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>Four more large Internet service providers told the US Supreme Court this week that ISPs shouldn't be forced to aggressively police copyright infringement on broadband networks.

>While the ISPs worry about financial liability from lawsuits filed by major record labels and other copyright holders, they also argue that mass terminations of Internet users accused of piracy "would harm innocent people by depriving households, schools, hospitals, and businesses of Internet access." The legal question presented by the case "is exceptionally important to the future of the Internet," they wrote in a brief filed with the Supreme Court on Monday.

>The amici curiae brief was filed by Altice USA (operator of the Optimum brand), Frontier Communications, Lumen (aka CenturyLink), and Verizon. The brief supports cable firm Cox Communications' attempt to overturn its loss in a copyright infringement lawsuit brought by Sony. Cox petitioned the Supreme Court to take up the case last month.

>ISPs say they shouldn't be liable for copyright infringement because "aiding and abetting requires some act to support the wrongdoing—not mere knowledge that a customer is doing something wrong." Providing service to a customer is not the same as providing "substantial assistance" to a wrongdoer, they wrote.


About fucking time!
/g/ will have some way to spin this in a negative light.
Something something Jews something something.
God I love living in a third world country
By the end of the day if this happens people will just move somewhere else. Something I do not think the Supreme Court will fuck with.
>3rd world
Hows the sex out there these days?
So ISPs are back to wanting to be the owners of dumb pipes. Don't care which way the court rules as long as it requires ISPs to either be pipe providers or content companies instead of this Pipe Fluid tranny shit they've been pulling for decades.

No, that’s what Redditors do.
Way better than in first world countries, as usual.
>ISPs say they shouldn't be liable for copyright infringement

> third worlder is mad

their position never changed, schizo poltard spastic.
I don't know, I barely leave my house, but I think that as long as you aren't either uber autistic or broke af you are good
>their position never changed
I think he was referring to net neutrality which they continue to fight tooth and nail.
Didn't some ISPs also default to a custom DNS that blocked wrong think sites or was that over seas?
rare isp win
the person doing the infringement is who the companies should be going after

and also at the same time, internet access has been deemed a human right
so, they can't be disconnected, however all they should be doing is suing/charging them with crimes
if they keep doing it keep charging/suing them
eventually their fines/sentences will rack up
they still have a right to access the internet
sticky, smelly and never as good as you'd hoped.
>internet access has been deemed a human right
No. God no. We have enough problems.
They should say they'll allow it only if the ISP's give everyone modern (1gig) symmetrical speeds at a reasonable price and no data caps.
>rare isp win
not yet
Yes, it's a good low effort solution to saying "not my problem" if user changes DNS server because they can't force it anyway and it filters normalfags from accessing the sites that copyright trannies are seething about.
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>be aussie
>seed roughly 10TB a month
>not a peep from the ISP
is this an american problem? I thought you guys were "freer" over there
it's unironically only a problem in USA and its biggest dicksucker Germany
do you mean an actual third would country or 3rd would country as a smug redditor 4channler yuropoor would describe it (the US)?
In the US your ISP might drop you as a customer if they get angry letters from copyright lawyers. Personally I never had a letter in the many years I was torrenting while living with my parents, and since I've been living on my own I've had a VPN and never had a letter.
ISPs are right
it's not a crime to sell frosted flakes to a criminal
When my little brother nuked our internet torrenting a bunch of garbage, our ISP told us just to make a new account with them and that they only cut service because they were legally bound. Sending letters and deactivating service does nothing but lose money and water time for ISPs.
>tranny technica
Where's the non-tranny and commie version of the story.
Why the fuck would they care? Who wants to lose a customer because some Jew sends you a DMCA notice?
You must understand how much money they make by selling your data. Disconnecting anyone hurts their bottom line.
Negative? No, it's just neutral. Cloudflare owner also told the government he shouldn't have the power to unilaterally take down websites, they didn't even respond, then he started shutting down sites.

The purpose of the article by the way is to say the phrase "disconnect users accused of piracy" and associate those concepts in the reader's head, which moves the overton window towards those things being accepted and normal.

The question, as always: what are you going to DO about it?
Brazilian here and I laugh at burgers putting up with their entitled underwhelming women when I'm around humble thicc booty and milkers
>The question, as always: what are you going to DO about it?
Make more fun of Americans and le freedums land.
No one resists once they are corned by the town rapist
btw Im romanan in case it matter
If they want to act like dumb pipes then they child be classified as dumb pipes
I agree, it's horseshit that ISPs make money on the community taxes that pay for the infrastructure expansion, they won't pay for. If your neighborhood wants fiber, your township needs to pay an ISP to run the lines they won't lift a fucking finger
but sex and bunda tho
Brazil is heaven on earth.
Same. Go EU!
>good end
Copyright mafia are weakened and can no longer sue billy for billions of dollars because he torrented a 40 year old out of print movie instead of paying a license subscription.
>realistic end
Court gets paid to tell ISPs to shut the fuck up and kill customers for copyright violations.
I think it is about time Sony goes bankrupt.

I am withholding the purchase of my Sony PlayStation 5 Pro

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