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1) what technology can be used to achieve Universal Basic Income, or "UBI"?

2) Why do people think it'll ever actually happen?
The only thing we will get out of AI is Universal Surveillance
robot maids and automatic anti-kike gas chambers
demolishing of all real estate and mass manufacture (technology) non foundational portable boxes with utility hookups for people to have shelter and a bed because that’s all everyone needs
most of the 1st world already on UBI.
do you think all these bullshit jobs are actually needed? most of 1st world jobs are bullshit jobs. people are "working" from home.
the purpose of UBI is not make your life easier, is to control cattle and keep current capitalist order and keep current people in power.
Then how about you make your communist shithole worth living in so we can get rid of the capitalists? No?
and do you think a customer service rep working from home can just jerk off for 6 hours and leave the phone ringing?
retarded faggot
All we're getting is UHL (Universal Hard LOLs) after the bubble bursts and retards like in those tweets are left holding the bag.
>and do you think a customer service rep working from home can just jerk off for 6 hours and leave the phone ringing?
Is what I do.
we can't keep letting the lower classes use government programs as infinite ATMs for their sordid, decadent, and filthy activities
the wheel is going to turn very hard for us
>people are "working" from home.
And people "worked" in offices. Offices has little to bring to most of the workers in benefits.
RTO is a meme and there is no data to prove it improved performance, costs or whatever.
>t. real estate and/or car jew
You don't need technology for UBI. It's literally cheaper for thr government to put everyone on UBI than it is for 1/4 to half of the population using walfare. And you end up with a on average happier population that work better
We'd be there by now if people took something other than Compsci, but no they can't do that because every other engineering field has a slight possibility of touching a piece of technology that isn't a computer, which is disgraceful and unladylike. Or worse, they'll have to talk to the proletariat and help them with their cnc machines and PLCs.
>no you don't understand, it's not a magic 8 ball.
>a magic eightball has an isocohedron which has twenty sides
>our AGI has too many sides to count. it's completely different
UBI would just accelerate inflation.
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UBI is just a weird sad cope to try and preserve an economic model that is naturally nearing the end of its life cycle.

If you have the ability to give everyone an income to cover their necessities, then why not give them those necessities directly..? Obviously it's because poor people make bad financial decisions and in doing so UBI is an indirect means of stimulating existing enterprises.

UBIfags will argue that it reduces the overhead of the existing welfare system, but it also introduces new overhead where you have to constantly increase the amount of payments given by UBI to track with the economic reality. Oh you're going to link it to the inflation rate? Cool, now what about the geographically varying cost of housing? Or even food? In northern Canada, food prices are astronomical because it all has to be imported.

It's just very stupid. If you gave people necessities directly then this isn't an issue. Northern Canadians get food because they need food, simple as that. The only thing to discuss is if the list of necessities needs to be updated with new technology, like computers.

In response to the question of which technology would help with this? Automated factory processes to produce these necessities for one. Maybe a central computing system that keeps track of who needs what. For example a paraplegic will need wheelchairs, someone in Northern Canada will need jackets, and so on.
So communism?
>just jerk off for 6 hours
those were the days
why yes, I want control of my entire financial life in the hands of unelected faceless bureaucrats!
It's universal BASIC income, anon. You're still allowed to make money.
More like universal homelessness.
UBI trials have improved the economy in every area it's been tried.
>holding the bag
??? BlackRock controls the goyslop food supply. They manage over $10,000,000,000,000 (ten trillion dollars) in assets. They could spend $500 billion on AI and come out unscathed.
>1) what technology can be used to achieve Universal Basic Income, or "UBI"?

>2) Why do people think it'll ever actually happen?
People like free stuff and they tend to believe what they like.
this is true
instead of being looted, the Nike stock increases from extreme profits
KFC completely sold out in some areas due to extreme demand
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See >>102448871
Simple fact is, there are enough resources for a significant portion of the population to NEET without any harm being done.
Yeah, but that's communism, and communism has historically been shown to suck donkey balls.
How can a scenario like >>102449111 be achieved? Can we do it?
Communists are pretty tough on those who don't work. Under every communist regime it is a crime to not have a job.
Sterilization as a primary condition for receiving UBI NEETbux. Voluntary, of course.
you'll just wake up some day and realize that most of your friends are on onlyfans, doing online 'coaching' or some other bullshit service industry thing. it won't happen overnight.
For what purpose? What would that benefit?
Breed like crazy then undergo sterilization and take all the money, genius.
the mass deportations and net zero migration technology is the only way something like that is ever working
So communism is bad and your remedy is to do communism again but with even more bureaucracy? Come on nigga.

UBI has worked (not even sure this is true, didn't Finland suspend their trial?) because they tried it on a local scale where the variance in necessities is low.

What happens when you're trying to organize a UBI policy to cover tens of millions of people, some of which live in metropolitan areas with 3x the rental cost of the rural areas? Or when there's a blizzard in the north and temperate conditions in the south?

I'm not saying it can't work exactly, but I think the UBI promise of a simpler bureaucratic system is totally unfounded. You're going to have to pass policies for all these things and constantly debate them the way we do with minimum wage laws now. Oh shit Elon Musk bought up half the property in the city, we need to adjust local UBI to accommodate.

>and communism has historically been shown to suck donkey balls
By retarded fucking Slavs that couldn't even manufacture good cars. These same people messed up democracy and capitalism and had the worst form of monarchism too.
>sub 1 birth rate
congratulations, you just speeruned your very own ethnogenocide
Anyone with a brain knows that the rich will make it absolutely sure that UBI never becomes a thing in the US.
What will most likely happen, is that a lot more people are gonna get fucked on the daily. The rich fucks will use these technological advancements to safely separate themselves from the dirty poors even further and live in highly defendable small cities. Even have guard robots to guard their resources used to make said robots.
Hell, they might even watch the poors die off from famine due to climate change with pity.
By the way, the human race can still keep it's entire genetic diversity with a population as small as less than 18k people.
>What would that benefit?
>Breed like crazy
Yes, because poor NEETs are known for their breeding prowess.
>speeruned your very own ethnogenocide
??? I'm not a nigger
So asians, latinos, and africans can't do communism right either?
>if you can't find a job in a jewish concept known as market, you are a nigger
the US has plenty of welfare, it's not actually ancapistan. you're retarded.
>I can't provide value because kikes so I'd rather live off the millions of whites that can
You are indeed a nigger.
Burger welfare is retardedly bad
>noooo that is a heckin misinformationerino!
I don't care, I will keep saying USA is ancapistan and every European will believe it. Nothing you can do about it
>more black cock
oh boy so microshit plans to kill the entire industry nice
Heh, the amount of faggots here thinking UBI is something good. You will become obsolete, you will not achieve or aspire to achieve anything bigger than a leased cage. You will expend all of your UBI in basic commodities, you WILL not have a job because AGI will do anything better than you and 99% of population. You will just be a pet and sex slave for the jewish overlord that owns your cage.
>Open up wagie, cage payment is due, open your ass!
>I can't provide value because no jew will hire me
Asians do it better. The PRC still exists while the USSR fell apart. China has a major presence in emerging markets too.
Present an alternative
Okay someone needs a jacket, where does that jacket come from? Is it government made? Do you not get a choice? Is it only government approved jackets? If it's only government approved manufacturers how do you keep them from cheaping out and/or misappropriating funds? How do new businesses become competitively viable when they have to compete with the government and free products?
Seems like a nightmare of corruption, no freedom, and anti-competitiveness.
>sees no other option than to be paid by kikes
This is why sterilization is necessary.
>the US has plenty of welfare
yes...for companies, in the forms of tens of billions of dollars in tax breaks.
>implying China is still communist
Everyone who desires to have "employees" and people to control and assert his superiority over, is a jew. Whites don't feel the need to feel superior to other whites
Prices will adjust to reflect the vast amount of cash you're flooding the economy with. And you'll be taxed hard on that extra money. You won't be able to live without UBI, and if you do anything the government doesn't like, you'll get cut off from it and starve.

Citizen, we've chosen you as one of the guinea pigs for Pfizer's live extension technology, this beta phase might make you live longer but it'll probably give you cancer, but the 1% needs human test subjects. If you do not comply you will be taken off UBI.
You forgot Whites (Russians)
Slavs aren't whitw
>Whites don't feel the need to feel superior to other whites
keked and checked, retardbro
hello subhuman tranny. am I interrupting a homosexual orgy over there? sure smells like faggotry, this post.
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>and assert his superiority over, is a jew.
So basically every white dude here is a Jew?
Outside of /chug/ there are hardly any white people left on this site anyway
China is Communo-Capitalism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, CapCom.
It's just fact. Slavs, italians, irish, and jews aren't white
>Americans are white
>Russians, the whitest people, are not white
Like I said, tranny
The actual white implementation of communism was East Germany which was the most successful member of the Eastern Bloc by far.
They were 'rewarded' for their success by having to send all their excess production back to Moscow.

The best timeline is Germany flipping communist and actually doing things decently so that either capitalism improves via competition or communism wins and we switch to that. As it stands, the Russian abortion version of communism has made capitalism a political unipole and destroyed competition.
>Whites don't feel the need to feel superior to other whites
as an anon who worked at a country club for 3 years while in high school you are DEAD FUCKING WRONG
Look, communism is bad, mmkay?
I don't care about the twitter tranny definition of communism from Orthodox Marxism. I'm a linguistic descriptivist. They call themselves communist, most outsiders call themselves communist, so they're communist. If that means authoritarianism with market reforms and strong government oversight of corporations then so be it. I'd rather live there than in Russia. There's no aids epidemic for one.
You literally worked. That means you were controlled by the jew, don't you get it? If you do anything productive at all, the Jews win. You should just get on welfare or you're genociding the white race
>As it stands, the Russian abortion version of communism has made capitalism a political unipole
Retard. Without Russia, there never would have been a communist implementation. Never! Marx wrote communism, but Russia kickstarted it into a real world ideology and not just a fairytale! Russia kickstarted it and now that it has manifested it is just a matter of time before it will happen again
They have so much government oversight of corporations that they install nets underneath factory windows to keep the workers from jumping out and killing themselves.
>Russia bad
Holy newfag
Fifty rubles for you, Ivan!
russian women are literally made for BYC
>no rebuttal
not to be confused with BYD
Oh I would definitely breed with hot Chinese women like most Russians, nothing wrong with that
Russia is worse than China in almost every way which is especially pathetic because they industrialized much much earlier and had half the civilized world under their thumb.

I don't care if you're a Reactionary, but are you really going to pick Russia over China because they're whiter?
I'm a social liberal. I think that once the AI takes over the libs are gonna warm up to UBI
I dunno. If AI leads to conditions that make UBI possible, I don't know why it wouldn't lead to just full scale luxury communism instead. No money, just give everyone what they need directly. Let money if it still exists be for vanity things. Not that I'm predicting either UBI or luxury communism any time soon.
Ideally, giving more people a small amount of money instead of absolutely nothing will prevent crime and improve health and other benefits
Yes you are a newfag. White males still rule this shit hole
There were communist movements occurring everywhere dipshit. Orwell in Homage to Catalonia specifically calls out the Soviets for curtailing a genuine revolutionary movement and halting it from spreading into France.

Russia kickstarted it and then immediately took control of it so it became an ideology centered on a single nation the way liberal democracy is centered on the US now. Every communist larper calls their friend comrade in a Russian accent or tovarisch.
I am not a reactionary, I am a communist. I love Russia and I love China too.
The idea is that eventually it will in fact lead to luxury communism, if not being named that, but it'll have to start somewhere
I agree with the general sentiment behind communism, but I think that its methodology is outdated.

After UBI is rolled out, the machinations of the economy will still technically exist, but it will be in name only in the same way that monarchies technically still exist but are only ceremonial. We will live as if we are under fully automated luxury communism.
>Russia kickstarted it and then immediately took control of it
Because at the time, they were literally the only ones who had the knowledge to do it right. This had the effect that as soon as a liberal in comrade's clothing took over everything collapsed, but 50 years before, it was impossible to predict that
Oh, so you're retarded. Why didn't you say so before?
What is there to love about modern Russia except the vague echo of Soviet glory?
I guess I just feel like it's an easier to sell to skeptical people to propose giving people basic needs directly rather than cash. In the same way people would probably be more likely to support giving soup to the homeless than money they could walk over to the liquor store with. But who knows. I think money is easier and requires less work to set up.
You have 5 years to get enough money to buy at least 10 acres of land, learn electricity, plumbing and all essential skills to live off the grid.
I don't love Russia, that being said, there are probably worse places. It may be behind the US and it may be behind the US for a very long time, but there will probably be worse places for a long time
Some people would do bad with the money, but a lot of people would do good. There is some system that says I would rather set 100 guilty people free than punish one innocent person. Obviously it can be studied. People will suffer if nothing is done.
you just need to get rid of all the third world people desu
It's not about the US but that Russia is getting eclipsed by China who used to be far behind.

Russia has a higher homicide rate, opiate abuse rate, HIV rate, lower life expectancy, and worse PISA scores. Russia only wins on HDI right now but has fallen 3 places since the last recording and China has risen 18 places.

What is Russia even known for industrially aside from mineral extraction? Rosatom? China also has nuclear power with cutting edge tokamak research as well as AI, EV production, photonic quantum computers, semiconductors.

I'm just saying if you want to be a commie shill or a reactionary then China is way better than Russia
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But then you're cheap labor market collapses and suddenly YOU will have to become a wagie to survive? You do realize that Republicans don't ACTUALLY want to reduce immigration in any significant manner right? They lie and pretend to give a shit in order to pacify their midwit base
Republicans destroying that border control bill is why I'll be voting for ebony mommy kamala
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>Republicans destroying that border control bill
Source please. I'm not doubting anything you say I've just never heard of that (I don't really try to give a shit about what any of them do since they're all the same anyway)
A UBI will rapidly become meaningless as subsequent administrations mess with the bands/taxation involved or create exemptions to please x group whose votes they need at any particular time
Already exists in Scandinavia and Germany and some other European countries. They pay your rent, electricity, water, heating and internet bill and give you an amount somewhere between 700 and 1200USD a month. The catch is they will continually harass you to do “trainings”, send applications and make you come into their offices for “consultations”. I got friends on it and once they showed me all the shit these government offices make them do I honestly thought working ain’t that bad. Funny thing is, someone on unemployment in Germany basically has the same standard of living as someone who’s doing a back-breaking, soul-draining humiliating minimum wage cuck job. It’s weird. All my drug dealers are on it, because the money they make from dealing is basically free spending money on top.
>create exemptions to please x group whose votes they need at any particular time
What's stopping us from just like idk abandoning this weird "two party" system?
Dis nigga wants gulags to come back
It was even brought up during their debate

Also that pic is so freaking hot, I love darker women!
>What's stopping us from just like idk abandoning this weird "two party" system?
Our current voting system. See:
>So what's stopping us from just like idk abandoning this weird voting system?
Neither of the 2 parties in charge want it to change.
>the human race can still keep it's entire genetic diversity with a population as small as less than 18k people.
Yeah, but not its technological diversity, do you have any idea what a chip foundry costs in,,, fucking everything?
And I don't mean costs per se, I mean the materials, in these precisions, with these tolerances, which require these tools, which again require these materials, etc, etc, etc.
Those 18k genetic diversity things are "asteroid hits the earth" think-thank concepts, not evil illuminati conspiracies to eradicate all you retards (Hah! I wish!).
it's not UBI until I can actually get such bullshit job without drowning in debt, jumping through a million hoops and competing with a billion indians. UBI means everyone gets it, not just a lucky few who got past the spam wall/resume filter ats/HR bullshit/interview bullshit/networking gloryhole.
I quit my last job instead of waiting to be fired because I'm a retard (I wasn't even underperforming yet just very ill and they wouldn't/couldn't really provide accomodations). That one mistake cost me my entire career apparently because now I'm not even getting a goddamn interview.
I'm desperate as fuck. Got ghosted by a grocery store.
1) The invention of the universal replicator.
2) See 1.
Dude… my uncle has heavy scars on his back from his prison time in eastern germany… he was tortured… his crime? Threw a bottle of beer at a statue of some politician because his application to travel to western germany for his brother’s wedding was denied. Communism sucks dude and I wish I could send you fucking university educated champagne communists to a commie prison or gulag for a while just so you can see for yourself. Idiot.
there's no need to play favorites, all enemies of the great satan are my friend
>By the way, the human race can still keep it's entire genetic diversity with a population as small as less than 18k people.
At, if you're lucky, a 1750 level of technology.
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If only the reverse were true (women liking darker men). I sometimes think being black is a disadvantage
american website
every communist thinks of themselves as a potential commissar
in reality commissars and bankers are pulled from the same demographic
>competition against capitalism
It's laughable that a system primarily dedicated to alleviating the "working class" leads to magnitudes worse outcomes for the working class than a system where that's a secondary or tertiary concern
you working humans really fucked up with this little of yours. lol, feels good being a neet. hey, maybe you'll get it right in the next 100 years lol
Some women really do like darker guys. Mostly though I don't think women care as much as guys do. If you're fit, confident, and have a good job, you could probably find a woman in the middle of Mongolia that would take your bbc.
dude just defend ten acres of land from the us government when society collapses
In other words become a "passport bro"?

1) Nothing

2) You are a first worlder. Start applying for jobs and get your ass in gear.
It will happen the day the government realizes they can just give people $100 a month as a starting point.
Like, seriously, all these UBI proposals seem fixated on the notion of, "if you can't live off the money, then it doesn't count!" They make the perfect the enemy of the good.
You need to stop stressing about shit like >>102448871 this. These are all problems for an entire generation or two in the future.
Right now? We need to just hand people small amounts of money, get them accustomed to that money such that they'll be angry if they lose it, and then slowly force the tap open wider and wider as political consensus builds.
In Canada, the "price on carbon" combined with "carbon rebate" was a great example. It's basically a very tiny UBI, because it gives out a flat amount of money to everyone. I'm partly convinced this is the "real" reason Conservatives are fucking rabid about the consumer carbon tax: they are terrified people realize this is a transfer payment and get angry when it's taken away (especially if it starts reaching a few k$ per year).
Borders are just arbitrary lines. Nobody bats an eye when wealthier dudes get poorer women from the same country using their wealth/jobs. That's basically what being a passport bro is except for the average western wagecuck
Uh no, just make sure you're in good shape, earning a decent wage, and aren't socially retarded.
When the climate crisis hits the point where there are several 10s of millions of people immigrating to escape the strife of their heavily climate affected homes, it's gonna turn into a game of Factorio on Death World.
Not memeing.
>It will happen the day the government realizes they can just give people $100 a month as a starting point.
it will never happen directly. because people will start asking question: "why do we even need our jewish overlords who give us money? why can't we kick them off?"

UBI just exposes the class nature of society. government needs to maintain an illusion of some sort of "social contract".
On one hand UBI would likely be a good thing in a general population sense. On the other, from a philosophical sense, the idea that the upper class is offloading the cost of labor on the state is frustrating.

Guillotines are technology right?
there will always be some sort of bullshit jobs for that purpose.
>people realize this is a transfer payment and get angry when it's taken away
They dont if it's done through stealth tax
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UBI will is techno-utopian nonsense and ignores some basic facts about human intelligence. I really recommend you read the first few chapters of the Venus Project to see where we're headed. Drop it once the MC is magically bailed out of his rammed-earth apartment he shares with a drug addict because his daddy bought bitcoin shares in Elon Musk's utopia 50 years ago.

There isn't going to be a solution for mass unemployment, because voters fundamentally do not want that. "Why can those people get free money from our tax dollars?" is something you already hear a lot. You will NEVER have a welfare program that can support someone at a middle class, or even subsidence level, without working, that anyone can opt in to. Why would you be allowed to check out of the labor market?

You will be granted a job at minimum wage or below and spend 95% of your take home pay on a combination of rent, transportation, utilities, and food. This is precisely where you are supposed to be. As you weren't born into one of the old or new money families who will benefit from mass automization, and they simply cannot kill all of us off (yet), you are to be reduced to human livestock that makes as little noise and ruckus as possible until you gracelessly expire. The people and politicans who hold the reigns of power will have so much money it will become meaningless - more than it already is for them, even - and spend their days going mad from dopamine poisoning and unlimited free time. You will serve, the value of your labor reduced to nothing between mass immigration destroying low skilled labor and AI destroying high skill labor, until you die. If you stop, you will be made homeless and die in an encampment. If you rebel, you will be killed by the police state. Everything is working as intended, as it has been for the past hundred years.
That's likely to be an international conflict, not an intranational one, but yes, otherwise ignoring the climate change assumption (since it could be e.g. war or economic hardship instead).
>Blackrock AGI investment fund
They must be seriously upside down on AI initiatives to make this kind of move.
Bullshit, and projection.
UBI can never happen because kikes will just increase living expenses by that amount.
People need guaranteed food and shelter, not jew paper.

Women entering workforce didn't increase the number of jobs it just lowered how much they payed because now you have half the people that will never get a job since it doesn't exist.
The only question is when this reaches critical mass and we get guillotine action again.
This. Communism has an even more terrible elite than capitalism. At least in capitalism everyone gets a shot at making it to the top, and the elites have to play by *some* rules
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>everyone gets a shot at making it to the top
Please don't fall for the propaganda. Capitalism gives everyone a chance to live well (or it did, haha. Who knows where we'll be in ten years) but nobody can become one of the elites. The lines have already been drawn. If you come up with a product or service that can seriously pose a threat to someone who has power they'll just direct one of their pet companies to buy you out. If you refuse they'll crush you with bullshit lawsuits and legal fees, or launch a competing service that's suspiciously similar and use their massive PR and marketing advantages to grab your customers and crush you into irrelevance.
It most likely will go down this road, if this country's history is anything to go by.
This is what marketing does to the American psyche
The "inflation" we are dealing with atm is partly caused by those COVID stimulus packages. UBI would destroy us.
>UBI can never happen because kikes will just increase living expenses by that amount.
UBI is kikes endgame you retard, they want to replace you with AI, they will roll out UBI, first years will be neet paradise then they will remove you out of society gradually and finally will enslave you, you will either be a pet or killed.
>If you come up with a product or service that can seriously pose a threat to someone who has power they'll just direct one of their pet companies to buy you out.
This is actually a 100 times better than communism where you you cant improve your lifestyle doesn't matter how much you try, you will earn the same as Tyrone does for hustling.
nothingburger for the next century
doesn't work outside anime utopia
>nothingburger for the next century
They are pushing the UBI idea because they not only know that AGI will be a thing before 2030, they probably actually have the tech, and are trying to roll it out organically. The idea of UBI only exists so goys don't rebel against the system that will inevitably replace em.
only in the sense that if someone actually invested money then they could automate many of those jobs away but people are cheaper so nobody cares
If the government uses the money to directly purchase those goods, the enterprises will just redirect their price gouging to the government instead of individual like US healthcare for example
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automation will reduce the peoples ability to be employed and thus increase their individual need. UBI is not a solution to that but it is seen as that because giving people services directly implies that they would even be able to obtain those services once theres no economic incentive to offer them (there wont be)
you're an idiot. they wont bother with any of that, they will just kill you, because that's what communists do. capitalists are communists, they dont have to pussy foot around.
ubi covers basic needs
but if you want more, you will still need to work
why is that so hard to understand?
there will still be miserably people even on ubi
but at least criminality should start going down the moment these miserable people can at least afford a respectable life
but you won't be buying a good house, you won't be buying a nice car, you won't be buying plentiful of quality fresh food, supplements or a nice gym on ubi
you will still need to work
The government is better able to reprimand businesses for price gouging than individuals
>There isn't going to be a solution for mass unemployment, because voters fundamentally do not want that.
stopped reading here. you have a fundamentally broken view of politics if you think votes are important. even bi partisan universally popular and apolitical buzzword free initiatives have been regularly thrown out as unconstitutional by kangaroo (((courts))) with every (((media company))) gleefully scorning and shaming the populace for daring to think they know better than the middle managers in the company called the government.
Social mobility has been on the decline for years
Capitalism only works for a few generations and then the system rigidly protects the new elite and becomes anti-competitive
>but if you want more, you will still need to work
Work in what, you retarded braindead nigger? AGI will replace every single job, and they are planning on roll it out with UBI.
>nothingburger for the next century
people who say this really need to get off reddit/orange reddit and actually look at the shit that's being released. God tier 200 IQ mathematicians are saying o1 is great and then you get retards on /g/ and xitter saying it's a nothingburger. Whose side are you on?
>doesn't work outside anime utopia
this is true. but it still needs to be talked about so that we arrive at some other barely working but better than nothing solution
Buy anon how does this benefit le precious shareholder profits?
>The government is better able to reprimand businesses for price gouging than individuals
You ever noticed that a lot of companies that target children and teenagers tend to come in rivalries whereas ones that target adults try to stand on their own? Android vs iPhone, AMD vs Nvidia, Xbox vs PlayStation, Coke vs Pepsi, whereas car companies and sit down restaurants and alcohol brands and cigarettes don't do that type of stuff, they try to fit in a sub-niche to cater to a demographic on their value alone rather than relative to other ones. It's like edgy testosterone-riddled teenagers evolved for warfare and are trying to use the market as a substitute. You know what Coca Cola would be without Pepsi? A weird drink from the 1800s.
> AGI will replace every single job
no it won't you unimaginative dumbfuck cracker. AGI won't fix your toilet when it breaks, it won't check that your house's electricity or HVAC system, it won't pave your roads, it won't pick up your garbage, it won't fix your car, check your tires, fight in court for/against you, teach you without supervision, etc.
Robotics is advancing but not at the same pace as AGI. AGI will just kill the good, fun, intellectually challenging jobs along with a bunch of other comfy ones. It's the death of white collar work, which still means a massive spike in unemployment rate so we'll still need UBI or something like it cause not everyone can just become a plumber overnight
>1) what technology can be used to achieve Universal Basic Income, or "UBI"?

>2) Why do people think it'll ever actually happen?
Many industries and jobs are heavily subsidized, same as welfare and pensions and banks can basically create money from thin air. The only reason why we don't just cut out all the middleman bullshit and give people UBI is because we need people to do certain shitty jobs that can't be automated yet
>AGI will replace every single job
You people are genuinely retarded
There are millions and millions of different jobs, especially manual labor ones
At worst it might kill most tech related jobs, but the smarter move would still turn tech workers into AGI babysitters
>1) what technology can be used to achieve Universal Basic Income, or "Uni"?
Mass deportations of nonwhites.
>2) Why do people think it'll ever actually happen?
They think democracy works and jews are our friends.
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you are wrong, they are the same thing, communism is just a rebranding of capitalism. it's the same thing as the company store and housing which was popular in marx's home country. when capitalists win they buy out the market and regulate the competition away via social policies that take away the ability of the public to climb the same ladder they did. if you want any better proof of this just look at mark twain and bizney. theyre all commies in sheeps clothing.
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no, they will definately kill us, no pets, unfortunately for the jews it wont be any salvation, it will just become the norm that a class of jews will be considered the new whites and will have to take up the mantle of the whipping child for the sake of their psychopathic leadership. IF you think they wont do it, just think who's blood and foreskin those rabbis are eating. i'll give you a hint, it's not the goys.
>find out some hot-topic bill was shot down despite all the buzz
>check its contents
>only 10% about the actual issue and what the main advocates want from it
>90% about tertiary-at-best bloat haphazardly slapped on last-minute
Under most communist regimes the powers of government are transferred to a non-state political party that isn't limited by courts or their constitution, much like under fascism.
AGI doesn't replace service job like waiters and flipping burger. Coincidentally, the one that can afford to roll out UBI tend to be more than 50% service industry
>inb4 automation
People overestimate automation. Automation is strongly advantageous for job that already require expensive tooling to work with, like software and manufacturing, but not as much for other jobs. The tools for automation isn't free. A lot of jobs can already be automated, but it's not because it's expensive.

For example, farming, US farmers has high productivity due to various tools and machinery, but it's also expensive and without subsidies, they can't compete with third world farmers. US farmers have to spend money for a tractor that cost more than a car, while the third worlder only needs a sickle. Sure, with automation, there are fewer people being a farmer, but you now need more people to build those tractors and farming tools
Kinda insane they only invest 30bn in a revolutionary technology but will pay 70bn for pew pew shooters and candy crush.
This is only true until we have sufficient automation. Slavery is always a boon for humanity (excluding the slaves). All we need is better robot slaves and energy to fuel them. And all the focus and money seems to be going into those 2 industries currently.
>but you now need more people to build those tractors and farming tools
Ugh actually, hate to break it to you but lmao it's all automated.
>no it won't you unimaginative dumbfuck cracker. AGI won't fix your toilet when it breaks
>There are millions and millions of different jobs, especially manual labor ones
>AGI doesn't replace service job like waiters and flipping burger.
Read the actual definition of AGI you dumb fucks. AGI by definition is an Artificial intelligence that can perform at a human level at ANY TASK (General). If a human can do it, AGI can do it. Not a single model we have nowadays is AGI or something nearly like AGI. LLMs are not AGI, you're still thinking we will not get out of LLMs in the next 5 years, that's your mistake, WEF though on all of this for their 2030 agenda.
>then why not give them those necessities directly..?
because the government is incompetent and will mismanage that responsibility to such a degree people will starve to death in the tens of millions.

source: the 20th century
Yeah, ill just buy a plot of land out of the grid in a 3rd world country, and ill try to live there until society collapses and the world government tries to seize my property.
Republitards making the perfect into the enemy of the good isn't a justification when they're talking about the border CRISIS
And then the world shadowgovernment is going to knock on your door with bandanas and say
>Señor, deme quinientos dólares o conviértase en esclavo.
and you'll be like
>Buy anon how does this benefit le precious shareholder profits?
Jewish Shareholders will own a robot army. Wagies will not be wagies anymore, they will be ascended to corpses (sex slave if you're cute).
>people are "working" from home.
Hello Frank. How're you enjoying your mid level management position?
Yeah, two more weeks until fully autonomous robots are being produced en mass and replacing every single menial job in the world
Fucking idiot
republicans need to make a big enough stink about the border so their 80 IQ constituency thinks they care about it. in reality they want more illegals in the country because that means all their business buddies can save on wages
>And all the focus and money seems to be going into those 2 industries currently.
If baffles me on how the brilliant minds behind the AI career are smart enough to think on new improved algorithms and model architectures, but not smart enough to think 3 steps ahead. Do they really believe that the technocrats will just roll out a generous UBI, feed and give freebies to everyone forever since we will not have jobs anymore? Are they really that naive, or they just dont care and just want to tackle a hard issue as a personal aim?
china isn't communist you dumb fuck
>Yeah, two more weeks until fully autonomous robots are being produced en mass and replacing every single menial job in the world
If you think the World Economic Forum didn't consider AGI for their 2030 agenda you're obnoxiously retarded. They probably have the tech, but only for military purposes like... the internet, you know.
all the world's "money" is stored on computers as 1s and 0s determining who owns what quantity. just flip a few of those bits
>liberal democracy is centered on the US now
> Read the actual definition of AGI
there is no "actual definition" of AGI, which is why even OpenAI had to specify which definition they're using
> Artificial intelligence that can perform at a human level at ANY TASK (General)
any *intellectual* task. And how is it gonna do that if it can't move retard?
We could very well have a genius scifi level AI tomorrow and it still wouldn't change the fact that robotics are not there yet, setting up the infrastructure will take years, robot parts aren't free and you can't just tell the miners in Africa nor the manufacturers in China to just hand that shit to you for free.
What it effectively means is that AI replaces all the comfy corporate work and we're all forced into the shitty ones or unemployment.
of course they did, they're all investing in robotics. But there's not gonna be a magical moment in 2030 where AGI is here and suddenly you wake up and we live in the Jetsons world. Even in the most "optimistic" scenario that shit is gonna take decades and we'll be stuck cleaning toilets (not because a robot can't do it but because we're cheaper) while the AIs do dev and art and all the other fun stuff
They call themselves "socialist with Chinese characteristics". The ruling party calls itself communist, because communism is its end goal. It has never claimed to implement it in the present.

>I'm a linguistic descriptivist
You now have a chance to prove it by adjust your word usage to correspond with reality.
>muh AGI
I'm so tired of this meme
Anything that Larry Fink opens a fund for is going to be pure shit anyhow
it's just a distraction to keep people docile until the next communist coup and societal collapse
Surely the elite will share their wealth with everybody when workers become useless and not fucking kick them to the street and suffocate the revolution with their mcdonalds death squads
it will cover the rent increase that will happen at the same time and not much else
you'll still have to work 53 weeks a year to avoid homelessness and starvation
13k followers and literally 2 dudes engaging with your posts?
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complete retardation will happen
kill commies
UBI so i can finally afford RTX 4090 while NEETing.
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>paying for mcdonalds deathsquads
amazon killdrones do total urban pacification for far cheaper
>all those street shitting jeet delivery drivers working as couriers/uber eats/doordash
I literally can't wait until autonomous drone delivery blows them the fuck out and they have to go back to poojeetistan. Then we can do the same again once we have autonomous vehicles.
The problem with UBI is that every time a proposal makes it to the point where it's a serious proposal and not just people bullshitting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, it's neither universal nor basic.
>Everyone gets it except people who choose to use existing welfare programs instead
>Everyone gets it except people who make more than a certain amount of money
>Everyone gets it, but it scales with earned income
>Everyone gets it, but it scales with size of household
>Everyone gets it, but it scales based on location
None of these are UBI. This is what UBI actually is:
>Everyone gets a flat amount of money per month
It's that simple. Part of the thing that makes UBI a potentially good idea is that there's a massive reduction in overhead compared to existing welfare programs. There's not literal tons of paperwork to be done to determine who's eligible and redetermine whether they're eligible every 6 months, and make sure that they're trying to get a job, and kick them out of the program of they're not trying to get a job, and kick them out of the program if they're too busy trying to get a job to fill out yet another form, and all of that bullshit. You just need to check that each person exists, is a citizen, and hasn't died. That's it, no additional bullshit. Then they get a deposit for the same amount as everyone else.

Flat tax proposals have the same problem. It's an idea that could make a lot of sense if you didn't think too hard about it and just let it be simple, but instead everyone fucks up every proposal with a bunch of bullshit to the point where it's just as convoluted as what we have now and adopting it would just be changing things for the sole purpose of change and not to make things better.
>you're still thinking we will not get out of LLMs in the next 5 years, that's your mistake
That's not a mistake. LLMs (and image versions) are somewhat effective because there's ready-made training data i.e. the text and images scraped from the internet. But these models are already reaching the limit of what they can do. Regardless, what else can ML be applied to? Code, pehaps? LLMs can generate code if it's interpreted simply as text, and this is effective to an extent. But the problem with code is that the code itself does not include the logic or purpose behind that code, and there is almost never sufficient text associated with complicated code to explain it. Most code cannot be used or understood in an effective way without a human, and there is no known way of efficiently encoding that on a machine. This is actually similar to the limitations of LLMs with simple text. Text is usually not self-contained. It requires a human to interpret it, and the apparatus of that interpretation is much more complicated than the text itself. None of that apparatus is available to the machine, and we have no apparent way of making it available. Perhaps one day with some kind of brain scanning. But we are a long way from decoding most functions of the brain, even if neuralink and such can make some shitty little interfaces (and they are not much different from what's been done for decades). Even if such brain function extraction were possible, which is far beyond existing tech, an ML model of it would presumably take vastly more computing power than text-based LLMs, which are already pushing the limits of technology and industrial capacity.
the third option is agorism such as screwing the state over through economic forces and other non violent means until it runs short on resources.

The virgin approach does nothing and the problem with chad is revolution often leads to senseless dictators and lots of death.
>most of the 1st world already on UBI.
>It's literally cheaper for thr government to put everyone on UBI than it is for 1/4 to half of the population using walfare
Would love to see you prove this true
The only technologies you need are money with value derived from law, and taxation, which are both ancient.
>read the definition of AGI
>as soon as we build a 5 trillion USD supercomputer it will be able to do every job
>we'll just have to build one of those for every job that needs to be done
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>tfw you can't start a business because if you hit a ten billion dollar valuation, Facebook might have to build yet another successful knockoff like Therads
get out of your imagination
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remember when Snapchat rejected Mark Zuckerberg's buyout offer and Facebook used their infinite power to add stories to Facebook which annoyed everyone and it became so popular that Snapchat completely died 7 years ago?
in a future world where all work is done by machines, it may be the only soluton to keep people from starving to death, and keeping the current economic system functional. personally i think that gibs are possibly the worst solution, as people become insufferable cunts and retards, when they dont have to practice discipline to obtain rewards.
Anyone have that graph image where a company collapses under the weight of ever-increasing managerial positions that do absolutely nothing?
ad hominem
I'm total favor of UBI if people who benefit from it are not allowed to vote.
why would women care about wage? who teaches them this greed
>I will let the goyim eat if the goyim can't vote
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Kill yourself.
>Communism sucks dude
>source: they were mean to my nazi uncle ;___;
neat anecdote anon. my grandparents got to elect their own boss, have a vacation home they sure as shit couldn't afford now, got more support for childcare, a better work life balance than my dad and i have working under capitalism, and did more traveling while the wall was up vs what they could afford to do afterwards.
>and and I wish I could send you fucking university educated champagne communists
it's a great look to have to immediately strawman someone you disagree with because you can't actually engage their points lmao
>to a commie prison or gulag for a while just so you can see for yourself. Idiot.
you can stop larping like you actually experienced former socialism, anon:

You're the type of retard who 3 years ago would say image/video generators like we have today are still 50 years away
>humans only have needs, nothing else matters
anon do you also think drinking onions meal replacements is a good thing instead of actually having a meal
Everyone has been removed so far from self actualization, they don't even know what it looks like anymore.
We are basically trapped between the bottom two levels of the hierarchy of needs.

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