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Does anybody still care about the free software?


I never did, but then again, I'm not functionally homeless like most 4chan denizens.
Not in the autistic Stallman way.
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yes but we have to leave some of stallberg's leftist ideas behind. Hacker culture needs to be liberated from wokeness and associated with RWDS, opposition to #ownnothingbehappy, and the GNAA

We must reject shitliberry, FOSS must head in the right direction .
Should somebody write a code of conduct covered by FSF?
Should have modeled it after the US Bill of Rights
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The battle was never for free software. It was for a UNIX desktop without having to pay 10-20 grand for a Sun workstation. FreeBSD was dealing with a lawsuit and so Linus started making an alternative. Apache made the Linux server a contender and the rest is history.

Now there's a much more stable system with macOS as a desktop solution and the vast majority of Linux developers are leaving for the Mac ecosystem. Mainly because the software they write is for the server space and NOT desktop.

Open source still has a place. Nobody cares about so-called 'libre'. Exciting Linux times were in the 1990s when everyone was hanging out on IRC and playing with Enlightenment. It's over bros. Do something else with your time.

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well the story doesn't end in the 1990s

in the 2020s its about battling antifa blm and sjws while making GEGL based GIMP Plugins to liberate the world from Adobe's own nothing be happy and subscription fees. The problem is corporations want to hijack FOSS and make it about them instead of freedom
i think stallberg actually cares about free software but the normies in the 1990s only cared about UNIX. That also explains why proto flatpak-like tech was scolded in the 90s-2000s
you are dumb as fuck good lord
Kill yourself directionnigger
What's going on in the head of that woman wearing the blue behind him?
No. It has been a disaster similar to agile and other scams, it hurts everyone but the few on top who get paid.
I care but nobody else cares. It's an uphill battle and nobody is as autistic as him to take over the candle when he's gone.

When Stallman dies it's the end of the Free Software movement. I wonder if he's ever thought about that.
Stallman showed his authoritarian stance. So he is against freedom. He is the enemy of freedom.
Authoritarianism is necessary to enforce freedom, because true freedom is anarchy and that's in nobody's best interests. You have to set and enforce some rules, that's how the world works.
he's talking about covid and the democrats when he says "authoritarian stance" and frankly I agree he is authoritarian on those issues.
I used to care about it, but then noticed that the space was full of mentally ill schizos and the entire space got hijacked by Russian and Chinese agents who turned the whole thing away from free software and privacy to hating on US intelligence agencies.
>he isn't into hating on glowies
Not just covid. Also on free speech, privacy and security. Then there's also the other social element where he is pushing for child grooming and castration by the state itself.

Stallman gave up on freedom the moment he got infected with tranny ideology
Stallman's ideology never made much sense, nothing in the real world outside of software is FOSS by his ideas either. If I look at it from a positive perspective, he goes into extremes because in his brain then people have to meet the extremist mid way to feel okay about change, and then the mid way is what he actually wants to achieve. The more pessimistic approach is that he is just retarded and likes eating toenails.
yes Stallman is a retard about anything than software and nobody argues that, people look up to him only in that one thing, because it's promoting freedom and privacy which are universal virtues no matter how you look at it
free hardware
>Ignore the 80's, ramble about the late 90's, and then proceed to gush over a desktop environment that didn't have a working file manager until the 2000's.
back to the desktop thread with you lmao
so he's actually retarded? having him go to all these events and travel to 3rd world countries seems like abuse. :(
>I routinely chastised fellow team members that had opted for the easy path and avoided our Linux products.
lmao, a glimpse into the work environment at a Linux company (Novell, in this case).
Everyone should hate on agencies. Allowing a government agency to persist for longer than 10 years just means that they shift their modus operandi entirely towards spending all their budget and justifying increases to their budget next year. Never pay a man a salary that will go away once he has solved your problem, this man needs to know that he will be out on the street no matter what.
Okay kid, time to go outside and play.
Isn't he just a subversive schizo? There's plenty of those in the software industry.

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