English words indicate a brand or something that makes sense as related to the shirt? Or are they literally random as fuck?
UX design is not programming.
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Japan dominates Twitter. Population of 120million, and more than half of them use the platform.
Is America a vassal state of the French?

Does America consume French media on a daily basis?

Does America use new French words in every sentence?

Does America use the French as a moxel state?

>Your point has some merit.

Stop replying to your post to cope after you got BTFO by this anon >>102449985

You fucking retard
That anon agreed with me And I haven't been replying to my own post. Don't even bother typing, it's wasteful for all of us.
It is interesting exactly because they all use Twitter but they don't interact with westerners on it, retard. That's because of the language barrier.
It's hilarious how you can't stick to a single fucking argument and bounce around like a retard trying to make a point stick

>'uhh japs have english loan words!'
>half of english comes from french too but we're not good at french
>'well okay but japs also wear english shirts!'
>yeah but lots of people do that
>'but japs CHOOSE to do it haha!'

Like wtf? Do you think people gain fluency reading words on shirts you stupid nigger?

That WASN'T the criteria first given you fucking moron.

You can't make a weak ass argument and then substantiate it well after the fact because the logic doesn't hold on its own. If your argument is "The Japanese should be good at English because they're a vassal state of an English-speaking country and consume English-speaking media" then why fucking BEGIN with "The Japanese should be good at English because of loan words"

You people are so low IQ it's actually impressive. You're married to the point being made and not the argument given. You will FOREVER be my inferior.
Lucky you, anon
Some rando has made a video about it
They invented ruby and perfect dark and tons of porn games. They can code.
Its a combination of tech illiteracy beyond mobile devices (most people have NEVER touched a desktop for instance, some not even laptops), and them being worse at english than jeets who went to school in a mudhut somehow.

t. half japanese, shit actually blows my mind the 2nd language education in Japan is honestly probably the worst in the world, partially because of the xenophobic culture and many Japanese unironically thinking the world revolves around Japan, so nobody but the richest families and richest schools actually encourage 2nd language learning. Its just another horrifically stagnant culture issue, as with everything in Japan.
>paid in LOC
>cucked by westerners
Op is projecting his failures
I fucking kneel, based japan.
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why do you act like we should hate japan for falling for jewish tricks? that would mean we would have to hate whites as you do. If you want to follow your own logic, you faggots get your blood sucked and dick skin eaten by your grandparents. thats the kind of shit that would be unforgivable to me yet you constantly defend them in the hopes that one day, you too can bloodily and messily mutilate your own grandchildren, or offer them up to be mutilated so you can pretend it's normal.
Wasn't most of this site's code written by some Jap?
>(most people have NEVER touched a desktop
wait. wat. Ok, owning one, maybe not. But businesses buildings are often stacked with them, like windows 7 and crap. Hospitals have Windows XP due to legacy systems. Schools, naturally have plenty of them too. Between going to school and work, it's hard to avoid using one at some point, even if briefly.
Japanese here. (machine translation)
Aging population, lack of education, lack of human resources, lack of demand, small unprofitable zombie companies, low job mobility.
Small businesses only need existing generic apps, which does not create demand for new software to streamline their operations. Low employment mobility reinforces specialization and makes operations dependent on individuals, and knowledge becomes tacit.
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They do know. UX and cybersec is dinosaured by shitty upper management which skews the perception. If you have a interest in computational papers and research they have a solid yearly output. >>102442269
What did you use for machine translation?
>Go back, Redditor.
But you're the one who's reddit spacing.
It's funny that CREAM is one the shirt for females, lmao
Literally don't fix what's not broken. The internet would be so much better if the west was more like japan when it comes to tech. They have it right.
>Some offices will just hire slutty women as interns or office ladies so the men can release their urges and focus on their work.

what the fuck? so that's not just a common trope in hentai? got a name for such a practice, so that i can conduct a thorough analysis on the topic?

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