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Will software ever be comfy again?
Comfy on my machine.
it's too comfy is the problem
the internet should have remained as something confined to a room in your house
W10 & W11; alternatively, Ubuntu 22 & 24
pre-W7 a shit
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No. Normies and corporate enshittification destroyed that.

It's all downhill from here.
that wasn't comfy. Amiga was peak comfy
Everything moves too fast now to be comfy.
It's all flat interfaces, flat low-color icons, hamburger menus, low information, and low customizable shit from here on out. It's never getting any better, don't go looking for it.
fpbp /thread
>constant blue screens were comfy
>having to write your own autoexec and config sys to get basic drivers to function was comfy
>hardware so weak it feels like a miracle it can play back a dvd was comfy
>your entire $3000 machine becoming obsolete six months after you buy it was comfy
You are beyond retarded. Imagine you bought a machine with a 4090 and six months later there was something 50-100x better. Total zoomer death.
Zoomers never grew out of the "mommy is forcing me to go to bed so she can throw awesome all-night parties while im sleeping" mindset. It's why threads like this often take the form of "they took this from you": everything in their lives revolves around being the biggest victim possible.

One of their more desperate methods of searching for victim points - while living in the richest, safest, healthiest etc. societies ever to exist - is that they fetishize shit from some imaginary great, golden past they (conveniently, otherwise their fantasy would collapse) weren't around for. The fact that it never existed doesn't matter - they won't be denied their victim points.
i don't know about you but FOSS is comfy AF for me. i have experienced extreme amounts of comfy with foss
everything about the software on my machine and cinnamon and xfce is comfy. especially gegl graph syntax in gimp which has svul

but what is not comfy is the modern internet and its corporate nature that i am forced to use

>Win 98

Zoomers are an embarrassment.
omg based, this character you've described is literally me
When I go turn on my computer that looks just like that one but bigger and better it will.
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Nice projection. Literally every millenial I've known growing up kept yapping about how their life was so hard as if they're the only ones to ever face hardship.
Anything from the mid to late 80s and the 90s is fine but I absolutely loathe dealing with computers between 2000 and 2006/7, anything from beyond that point is fine too.
Zoomies don't know what actually using win9x every day was like.

I still have the habit of pressing ctrl+s all the time when working on a document just in case I get cucked by a BSOD
Shut your whore's mouth and agree to my abusive ToS!
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It's mega comfy today
Unless you use windows, of course.
Win98SE is perfection
No cause they're not made by white men.
Yeah perfection of shitty drivers and constant crashes.
>*open a slightly big word file*
>all good
>*open another program*
>*last program shits itself, loops and starts eating up all the ram*
>*machine lags*
>uh oh

So much comfiness, xis! zero memory protection is LE SOUL!
90% of the nostalgia threads are started by zoomers who weren't even alive during that era.
I was alive in the XP days. Never had a problem. I will keep pining for the bright colors and a better era for design, and there's nothing you can do about that.
FPBP, as usual.
Thread's over, lads.
Not any time soon. Maybe after the collapse, and the rebuilding of society. But we will probably be dead by then.
>never had a problem with XP
I don't believe you. I went through so much crap in that era. It's what made me into a better PC user. Some of the problems were my fault. Some of the problems were the fault of Microsoft's bullshit. Getting your machine infected by a drive by activex exploit for example. I reinstalled XP a lot of times. It was better by the time SP2 was around but I had to deal with so much shit before then.

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