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this gpu is actually a very good product, and all of the bad press and reviews after it's release was just an organized psyop by pc parts stores to get rid of the stock of older gen GPUs.
just think about it all of the "independent" and "unbiased" reviewers unanimously said it's shit, yet it became the most popular chip in the world. everybody knew it's gonna be a big success so they didn't wanna lose money on excess stock of 3060's and 6700's laying on store shelves.
>8gb vram
what is this, 2015?
No, it's 2024. Richfags want what the poor stll have - even if it's just a GPU.
why do I keep getting offers to buy 3060s on sale?
most people never get close to filling it up. most people are still on 1080p, and don't play AAA games on rt.
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Why not the 16GB version?
name me a modern gayme that is so fucking good that I should invest god knows how much money into high end gpu
You don't know "most people". You don't even know what a bit is, dumbass.
it's also not as bad as reviewers said, but it's more expensive and most people go for normal 4060.
Youtube, Vampire survivors, core keeper, Rim world,
Because everyone is overstocked on them and wants to get rid of them. Every day that passes and every new generation that hits the market must organically cause the price of the old stuff to fall. But they can't allow that, or else every GPU sold is a red minus in the books.
Therefore, the more they shill the old stuff and the worse they make the new stuff look, the higher the chances they get rid of the old stuff for a profit.
nigger I worked 2 years in computer repair shop. I build more than 50 gaming pc's myself and I do actually know what mose people use their GPUs for.
fucking 4060Ti has 16GB but 4070TiS doesn't
meant 4070S
Those weren't >P<Cs. The "P" is for "PERSONAL". You enountered digital cattle. Same shit like with cops or trash men: Cops think everybodys a criminal, as that's all they see and interact with all day long. A trash man thinks the world is filled with trash and stinky, it's all he sees all day long.
MOST PEOPLE have a 4k TV, dumbo.

Anyways, enjoy your leftovers.
oh yeah totally forgot that entry level consumer grade graphics card is mostly bought by professional companies and not just ordinary people. yeah totally forgot that
Considering getting this over the 4070TS, only want the 4070 for the speed of gens
no problem, we're all way too forgetful sometimes
Nah, it's a crap product that fits into the budget of most people.
It's shit.
I have the 4070 super version of this
It's kind of loud
But it undervolts fine
Also 12GB so everyone calls me a VRAMlet now, fuck you niggas
at least it isn't 3.5GB
>cheaper product is more popular
Wow, incredible analysis
4060 nonsense aside, as I have a 16gb 4070ti super
But the same variant
This card is loud as all hell, tops out at 69c which is nice, but even it’s idle fan speed is audible
It’s by far the loudest non blower gpu I’ve ever owned
Even my sapphire toxic r9 280x was quieter and that thing was a high rpm triple fan housefire
there are no bad products. just bad prices.
What kinda GPU did you buy that doesn't have fan stop?
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Sorry, I meant like it’s lowest fan speed
When it kicks the fan on, it’s lowest speed is very audible
And the curve to max speed isn’t actually that bad, at its loudest it’s not really high decibel, but it just makes an annoying fan sound
I think it has to do with the fans having those rings on them
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whole rtx 4000 series is full of extremely jewish configurations to make you want to buy the product from the next expensive tier and so on...
what are the chances rtx 5000 series will also be riddled with this same bs?
it should start with 12G for 5060 and 16G for 5060 Ti/Super
5080 should already be near 30G
this would make products other than the flagship viable choice for game developers and other tech hobbyists
will njudea deliver? doubt
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nigga that's a 4050 with the price jacked up 50%
4070 is the only gpu worth owning this gen
>laptop 4080 at 175W is about the same as 4070 super or even better in some scenarios
Explain again why are we getting 1500$+ bricks with soon-to-be 600W consumption?
nVidianiggrs are just blind mindless NPC consumers no different than iSheep or Tendies. They can't tell what a Cuda core is, but they'll defend nShitia to the death.
>ti super
>ti super pro
>ti super pro lgbt homo gay
>tiny increments
What no competition does to a Jew.
Poorfag cope
I don't trust laptop manufacturers DESU
To buy into laptops takes a lot of faith

Truth be told I don't trust most manufacturers in desktop PC shit but at least I can get an FE card which I know is built right
7000 series was worse
GT, GS, GTX, GTO, GX2 and I think one other I can’t remember? And then there were 100 and 50 segments, ie 7900 and 7950
AGP and pcie variants, and different configs for the same model name.
>Most niggers.
ftfy because thats what you must be.
i had 7600gs

20 fps in bf2142

we have to go back
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Here's a real representation of just how useful than GPU is
May be but I'm not one of them, I love to mod my games and can easily fill 24GB of VRAM with textures. I'm on 4k since 2016, I enjoy it.
>nGreedia - the way gamers meant to be milked™
that one has a white version?
Bus width
Just buy 4090 or 5090,you like to play games and use a pc for it, why compromize your hobby? Get a job lazy neets, i did it and you can too
where is 4050 75w no pwoer connector
>get a job
>no time for vidya
if i cant sit down and have an 8 hour long uninterrupted gaming session 7 days a week whats the fucking point at all
kek, friend of me has a dual fan zotac card that runs at 1200rpm minimal speed. Don't they fucking test their cards before they sell them?
Well enjoy your 1080p 30fps slop 7 days a week then, you win some you lose some
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>128-bit memory bus
>pcie 4.0×8
i have 7800X3D and 4080 :^)

not that i enjoy much of anything that requires anything more than a 1060
it's stupid that nvidia is so stingy with the VRAM.
I can use 12-14gb on AAA games at 60fps on an A770 so you are for sure getting bottlenecked by VRAM.
Still poor tier
whatever you say

stop advertising for free
Ridiculous pricing

The cheapest 16GB version costs over 430€ here.
Meanwhile the RX 7700XT with 12GB costs 370€.
That thing would never be able to keep up with the latest iteration of goytracing!
The 4060 really is a dumb product. People should just get a
3060ti, 3070 or 2080ti instead. All outperform it in price/performance. The only advantage is framegen, hut these other cards can easily make that up in real frames. Only actual retards buy a 4060
Go home Loserbenchmark, you're drunk.
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>don't buy this gpu or I will bitchslap you
Cool, but I need it for stable diffusion
a 4060 is not for 4k
yes, glue a piece of paper onto the window on your computers case you dumb faggot
need this since i don't want change my case and i've got limited space
>and I think one other I can’t remember?
There was also LE (and the "vanilla" cards without any suffix)
Most made sense though
LE GS vanilla GTO GT GTX GX2
GX2 were dual GPU cards
The only one I think was misleading were GTO models, since it was a lower tier than GT
Worse than a 3060ti, cope
i heard the databus is still not big enough for 16 gb so it doesnt matter, but I could be wrong about that, I'd like to know more.
If this was still 2015 it would be 3.5GB
overall not a great product. for budget AI card a used 3060 12gb is literally faster, and if you want the extra VRAM you're better off getting a used 3090 for a couple hundred more
It's not that it's a bad card, it's that there are way better options. if this was 300 dollars it would be fine but they go for 500
You get 3 years base warranty which you can extend. If it didn't shit itself by then, it will last.
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Because it's terrible fucking value?
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Is this Amazon offer legit or is it a scam?
This, 8GB became a thing in 2016 becaise I remember really wanting a GTX 1080 but was a poorfag.
It's the 4060 people were shitting on, not the 4060 Ti. Same with the previous generation: 3060 Ti was good, 3060 was a joke.
I think it's legit, considering that Amazon themselves are selling the RX 7800 XT, which is suppose to be a direct upgrade to the 6800 XT, for just $80 more.
You guys think that's confusing? Try this lineup:
>8800 GS
>8800 GTS (G80 core, not labeled)
>8800 GTS CORE 112
>8800 GT
>8800 GTS (G92 core, sometimes labeled)
>8800 GTX
>8800 Ultra
if it is a scam Amazon likes to bend over backwards for you. at best the seller will resolve issues, at worst you'll have to send it back for a refund.
In 2024, it the 8800 GTX would be releasee, and then get silently downgraded with lower specs while sitting at the same price.
For just $50 more, can get the RX 7800 XT.
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Forget the pic
The 4060ti sucks ass too.
Oh, and I should also point out that the 8800 GS is the same as the 9600 GSO (which is much faster than the 9600 GSO 512MB despite only having 384MB of VRAM), the 8800 GT is the same as the 9800 GT, and the G92 8800 GTS is the same as the 9800 GTX.
wait for 50 series, you shouldn't need 16gb but I feel like a budget 16gb GPU isn't going to release for the debut of 50 series (it's actually guaranteed it's not, 5090 will be first, then everything else will be slowly released over a year)
That's actually what they did in 2007. They released the 512MB version, then a couple of months later they released a 256MB version for $30 more and a 1024MB version for $150 more.
Oh wait, that was the 8800 GT, not GTX. Still, Nvidia has been a scummy company for decades.
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So what does the lowest 40 series card do better than the higher 30 series. I was looking at the 16gb version and alternative is a used 3090?
it's a good choice if you are using 1080p and want to do stable diffusion
that's it
there is no point in getting a 3070 or 4070 or any of those cards if you are using the final, Chad resolution of 1920x1080
unless you want to do llama shit but even then a 3090 will require you to likely have to buy a new case and a new PSU
if you're just gaming in 1080p and making taylor swift gens the 4060ti is a great choice
The 4060ti is a fucking terrible choice. It's far too expensive for what it offers. No one should buy one ever.
I'm coming close to buying one. I'm not even a gamer but I built a desktop right before the covid/crypto shitstorm when the PS5 and new xbox specs leaked. I had money and said, "i'm gonna build a PC beter than the new consoles"
at the time the 2080ti was like 1200 bucks, so I bought a used 1070ti as a placeholder
of course everything got really hard to buy and way expensive so i waitfagged
at this point, my system (3700x ryzen with ddr4 ram) bottlenecks the more powerful gpus hard unless i go up to 1440p or 4k
the kind of games i do play run fine on 1070ti i just want to be able to say my PC is better than PS5 (right now it is except it can't do raytracing, and yes I know raytracing sucks but i still want it to be able to)
having the 16gb vram allows me to fuck with sdxl and run 7b llms locally which repurposes the gaming pc into a coom machine. but i'm in no hurry to buy one certainly not for 450 dollars
that shit is like 10% faster than the 3060ti lmao

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 - 1024 MB, GDDR5, 128 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 - 2 GB, GDDR5, 256 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 - 3 GB, GDDR5, 384 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti - 3 GB, GDDR5, 384 bit


800 Series were mobile versions of the 700 Series.

>GTX 900 SERIES - 2014/2015

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 - 2 GB, GDDR5, 128 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - 4 GB, GDDR5, 256 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 - 4 GB, GDDR5, 256 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti - 6 GB, GDDR5, 384 bit


NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 - 2 GB, GDDR5, 64 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti - 8 GB, GDDR5, 256 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 - 8 GB, GDDR5X, 256 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 11 GB, GDDR5X, 352 bit


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER - 4 GB, GDDR6, 128 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti - 6 GB, GDDR6, 192 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 - 6GB, GDDR5, 192 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER - 6 GB, GDDR6, 192 bit


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 - 8 GB GDDR6
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 - 8 GB GDDR6
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - 11 GB GDDR6


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12 GB - 12 GB, GDDR6, 192 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 - 10 GB, GDDR6X, 320 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 12 GB - 12 GB, GDDR6X, 384 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti - 12 GB, GDDR6X, 384 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 20GB - 20 GB, GDDR6X, 320 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 - 24 GB, GDDR6X, 384 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Ti - 24 GB, GDDR6X, 384 bit


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti - 16 GB, GDDR6, 128 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER - 12 GB, GDDR6X, 192 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 - 16 GB, GDDR6X, 256 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER - 16 GB, GDDR6X, 256 bit
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 - 24 GB, GDDR6X, 384 bit

Low-end models are supposed to be garbage so that you feel compelled to buy a higher-end one. Personally, I have a 4070 Ti Super TUF and it's absolutely silent. No coil whine and inaudible whilst gaming. The fans only get above 1000RPM playing the latest AAA sloppa.

Nvidia mandate a minimum 30% fan speed for all partner cards now. You can't set any of them lower than that. If said manufacturer used cheap fans that need to spin fast to provide decent cooling, the minimum RPM is going to be high.
Where the fuck are the Titan cards especially the dual Titan that card was a fucking absolute beast back in the day
>mandate a minimum 30% fan speed
how does that make sense? If the fans spin reliably at the lowest speed it doesn't matter if they have 15 or 50% PWM signal.
>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 - 2 GB, GDDR5, 256 bit

forum users back in the day be like: 2gb vram is enough bro trust me bro the card will be futureproof

>NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER - 12 GB, GDDR6X, 192 bit

forum users today be like: 12gb vram is enough bro trust me bro the card will be futureproof
the 16gb version is actually the popular one, handles the new games taking over 8gb vram just fine, and very popular in the LLM scene.
Allocation is different that utilization. Your A770 is not using settings that actually utilize 12GB of VRAM, the same way a 3060 cannot. Modern AAA games as you mention use texture streaming systems that allocate basically your entire VRAM pool while only actually utilizing a small amount of it, which confuses normies.
>$450 just to sew on 4 more 2 GB chip on the back of an relatively underpowered GPU
I worked two years at valve and HL3 is releasing at the end of this month
if it had 12gb of vram like the 3060 , it would be perfect.
>16gb vram for YouTube
nigga what
It's just a lazy, catch-all way of ensuring that people are unable to cook their card with too low of a fan speed.

>Your A770 is not using settings that actually utilize 12GB of VRAM
Dumb take and always has been. You can run a game on low settings with an 8K texture pack installed and utilize the VRAM even on a weak card. People who say lower-end cards "can't" use all their VRAM are tech-illiterate gaymer scum who only use graphical presets in games and never tweak anything manually. Many games look better on low settings with ultra textures than they do on ultra settings with low textures. It's generally one of the most destructive settings to lower in terms of image quality.
I'm glad I missed all that. I went from a GeForce 4 mx 440 to a Radeon 6950
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Yeah bro minimum settings with an 8K texture pack is such a real use case, so useful. Looks so much better than a mix of medium and high settings.

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