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>use a friend's iPhone for 2 minutes
>lack of a bottom bar makes it automatically 10x more frustrating than any other phone

Why would you torture yourself with iOS?
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this but the 2 button navigation google wants you to forget because they made something good for once and we can't have that
I was forced to use an iphone for 4 months and using navigation buttons again felt oddly uncomfortable and i thought about turning on swipe to return feature. But i forced myself to use nav buttons again and got quickly reminded of their speed and superiority again

Whose fucking idea is to put return button on the left side when majority of population is right handed? Is there any good reason for this?
gid gud
Lmao nigger i wear L/XL mma gloves
Picrel is the one thing Samsung has gotten right in 15 years.
>being denied swipe peak comfyness for a decade makes glassslabtards seethe when they finally get it 10 years after the Nokia N9
pottery. should have protected Nokia's smile.
>google bot actually defending the removal of hardware buttons
My god, /g/ is even more pathetic than I thought.
tell me you are fucking indian without telling me you are.

i simply swipe up from the bottom or side to go back but enjoy having little buttons i guess
skill issue
saar please saar how do i doing the go back to switching from whatsapp to harassing women on facebook messenger saar if there is no little arrow pointing backwards
can you applefags even read lol
>retard discovers muscle memory and being used to things
As it's an English speaking company, I'm guessing it's because of left to right reading. Left would feel more correct for left to right readers.
Holdover. Right button is recents, or whatever the view is called now that displays all open apps for the user to cycle through.
You get used to it, but I had the same experience. It's awkward. Anyway, the iPhone is a luxury product, more or less. People don't buy it because they care or think about the functionality and user experience.
I enabled barless navigation on my android phone and never went back. Slightly more screen space with no real disadvantages
oh no no no no
The Apple slide thing is actually easier to use than the bottom bar, you’re so apply not used to it hence your frustration.
>Not using gestures nav on a touchscreen
>he isn't using superior gesture nav on android
ser i must see button or i don’t know function. what is swipe?
I'd rather have no bottom bar than ||| O < hieroglyphs.
a bottom bar is the annoyance of the holepunch camera times ten, total waste of real estate
When I switched to iPhone, it was frustrating, but you figure out the swipe gestures and it becomes second nature
i assume you make lots of mistakes. you shake the phone to undo, sounds fun right?
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S22ultra here.

I disabled that shit years ago. Gestures are enough. Just werks
Skill issue.
But anon, I am left handed.
I have no clue why the stylus is also on the left side in my Ultra, but I am very thankful for it.
do boomies really? I just use gestures on my moto g84
apple are like the people in the jailbreak community that change every default with increasingly questionable rationale
based gesturechads ITT
can't wait for Android 15 to pick up the slack of lazy developers and stop cucking us out of screen real estate below the swipe bar due to lazy coding
Using 3 buttons because they're much faster than gestures, even disabling animations doesn't bridge the gap. Also actions on long press.
This was fucking terrible.

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