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Whats the longest time you've had a computer that you regularly used? I got my last PC at the start of 2011 and only replaced it last year so 12 years for me
what's the point in telling you. you would not believe me anyway.
9 years. only reason why i replaced it was because m$ was ending support for win7.
current comp is 4.5 years old. will likely keep it until m$ ends support for win11.
7 years, 2011-2018, the reason I replaced it was because even in 2011 that shit was considered low end
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13 years, 2010-2023. I did replace a GTX260 with a GTX550Ti during that time, though.
Probably my current machine, which is over a decade old. The only upgrades I've made is more memory and swapped out the graphics card twice.
My motherboard and cpu are new, but my gpu is 14 years old.
Seems pretty well kept. Based cleanfreak.
My first PC that was my own I used from 2004 to 2016
I was rocking a Pentium 4 and 6600gt until DOOM 2016 came out, upgraded to windows 7 in 2014, only because 8.1 didn’t run that well on one core.
Bought a used 7700T and 3gb 1060 after
i had PIII 650E from 1999 to 2007. I was forced to replace it with an AMD Athlon II x2 4000 because it started to stutter while playing new divx movies
I usually upgrade every 7-8 years. Last pc i built was in 2015 and i upgraded to my current pc in 2023
Let me see
1) AMD Am5x86 133 MHz (1996-1997)
2) Intel Pentium MMX 233 MHz (1997-1999)
3) AMD K6-2 400 MHz (1999-2003)
4) AMD Athlon XP Barton 2600+ 1.9 GHz (2003-2008)
5) Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 GHz (2008-2015)
6) Intel Core i5 4690 3.9 GHz (2015-2021)
7) Intel Core i7 10700K 3.8 GHz (2021-???)

So it was 7 years for the Core 2 Duo E8400
It received upgrades to ram, storage and GPU during that time though.
It originally had 4 GB ram, 500 GB hdd and a 9800 GTX+.
In 2010 I upgraded to 8 GB and a GTX 285
Later in 2011 or 12 I added a 1 TB hdd.
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Usually get a new one every ten years or so.
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2014 - 2024: i7 4790k GTX 970, switched to 5700 XT in 2019
2024: Meshify 2 aRGB, 7800X3D 5700XT, waiting for 50-series/RDNA 4 to launch. Very satisfied in everything atm except for playing the most demanding titles.
My pc is turning 10 years old in January
How do you guys take care of your puters so that they'll last a decade? Got a tower recently because I was tired of buying a laptop every four years.
I used the machine I built in 2011 until only a few months ago
I don't replace a computer for at least a decade

2007 Lenovo R61 still in use in my little workshop. Although, I've only had it since around 2015.

XP Pro
2.2Ghz core duo
IBM Advanced Dock with an Nvidia NVS-510 2GB GPU capable of driving 4 displays.

I run an old legit licensed version of Autocad on it.
cellphone sar
pls help me sar im indian
I had an X58 system from about 2010 to 2020. That said, partway through it got a new CPU (i7 920 -> X5670) and a RAM upgrade.

get more cores and RAM than you think you'll need. Ideally, play only games that're old enough that you don't really care about the GPU too much. Get a good PSU. Then just... use the computer, and don't pay attention to the hardware world for N years.

One thing that's different nowadays than back in 2010 is that CPUs aggressively overclock/overvolt themselves, you might have heard about recent Intel chips dying within a year. It isn't really that surprising, people who did extreme overclocking have had that kind of stuff happen to their chips since time immemorial. So if you're really serious about "this has to last forever", you might want to disable boost/turbo modes and just settle for the base clock.
Still regularly using a PC that was built in 2011. I only added an extra HDD I had laying around in it back in 2017 for extra storage and in case the other HDD failed. I have newer PCs as well. But I just left that one in the living room mostly for my kid to use. Teaching her how to use it. It has Arch Linux installed on it. She mostly just plays games on RetroArch and watches Cardcaptors and other anime that was for kids from the 90s. Along with having some educational software and playing around with PCEM running Windows 95 and Windows 98 with some DOS games and other PC games from that period she really likes.
I'm still using some refurbished business class Optiplex from like 2016.
oldest ss I can find
My first PC now serves at my firewall

Athlon 5350
12gb DDR3, one stick original the othr is a random spare
250gb ssd for boot
quad gigabit NIC

Played GTA V from start to finish on the integrated graphics along with Fallout 4 when it came out. Good times, I miss those days
What a beauty, based cleanfreak anon
i had a running pc of theseus since 2009 until a couple of years ago
>Played GTA V from start to finish on the integrated graphics along with Fallout 4 when it came out.
How did it run? Modern hardware has spoiled me, I can't imagine going back to what I put up with as a kid.
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I used a first-gen i5 (released in 2009) until last year.
I don't really use it often but in my basement I have an optiplex i've had since 2011 when my parents bought me it for college and I play with it while i am doing laundry. different monitor and an ssd and added ram but it's the same core machine.
too long.. i realize now, maybe 6 years

have to update hardware more often

as a standalone buyer i didnt influence the market too much into a good direction, like fan-less PSUs, mechanical keyboards, Dell equipment.. not cool not cool

maybe equipment makers should get all social security funds, instead of hiring those retards and play updooot games with customer
My current one that I built in 2013 with a 660 Ti. Only replaced the HDDs that went to shit and the PSU.
Looking for excuses for a new build, sadly this one still meets my sparse gaming needs and I'm yet to be hyped enough with AI to not just rent VMs when I want to fuck around with it.
Typing this on a 16 yo laptop. Core2Duo and 4GB RAM, running Arch Linux and upgraded with an SSD. Still going strong.

Of course I also have a beast desktop PC for more serious use cases.
I got my last PC in October 2011 and only replaced it this year's March.

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