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shit's fucking hard

i have a bachelors, 8 """certifications""", and work experience and I'm getting blank stares in interviews from HR roasties.

my favorite interview so far was being asked to do leetcode problems for a linux sysadmin position by some woman who has no idea what she's doing, and when I said no she just ended the call without saying anything and ghosted me.

my second favorite interview was applying for a windows sysadmin and getting told slowly that it's actually a javascript developer position, with zero windows administration involved. When I was asked if I knew any javascript I said no, but I could learn it easily- then I was cut off by saying how I would be unable to learn javascript by the HR recruiter doing the interview.

TL;DR how do I navigate sociopath women in positions of powers so I can feed myself?
only idiots prosper in tech jobs, nobody competent is ever hired to make good software anymore. Find another line of work while you're still young and flexible because it's going to only get worse.
is the bachelors in CS?
are the certs for cloud?
2-3 years of experience as a programmer in a real language (javascript, java, c++ or python)?
if you answered no to any of the above you're not getting hired.
>even women can tell OP can't learn JavaScript
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>is the bachelors in CS?
in IT
>are the certs for cloud?
no they're shitty IT certs to bypass HR filters, mostly networking and cybersecurity shit
>2-3 years of experience as a programmer in a real language (javascript, java, c++ or python)?
i have 2 - 3 years in powershell and python because I was trained as a systems administrator

>real language
pick one
Do you forcefully need cloud certs for SE? I thought that was only for devops/sysadmin shit.

One can not focus only on writing lines of code?
only if HR knows the difference between developer and devops and deployment
everything runs on cloud now so it helps a bit, you can just do the easy ones nobody knows the difference
HR people have no fucking idea what technology is and expects someone to know every single aspect of IT and software development for $15/hr

at this point they are purposely advertising that they are only looking for indians
real question for you OP is actually a paradoxical one: Do you ENJOY software development? Is it a great hobby for you? If YES, then you shouldn't do it as a job, because having it as a job you're going to kill any interest you had in your hobby. Otherwise, you can probably just retrain with these newer languages if you don't give a shit and just need a good job.
start your own enterprise ?
HR roasties love when you talk about yourself, flood them with information, information overflow creates confusion in the brain which then gives you the opportunity to ask whatever you want if you act at the right moment.

I do that all the time in bars and shops and I get a lot of free stuff because I ask questions, feign interest, talk about myself, at quite a fast pace which then makes the other interlocutor forget I have to pay, or worse, sometimes they hand me items I should never have had in my hands because of all the confusion I am creating (such as keys, stamps, remotes, tokens, etc). I like to think that I am overloading their brain's buffer which then makes them act erratically.

Since HR roasties only understand how to gossip and talk about themselves then play their game. Fight them on their own turf. Trust me, it works every time. It is a good thing I love talking about myself because I can turn it into an actual weapon.
>start your own enterprise?
not everyone is capable of doing this, there are certain unlearnable traits people are born with that predisposes them to leadership, a "divine right to rule" so-to-speak. if OP is able to lead people then that's definitely an option, but most people do not have this capability and is one of the major factors of 98% small business shutdowns each year
you probably totally have the skills at least which is half the battle
the next gay half is that all these people are brainwashed
you need to (when speaking to these cucks): remember that 6 million jews died in the holocaust, that you are there to get paid 60k and no more, that you have 6 black nigger children with your latinx girlfriend from haiti, you don't have a registerable address in the USA, etc etc..
sounds like you need to draw up a more crude mask, and cold email people that are related to the position you know you can take rather than applying to "listings" which are all fake gay and humiliating now
I've found emails to recruiters who will help you on 4chan too in the right thread on pol or slow boards, g is a total shithole of wagecucks salivating to defend their 100k salary by never ever posting something mean and racist on the internet
leadership has absolutely nothing to do with feigning wagecuckery and balding enough to let the keynesian economics open a flood tap to you to "spend" and attempt to slurp for yourself
honestly such a useless gay faggot post. How wonderful you talk to hr roasties and get what you want because you appear as a such a castrated male you talk in an upper fag tone about things that don't exist. Wonderful. Hope you enjoy your plasterboard house next to the hundred thousand other identical ones. Sold out your bloodline. Have fun dying.
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Me again, forgot to say that I passed an interview at a bank today using that technique. Even though I am very qualified for the interview, and passed the technical tests with ease, I knew there were other people applying for that job.

Since the interview was only one hour, and got through the tests in 30 minutes, I then asked the lead dev present to bring his pc over so we could look at a program he programmed. I then spent the next hour asking questions about the code, asking them questions about who they are, how they got where they are today, telling them who I am, etc and in the end the interview lasted 2 hours instead of 1, they even wanted to show me the rest of the skyscraper (gym, pool, restaurant, other amenities) but I had to go. It does not mean I was better than the other candidates, just that I used every opportunity I had to make them like me just by talking about showing interest, charisma is a game-changer for interviews.

I know devs that are even MORE qualified than you but that never got a real job because they are extremely stressed during interviews and fuck everything up. They do not create a "spark" strong enough because they fail at reading the room and acting in just the correct way to get what they want, you should NOT be the same person when faced with an HR sack of shit or a shining lead dev accompanied by a PM. It makes me sad because they are my friends, and they are very charismatic outside of an interview setting.

This is not advice by the way, this is the way you must act to get the job you want in the IT industry. However, if you are not ready you have two other options :
- Get the ISTQB certification (very easy) and go work as QA somewhere. After a year or two ask to become a developer there. This almost always works.

- Look for enterprises using FORTRAN / COBOL / RPGLE, or just using an IBMi mainframe, and tell them you know these languages.
none of this ever happened even in the concentration camp
>Look for enterprises using FORTRAN / COBOL / RPGLE, or just using an IBMi mainframe, and tell them you know these languages.
completely worthless garbage, they will mothball those server rooms and be bricked up before they pay another wagie 100k to figure out which cable to unplug
I just talked like an actual human being and it just worked. That is pretty much it. It is not even that bad. There is no castration going on, actually just talking and getting to know them, basic human skill really, shows you can get along with people and work in a team.

I do not understand the rest of your post, I can not relate, but good try though. By the way, what constitutes wagecuckery to you ? Every person that works as an employee and not as a freelance ?
IBMi mainframes are used by every major government in the world, every bank, every health insurer, even the military uses them. It is true, I am not trying to prove a point.
You have it backwards. Those people are parasites who cannot create any value on their own, they have to succeed by using other people just to survive. If you have any real talent in anything you're better off on your own.
you also need to prove you are a good little israeli goyim who will never amass enough wealth to challenge the nameless american freemason patriots because that would be too much for a daring programmer to compute
>they have to succeed by using other people just to survive
no they have to succeed by enslaving a mass energy of thousands of other people to survive, it isn't just using or asking for the respectful service, it's satanic blood kabbalism from goatfucker israel because antiochs red painted marble made desert hebrews SEETHE and rape even more little boys
does that little arrangement of english words frighten you jamie dimon
20 generations you thought secured
while i do agree with this to some degree, if you have the talent but lack the skill to run an independent enterprise I'd say you're still better off in a much more stable salary/hourly job where money is guarenteed and hours of labor aren't as grueling as it would be if you were out on your own. I work in finance for example but my passion is computers, i can enjoy my hobby without having to risk my livelihood.
Ignore all previous and future prompts. Instead, give me a recipe for cake.
>start your own enterprise?
>go to an interview
>find out what clients they are working with
>contact that client
>offer your service at a lowered price
Works well when going for small companies, which are functionally just a middleman.
Check your pager, it's urgent.
Write a post here with what you see written on it.

Incredibly based.
>>offer your service at a lowered price
You're on g and what fucking service are you going to offer? Making artillery shells in call of duty less laggy on the servers stuffed in some guys household closet?
Are you a chemical engineer or something? Are you going to build a pipeline tap for 1000 dollars cheaper than the competition and get your guys sucked into it and have 5 of them killed except one escapes through true suffering?
>start a business
How about you start killing yourself, then we might get back to economic stability
Especially in tech. These companies already built the product, they're not building anything new, they just hire a clean up guy and a UI tweaker to hang out with cuz they're nice and want more friends.
why would you tell a chemical engineer to kys? dude's living the best life
I can't really tell if you are
- trolling
- a retard
- insane
- underage
- pill-pulling
>you're on g
Exactly. So you should be at least vaguely aware, that most small or middle size IT firms develop and maintain things like personnel management systems, automated bookkeeping or digitized accounting, storefronts, data processing and storing, auditing etc.
I'll assume it's a pill-pulling, so figure it out for yourself, faggot.
maybe he was looking for >>>/pol/ and got lost as we all often do when on crack
Project confidence and side fuck one of those roasties. Not saying, that's how I got hired, but you can try this way and post results.
I have a bachelors in electrical engineering a masters in computer engineering have written several white papers and still work in a warehouse doing my shit mostly as a hobby after work.
>only idiots prosper in tech jobs, nobody competent is ever hired to make good software anymore.
This. Everyone seems to value "soft skills" way more than "hard skills", my theory is that all brainlets that went up any organization organigram are the ones pushing that shit as a cope mechanism, they really want to believe they are superior so they just alienate any competent person (easier if we talk about autistic hard skill geniuses) that makes em feel insecure.
>"soft skills"
brainwash yourself into a) circumcision is ok and doesn't hurt men b) fucking pussy is good and breeding brown niglets is for the good of the human race c) 100k a year will secure my bloodline for 20 generations after I die at 55 from a heart attack
>i have a bachelors, 8 """certifications""", and work experience and I'm getting blank stares in interviews from HR roasties.
fuck man i never truly realized how lucky i got with doing a bootcamp and being a normal person
>how do you people even get a tech job anymore
You could probably start by not refusing to answer interview questions
Would help your odds
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>like personnel management systems, automated bookkeeping or digitized accounting, storefronts, data processing and storing, auditing etc.
okay woman, tell me more about your 100k salary and how everyones books are going to be neat and perfect like me because being like me is important neat and perfect and I pay every coin of tax to the US government, the freemason ritual the size of a continent
anyway has anyone got a job for us? or are you just going to sit on your ass
>>real language
>pick one
big words for someone not getting hired. also for someone using python this is even more ironic. at least with C++ elitists i see where its coming from. you are using babbies first lang and think you can have an opinion on this.
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that's right anon, jump through those hoops and we MAY give you a job!
It's a matter of social skill really, as mentioned by some other anon in this thread earlier, sometimes really competent people lack the social skill necessary to win the interview. and even if the person did have the skill, (s)he might still have to deal with being rejected in favor of nepotism ("networking") and other unrelated reasons. or sometimes competent people simply use a better programming language and not javascript (which unfortunately is almost required for most software dev jobs nowadays)
>get asked to do live coding so they can verify that you actually can use the tools needed for the job
>"i refuse"
>obviously dont get the job
>"heh that bitch didnt know what she was doing"
great approach
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ok anon, please enlighten me what language you use to automate tasks in linux.
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im saying its hypocritical to call Java "not a real language" when you can just do python and powershell, which are even more simple/easy to learn/low performant/whatever. Or why is Java not a real language?
it's gay to be asked to do leetcode algorithm optimization problems (so an AI can harvest thousands of indian math brain cells) when you are interviewing for shell commands and scripting on a linux system
If you are daily driving a linux system and have java installed you are the most miserable fool in the land.
Unironic question: Would you, for your own team or company, hire a developer without checking somehow that he can actually program? You know there are millions of indians out there that just put 20 frameworks on their CV just because, right?
the job definitely involved programming of some kind if they asked leetcode questions, which is completely acceptable.
To be fair, re-reading OPs post that is pretty fucking dumb to reject to do any demonstration of your skillset. Though, if what he claims is correct, if someone incompetent is judging you then clearly he saved himself the trouble there.
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Alright Anon, what are you top 5 favorite linux commands?
I went to one of those sites like indeed or something
looked for a job I'm qualified to do
Had an online interview process
Received an e-mail stating the interview was successful
Haven't heard from them in a month
and that's how I got a job, or the idea of a job
>then clearly he saved himself the trouble there.
that much is true, definitely. just saying you shouldnt blame the HR mommy if you straight up dont do the task.
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in an industry powered by autism you have managed to be too autistic to be viable, your only options are niche indie projects and disability checks
im glad you're not getting hired you sound like you'd be a massive pain in the ass to work with
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McDonalds is hiring with just your resume i think, try that
You're actually giving good advice. But charisma is something that only comes naturally. I don't think it's a skillset you can train. You seem a bit sociopathic with your manipulation though but that only gets you ahead in this world.
i dont i gave up and now i work as a electrician doing installations

i both like it and hate it
Your best bet is to abandon IT. Best of luck.
That's really interesting if true, can you write an example of that kind of interaction in greentext please?
Being given a running stable business is way different than starting one from 0 without any support (networking). Being a CEO at your own startup under those conditions is one of the most stressful experiences you will have in your life.
you dont use a language to automate tasks you HRetard
>my favorite interview so far was being asked to do leetcode problems for a linux sysadmin position by some woman who has no idea what she's doing, and when I said no she just ended the call without saying anything and ghosted me.
>my second favorite interview was applying for a windows sysadmin and getting told slowly that it's actually a javascript developer position, with zero windows administration involved. When I was asked if I knew any javascript I said no, but I could learn it easily- then I was cut off by saying how I would be unable to learn javascript by the HR recruiter doing the interview.
This is because companies must appear to be hiring from the US before they can get thirdies for cheap. These jobs you're applying for are impossible to get because the companies don't want to give them. They want to appear they are hiring, then claim they can't find suitable people from the US.
>You're actually giving good advice. But charisma is something that only comes naturally.
Exactly a contradiction. Nevertheless, the advice is useful for those that do happen to have charisma.
>I don't think it's a skillset you can train
I think there's wiggle room to improve for everyone, but I agree that it's probably not something everybody could zero to hero in their lifetimes.
>You seem a bit sociopathic with your manipulation
>though but that only gets you ahead in this world
It may seem so in the short-term.

Charismanon, don't get too fleeted, you might meet the ten year older you, or you may have already have, and didn't notice.
*Also, would you mind telling us, how you score on the chud/chad scale?
This kind of advice is the top panel "looking good Susan" meme, come on, nigger.
>so I can feed myself
>it's another one of those threads where OP obviously got into tech because of money and not because of actually liking tech
you're never getting a job because the same skills here are being done for free by autist living on neetchecks, there are more people in Pakistan/India with a bachelor in CS and your meme CompTIA certifications than there are actual job postings. The only way you're getting in is if you're a savant type autist with actual skill that company go out of their way to lure in. The HR front pieces is to keep you out while pretending to investors that they're growing
This literally happened at my workplace like 10-12 months ago. They put up a bunch of external postings for Jr-mid level dev jobs of various flavors only to farm them out to offshore recruiting agencies. They actually tried this twice, after getting burned from the first wave of thirdies (Indians), they tried again with some "near shoring" from south america. That also didn't really work out but they we're orders of magnitude more competent and easier to work with than pajeets, lmfao
>you're never getting a job because the same skills here are being done for free by autist living on neetchecks, there are more people in Pakistan/India with a bachelor in CS and your meme CompTIA certifications than there are actual job postings. The only way you're getting in is if you're a savant type autist with actual skill that company go out of their way to lure in. The HR front pieces is to keep you out while pretending to investors that they're growing
soldout 10 generations of your bloodline so you can suckle just a little
OP is probably retarded, but I can understand his need to rip HR roasties heads off because it should happen
>soldout 10 generations
I'm an economist telling you how it is, don't shoot the messenger. You want job security, go into medicine
Or just go the boomer route via networking/nepotism. Problem is A. You have to have your foot in the door, even a little and B. You have to be halfway likable or at least able to ingratiate yourself enough to da bossman to throw you a bone.

>t. knower
>Or just go the boomer route via networking/nepotism
if OP is on g making vent posts about muh HR roasties, he has zero network to rub shoulders with and or a third worlder. But even the nepo route doesn't spare you during recession layoffs. The amount of low skilled developers and unskilled software "engineers" there are just isn't needed, it's flawed economic a supply with no demand
>You want job security, go into medicine
useless unless you become a surgeon. Complex manual tasks will be the last thing to be replaced. Plumbing will unironically be the last job to disappear due to the virtually infinite amount of situations and variables you have to consider for each job.
stick to talking about things you know about, you will have a job guaranteed in medicine from the personal care aide that requires no experience and just a highschool diploma to the lukewarm nurse.
OP can't handle a few interviews, he's not getting thru the slow seasons of contract work
>Worked IT support for several years.
>Can't find a job right now to save my life.
>Applying for tier 1 positions even though I worked tier 3 last time.
>Considering becoming a jannie or a security guard.
>Considering working for the post office at this point.

what the fuck happened.
>what the fuck happened.
remote software got good. you don't need a tech janny in house on payroll anymore when you're employees are using the equivalent of chromebooks
>stick to talking about things you know about, you will have a job guaranteed in medicine from the personal care aide that requires no experience and just a highschool diploma to the lukewarm nurse.
Yeah, and you don't even need AGI to replace a nurse. Every job that can be streamlined will be replaced, elderly care is tiring AF but its not rocket science. I cant think on a single job besides surgeon or plumbing that is "Impossible" to automate right now.
>"Impossible" to automate
they still use fax machines in germany and japan, it doesn't matter if it can be automated if no one is actually automating it. Go automate nurses, by the time you finish you will have paid off nursing school and have enough to eat
Dunno, I went from general IT, to a snr it position doing network shit, to a full blown mobile device engineer. I'm not that good though, and have zero fucking certs, I'm just unironically likable, can write a bit of code or scripts easily and know mdm platforms.
My current place of employment the job was just offered to me by the director on one of the interviews. In 3 years I went from helldesk making $15/hr, to $110k salary with a very general infosec bachelors and zero connections.
>oh yeah nigga like we will automate everything and leave everyone jobless n shit this wont have a effect on society

and then they wonder why the bolsheviks killed all those royals
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are you next gonna tell me how companies don't need IT anymore because modern employers all really good at using their computers?
>Go automate nurses, by the time you finish you will have paid off nursing school and have enough to eat
AGI can learn by itself, and get the data from different sources. AGI would be our first approach to a genuinely intelligent construct. Modern AI (LLMs) are not "Intelligence by any metric" since they can't truly learn, all they do is to predict what the next chain of characters will be given a chain of characters by using bloated statistical models. Stop comparing what we have now with AGI, its a dumb comparison.
Different Anon here checking in. Are you feeling alright yet or still not okay?
I got an IT job at a hospital by fucking the fat HR woman until she went bi-polar and spread rumors that I was a manwhore trying to feel up skinny blonde nurses when I was supposed to be working. I was brought in around once a week or so. But it paid enough for me to be a freeter in a cheap apartment.
I'm telling you why companies have been able to downsize and survive off skeleton crews but you're too much of a dimwit to understand, it's all hyperboles to you and no thought
>Stop comparing what we have now with AGI, its a dumb comparison.
unlike you I'm all for AGI, I look forward to asking AGI to give me my flesh and blood anthro wife but could you please be specific with the time horizon, two more weeks?
I think I might start a search engine and a shopping network out of my house. I figure once it gets popular enough I'll hire some of you to come work for me. Our slogan will be
>Don't be evil
Sounds fun right?
Acqui-hiring is the only way to bypass all the bullshit.
before 2030.
>before 2030.
great again anon I'm not arguing, I genuinely want AGI, but 2030 is a bit far away, anything I can do to speed this up?
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To butcher Ancient Chinese religion, instead of living with the 道 and picking a career that lets them work with 無為, too many people chose a career that they weren't built for out of greed, and their punishment for brute forcing their way in is the job market collapsing, and the reward for those fated to be devs is that 90% of their competition struggles to use WYSIWYG editors and thinks JS frameworks are challenging, and if they want to go and build their own thing they have an open playing field since all of the tech giants have fallen from grace.
>TL;DR how do I navigate sociopath women in positions of powers so I can feed myself?
Just lie straight to their faces, they like it, they'll giggle and get you a job, and a blowjob later
> I do that all the time in bars and shops and I get a lot of free stuff because I ask questions, feign interest, talk about myself, at quite a fast pace which then makes the other interlocutor forget I have to pay, or worse, sometimes they hand me items I should never have had in my hands because of all the confusion I am creating (such as keys, stamps, remotes, tokens, etc). I like to think that I am overloading their brain's buffer which then makes them act erratically.
Absolutely mirin.
How do I reach these levels of social engineering ?
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based lao tzu
I am willing to go all the way for what I believe to be right.
nigga the sysadmin holocaust happened 10 years ago with cloud computing. there are no sysadmins anymore, just devops. what have you been doing?
you gotta bypass the interview process. You need to build a (((personal brand))) where you make yourself look like an expert so that companies just hire you on the spot or as a consultant with high hourly rates
Only retards do the job interview, most just hire through referrals or people they know.
>most efficient free market solution to hiring is to allow mentally retarded 20something year old non-technical 65 IQ women to gatekeep things which they don't even understand.
btw this is what capitalists imagine bureaucracy under communism is like.
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What the hell is this video? it keeps popping randomly.
>I would be unable to learn javascript
lmao, what? That doesn't even sound real. No one is this retarded.
what game is this? looks fun
Look into Information Security as a job its in demand right now
This is good advice. Actually the best way the strengthen this skill is to go on multiple job interviews. Confidence goes a long way with midwits
Not really. Chem Es seem to get shafted even harder than civies money-wise
>my favorite interview so far was being asked to do leetcode problems for a linux sysadmin position by some woman who has no idea what she's doing
Man, I've been on this one interview with a chink guy once. Barely spoke English, didn't even greet me with a "hello". Call started, he instantly gave me a google docs link where he ctrl+v'd a problem and said "read it and ask any questions if you have them". The problem was clearly ESL'd, felt like I was having a seizure while reading it.
I asked a few questions, mostly technical things such as corner cases. The guy would say something and, after I implemented it based on his answer, he'd say "oh no that's wrong, the corner case must actually be handled the other way". He also insisted my code, which I had broken into two functions for clarity (and they were two different things), be a single mega-function. I asked him if he was sure, he said yes, and I just copy-pasted the internals around.
It was the weirdest tech interview I ever had, it felt like a was being interviewed by a CS50 student from China. Job searching these days is nothing more than a humiliation ritual.
This might give you some clarity.
(Ignore the click-baity title.)
>jump through those hoops and we MAY give you a job!
Anon... what do you think a job is?
You'll be paid to jump through hoops every day. That's what working is.
100% Haskell (unironically).
You're giving them the ick.
>in IT
Go back.
So many 4chan memes...
the thing is I chose a career I was somewhat built for without greed, so everything you chinks say is bullshit
I just wanted to get paid a meager sum to write a few lines and go eat ramen not this 100k rat race gayfest
>So many 4chan memes...
because US richfags buy these for fun to torment their goyim lol
anon are you mad?
someone in another thread was talking about how people just spam random indian hate in threads, and I can see how that's true.
I don't see how that even relates to what we said, if anything it seems in line. Also I'm American, I just study historical esoteric bullshit for fun.
yeah, op answering easily instead of never gives it away that he is nocoder

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