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how the fuck do you /g/ros keep track of your tasks
i have too many of them to keep track of in my head now
>inb4 pen and paper
NEET answer
Make your own. In a notetaking app. Why you'd ever need more is beyond me. If you want good boy points just keep track yourself, it's not like you wouldn't cheat todo apps.
Google tasks or apple reminders. Everything else is subscription slop
quill and parchment

> inb4 pen and paper

You answered your own question.

i write some boilerplate and ///TODO1-10 instead of the implementation, where the number 1-10 signals importance. then i search the source for TODO4 and do the first hit.
>every fucking todo app sucks
Yeah, it's crazy how no one can do something this simple right.
I just set alarms throughout the day and give them a title
org mode
w-what's wrong with pen and paper...
Literally just pin different Todo notes in your notes app
Financial, chores/errands, job, etc
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I store in in a ai helper bot's context so . you can usje voice memos to ramble and ask it to extract todo tasks then prioritize them for you
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Just ask Siri to put it in your calendar
I use bluejay.page
>>inb4 pen and paper
>NEET answer
that's how literally everybody did it before 2010

you don't get to consoom a tech product
pocket notepads cost pocket change and you already have pens and pencils lying around your desk
Excel spreadsheet
You don't need an app for everything.
Not only that, a custom spreadsheet will be more powerful than any app on the market
Also pen and paper and sticky notes and the reminders app on my phone
If something doesn't fit in your head, just don't do that.
I use Todoist and AbstractSpoon ToDoList
imagine being you
retarded and brilliant at the same time. thank you anon.
Radicale + Thunderbird
I already use it for email so why not? It syncs with other applications pretty well too
I use the windows to-do app :P It has nice dings when you check things off too
Fossify Notes
It's as simple as it gets
maybe you do boomer
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I don't have to imagine
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Notes app on picrel for personal todos
Unread email in my mailbox for work todos
My brain for long term plans and goals
Anything more and you’re being a Silicon Valley overoptimization faggot and planning your life too much, if it’s not worth doing in the short term and it’s not worth reminding in the long term it’s not worth doing period
org-mode and the Getting Things Done methodology
>how the fuck do you /g/ros keep track of your tasks
large language model with big context window, the technology exists to have a personal secretary while you're stuck talking about cave paintings
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who are you trying to kid
unironic question for the people here saying Pen and Paper:
does it actually work better? Doesnt it get overwhelming quick? I often create tasks for one week in the future, one month, recurring stuff, tasks that might need a link.

How do you deal with that?
nigga with my brain
just dont be retarded
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pen and paper but with a sticky backside
Notepad.exe or gedit, dependeing on what machine I'm using.
Or write your own task notes app.
touch $HOME/Desktop/"$*"

If it's really quick, I write it down. If it's far in the future I make a calendar event, or a jira ticket.
I gave your mom a sticky backside last night
Taskwarrior is good. Simple little CLI app that just works.
Yes but what text editor do you use?
.txt file
> today, must: list
> today, maybe: list
> today, want: list
> same for week, month and year
That's all I do
>i have too many of them to keep track of in my head now
Then fucking chill and finish the shit you started
get one of those little datebook/calendar planners
reminders.app works fine

Notepad or Obsidian more recently.
Plain text is powerful.
Neuron API calls.
Me too brotherofsky. The dings are so so nice.
for me its different notebooks for different time frames and subjects. pen and paper works best when you develop your own process imo.
used to do electronic notes but found them all over complicated or didnt do something specific i needed.
I use fossify notes to edit a txt file.
Apparently not powerful enough, considering every retard that uses Obsidian has about 4000 plugins installed.
Etar, Tasks.org and Todo Agenda widget are the holy trinity of task management.
Google Calendar.

If you're home all the time, that open sauce home assistant shit
I use notepad
Todoist is all you need really. Maybe another habit app on top, but that's really it.
All you need is text inputs
Make your own in 5 minutes
I just use Todoist
Todoist or Superlist
>inb4 pen and paper
Pencil and paper. Can't be l33t h4x3d.
i use a plaintext file i keep on the home page of my phone. just werks
task != backlog != project freezer
>get my todo list hacked
>h4x0rs now know I have a goon session every 2 hours and none of them last more than 30 seconds
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Remember them, dumbass
>God gives you brain
>Don't use it
I start by not being an ADHD freak.

Then I mock people like you.
>how the fuck do you /g/ros keep track of your tasks
I don't
a bullet journal plus org mode.
I use my working memory
Of course that's going to shit now so I just forget shit, it's not important anyway
Pen, paper, org mode.
>turn off "mark as read when preview" in outlook
>'can you send me that in an email'
>mark as read when complete
Physical notepad on desk
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based org-asmer
for me it's todo dot org in /home/
I remember everything

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