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At least it gets updates
>no servicing was possible
Skill issue
Who cares
Apple will fix it and people will be provided with working replacements
can't say the same about jeetdroid
At least thinkpad users can use clips to fix their bricks.
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>Apple will fix it
Where is the problem?
says right there they’re replacing it. maybe you need to go back to where you came from, redditor.
>An update to the installation process
>Whah whah i shit it off while it was updating because i need to watch tictoks NOW and it's broken, how could this happen?
Learn to read, illiterate niggers.
Says right there they’re replacing it in 5-7 days as they had to order in the specific model he had.
No illiteracy here, just poopul on your behalf (jeet version of pilpul)
>he was relying on an iToy to do work
Why would anyone do that?
>some trannies tranny representation
retarded ESLjeet
Good point. I bet based Applejeets just spared some poor souls another Employee Resource Group HR training.
no such thing
we have this thread every 20 minutes
>androids marketshare drops by 1/3 if you exclude pajeetistan
Oh no no no pajeetdroid sisters

You get what you deserve.
> No one was particularly apologetic

I learned this too. Apple isn't a good company anymore. I miss when Apple products were good. Ever since switching to the M series chips, Macs have been a nightmare to fix. They're just ticking time bombs. The updates overvolt the SSD because Apple in their infinite wisdom decided to use less voltage for battery life but to save money the used weaker parts. The normal 3.3v that you'd normally expect is in fact 1.4v and anything over 1.6v will fry the SSD. Does it with Asahi Linux, Mac OS, and iOS. The BSD kernel is expecting 3.3v and unless it's specified as less, that's what it defaults to and fries apple SSDs beyond repair. It's been an ongoing issue and I'm surprised that 4 years later it's still being used.
It's not that you jeets use apple products, you are just paid to shill them
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Sad. I wish we could emulate their x86 emulation layer and hackintosh on arm ;_;7
they think crapple is going to send them free m4pads if they shill their junk here kek, go overdose on ecoli already
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> Ever since switching to the M series chips, Macs have been a nightmare to fix.
It’s not just Apple. Everything in the supply chain is broken. Chips, parts, cars, chemicals, etc. is all trash. Covid broke the supply chain. It’ll be years before it’s good again.

Apple even pulled manufacturing out of India because of fecal contaminated phones and a 50% failure rate.
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>It's not that you jeets use apple products, you are just paid to shill them
How can someone lose work? I thought apple cloud saved stuff
>>no servicing was possible
>Skill issue
This reminds me the good old time when people would brick their brand new PSP while trying to crack it then sold it for very cheap because it was officially dead, while actually you could revive it in a matter of seconds.
>android updates to secondary partition. If update fails to boot, it rolls back to the working partition.
>crapple still uses single partition system on locked down devices, wasting everyone's time when shit hits the fan
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>android updates
just wait a bit before updating
why dont you just cut your dick off.
What are you blabbering about? Why do you think about my dick, fagtron? I doubt you're a girl, so kindly fuck off, fag.
androjeets btfo
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itoddlers just btfo themselves so easily these days.

good morning, street shitting pedophile sirs.
half a day of work = half a day not pressing the save button once

no backup, no pity
>fecal contaminated phones
>50% failure rate
I'm not sure which is more disturbing...

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