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It makes them interdependent on the qt company that is not the spirit of FOSS when you are dependent on a corporation. Why not just keep qt5 forever or at least qt6 forever since then already made the jump and ignore keeping upstream with the qt company. Meaning when qt7 comes out KDE will have hard forked qt6 forever after. That's what trinity desktop does with qt3 so technically its possible. I can see why Stallberg had ethical issues with KDE in the 2000s. Also my post no longer have reddit spacing.
Does KDE team have expertise to maintain something as complex as a GUI toolkit? Their work on KDE doesn't instill confidence as bugs popping up in most random places look like a foundational issue and not just "we added this new feature but it's a bit buggy"
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Bondage with konqi
The same reasons you're not running Plasma 1.0 on Linux 1.0 and maintaining and maintaining those yourself.
>It makes them interdependent on the qt company that is not the spirit of FOSS when you are dependent on a corporation.
You are either retarded or are pretending to be retarded.
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why do you want to be dependent on a proprietary company?
It's not a problem for now
Qt is just as much of free software as GTK is the difference is that Qt offers dual licensing to companies who want to use Qt for proprietary software
Does Stallberg still think qt is bad?
This for sure. I've had a lot less headaches implementing shit using the base Qt framework than anything out of the KDE libs or K*rigami. That's not even touching any of the insane shit that Qt depends on, like the MOC.
>use kde on desktop because its what my steam deck uses
>literally no problems
>use windows 11
>task bar icons disappear, multiple desktops still don't work right and explorer loves to restart itself repeatedly
>use gnome
>for some reason it just forgets my pen display is a pen display half-way through the day forcing a restart
yeah sure its "buggy".
Qt has a FOSS version. If the Qt Group stops publishing the FOSS code then the last FOSS version may be forked. KDE has forked Qt before so it is doable.
qt is proprietary trash
konki is such a slut for my cock
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Denial doesn't help anyone. Accepting one's faults is first step of getting better. Even documentation-wise, KDE is lacking compared to its competitor
NTA but I use XFCE
Fuck Kirigami and fuck QtQuick/QML. Qt should have just overhauled QtWidgets to implement shit like GPU UI rendering instead of making a declarative mini-language frontend poisoned with JavaScript (and even at that, the implementation is fucking retarded.
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i should make another gimp thread
This bug is extremely annoying, but it only occurs on Wayland.
X wins again, BABY!!!!
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my keyboard no longer works on Wayland session. X11 session is totally fine and I've been Wayland KDE for over a year now. Random hardware bugs like this make me want to binge drink
my shaft can only tolerate a certain amount of steel cold hardness.
Just use GNOME. It's FOSS top to bottom and always has been. Exists because KDE and Xfce were using proprietary toolkits.
true xforms was properitary until the 2000s
What is the best distro to use KDE
you should see how many bugs and regressions Qt has every single release.
and KDE are their bug testers.
works fine for me under LGPL
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I made this back in July 2021 and never posted it . I almost forgot I made this
pure soul
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I love Konqi and KDE so fucking much it's unreal
I hate normalnigger moralfags so fucking much it's unreal.
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Seethe harder nigger anti from the sharty

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