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No degenerates edition
Qt master race
KDE Plasma
The only linux desktops worth mentioning.
you're doing this again?
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i love w11 so much brehs
My desktop? Windows 10, default wallpaper
I will not use windows 11
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Posting in the chud thread
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what do you do on your computer all day faggot-kun
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zoomies call this a retro fr no cap
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>so much SOVL
>post pape
>how many hours a day you rice this?
i say this and do this when my family and friends ask me what i spent the last year doing
Too much samefagging in this thread.
all me
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Crusty dusty ass ui
Black and white is boring
Cringe, kys traninefag
See above
Only changed wallpaper so no effort
Blud is using a 20 year old PC oh hellllll naw
Bruh, your PC looks like it's from 1987
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best itt
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I like this

Began using Linux yesterday, pls no bully
Tux is cool, your desktop is cool
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>Font: Comic Sans
>Terminal Font: Comic Sans
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>what do you do on your computer all day
Dell Optiplex make a great rolling tray
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r8 me
Cool wallpaper. That's it.
>i love w11 so much brehs
and microsoft plus 100,000+ data brokers also love that you're using it
Cool wallpaper hope to PVP you soon around Port Tressler
one of the best desks that get posted here
wait how did you do that to vscode? what theme?
this 1 is sexy
ow my eyes
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does the media player have a settings window?

Only for the local volume level
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Am I doing it rite?
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It's not what I would do, but at least you're using .flac
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Anon, I...

I kneel...
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I use OpenBSD too UwU
meds now retarded schizoid, you can disable all telemetry with one group policy
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And I like debian.
>Tux is cool
>your desktop is cool
Thank you, anon.
>making fun of people because of their wage
>if I click le button the source code becomes inert

yeah you are going to be taken out day 1. You are just another docile using a consumer grade OS
Cute pape
nit that guy, but that's not from star citizen
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Shut the fuck up, loser.
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Berry bro reporting in
Here again ^^
Cute girl
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Do not call me that (I will get attached to you)
The cutest girl in the entire world!
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I don't know who you are but we can hold hands
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>distro for morbidly obese
>cute girl
I am the complete opposite of obese anon
So frail you could punch me and I'd probably die
show me your belly and I'll decide if I punch through you or bounce back to the wall
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Don't wanna post it in here and have it forever in a /g/ archive
What messaging apps do u have?
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damn I don't use cellphone
but I believe you now

wish I had one damn
File deleted.
Thread is kinda dead rn
Here you go, I'll delete it in 5 mins
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wow anon
I'd probably break you in half

from behind
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This is my desktop. I'm not a degen, and I am a gamer at heart.l
did you know the file will be archived and viewable by anons after you delete?
I personally viewed the file after deletion
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some proof of my claim without fully fucking your belly pic over
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Don't threaten me with a good time

Fuck. Oh well, I used to post nudes on Twitter and on /b/, I don't think this is that bad.
most anons in /g/ are timid and would not attempt any sort of retaliation against you for posting a belly pic, but I wanted you to know that deleting a picture is effectively doing nothing and usually just draws more attention to the post than if you just left it.
Like if you accidentally left a username in a picture on your desktop you would do MORE damage to yourself by deleting the image than just hoping nobody noticed it. When you delete it, anons see it was deleted and are more scrutinous of the image when they probably would not spend more than a half second looking at it otherwise
which laptop has a circular touchpad setup like an iPod?
Also same, tho not on /b/
I see, then I might as well post it back up to avoid them the hassle I guess

I'm pretty sure there was a japanese Sony Vaio with a circular touchpad. Which model exactly who fucking knows

Epic, you know my hussle
Can I see your belly?

get your shitty cumstained ideas and fuck outta here. Nobody cares how you think about people that you don't even know

boot the fuck off to your shitty own little world you fucking dipshit

I will punch her or break her right from here right in this thread and you will do nothing about it under your mom's bed
If he posts it I'll post mine back up
you seem upset
I'm sorry if you don't like my posts. Luckily, they have several identifiers that allow you to easily filter them out if you don't want to see them. Unfortunately, tripcode user don't have that same luxury for ignoring retarded anons.
I'm on my knees please do this
(Do you have Telegram btw)
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arch users are bellow subhumans
I don't do that anymore, my partner wouldn't appreciate it. Also I don't wanna keep derailing the thread so I'm gonna stop posting about this now lol
Sorry to disappoint!
How are you liking Mint? I was thinking of trying it out after my Arch config got fucked again and I smashed my Lenovoâ„¢ ThinkPadâ„¢ T480 against the corner of my desk (I have spares)
I do not agree. I have been using Arch since 2006 or 2007, and it has been a solid distribution the entire time. It has only improved over the years; I cannot see any reason to not use it as a normal home desktop user that is using GNU/Linux on the desktop. I'll save any OS debates for another argument - but I have no reason to not use Arch as a desktop Linux distro.
mac desktop (I use this computer in my bed, it is getting very close to bedtime I need to wake up for work at 5 AM)
I think he says it because of me and >>102450572
btw if u wanna add me on telegram my @ is naomiluve
I don't want to.
Fair. I'll be off now, derailing the thread was fun :3
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it is apparently the best on in this thread >>102447734
shut up you fat fuck
I hope you never post yourself here again. Nearly puked.
Love you too anon <3
I'd literally tore you into pieces if that body is really yours but you are not here. I told you I dont use a cellphone and that glowie pippet telegr*m wants phone number

here is one for 5 mins

https://ibb co/jrJp5gf
your computer is gay and so are you if you are the mint user quoted in >>102447727
You don't really understand what a desktop thread is. Nobody gives a half a shit about your desktop wallpaper, we went to see the desktop in action (some info redacted is ok if you can't share it)
You would know this if you weren't a newfag or a retard but since you hid all of the ~30 programs you had running you clearly didn't want to show your desktop, only your default wallpaper and theme.
>you just don't understand
like I give a fuck
you really need to go outside, master.
I go outside often
clearly, your desktop is retarded and you pretended it's the best in thread.
Sent :3
it's not in this thread
This is evidence the anon I'm replying to is claiming to have the best desktop in the thread

I command you to BAN this 4chan pass user IMMEDIATELY!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
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I didn't commit any offenses.
I also have dozens and dozens of desktops that are far above average.
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Why would you reply to a post about Mint when you're not the Mint user that anon quoted?
Please share the eye watering good wallpaper.
there's an 8k version too but 4chud didnt let me post it
either way, learn to google retard it isn't hard
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>mfw UwU
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Thank you, OS Master Jordan Xire.
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I agree
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please share vscode theme
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i like the colors :]
>csd titlebars with normal menus
Holy fucking vomit, aint no way this is what people were hyping up so hard for the past year
Hate all you want, it's going to replace gnome.
>no degenerates edition
>gets faggot AGPhiles with troon wallpapers instead
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is this the new desktop thread
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Updated my cursor.
pretty neat!
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Got it looking pretty good for a full fledged desktop. LXQT runs like a dream. 600mb without qterminal and screengrab open
mint just werks. I just had a very small issue yesterday: my wifi icon had disappearead and didnt know why. turns out I had disabled warpinator as a startup application, and after I re-enabled it, mu wifi icon came back!!!!
Why are NigOS monkeys allowed in my impeccable desktop thread?
what are you going to do about it
why is the 9 backwards for months?
looking past the loli shit, this is really fucking nice.
what all links are behind the /g/ page?
did you ask ai to generate an unsettling desktop?
>toolbar right side
Answer this guy >>102453015
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>III (three) clocks
Probably will reinstall soon since I fucked up something, this time minimal
I just noticed how weird the colors look here
I can't imagine running firefox on OpenBSD with no hyperthreading on a 2nd gen Intel. Man.
Search "WLOP" on wallhaven.cc and you should be able to find the one I'm using in 8K
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my old laptop
installed win7 changed theme
slow af
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Thank you, Anona
missed some
i'm pretty sure the op said no degenerates so why are you spreading your weeb degeneracy? Go back to plebbit where you belong.
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>spreading your weeb degeneracy
welcome to 4chan, the place created by a weeb to talk about weeb stuff because he couldn't speak japanese and post on 2channel
OP is a known troll so nobody cares. your opinion's also worthless, post desktop or fuck off
>degeneracy :|
>degeneracy, Japan :O
I have a DE hopping problem. How do I stop it Anons?
Went from Cinnamon, GNOME, xfce, dwm, KDE to Mate. Should I go back to GNOME since 47 is now released?
you are so brown its fascinating
Just use GNOME until COSMIC 1.0.
Is Qud good?
saar I love sexy white women saar, I can't help it.
tixati epin
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Custom wallpaper
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today felt like a Fedora day, so I did a fresh install
goodbye for now, Mint
Fucking soulless filthy garbage. Kys. Most Indian shit I've seen this week.
my wives
fag, shut up and post your desktop.
your troon name should be amanda
Dubs decide if I should switch to GNOME.
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I am very new to Linux in general. It's so good. Cannot stop sperging about it to my friends.
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Why Amanda?
a man duh
ACK..uh trans sisters i dont think we are coming back from this one...
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*kisses you & runs away*
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yes I consider it to be the best rpg roguelike of the current day despite insignificant ideological issues people have with the devs
You got an OF to plug anon?
a-anon...but we're both guys...
Just updated my kernel.
I like it, but why three clocks?
>doesn't display file extensions
what the fuck are you doing on /g/?
Is there a big benefit to 6.10? I'm still on 6.6.
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whats the use case for being able to tell if a file is a virus or not
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I can't decide between Fluxbox, Icewm and JWM. Jalp.
what happened to phallus?
do you have a repository for me to steal from?
I'm dumb and lazy and just want a pretty desktop
give cosmic a try it is so fucking fast
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tomoko spotted !

i kneel, even if i don't know you, anon.
did you really just bump a desktop thread? checked.
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Well, ok.

He can probably only pass 1/10,000 captcha given those keystroke limitations. Checked.
Actually soulful, incredible job
I wish we could ban the viewing of anime under punishment of death
Why do I really like the combination of colors in this pic...
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first for suisex

can someone tell me how is Chrome supposed to lose ublock origin? I'm using ublock origin just fine with the latest version.

also chrome > firefox because of memory bleed
If everything goes according to plan next summer I'm buying a Lada Niva and preparing it for comfy off-roading and camping all over the Patagonia. Lovely vehicle.
you'll be forcibly conscripted and mobilized in the ukraine before then
Bro I'm 7953 miles away from Kiev, I think I'm pretty safe for now
xfce is right for me.
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/. at it's peak was amazing.
>doesn't display file extensions
What does this even mean??
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i really miss it but i needed wayland.
If you think that, then I'm afraid that you have been 'waylaid'.
are you actually using a 68080? fpga? respect lmao
least degenerate anon
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>looks to top left
>nice, i like how he's sorted his icons
>look to top right*
>oh, gross, nevermind
Don't you think it's medication time?
Why are your video directories owned by root and writeable? Are your files also all 777 owned by root?
man i don't know what is worse

1920x1080 60hz
15 inch laptop
3552 packages, do you host a fucking archive wtf
6.49 GB of ram used
normie everything, zed, vscode, fell for the brave malware
paid microsoft money to play lego ripoff
I've never thought about it. They were in an external drive which I've since lost, and I don't recall ever touching permissions so that must have been the default. I honestly don't even know if that's a sensible default or not for external drives. Yep, I'm not the brightest.
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Just upgraded to GNOME 47, the file picker is actually perfect now
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No change

Based as always
Agreed, I don't even respond to footfags. GTK2 can get a pass though.
Amiga chad
Is this /jay pee/?
When the cute and funny is also based
Gotta love the piss filters
Gigachad desktop
Top kek
Any attention seems to be good attention on this god forsaken site.
Love these
Trinity chads ftw
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whats ur window manager !!
I like games anon.
better than a bunch of repos i don't care for
There is nothing bad with RPMs, its a simple packaging format.
KDE is good
>1920x1080 60hz 15 inch laptop hp
Yeah I would recommend framework
yes its good.
> 3552 packages, do you host a fucking archive wtf
if you do any software dev on linux you install devel packages.
not that odd
> 6.49 GB of ram used
would you believe me if i told you its all firefox.
To be fair I am also doing some web server development stuff locally rn. My front end is light however since i just use HTML and CSS with the most minimal of manually written JS just for REST API.
Not that it matters, I have ram, I will use the ram.
>normie everything, zed, vscode, fell for the brave malware
what's wrong with trying new software?
I mostly use neovim but to claim codium is bad is stupid, the only bad thing about codium on a technical level is the fact that it uses electron.
Which again barely matters to me.
>paid microsoft money to play lego ripoff
I bought the game 3 years before notch sold it.
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>Uptime: 11 minutes.
Nice. I want to buy a Niva and join Budapest-Bamako
I just booted up my machine, what's wrong???
The pathetic degenerate losers of this board thinks machines should be on at all times. Don't ask me why.
What laptop?
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>102469415 (You)
>The pathetic degenerate losers of this board thinks machines should be on at all times. Don't ask me why.
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Why not a 4k monitor?
It would be an unfortunate life, being plugged into a A320MH and receiving from a iGPU, only to display 4chan and mediocre Linux rices.

Also money.
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Archfag btfo!
Impressive, v..very nice. Now, let's see Paul Anon's webm.
which part
The windows
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Not really, sorry to disappoint
>>102457237 and https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95
Why's it called chicago? Isn't that one of apple's fonts?
>using bitmap fonts
Finally someone whose fonts don't look like utter shit.
Where can I get that CSS theme for 4chan formerly 4channel?
iirc, it's what windows 95's design was called or codenamed
only the vs code font is bitmap
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The VSCode font looks like MS Gothic.
The vim font looks like a botmap font too, same for the UI font, which I believe id the default Windows font. The font used for the title bars are also not anti-aliased, it may be a bitmap font too.
>The VSCode font looks like MS Gothic.
it's Terminus, anon...
>The VSCode font looks like MS Gothic.
>The vim font looks like a botmap font too
probably terminus, i forgot about vim
>same for the UI font, which I believe id the default Windows font
tahoma, so no (ms sans serif looks like shit on linux)
>The font used for the title bars are also not anti-aliased, it may be a bitmap font too.
tahoma on vs code and helvetica (bitmap) on others
you tried
>you tried
no I'm just blind, I was looking at the other anon's screenshot and didn't see the vim bar lmao. thought the bottom of the screenshot was vscode
(yes, that vim font is terminus, I'm using it right now)
>>The VSCode font looks like MS Gothic.
it's actually tahoma for ui and ms gothic for code
im blind too
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>Terminus Font is a clean, fixed width bitmap font
So that's bitmap too, though I'm not familiar with Terminus.
>tahoma, so no (ms sans serif looks like shit on linux)
It doesn't look like Tahoma, see pic related. The upper menu bar is from anon's image, the lower one is from a screenshot of MS Word on Windows 98. I suppose it's called MS Sans Serif.
>>The font used for the title bars are also not anti-aliased, it may be a bitmap font too.
>tahoma on vs code and helvetica (bitmap) on others
Again, check pic related for anon's image vs. a title bar from Windows 98.
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i don't actually remember, i took that shitty screenshot a year ago
i definitely know i did *not* use ms sans serif for vs code, though
The title bar font doesn't seem to fully match the Windows 98 font (like the e's are different), but it's close.
So I'm not sure what it is exactly
i'll see if i ever use that desktop ever again, gnome is better
It's among the best looking windows imitation attempts I've seen though.
Nu-gnome looks like 99.9% purified, crystalized cringe (lab grade, not intended for human consumption)
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i like gnome, but i still like classic windows too
>guix still stuck on gnome 44
You're not supposed to use gnome.
best one
People complain about "not showing your work stuff", yet this anon gets ignored. Great taste un chuuba too.
Stop making me like guhnome.
forgot to post desktop
fluxbox with gruvbox system theme
Because I'm an aesthetical genius
replying to this post simply because it was deleted
Pape!!! Now!!!!
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trolling or retarded? It's a Fedora 40 default paper
How do I add the little flag on the panel?
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it's the keyboard layout settings
just right click and select "configure keyboard layout"
I must be retarded for not knowing all default wallpapers of every distro released to this day!!!!!! Thanks for telling me, though!!!
>Trinity chads ftw
you're retarded for not being able to search it for yourself
there is a differenfe
which de should i get
gnome, kde cinnamon are ugly and mate is buggy
KDE and tweat it yourself. It is very customizable
What specs?
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degenerate website. cope seethe make your own chan
we all support your incoming gender surgery, xir!
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Hi everyone I hope you're well and no worms :-)
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can you guys help me out? I want conky to respect monospacing but even when i use a monospace font I get
I just want to be able to make lists without having to think about spacing a tabs and spaces and aesthetics
Even when i use monospace fonts picrel happens
how do you make firefox look like that?
see down the right hand corner of your screen where it says
Delete post: file only style?
click the dropdown box and choose "tomorrow"
There are two gays in the back of thaqt car giving each other a dicking up the ass
i was asking about firefox, not 4chan
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Damn son. That's one sick burn.
Why are you so misserable?
Warm & homely.
I see steam, so I would like to ask: what all games do you play? Also, you're finally "home" with Arch, or you might migrate/hop? Lastly, very nice wallpaper—may I have it too, please? Happy autumn, Anona.
>passfag is rude, mean, miserable & is constipated.
Like pottery.
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It's my laptop for college mostly, so I don't play games on there that much. I have a Windows PC for games. Got The Crew 2 on recent sale (literally 30 cents in my Steam region), good for chilling after the college. I also play Deadlock, OpenTTD, Minecraft and TF2 occasionally.
Installed Arch for the meme, but I actually liked the AUR, though.
search for firefox gnome theme
It's a chink mini-pc (SER5 Pro). Honestly pretty good, I never had any problems with it, the fans never get loud, except when compiling chromium but c'mon.
What icons and DE?
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Gaymer pajeet, begone
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I've been getting wayland curious bros...
To make firefox look like that is very difficult for heterosexuals
I wish I hadnt seen this after eating all those sweet chili flavoured crisps. I feel sick now
sure thing, Thaddeus Stonebreaker
is this neovim?

any tips to making mine look like that, i like your status bar and the way the tab looks
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>gnome on a celeron
praying for u
>known troll
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Sorry for the stupid question but I'm new to Linux and always see these terminal windows and system info windows displayed on the desktop. How do you do that and how can I do that to my machine?
The one on top is a fetch program (e.g. fastfetch), it displays some of your PC specs. The one below is a "top" program (e.g. htop, gtop, btop, etc), it's useful to monitor your system resources such as memory or cpu usage.
So is the idea that you open each program in its own terminal window and just leave those open on your desktop?
It's literally just normal firefox with tabs on the side.
OP here. Not a troll. I am genuinely concerned for the future of humanity.
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damn, librewolf seems nice
They are just eye candy
You're arguing with a no life tripfag who's been on here for well over a decade.
You fell for the bait.

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