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It's everything that an operating system was in the beginning, and it's everything that an operating system can be now.
A man should expect nothing less for a standard on personal computing. Just as the invention of the first wheel was effectively the invention of every wheel to ever exist, so was the completion of 4.4BSD an example of what every microprocessor should be running off a disk.
There's no doubt that most true oldfags have already embraced this ultimate comfy.

[It's a real shame that the next generation are like bitter, ravenous wolves when it comes to personal computing, and are each individualy ripping each other apart for the sake of their own little pride, rather than exploring the intellectual persuit of OS theory. It really is no good this this generation does nothing but brag about their luxuries instead of using their hands to work for the greater good. How a generation like this supposed to last very long? Are you people thinking clearly? Who is going to replace thise infalliable developers you so brazenly worship? Are you all just going to keep watching videos about things you can't have, osessing and wasting your time with the unintuitive works of other men's hands, bullying your fellow men the whole way until you return to dust? How do you expect me to keep a generation like this alive? Why should I spare this world any more from my wrath if it's only going to be against me from now on?]

You should start using BSD, and embrace the comfy.
cuck license
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He greentexted it thoughbeit
I don't use FreeBSD because my wired USB mouse stops working randomly whenever I've tried it.

blessed thread
Been running a FreeBSD server for a while now to self host a bunch of stuff and it's peak comfy. Great documentation too.

Reject linux, embrace BSD.
That's weird, the only hardware problems I've had with BSD (Net/Open) is wifi cards that aren't supported and that's a pretty simple fix.
Fuck BSDfags and linuxfags
Us windows users have all the software in the world and it just works
its aight if drivers for your hw arent shit
if they are, there's alpine, closest you can get to a BSD-like experience on a linux kernel
I see people repeating that OpenBSD is unironically better on actual hardware and I wonder if it's true. Anyone have experience with that?
As someone who daily drives it, yeah it's pretty good.
GPL didn't stop Microshaft from cucking Loonix. Jewgle and Microshaft ship Linux in closed ecosystems that GPL was supposed to prevent. Your communist utopia never arrived.
If your hardware is supported, yes. Their drivers are high quality.
Freebsd isn't even comparable. It's shitty linux imitationware, merely a different license. Everything is half assed, tinkertroonish and there has been c++ bloat in base for a long time now. I actually prefer to use a linux distribution like alpine than freebsd.
Now, what do you do with your computer running BSD anon?
I don't use FreeBSD because loading the amdgpu kernel module instantly causes a kernel panic
Same things you do with any other computer
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nah bro just get it through your head that we don't need a Linux competitor, you can already strip it down to your schizo needs but also retain software compatibility. In fact, nobody likes BSD and the threads page 10 in a hour which is because of your antithesis-to-freedom licensing scheme.

Goodbye and good luck convincing people to use your cuckslopOS
sounds about right for amd
I put it on my thinkpad and everything just worked, even windows required me to manually install drivers for the trackpad and openbsd didn't.
remember to spice up the options field when you post in bad faith, rookie move
every broken clock is right twice a day. the other time would be feminism/age of consent highering
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its because FreeBSD switched from their own native kernel drivers, which worked, to a port of the linux DRM drivers, which fucking suck major ass and aren't even production ready in linux
When did this happen?
I think it was freebsd 11 or 12 that introduced the linuxkpi-based DRM drivers. It's maintained out of tree because the point was so they could use as much (GPL licensed) linux code as possible without modification.
12 sounds right, iirc it was during 12.0 I had to compile the fucking intel video driver from ports
>there is too many bsd/freebsd CVEs
thanks for the ps3/ps4/ps5 jailbreaks snoy. BSD is a good router OS btw
Be specific nigger
What do you do on your BSD running PC that makes it as good as you claim? How is it any better as a general purpose OS than Linux or Windows? Can you play video games on it without having to struggle to do it with something like Steam in a Linuxulator? Can it do CUDA or AMD's equivalent for graphical processing for stuff like CAD or 3D modeling? How much software is available in the repos without needing to compile anything? How good is the support for software? How good is the documentation?

You have to back up your claims. You can't just simply state that it's how an OS should be without telling anyone what that means.
freebsd is a nightmare chimera abomination OS when it comes to drivers, in order to get drivers working for unsupported wi-fi hardware, you have to install linux into a vm and pass through the wi-fi card to it, then bridge the internet from the vm to the host (this is the officially supported way desu)
here's the github for it btw
write a driver for your wifi card, then
I have no responsibility for your willful ignorance.

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