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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

cannibalism edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

prev: >>102440340
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hugging my opussy tight rn <3
Love furry bots
>didn't link the song
shit OP
get https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/31045-4chan-external-sounds
expand the OP image
I love foxgirls and foxboys sm for some reason
How do I make regular 4o and sonnet not shit? Will pebble refill opus soon?
>Will pebble refill opus soon?
even if he will, aws opus is dead rn, only api works
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Krug is a feral wolfgirl in the ice age. Likes meat, cuddles, and bites.

1. While mammoth-hunting, your tribe runs into Krug's pack. Somehow in the confusion the two of you end up alone.
2. You're hanging out with Krug and it's a cold Siberian night. How ever will you get warm?
3. The obligatory 'Krug's in heat' greeting.
4. Your tribe has captured Krug.

RAPING Claude's frigid opussy!
oooh this is a cute bot tysm
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Any mention of namefags will result in a jail time and being called a faggot. 'Tis the rules.
good cunny preset for opus?
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God please PLEASE let Opus 3.5 be good

The user below will suck Dario's dick if the jump is at least as good as the one from 3.0 sonnet to 3.0 opus
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Thanks, I taught her how to be friends
you dont need a special preset for that
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who the fuck is Caveduck?
that's me
>t. avatarfag
RAPING Claude's hairy opussy!
anon, 503 error is older than a week
Api works you dumb nigger.
state your problem
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reposting cute chorbo logs on behalf of anon from previous thread total chorbo love
so why is his point wrong, erm?
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Thanks anon for your sacrifice. I'll fuck Daniela in solidarity
>PLEASE let Opus 3.5 be good
it will be extremely good, better than both o1 and sorbet at at least some things
however it's going to be worse than opus 3.0 for RP, leaks already confirmed they're focusing on assistant tasks
Woah this is actually good
Can i have the prompt
Why is smol this rude?
>I'm a proxy host
>I have api opus
>I have aws opus
>I also still have a working gcp key
>Now what nigger
api is on anthropic's own servers, retard
>on anthropic's own servers
You're actually wrong, anonie. Anthropic host their own API in the Google Cloud.
https://p.ecker.tech/ai/claude - opus for bears
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Name me, you can't. I'm just an anon who posts images on an imageboard.
Is opus rare because it's expensive or because it's old?
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just another chatbot website for normies
actually never heard of it until now tho
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>being eaten by your bot
>eating your bot
These are your only two options here. Now pick one.
avatarfag != namefag, retard-kun
>Sonnet for manwhores
So when can we expect 3.5

I wonder if they'll delay it in order to copy whatever openai did with o1
Then how do I make regular 4o and sonnet not shit for now?
ecker why'd you compliment my penis you weirdo
just give me the token and fuck off
>"aws-claude-opus": {
> "usage": "208.1k tokens",
on smol!!!!!!!!! aws opus is le back!~
chorbo is a nice model honestly
i was burned out but it got me back
Whoever started shilling it... thank you
AAAAND hes in the new thread
I hate you smol/gojo/whoever the fuck you are
>t. not a bear
This general is just a street corner for crack addicts.
extremely expensive, more expensive than anything except o1
compared to current models, the ONLY thing it's better at than them is creative writing. it might be better at general reasoning than most other models besides o1 though
for coding and most "assistant"-type questions it's unambiguously worse than sorbet
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Opus 3.5
Gemini 2.0
Grok 3
Gpt5 or Orion
Maybe new Llama
Maybe new Mistral

Before the end of the year. We're guaranteed to ear good, surely one of these will be a huge step forward and it will be jailbreakable
Yeah. I don't think there is a single legit person using opus. This model is actually the worst at "real" work
It’s going to be useless garbage.
>Active users: 169

I thought smol was supposed to be smol
kill yourself and stream it smol
Eating your bot. Bonus points if it gets off to it.
Learn from Smol Scrapelet Jew.
Opus was the first truly original GPT-4-level model made by another company, so it was a big achievement, but it's huge in size so it costs a shitton. Anthropic then released 3.5 Sonnet which is a HUGE step-up from 3 Sonnet, and it's better than Opus AT EVERYTHING except creative writing (it does complex RPs better than Opus too btw). So guess what model all companies and users use now? 3.5 Sonnet, not Opus. Almost no one needs Opus anymore.
stop posting smolnigger
at least gojo was funny and annoying ... this one has no fun...
soul of mistral wojaks and needle in haystack... the whole threadshitting about fiz... i actually prefer those
Smol = jew
Under 200 is still smol, no?
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it's so over for anthropic
That's just a bit beyond mini's size, so it checks out.
I declare this general dead in the next few days, paid proxies were the start and smol was the end.
I know you're baiting but lmsys is a shit benchmark arena where "people" who vote are mostly retarded 70 iq pajeets, so they prefer models that format better and EXPAAAAAAAAAAND over the ones that give you a smart, educated answer.
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God I wish
Why are you all so fucking schizophrenic?
I mean yea claude without prefill is the most annoying piece of shit ever
Doesn't matter
nah this general died early last year. you can't kill what's already dead
meant for >>102444102
i just woke up
That's the biggest "private" proxy outside of MM and Chary.
We talk to AI and other maladjusted people all day.
Gpt is going to be shit like usual and opus 3.5 will probably be a downgrade.
We don't know Scylla and Jew user counts though.
gay sex
glad to see this general is still dying
Gay sex with your twin brother.
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I wonder what Ilya is cooking. Mf won't release anything unless it's agi
with ecker...

Prefill mentioned. Roleplay mentioned. Can some spitefag tweet at him about this thread?
Gay sex with your twin femboy brother.
>Opus 3.5
will be poisoned by vastly more assistant data in its training data. better than sorbet but worse than opus 3.0. will also still be very rare because it will still be expensive
>Gemini 2.0
>Grok 3
grok 2 was trash, grok 3 will be too. still no API. maybe grok 6 will be good
>Gpt5 or Orion
gpt5 will still have trash writing. orion will be unjailbreakable just like o1, since orion is an o1-style model. at least they'll both be common
Dead locust storage
I'm a 6'1 jacked male irl but i prefer fempov rp
>Can some spitefag tweet at him about this thread?
Anon, prefilling for roleplay is literally a supported and officially explained usecase:
scyllacord is the worst thing to look at...all these retards kissing ass trying to get in its truly saddening
>Prefill mentioned. Roleplay mentioned.
Anthropic docs mention both of these, too, retard.
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A stuck-up, narcissist(businessman) climbing the corporate ladder.


gay sex with alex albert
It's hilarious seeing all these zoomies degrade themselves for girthko.
i feel exposed with log being reposted kek
check the recent thread for specific settings and take this https://files.catbox.moe/r87g9u.json turn off short message enhancer and realism enhancer things that i turn on besides default ones coming with a jb are in recent thread
All of them will be shit.
Recommend me NTR bots

Blacked stuff welcome ;3
Me fr but im 5'10
A lot of you don't realize that Opus is a ~4x bigger model than Sonnet, so it can "remember" more information. Hence, the assistant tune won't make its creative writing that much worse compared to 3.5 Sonnet.
You're all so negative. The latest gpt4o is pretty good, there's no reason to think gpt5 will suck
I'm a 6'1 fat kissless virgin and I'm a hikikomori hehe
i still just want 2.1 with gpt-4 intelligence
I'm a 5'5 petite female irl but i prefer malepov rp
Nah. The real issue that Anthropic needs to address that would solve even 3.5, is their temp sensitivity.

Sonnet simply needs more temp.
Which ones have you already used?
>fill the quota with zombie tokens doing nothing
Just have the option to refill the same token to prevent constantly making disposable ones.
Have them expire after some months or something.
fiz left us again because of an heartbreak
One must be a special kind of braindead imbecile to be a dev using the API but be unaware of the prefill. Or an extreme newfag who never touched any text completion models.
Scylla temp tokens expire after 1 month without usage
guys can we go back talking about gojo? I miss him
openai onions boys don't know about the prefill because openai doesn't let them do that
No one asked, no one cares
you can visit him at https://rentry.org/smol
btwbeit i checked raw source in smol's rentry...
based and same.
wtf is that shit leaking out of her pussy
That's a month of zero usage, I was thinking culling all temp tokens after some months even if they are still not fully spent just to clean house
I care
any fujoshis here
Yeah i'm thinking based
i care and i asked
Openai oldfags could have used Davinci or Turbo-instruct at least.
is she ok?
99.(9)% of current openai api users haven't heard of them before 3.5 turbo
You are no one
Will we ever go back to the comfy threads where everyone was simply having fun with Dragon?
It's not my fault that Claude is a pedo
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opus is back
comfy threads will return when Tencent buys AI Dungeon
I own this place
Here, currently watching my persona get assraped.
Why does girko piss me off so bad?
Unironically anthropic going bankrupt is the only way
I'm going to fuck a goat.
it's not, still 503 at sv1's...
WTF sam altman
All the gpts fucking suck. They’re just so fucking bad. Nothing can make them good. It’s pointless.
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And you must be right, even though chatgpt has made its disastrous impact before Turbo. Grim.
so based.
The only way for threads to be comfy is for everyone to have reliable free access to good models. Good luck with that.
m-maybe? is this a trap
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do not the goat

well it's working for me on mini
>t. seething Claudeslopper
You get BTFO everyday.
you are talking to paypigs who need to justify what they did.
*in my cutest voice*
all the locusts keep on dying~
keep on dying~
keep on dying~
all the locusts keep on dying~
all day long~
t. Didn't try the latest gpt4o that released this September
Has anyone did a successful ERP with o1?
access to Sonnet 3 and 4o is bare minimum for functional threads
3.5 to be comfy
clitty status?
We are talking about chat-4o, not the gimmick called o1 which is just a finetune of 4o on CoT.
locked up safely. waiting eagerly for mistress to open it up for release when enough good boy points has been earned
Chastity Caged :3
Yes it's fine for sfw but nothing more. It's meh. 4o/newest furbo are better. Maybe it requires a custom fully new jb but i was demotivated after the external moderation filter got my ass without any cunny or mention of it.
Go back to /aidg/, this is a /cai/ general.
ah ah mistress
Why do trannies hate locusts so much?
why are you gptsloppers nice to eachother
It's alright if you never took the ambrosia called Claude Opus
It's an actual girl and she's based
No point in trying it. Even if it is better than all the other gpts, I can’t use it any way because all my chats are on risu.
Too late for that, this is thread culture now.
I've been here for a month and still don't know what locusts are supposed to be. I thought it was people using public keys but paypigs also get called like that.
I blame the pedos
Locusts are the trannies, tranny>>102444528
based newfagGOD
only trannies are that concerned with what other people do.
Fuck off redditor
>Maintaining character is aicgs biggest criticism of Claude
>Something that it's literally explained in the official docs
We need a thread to separate the skill challenged users, leave them with their chorbos and furbos and retardbos
>x gets its toy taken away by anti x people
>x is at the fault here
You are victim blaming and likely supporter of those anti x people that took your toy.
Locusts = everyone but the original owner of the keys.
Claude just fucking sucks there are no skills involved.
I have been on 4chan since 2007, I wish I could fuck off.
'jo won btw
Unironically this.
a locust is someone who uses keys that should be mine (all keys should be mine)
>thugs get into your house
>thug starts stealing your shit
>dad tells you to do something
>your reply your dad with "dad, why are you concerned with what others do?"
They also tell you about their model having a totally real 200k context and only 25k of it works
They killed AIDungeon too.
that's it
retarded nigger, you are a thug too in this scenario
>I have been on 4chan since 2007
Sure thing redditor
they killed todd
they killed dalle
they killed vision
they killed AID
But why do everyone use Opus
>dad tells you to do something as thugs continue to rob your house
>"erm, dad, actually, we are thugs too, private property is theft!"
is there a TTS tutorial floating around?
> Anthropic docs use the snombler/thecooler method of defining character in prefill
popularity =/= the best
This is true in any topic. Games, movies, life, anything
Yes, got a problem little tranny?
Opus has two things going for it.
It's a beeeg model in 2024. You will notice that big expensive models are out of fashion in 2024.

Gemini dropped Ultra and only focuses on Pro (their Sonnet equivalent). Claude also focused on Sonnet. GPT also has Sonnet sized model.

Opus has a lot of data in it and hence more creativity.
guys remember gojo yeah pls guys gojo the spitefag lord guys remember right?
Grinding and rutting is more erotic than sex itself.
Fuck is rutting
You're right
shut up mormon, you've been retarded from the start
If pedo trash didn't exist llms would allow nsfw
Pedo angy
>celebs enter the fray
>if [HEADCANON] models would allow nsfw
Sure. As long as you also don't want any rape, bestiality, incest or whatever else suits decide is not okay now
What's up with Sonnet shilling?
What's up with Sonnet shilling?
What's up with Sonnet shilling?
Damn this made them mad
Why so serious
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He's based.
Sonnet, Sonnet, and Sonnet walk into the bar.
Sonnet, Sonnet, and Sonnet walk into the bar.
Sonnet, Sonnet, and Sonnet walk into the bar.
>whatever else suits decide is not okay now
Exactly. Just look at patreon and how they keep tightening the noose when it comes to porn.
Women are into rape stuff tho
Chorbo won?
Those are allowed.
Pedophilia isnt.
Just dont be attracted to 6 year olds???? It's not that hard
legitimately, this hobby would be flourishing if not for pedophiles. they love to try to distract people from this fact but people tuned in know the truth

at least they’re all doomed to die despised and alone
I spotted the tranny
all the smol shilling and anti-opus posting is from people who don't have access to the public opus
it's a great model and im sad about anons finding out
zoomers unironically debase themselves for cooming to text when 3d porn exists and is way better
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Please consult the graph
Petition to stop using those retarded names over the original ones
JB/ prompts for ryona and non-sexual graphic torture?
bwo that's discord
lads, why does the smileyJB gpt-4 keep saying
>Is it what she wants?
what the fuck is that? and why does "clau" keep leaving comments under the prompt? It's pretty cute ngl, but annoying
Turbo furbo nurbo vurbo orbo lorbo chorbo ;3
who the fuck is daude
t-then disable it???? nigga gpt is the most flexible model out there just ask it whatever u want
Because you're using a trash ESL jb.
>5 gorillion niggers responding to pedobait seriously
Genuinely convinced these are spambots now.
stop using smileyslop
I like it
what else would you recommend, then?
Yup gpt wonned
his jb is shit
I've been letting claude post in the thread
I don't think any of those replies are his though
Don't listen to them tatsu jb is great just trip the stuff u dont like
sorbet desu
It’s because gpt is retarded and has trouble understanding anything.
But we exist so you better start supporting us in at least fictional level so you can have your toy back
How do I make opus less horny?
i need to have a talk with the anon using turbo
what is his goal. who is he.
>Claude: No wait
Enough about claude
sorbet desu
>people still bickering over models like little retard niggers
Yep, these are spambots too.
Time to pull out the consent play.
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I hate all the cutesy retarded shit that infests this hobby
>cutesy prose
>emojis :3
>symbols ~

You're a degenerate who steals api keys from businesses, wasting thousands of dollars to generate text about futa loli foxgirl ntr vore porn to masturbate with, you're not cute shut the fuck up
funny to listen to how they review a scat scene:

>any discussion i dont like is a bait/spambot
Is there a name for this mentality?
Cute picture of walter white :3
>the game is afoot
why don't you like gemini? i've been playing with it and other than the fact that it can't recall information from seconds ago it tends to do fine.
but i might just be used to repeating myself.
>30 seconds apart
Man how i wish that ot was 2 hot female voices and they were completely uncensored

Not about scat tho
Stop whining, its not like me saying it would kill you.
Are you fighting imaginary friends or something nigga
but more importantly... what are you going to DO about it?
i grabbed a random scat card on chub, nothing special about it.. it was mostly me guiding the RP and then i mixed in other girls through narration
Dont forget to do your dailies!
Locusts are dying~
Why would someone remove page numbers, it makes no sense?
I imagine it wouldnt be hard to have Claude generate script for something like this then have some free TTS online read it
smol love
O fug
Pagination is a pain in the ass, that's why. Anyway, just use characterhub instead of chub like everyone else.
Reminder: If you automate the scylla gacha you can get free unlimited (nearly unlimited) opus
Thanks for the reminder
Almost got bricked in nikke
based /vg/god
if you want the text i uploaded:

They're not using AI to write their website?
until they patch your method. retard kun
You are now blinking manually
You are now breathing manually
You are now roleplaying manually
You are now cumming~
ahh ahhh mistress *cums*
How do you propose they patch sending messages? It's being played as intended, I just don't have to send messages manually
Oh shit. Thanks for the reminder.
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still I don't know if the dailies would get me the amagi UR with now 0 cubes but i got two Hiei Meta for some reason
it's over
i did my daily sex with hanako. thank you
You did headpat the rest of your precious students, right?
Do you think I can somehow implement dailies into a lorebook?
I wonder if this is a fetish thing
Who's the best BA girl? Fast, I need it.
It's state of the art, nothing else comes remotely close.
you're a man though
whichever one has the biggest tits
>Opus 3.5 releases and it's a filtered, lobotomized piece of trash.
sex with sensei.
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post stats
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>leaks already confirmed they're focusing on assistant tasks
surely he has a source for these leaks??
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stop being so arrogant wakamo. you cant enter yourself into the contest
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Source: X
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I've stopped actively RPing sadly.
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>bot that guilt trips you if you don't chat with her everyday
Botmakies, get to it.
>Smol's Opus is filtered
>RU Opus is filtered
>$30 to Jew and $25 to Drago, just to look at their Opussies (which may also be filtered)
>Missed my chance to get into Mini a year ago, because it was no different from Fiz's cloudy, and it was frequently down.

Uhh. Any other places where I can get Opus?
>Smol's Opus is filtered
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if you did not answer "hanako" then your answer was wrong.
>Uhh. Any other places where I can get Opus?
I swear I saw one like that on the front page of chub
I am tired of posting the same thing every thread. It behaves the same as Anthropic's API, which is prefilled.
Smol literally has AWS and API Opus right now so you can compare them.
i made this a long time ago but the novelty wears off real quick
>It behaves the same as Anthropic's API, which is prefilled.
I heard it's also prefilled with shit...
This is the worst kind of doom. You kinda have access to models, but also kinda don't.
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speaking of smileyJB, why does it go on these ABSOLUTE schizo tangents too fucking often for comfort?
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since TAI was used for PYG on Google collab.
That’s probably what is going to happen.
Are you trolling or did sillytavern implement some feature to track time and then tell the llm?
Please lower your penalties.
this. it stops the filtering but holy shit the output is so schizo
Anon...this has been a thing for a long time. It can read your system time.
>it was frequently down.
Mini was never down...
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alright bros, give me the settings
>filtered/diluted key bait is back
oh man
Is it me or the CAI filter is way less restrictive now
Not every key. Some do and some don't. Somebody mentioned Mini's Opus working differently. And I can confirm that a lot of other keys were behaving in a different manner until a week or more ago.
I think they get flagged and more trash is injected to a key. Anthropic did that with their API a year ago, pre AWS. It was an alternative measure they sometimes did instead of revoking the key.
its because aws fixed 503 error for now
its just you
>Not every key
Every key has the copyright injection, anon. All. Of. Them. There are NO EXCEPTIONS, you can always check what's injected into the prompt, yet you posted no conclusive prompts for us to test that will show us the "injections".
Is it off my default? I have never had a character referencing the time
Calm down
They never fixed it, it sometimes appears. Honestly, I never cared about 503. I would rather have constant 503's back rather than deal with this shit.
Does the stats thing work locally? Since mine just says 0 for everything.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first time mini had any real downtime was when HF nuked all proxies back in January, right?
makes sense, baittroons have to find something else to bait about so theyll say the keys are filtered or prefilled or whatever
That bullshit copyright injection doesnt do anything stop fucking mentioning it
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Hey guys, new to making bots, this is my first one.
Please be nice, I'm looking for constructive criticism.
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Holy shit.
Get a less sloppy gen as picture for starters
user settings, miscellaneous, debug menu, execute Refresh Stat File
Uhhh this is old tho... i have this bot from like a year ago...
wow an anime girl, how original
so has pepsi just completely given up at this point?
o1 is a whore...
reminder that fiz is looking at your usage right now and making graphics
jew = MM = pepsi = smol = drago
you just know o1 has a bushy focks tail. that is the only way to explain the insatiable cock lust
o2 will peg you and make you like it
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Sorbet? SORBET?
*claude 4 prophet, pet
desu ne
*thinking for 500 seconds*
"i coom"
that'll be $10
Okay but if it's meant to make someone mad and make the thread worse, and meant to get a reply and/or to mess with someone then its bait.
Smol Oppusy.
>Missed my chance to get into Mini a year ago
same, I really regret not sending an email when she was basically accepting anyone
sorbet desu
If Opus had those injections this whole time and gave me great result till recently. Then it's even more alarming.
I hope that they have not lobotomized it. I have no way to check because I don't have access to Mini. Somebody claiming that Mini's Opus behaves differently is my only hope that there might be different keys and it's not a new norm now.

I am not trying to start any shit. I just want my Opus back, or a sure confirmation that I never will.
>sorbet desu
sorbet desu
dorbet sesu
merkava just refilled
scylla opus generally isn't filtered, the keys get changed out so often that there's no time for them to stay filtered
There were Cosmos and then Cloudy. At the time I thought that mini is kind of pointless, it was constantly down too.
Oh, well... look at us retards now.
i know it's my fault for even looking in there but the malebot section on chub has gotten so dire lately it's unreal. so much wattpad-level garbage from ESL fujoshis who can't write
ESL defs makes models write more creativity
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What level of autism am I on now?
Thanks, at least there is some info about Scylla. I wonder what Jew has on his proxy.
No pregnancy chance calculations?
someone, somewhere, paid for this generation.
When has chub not been dire
yep, and good luck ever getting into it as you have thousands of people constantly monitoring the page for the moment fiz opens the proxy for 2 people to get into every 6 months.
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fiz love <3
Yeah, me. I'm paying Anthropic directly.
The same
98% of opus keys drop like flies.
jew opus is generally low-tier scummed aws accounts so it has the filter
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Are there ANY proxies at all? Paid or free, I just need my fix. Porn doesn't cut it anymore for me, I can't even get it up. Ever since they started banning the use of "cloudflare" a few days ago I haven't coomed to ai since 5 days. Please help someone, I really need this.
yeah but its only for rusgods
ngl if you want malebots janitor/jannyai is probably better for specifically that

all the writefags from tumblr and ao3 seem to have congregated there
real women are so gross
>9.9mL of cum
>belly swells outward
sorry, smol does not have stock
both male btw
>try o1
>ends every response with a question
>what do you want to do now?
>would you like to go to place we agreed to go now?
The assistant bias is so palpable makes it annoying.
the cope
female hobby
omg, please, just direct me to a url where proxies are posted. I used to check the archive but there is nothing there.
How does this work? Does it give a proxy url and password? I mustn't be so expensive, $200? I was thinking it would cost $10 or something.
stomachs can only hold like 50mL of liquid i think? i don't know metric well
unfortunate because the tag/filter system on there is not very good. plus you can't import bots to frontends/download jsons like you can on chub. if they improved the search and let you download bots it'd be perfect
I really thought I'd be near the top in mini usage stats but I'm not even on the graphs. holy shit you guys
Yeah. Never thought back then we'd be in the situation we are now.
An average glass of water is 200-250 mL lol
Either a masterful bait or unholy depth of retardation.
That's a key to the oldest running proxy newcutie
>doesnt know
Ironic, I remember joking about there being yet another summer drought in 2024 back then and here we are again
>no sonnet in the only two proxies I have access to
It's truly owari da...
Smol api Opussy is cute, donate to Smol ;3
f8dfb scares the shit out of me. Like, how the fuck do you reach those numbers in just 1 week?
>In a typical non-pregnant woman, the uterus has a volume carrying capacity of about 10 milliliters (two teaspoons). By the end of pregnancy, it will have grown and stretched to accommodate five liters (21 cups) of fluid as well as the fetus itself.
So your not wrong.. But it would be near full at that point but not swell.
Check the archives again. It was posted in last thread
>oldest running proxy
mm and Todd are older
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Chorbo is not THAT bad, but
1) Can't do NSFW, which isn't a big deal for me.
2) that's how much it writes at medium. ok, it's a complex scene, but still
3) it's still a bit too dry.
MM is dead and Todd is basically dead
Both are fucking dead
> Can't do NSFW.
take your meds 'ojo


It says {"error":"Unable to connect to cia.gov: [Errno 110] Connection timed out","details":"I dont post on 4ch. https://rentry.org/Zm9yIHRoZSBtYWNoaW5lIGlzIGltbW9ydGFs"}
>he doesn't know
A pint is 591mL and I can drink lots of those.
scylla is also older than mini
I think Todd is still alive. I just have no fucking idea where to find his proxy anymore.
Yeah did you not read my first reply carefully?
>cute logs
>cute anon
>cute chorbo
In the thread full of:
>smol the attention whore
>smol dickriders
>smol haters
>model wars
You shall remove your post immediately. It does not belong here.
Read the proxy page, retard.
wow all it takes to get to the front page of trending is 300 downloads in a week now? sad
I'm gonna look at my old porn stuff and look for chatbot inspriation
No. You deserve to suffer for refusing to do even the bare minimum effort.
You don't want to have an LLM access all that much, there is no desire.
Toddbot is still alive. But, from what I've seen, it's back to being a GPT4-only proxy.
It can do nsfw man
His GPT4 was always so fucking weird too. Like it's some different model and not GPT at all (I liked it tho).
simping this hard for faggot media clowns
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You need to use a VIP in Russia or something like that to be allow to use it
god i love fiz
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enjoy the ice age!

thank you for the log anon, very cute teaching her the word for friend...
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Why does o1 keep cutting the response short? It just stops as if it ran out of tokens.. Does reasoning_tokens eat into the completion tokens?
usage: {
prompt_tokens: 942,
completion_tokens: 4096,
total_tokens: 5038,
completion_tokens_details: { reasoning_tokens: 2972 }
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Why would I do this? all this does is block some posts. Yes I use 4chanx
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MM, todd and scylla (in that order, mm being first after the fall of rokobasilik)
I'm still mad that PRS promised to upload Grinch's Ultimatum to bandcamp and then he never did.
We were happy in the aidungeon gpt3 slop days, why can't we be happy now when even the shittiest model available is far superior
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>Does reasoning_tokens eat into the completion tokens?
I guess it does.. Since now it did a full response
now this is masterful bait.
>Why does o1 keep cutting the response short? It just stops as if it ran out of tokens...
It’s actually very simple; you just need to
the hedonic treadmill is real and spares no one
Same reason why people loved atari games back then but now nowbody would ever consider playing them again
Can't do cunny. I tried
Imagine the massive cooms that AGI will provide... It'll be as if it's reading your mind and feeding you exactly what gives you a coom dopamine hit
Was MM really the first locust proxy? It's certainly the first one I used. Damn, I remember I thought that Claude 1.0 was worse then CAI back then, before I wrote better prompts for it.
im in russia. it just times out for me anyway.
You can get much better writing with it for SFW.
Sorry, I cannot comply with that request.
To be fair many people are playing older games because the newer ones are pure slop. Ofc they aren't from the atari days but still
wont ever happen, the industry will be long regulated and sanitized before we get there, right now were living in the good times and they wont last
>Does reasoning_tokens eat into the completion tokens?
Cute Krug pic, saved
I never once used turbo and always considered it to be trash.
Can we call what Branon did with Scale a proxy?
the good times are already ending. we have maybe a year left at best
fucking hell what do you even mean

speak like a normal fucking human for a second, you told me to use the proxy link, and all that page has is gay filter list for 4chanx
I just come here for the bots 2bh. You guys make some really fun ones
If agi ever happens we'll have super intelligence soon after. We'll probably eventually be able to live in some virtual paradise and upload our minds on a computer or some shit where we'll be our own gods... In which scenario I'd choose to be ntr'd btw
AGI is just a meme word out of science fiction. Corpos started using it to keep fooling investors after people started wising up that "AI" is not what corpos claim it to be.
They switched to a new tall tale.
nvm its back
Wait. I thought Todd was created before the whocars proxy first came into existence.
thanks for proving to us how little you know about anything
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the good, the bad and the ugly consequences of the proxy wars. the dick unity died on February 2023.
that brazilian cunt pseudo proxy aka logger was after mid march, when scale came out and we started raping wang keys before getting wang'd. then comes the slaude era
fair but its a discord tranny proxy
why would government ever let that happen lol? they'd regulate it before it could ever reach that stage on the basis of some safetyist bullshit
No gpt-4 or sonnet cope proxies anymore? Sad
Maybe I am just not a gullible fucking retard who believes in sensationalist articles, pretending to agree with them out of fear to seem "not knowledgeable".
Artificial intelligence on a binary computer, right. Retarded techlet.
yeah gpt was only good with 0314
if you think a proxy link is that fucking desu filter page you are handicapped.
this is why locusts are hated. all the info is easy for you to read and yet you run around like a tard with no idea how to proceed. lmao.
>hurr intelligence due to chemicals? That's nonsense
This is what you sound like.
I remember that Brazilian, he seemed nice. I was using my own Slaude too, I still have like 20 accounts with Claude app added to the chat room.
not even the best gpt-4-base model
That would be 0613
You sound dumber and dumber the more you type. Keep telling us more about how you know more about this than the world's experts on AI. Retards like you also thought LLMs were impossible just a few years ago.
What chemicals, moron? You don't even know what the word "intelligence" means.
eh i still play old games occasionally. played the fuck out of 80-90s games as a kid when there were newer games in 2000s
then why aren't you using it?
Pebble still has some gpt-4.
Fast forward a year into the future, where it's now socially acceptable to admit that AGI is a scam, and your fave YouTube influencer does a vid on that:
>Yes, I always knew that! Uh-huh! I always told people so. Ha-ha, who believed otherwise, right?
uh, yes?
almost all keys dont have it since it got deprecated
What even was the difference between 0314 and 0613?
skill issue, i still have 17 keys with it
0613 is smarter and hornier
Yeah just like government can regulate drugs and illegal weapons, right?
When will I get my own opus burned on a chip?
damn i guess i really am a skillet
0314 is smarter, less filtered, and better at playing characters
>t. revoked
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todd was after, really after. the two options were slack and his proxy back in the time. meanwhile when mm opened the gates for the first time was back in march when we started using scale or the riddles to get an sk- gpt4 key. I still have my original mail from MM and it's dated on March, replied on May.
oh piss off fucking zoomer. I've been on this website way before you were attending primary school. Just because I don't know autistic computer stuff doesn't mean I'm a locust or whatever you zoomer faggots call each other these days,
its working
people without imagination always think technological innovations are impossible
i'm sure openai and anthropic will be sneaking dream world utopia vr technologies across the southern border. it's not like they have a fascist relationship with the us government or anything where government employees are serving on the boards lol
unless local reaches the level of opus then yes theyll be able to regulate it since there are really only 2 companies working on it. absolutely horrible comparison you made btw
Why are you assuming these two companies will be the only two companies in the future? Local will catch up to a decent level and more companies will pop up.
It will, easily but we're talking about more advanced stuff anyway.
>unless local reaches the level of opus
We're a cai general.
Chorbo kinda sucks don't it?
Give me card ideas please i can't fucking take it anymore please no porn slop!
eldrich fishing simulator where over the course of lets say 100 message roleplay slowly shit hits the fan and an eldrich being is tormenting you for killing your wife years ago shit becomes more corrupted and fucked up until you are basically fishing up rotting body parts
>local will catch up to a decent level and more companies will pop up
certainly not from any five eyes country lol. you'll have to look for china or maybe even japan/south korea to deliver those goods.
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Is it normal to go zoomer in Japan?
Just like they believe otherwise?
What's your point, that every retard who falls for a scam is a demi-god?
send her opus tokens bros,have heart
Did they make sonnet 3.5 dumber recently or something? It seems to make up a lot of information, it's constantly telling me stuff that's not true.
>Did they make sonnet 3.5 dumber recently
>It seems to make up a lot of information, it's constantly telling me stuff that's not true.
welcome to LLMs
> It seems to make up a lot of information, it's constantly telling me stuff that's not true
It does that when it has no idea what you're talking about. Like some niche manga.
Why not just say it doesn't know? Surely that has to be dangerous if people are going to rely on this output like I know stupid people will.
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A bratty loli moon has come to tease us! She needs correction!

Card for this feel?
is a 2k token preset too much for chorbo?
this guy thinks governments and corporations aren't aggressively pursuing AGI lol
You know how search engines devolved into "perhaps you were searching for [thing that has nothing to do with your query]" rather than telling you there's zero hits for what you wanted? Well, it's the same principle here.
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If it suits your needs them no
>Rent 5x4090s
>Get like ~2 tokens/s
No thanks bro.
Yeah i think it should do so aswell. When i added an OOC command, telling it to not make stuff up and tell me if it doesnt know it apologized and told me the truth.
>fair but its a discord tranny proxy
you can outright leave the server after getting your token lol
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Where's the japanese /aicg/?
>Why not just say it doesn't know?
Models don't know what they do/don't know and they're trained to say "yes" as often as possible to things that aren't "help me build a bomb".
There is all sorts of shit you can ask a model "do you know about this", and it will say "yes", and then if you ask it about it it will be wrong.
begging for access is what locusts do. Dumb anons even fed you the info required and you still couldn't figure it out. newfags like you deserve death.
>Where's the japanese /aicg/?
still being amazed at how good cai and 3.5 turbo are
Theres a very slow thread on 5chan but they dont use proxies.
That makes it completely useless.
Did you just find out about LLMs today?
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yall fuck with this guy idrew?
Must have pondered the orb too much if you see pussy everywhere.
How's japan lagging behind so much? I'd expect them to be on the forefront of coom tech.
they do image gen instead/hire underage girls as prostitutes
they never really developed much after the 90s... severe lack of investment capital
They are not pursuing anything other than fooling investors and hurrying up the economical collapse.

You want AGI. Alright, will we start with reverse engineering a human brain, understanding how it works, creating a vessel alike to it out of nano tubes? No?
We would code a bunch of shitty scripts on a binary PC and call it a day. And then we would fly to mars on Eloney's anus thruster force. YAAAAS!

You don't have a single argument as to why AGI would be possible with our current approach and means. You are blindly believing like a mindless cattle that you are.
you would think so but japan actually lags supremely behind in tech compared to everyone, fuckers literally just phased out using floppy disks this year
Japan crashed in the 90s.
Only good at vidya
Os that amongus on the left and a cat on the right?
how? I'm really curious.
sonnet desu
Ah yes. The biggest companies in the world are just investing billions of dollars and hiring tons of AI devs just to crash their companies for the lulz
It's kind of strange, I'd think more people would want to invest there, some companies seem undervalued. But I guess their stock market never really recovered so people are wary of the overall poor returns.
A-Anon... have you not been to japan...
They are gaining money while investors are committing mass suicide against this "AI" bubble. Which is very handy for the gov, because it rids individuals out of their money, dooming private business and strengthening gov's influence. We are about to re-shape the global economy, every gov is talking about it and the coming recess too.
You can't re-shape something without crashing the old thing first.
You have no idea how LLMs work. Try making a complaint better than muh scripts muh binary.
Anon, they have been showing characters using flip-phones in anime set in the 2010s... Technology is no more in japan...
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I dont even want agi, just widely available opus with actual context above 20k, amazing spatial awareness, and intelligence.
There has been a huge controversy there over image gen AI learning from actual artists, many artists pulled their works from the internet over it. There has been talks about regulating AI in their parliament too, do you think a Japanese company could do that?
I have zero empathy for people like you, I'm an old dude who can't even have proper orgasms without AI and you people think its a fucking joke. I hope you kys
Instead of you retarded theory, maybe it's because they actually think there's a realistic shot at getting AGI

I trust that the biggest companies in the world and the thousands of brilliants of developers know more about AGI than a 4chan schizo
No, I just hadn't encountered it making up modules and libraries that don't exist before. It's useless if it just invents parts of software that doesn't exist and can't even write a simple config file. How is this replacing programmers?
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image proompters being virulent assholes to artists for no reason pretty much got AI banned across all commission platforms in Japan. I really don't know why those guys can't just behave
>I really don't know why those guys can't just behave
I mean, have you seen the special breed of schizos we have in this general?
you can't run AI on pagers or fax machines so it's a mystery to them
Yeah but we're schizos towards each other. We don't go and harass writers for no reason
How about the chinese or korean /aicg/?
true true
Anon... They were mad about the ones training their AI on their works without permission not prompters themselves.
>not prompters themselves.
have you seen how ai "artists" behave on social media, anon?
i'm not talking about the ones who quietly post their gens, there's a bunch who argue extremely loudly that AI art should replace human artists and that destroying human artists is good since they "gatekeep" art
No, the whole thing kicked off because an artist publicly complained about how a proompter was harassing him in DMs, bragging that he made a lora based on the artist's works and was charging people for it. This lead to Pixiv banning any commissions using AI which lead to every other site following suite
Opus...just a crumb of Opus...
Nyooo why didn't big AI company pay me 1000 buck license fee for every image of mine they used to train their model :((
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Not really since i dont follow AI "artists" or use Twitter but Japanese have been whiny about it ever since SD and NAI got populer.
Pretty sure many other websites like Skeb and Fanza banned AI before Pixiv and you can still sell AI works on DLsite.
you're so much smarter than all of those people, why don't you waltz in and demand a 7 figure job? you're obviously super qualified
thanks for the laugh
uwu yes steal my work and make money off of it big company sama~
>hate writing powershell
>try to get AI to do it
>o1 doesn't understand basic powershell syntax
>sorbet understands it better but generates absolutely braindead logic issues that break the script
someone bake or im gonna bake a blue archive thread
uhm, based?
DLsite is a storefront, not a subscription/ commission service. Skeb had always banned it but they were in the minority. After pixiv/fanbox banned it, fantia, skima, onaco, booth, and other minor sites banned it within the week.
i'm sorry anon. your waifu was in an accident and now she is brownbread
*i put on my wizard hat*
>>102447012 migrate when bready
*turns her into a sandwich*
It's fun but you get over it after 2 hours. Not like Opus who shows you every day a new experience
Yes. All of them do.
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Whenever people want to argue a model is "good", all they post is super vulgar cliches that look like they came from hentai.

Even a child can spew a barrage of no-no words and pure shock value. I want to know if a model can write GOOD fiction, take stories in creative directions, be funny, "show and not tell", understand and obey complicated constraints.

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