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AMDbros, not like this...
Good. Let them suffer.
What do people want from AMD exactly?
gamer performance
these non x3d stones dont have gaming performance
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Yeah, not worth the upgrade
Apart from unfair pricing there's nothing wrong with them unlike intels 13th, 14th and probably 15th gen fucked up qnd unusable CPUs
Focusing on Budget market again for fuck sakes I haven't seen a ryzen 3 since forever
The 7800X3D is as close to the perfect CPU as you can get right now, it would be difficult to improve on that, especially without 3D cache.
What "games" are you going to play on your "gaming" PC? All of the good games came out over 10 years ago, why do you need such powerful hardware nowadays?
their thermal cap things look gay, make them look normal, no you don't need those cutouts for capacitors you losers
Even raptor lake refresh hasn't gotten this bad in terms of sales.
>According to YouTube channel Hardware Unboxed,
Aussies seething that hard.
my 5900x still just werks and if anything im gpu bottlenecked with games at 4k. i dont need a better cpu. i need a better gpu.
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At least they fixed all the problems
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>release 1080Ti
>wtf, why won't our Turing gpus sell?!?!
Same scenario I'd imagine.
>AMDunboxed is now dissing of AMD
the sky is falling
Oh yea, I remember now. I got mine for $150 from ebay.
foar coars is all anyone ever needed for consoomer usage. i'm glad the cores meme is dying.
their issue is AM4 was just too good and you still dont need more.
Zen 3. :^)
better gaming performance
better efficiency, way lower power usage
you can upgrade later on without changing the motherboard (i upgraded from 1500x to 5700x)
That's intel strategy tho
Yep. I just built my machine, and my Dad's macine, as AM4. a 5600x for him, and a 5900x for me.

Everything is snappy, it's good. It's an enjoyable pc experience. ofc I installed Linux.
make it an X3D chip. they're the only AMD chips that matter as far as i'm afaic
>better gaming performance
In what games?

imo we want AMD to produce cool games, because gaming companies suck at making cool games, and at optimizing for AMD.

How about a game with ONE INNOVATIVE GAMING FEATURE?!! it's been forever.
>get shafted by reviewers who press play
Sucks for AMD.
Seen some overclocks trading blows with the 7800X3D in games while also being power efficient still.
:^) people are experiencing inflation shock, across the board. The 50bp rate cut is considered aggressive:
>J.J. Kinahan, CEO of IG North America and President of Tastytrade, also brought up potential risks from this "incredibly aggressive cut."
We are weeks away from depression. The cut wasn't aggressive enough. negative interest could have saved the day, but they are willing to fuck the whole world's economy just to avoid the "wrong guy" getting into office.
please let it drop to zero and stay there forever
i unironically would rather get trampled to death in a hunger riot than call into one more scrum
being cheaper than intel while still providing good specs i,e what am4 socket was
am5 is a failure
am5 motherboards, and then ram, and it's expensive, with marginal improvements in most software.
Post discarded.
>t zoomer
I don't care about your history lesson (that I in fact lived through and know full well about). There's no overclocking potential in Zen 5. Or really any chip in the past 5 years.
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Excellent build. You don't need more than that as a gamer.
Sure there is, if you buy 10 chips (LMAO) and keep the best one
>gpus now cost as much as the rest of the pc combined
it wasnt always like this you know
poopy motherboard
atx case for a matx motherboard? cringe
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My custom GTX 970 cost $400 10 years ago.
>zoomer and retarded
many such cases
i'll be sticking with my cooked rusty i9 until the RMA'd one dies as well.
I want to run more old school runescape accounts
I didn't really research it, but it's supposed to be good enough as a budget option. Budget builds are about prioritizing good airflow instead of fake theoretical numbers.
go away superficial reddiot,
The B series motherboards are bargain grade. You'll be fine though.
budget builds don't need airflow
You don't need a 850 watt PSU for that build.
Are you a zoomer and retarded? There's no overclocking potential in Zen 5.
If I upgraded from my 5950X I'd need not only a new CPU and mobo but new RAM. I'd get an iGPU, which would be really handy, but not a thousand bucks handy.
Oh yeah and I just bet you that when they release the X3D models (that's why sales are crap, everyones waiting for those) they'll do that same old kikery where only one CCD gets the 3D cache.
There's no use case for a two CCD CPU with expanded cache.

I don't care that you're going to try to reply that the 2 CCD X3D chips have almost no use case and shouldn't have been released. There's actual literal zero use case for what you just proposed. X3D is for gaming and gaming sucks on 2 CCDs.
All the good 4chan posts came out over 10 years ago yet you continue to make new ones
X3D is good for basically anything that leans on memory bandwidth. Phoronix did a bunch of benchmarks when the 5800X3D first came out, almost none of which involved gaming since that's a Linux site. And several of them showed really dramatic improvements.

Besides, if its "only for gaming" why release a 16-core chip with it at all? Like you said, nobody buys the 16-core model just to game with it.
Zen 5% has made me hopeful that Arrow Lake can offer more serious competition than Raptor Lake did and drive prices down.
Phoronix is a synthetic benchmarking website, nothing they post is real world. Nothing you do on your computer except for video games benefits from an X3D chip. In the real world, 64MB of cache only helps your code perform if it isn't optimized, and video games are the only large software projects with little optimization.

>Besides, if its "only for gaming" why release a 16-core chip with it at all?
Hey dumbass, read what I said.
>I don't care that you're going to try to reply that the 2 CCD X3D chips have almost no use case and shouldn't have been released. There's actual literal zero use case for what you just proposed. X3D is for gaming and gaming sucks on 2 CCDs.
what number will come after 9950 ?
I just told you that it's useful for lots of things that aren't gaming.
>"noes! that's synthetic! its for gaymes only!"
Flat wrong, simple as.
>I just told you that it's useful for lots of things that aren't gaming.
You gave synthetic benchmarks as your example. You are wrong. X3D chips are worse at everything that isn't a video game.
this i have 5950x and 64gb ram and rx6600
i rather buy a new gpu than upgrade my cpu
If your post was even remotely true, amd wouldn't have made 3d vcache for epycs at all and it wouldnt have trickled down to gamers
>You gave synthetic benchmarks as your example.
And you seem to be asserting that those don't mean anything. This is incorrect.
>X3D chips are worse at everything that isn't a video game.
X3D improves anything that likes memory bandwidth, since that's what cache in general helps. Lots of things are like this that aren't vidya. Again, you're wrong.
Ryzen 9950XT
Waiting for Blackwell or RDNA 4?
They're barely worse, it's just a clock speed difference
intce decided to add estrogen cores to all their new cpus and somehow they have worse power efficiency which is the whole point of using hybrid architecture
And a price difference.
You don't do anything with your computer that benefits.
APU, 64GB VRAM, $400
cool it with the antisemitic remarks OP!
>lucky strike
That's all it ever really was, wasn't it?
Is Zen 4 not capable of this? I thought Zen 4 just dynamically applies VRAM like Intel has been doing for years. It can't reach 64GB?
>>You don't do anything with your computer that benefits.
Well you don't do anything that matters with your computer either, you just play vidya.

Sarcasm aside, coompiling can chew on 32 threads. So can rawtherapee, and that uses 20-something GB of RAM if I let it. I'd happily take a ton of L3 in exchange for a few hundred MHz of doesn't-matter clock speed.
>Well you don't do anything that matters with your computer either, you just play vidya.
No I don't, I can just recognize the use case of a product and you can't.

You won't compile the kernel faster on an X3D chip. The X3D chip costs at least 50% more than the equivalent vanilla chip. You could just put that money into a better chip that's actually meant for compiling.
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agreed, they should be marketing their shit better
hmm i unironically wait for rtx 5090 release but will probably not buy it anyway because of $$$.
But maybe i will because the rtx cards are pretty price stable and i could sell the card some months before rtx 6090 hit the market and then upgrade cheap.
And these ones don't even melt when run at in-spec voltages and clock rates.
10050 of course. Did you miss math class?
AM4 is so good and AM5 so expensive that there is no incentive to upgrade.
X3D cache.
We have become addicted.
AMD is now our drug dealer.
Intel adamantine cache will save us
intel can't even deliver Battlemage.
Its not that am4 is too good, it's that am5 is too expensive. Why pay double the price on basically every part in the rig just for a 20% perf gain.
A motherboard is a motherboard in 90% of cases, if it works it works.
What fucking gaming performance? I have a non-X3D Zen 4 and nothing out right now even puts a strain on it.
the human eye can't see more than four cores
>implying you can ever leave
Games that don't properly use multicore will just show as like 24-33% usage but secretly be bottlenecked.
i went from 5600x to 7800x3d and it doubled my fps
>secretly be bottlenecked
You know you can just open up task manager and see what individual cores are doing, right? You'll see 100% usage bouncing between 1-2 threads and the rest will be near idle.
Modern cpus jump threads quick enough that you'll be able to see only 40-60% utilisation on a single thread even though you're CPU bottlenecked
>Modern cpus jump threads quick enough that you'll be able to see only 40-60% utilisation on a single thread
Not the case in literally every single game I've ever monitored, and I've used Zen, Zen 2, Zen 3 and Zen 4 CPUs, across both old games and demanding emulators.
I have a 5800x do I need to upgrade?
Adding more and more Skyrim and Minecraft mods like a giant Jenga tower
building even bigger factorio bases
Cheaper am5 motherboards. That's what keeps me from upgrading my perfectly fine x570+3700x
Fuck off to /v/.
Not unless you're you're using a high end GPU at 1080p
>X3D improves anything that likes memory bandwidth
Complete nonsense. Additional cache helps applications with a large working set, it does absolutely nothing for bandwidth.
is it over for amd? will they follow the path and become absolute shit like intel?
Is the 9000 series bad? I'm using a 4th gen i5 and wanted to upgrade.
effective bandwidth per unit time is increased over dram from fewer stalls
its good, just barely an upgrade over zen4 unless you frequently use avx512 (rpcs3 not counted since it uses 128-bit vectors) and its overpriced for being new
it's good, but is it worth the extra cost over non x 7700/7600
AM4 CPUs, forever and ever
the games from over 10 years ago but at 999 fps
yes, even strategy games where it's not supposed to matter
What's the problem? AMD is doing such a good job that they're mogging their future hardware already? Shouldn't you be happy about this? Intel ass sponsored thread.
They'll kneevap the x3ds at the v cache to create some extra price gouging tiers like nvidia with the difference between 4080 and 4090. Monopolies fucking suck.
They already nerfed the 7800x3d by 200mhz to upsell the Ryzen 9 x3d's
I can't imagine it'd be much worse than this
It is because gayming-fags are waiting for V-cache SKUs to drop. The regular Zen5 were meant to be dumping ground for crappy Zen5 yields sold to OEM channels.
People on a budget who are eying towards AM5 platform are getting discounted Zen4 SKUs.
Frankly, AMD is just competing against itself on the desktop platform. Intel nixed Raptor Lake with its suicide-run tier factory overclocking.
>better gaming performance
/v/tards are waiting for V-cache SKUs, V-cache SKUS have ruined regular desktop SKUs for AMD for /v/tards
>better efficiency, way lower power usage
Zen5 already is here, but the difference is pretty small versus Zen4 to begin with
>you can upgrade later on without changing the motherboard (i upgraded from 1500x to 5700x)
AM5 is limiting its limits and probably will not go beyond Zen6.
People don't realize that Zen4 would have got the same reception if it wasn't for the clockspeed bump through 5nm TSMC die shrink.
Not so much anymore. Alder Lake was the same story at launch but prices dropped on the entire platform over time.
>X3D is for gaming and gaming sucks on 2 CCDs.
Wrong, both are insanely fast at gayming. X3D is just super-fast that only number-chasing /v/tards would chase after.
/v/tards really have no clue how good things are really on the CPU camp, even a budget-minded SKU effortlessly handles 95+% of your gayming needs out there.
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>X3D chips are worse at everything that isn't a video game.

Wrong. They're much better at low latency audio tasks.
Pic related: at 64 buffer size the 5800X3D beats many faster and higher core count CPUs.
>What do people want from AMD exactly?
To give me a single core CPU that can put a Supercomputer to shame.
Who cares about the 9000 series exactly ? People want lowet GPU prices
NVM found it

It's not a great test, but it's what I could find.
The difference is more noticeable with CPU-heavy VSTs.
Stay mad jew
2700x user here, can get only around ~100fps with drops into the ~70fps when loading new assets in crysis remastered. Doesn't matter if graphic settings are low, medium or high.
No CPU core is ever utilized 100% according to task manager although it is a clear CPU bottleneck.
Unlike you I actually need the power for work, I do video editing just like my Youtuber heroes!
>difference is pretty small versus Zen4
not really.
In workloads like video encoding the 9600x has 7700x performance and the 9700x has 7900x performance. Even with crippled TDP.
This is a huge bump in performance and with further software improvements more programs will utilize that added performance.
memory bottleneck
what you running
not that there is any reason to still run zen+ when 5600s are $90 brand new
I wasn't into gaming for the last years so my machine was more productive oriented. But I will upgrade to ryzen 9xxx soon.
>2k polyphony
let me guess you need more?
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>In workloads like video encoding the 9600x has 7700x performance and the 9700x has 7900x performance
That's only in AV1 encoding, since Zen 5 is better in AVX512 workloads. Outside of AV1 there's hardly any improvement, not worth the extra cash unless you're making an AV1 encoding server for some stupid reason, and you're also too poor to move to threadripper. At current prices, no home user should be buying Zen 5.
just admit you're poor. better performance is better performance, no matter how much you cope.
any ram should do 3000cl15-3200cl16
would be cool to know how much your performance increases
So buy a threadripper. Why are you buying desktop chips for your AV1 server?
Keep the factory growing
They should just ditch the non x3d chips and make vcache the standard. nobody wants the no cache chips anymore.
I do
Keep in mind Kontakt is a 20 year old plugin. Some new synths use way more CPU.
You can edit videos on a $100 phone.
The 9000 is a beast for anything other than gayming
Bad ddr5 speeds are icing on the cake don't they top out at like 7200? My 13600k ddr4 3200 still faster lol
thats what you get for using windows and gimping your cpu
>rpcs3 not counted
So which CPU should I get?
good point, didn't know that. It really doesn't seem worth it to buy a CPU that is maybe 5% faster in real world scenarios but costs 100 bucks more.
AMD unironically should backport Zen 4 and Zen 5 to AM4
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i5 2500k, or a FX8350 it's the last cpus anyone should ever need.
what are you talking about anon
intel with 8400mt/s ram cant beat ryzen with 4400mt/s ram
nothing more
I'm happy with my 5800x and I don't feel the need to upgrade for like 5 more years
the products are just too good
On paper yes not always in reality. Can point to Starfield as an example where Intel's faster memory bandwidth and better IMC's nets better game performance over every X3D chip. That's a one off though thanks to Bethesdas crap coding.
It wouldn't have been so bad if AMD didn't vastly overstate just how much "performance" they were expecting from Zen 5%.
I don't even know if 9000 series already released lol
I don't know what AMD expected. It's the brand of poorfags. Doing a new socket + DD5 meant it locked themselves out of like 90% of their market base
The whole desktop market is stagnant, because there's less and less need to upgrade PCs.
And normies don't use computers.
Even old games start borking out when you try to run them at 4K or above. I want my +120 fps goddammit
I think it's out but everyone is waiting for the x3d versions.

Yeah but at some point everyone's forced to upgrade because they stop making the old stuff. At this point DDR4 is often more expensive than DDR5 just because no one makes DDR4 anymore.
To teach Intel a lesson
Reasons to upgrade CPU:
>4K videos: taked by GPUs decoders
>Gamers: they're still using game engines 15 years old, complex algos and AI never was implemented for dynamics games, we're stuck in PS3-like games with better graphics
>Render: the only viable application and most of them don't need of gaming cpus
>productivity: 99% of users don't need to upgrade
>video encoding: similar to productivity, except for AV1 any 5 years old cpu is more than enough for x265, x264, VP8 and VP9

The problem are the programmers, especially the gamer crap that can't make better games and they don't have idea how to use modern hardware except for bloated UIs.
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Have CPUs not advanced at all? Mine on the right
But Linux troons told me this was the best consumer CPU ever released! Why aren't they buying them???? What are they waiting for???
This is what happens when Youtube thinks your CPU is shit

Note this only happens to AMD.

They all called the 4060 the worst GPU ever released and that GPU is now #2 on Steam
Can someone please tell me why gaming is apparently the biggest selling factor for CPUs? When did that happen?
Is AMD just the worst managed company in the planet
overkill psu

who cares about the motherboard
>trolling outside /b/
Can you guys let me know a more reliable way to get a comparison?
I'm still happy with my 7 7700. Considering my previous one was a FX 8350, I am good for a while.
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>still gapped by 5800x3d in most games
>why wont people buy our new cpu;s
why os thos CPU gamer shaped? ffs
let intel stomp them back into knockoff status
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Probs the 9000x3d CPUs. If the OS isn't your biggest bottleneck, 3d v-cache is pretty great.
reject x86 bloat
embrace arm efficiency and speed
Being cheaper is not profitable. AMD offers only more meme cores and less speed. Even in the old days intel was faster cpus.
AMD and Intel don't make pure CISC, current cpus are mostly RISC and the future are accelerators + CPUs
Hope you got your court mandated refund for a literal scam.
Interesting, looks like now is a good time to buy Intel stock.
>Release cpus that have worse performance than the previous generation and consume more power
>All because they couldn't get their shit right on windows for several updates to the point that on linux they almost double the performance
How can they be so incompetent on a regular basis?
I'm not even kidding, they just can't get their fucking drivers right for once, linux only works alright because actual talented linux developers fix their shit.
Cpus don't have drivers idiot
Because they come preinstalled on your OS you dumb fuck, they still need the proprietary microcode to run fine, which is a form of drivers.
Literally how would they even be able to be installed on you're computer if they didn't come with the driver preinstalled?
the chips are fine. basic economics just says the price is too high for what it is
BIOS and AGESA aren't part of the OS.
what GPU do you currently have?
This is all the fault of the democrats and their stupid war in ukraine.
Oh no AMD will wipe their tears with all the 7800X3D sales
what color is your bugatti
The OS doesn't just intrisically work with any CPU, they have to make it work with the new cpu, obviously, with a driver.
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I just got my 9900X.
It's a huge performance improvement on Linux.
Windows users can tongue my anus.

And I don't care about the X3D parts because games will mostly be GPU bottlenecked anyway. The CPU won't hold them back.
I'm still rocking my 3600 and "the progress" in CPU development since I got it never really made me think that it's worth upgrading
windowssisters... not like this...
honestly this is just more evidence that gaymers are basically niggercattle that AMD feeds industrial waste from the enterprise business to
I already got a 7950X3D last year when it launched.
Why would I need a new one now?
That's barely an upgrade at all.
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Pretty much.
Any slightly modern CPU is enough to achieve high refresh rates before you get GPU bottlenecked. I don't know why people feel the need to buy CPUs every year or salivate over the X3D parts.
The X3Ds are cool and all, but the amount of performance loss in everything else is quite big.
passmark (50% ST advantage, 200% MT advantage)
phoronix if you want more realistic numbers
>Why does UserBenchmark have negative trustpilot reviews?
fucking lel, why would they even bring it up? site is run by literal retards
>arm efficiency and speed
Last I checked the AMD processors were still beating ARM for efficiency and speed.
People believe that Intel is going to release something faster and get the price to come down.
>S tier 5800X3D
>Absolute god tier 7800X3D
Literally how can they even compete after those. Just keep lowering costs until you stumble upon a miracle again
>Literally how can they even compete after those
A true single CCD 16-core X3D chip, and it'll literally be endgame for most usecases.
Yet again homosexuality abounds
the only interesting CPU tech right is the G line up of APUs, they should be sizing those fuckers like threadrippers and pushing them to challenge 50/60 3000 series on a 95/120 watt cpu.
The winner is going to be an Epyc reject with two cache dies.
They don't have the memory bandwidth for it, they would need HBM.
So thats the limiting factor? they need to solve that, if they undercut nvidas 60 lineups with an all in one that costs less than a 3/4060 then thats a game changer.
Cheaper chips, for one
Almost everybody is waiting for the 3D cache version.
?? The cache is a separated chip glued on top of the chiplet fucktard.
There is no reason for them to put a 3d cache on top of a defective chiplet.
Decent prices, efficiency and none of that retard latency between cores. We used to have two of those things before 7xxx
They should have given at least 2-4 cores per class.
$200 x600 - 8c 16t
$320 x800 - 10-12c
$400 x900 - 16c
$500 x950 - 20c
$600 x990 - 24c (New)
Wrong, there are plenty of customers who want non V-Cache SKUs. The desktop versions are meant for OEM channels for chiplets that couldn't make Threadripper Pro and Epyc pass.
OEM channels, they need new inventory and new product for roster updates.
Earth Defense Force 5 and 6 mods, Wuthering Waves, Zenless Zone Zero, and upcoming open world shitty gacha garbage (Azur Promilia, Neverness to Everness)
is it just me or do /g/ people seem to be smarter than they used to be in say 2016
wonder how they compare to apple silicon
i've been thinking about getting a mac mini as a dedicated drum vst station running sd3
I can run xmrig@10 threads and play supreme commander via wine with 1000 pop limit ony 5600X
5900x with a 6900xt 32GB of RAM LINUX
I see 0 reason to upgrade
Nothing. Intel outsells AMD by a huge margin for a few reasons. They have the OEM/pre-built market on lockdown.
AMD is $30 usd cheaper that Intel but AMD chips have no interesting features except replacing a existing cpu of a mobo with a new one.
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I just need a RTX 5090 to go with my 7800x3d.
Good performance
Cheap price.
a boatload of VRAM as cheap as possible
>AMD is $30 usd cheaper that Intel but AMD chips have no interesting features
I think AMD deserves it for forgetting who they were just a few years ago and charging these prices for CPU but more importantly the GPUs.
this king gets it
Team Fortress 2.
The game still runs like shit with a Zen 4 CPU and 7800 XT. Regularly dropping below 60 fps.
You're making shit up
> new Ryzen 3 and Athlon
> more 3D cache chips
> moar cores (specially for desktop)
> cheaper
>he buys K models
Be like Intel but better and cheaper.
that's a skill issue
runs at 300+ FPS locked on my 5800X
He didn't disable the compositor.
yeah, that's a skill issue
I use Cinnamon DE with compositor off and still facing the same issue.
I play Mann up mode.
>Cinnamon DE
>Compositor off
buddy you can't turn the compositor off. that's why Xfce is the recommended desktop environment.
try sudo apt install openbox
openbox --replace
be careful this might break everything but easy to recover by deleting the session store file(s)
>openbox --replace
don't run this it will very likely cause problems for you. cinnamon is based on gnome after all.
easier to just log out, change the session to openbox so you can see what linux gaming really is like
I have cinnamon on a stick, I don't want to pollute my normal systems but I can test it out for you
I went to cinnamon system settings, Effects menu in Apperance, and toggled Desktop and window effects off and it works like it should.
New Steam UI doesn't play well with Openbox. The right click menu will become unclickable.
>inb4 use the compability mode or hold the ALT key
Works for some right click menu, but most of them are still broken.
let me take a look
which right click menu? the system tray?
I did the cinnamon stuff and frankly I am floored by the sheer performance with the effects turned off
it's time to switch to wayland
after you've done that, run this: https://docs.comfig.app/latest/benchmarks
you should get at least 240 FPS on zen 4
Steam UI
Right click on any game in your library and click anything on it.
It's a known issue reported on Github.
Yes I can confirm it doesn't work with OpenBox
Oh well time to switch things up
It seems they fixed cinnamon's vsync/compositor issue because I tried it and it works fine. The framerate is within expected range and there is no stuttering
Only a fool buys anything on release day. I only buy last gen shit. It's usually half the price for 95% of the performance.
You may as well suck shit off the floor
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>DIY builders
Not their target audience.

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The ARM wolves are at the door. It's over for the gweilo.
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You're supposed to turn off XFCE's compositor?
I just swapped to the rat, what else should I configure
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their all affected chud
I just need a 9800x3d to go with my 4090 cuz cpu bottlenecks at 1440pUW
it's a mouse
use whisker menu instead of applications menu
you can have the compositor on if you like the effects, just disable it before running games.
had to buy a couple laptops and looked at the arm offerings in the 1-2k offerings. all were garbage or 2in1 tablets pretending to be laptops. ended up buying amd 8k series pseud gaming laptops with an actually screen 32gb or more ram 2tb nvmes. laptop market is a shitshow. way too much intel trash that oxidizes and arm can't even stop lagging to use ms office.
9800g for the handhelds
moar estrogen cores for the cinebench professional
Now you should understand why you shouldn't rush to buy a top end GPU when the CPUs aren't capable of keeping up with it. Enjoy getting hit with two years worth of loss value on that 4090. I hope the clout and epeen bragging points were worth it. Jensen sure as hell appreciates your lack of common sense though.
they could stop making cpus for 5 years and nothing would change, we just don't need new cpu's
do you want good performance or not? your choice
>2% more fps for 30% more cost

what were amd engineers hoping to achieve exactly?
>what were amd engineers hoping to achieve exactly?
get paid until next month
thank god we got intel 18A coming to save us from incompetents
Good news for me. When I decide to upgrade in a year or 2, these will be cheap as hell.
uplift every generation?
piss on cores, I don't run renders for fun
either higher performance or cheaper products when they launch a "new" gen
why did they even launch a new generation with such a weak uplift? They should have just stayed on 7000 series.
tsmc capacity is limited and booked years in advance. it was either use it or lose it.
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go back
To open a factory in Israel.
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Bring it back.
They should have waited for Intel to release their shit first, they're still releasing new Ryzen 5000, 7000 is also really young, why be eager like that?
they got too cocky
dumb gaymer zoomer niggercattle, the whole consumer business is industrial waste from the enterprise chips
>I only buy last gen shit.
This so much. With PC parts being so expensive and the gen-over-gen performance being very small most of the time, I find it much smarter to just buy the very best of the last platform. I upgraded from an X370 board with a 1700 to an X570S with a 5800X3D when AM5 had dropped. Cost me like 500€ and I don’t think I will upgrade anytime soon. Maybe at the end of AM5.
>You won't compile the kernel faster on an X3D chip.
Literally no one gives a shit about kernel compilation times.
Stop pretending that you compiling your shit yourself makes any difference to anyone.
so you don't care about performance? buy a 5600 for $90 then
Which gave us 3080, what would have been another 1080 Ti situation, if not for scalpers.
A true 1080ti replacement would have to be capped at like 250w absolute max and out compute a current 4080 with its average power draw being under 200w. And it would have to have an MSRP under $800.

Economic scaling be damned. Thats would it would take to bring the same amount of hype.
>They already nerfed the 7800x3d by 200mhz
Do you know how?
No you did not.
>asspained /v/tard who can't accept the simple fact that their tiny world is a drop in the bucket
>Intel outsells AMD by a huge margin for a few reasons.
That chart is showing that had rapidly changed in recent years. Intel is hemorrhaging marketshare. Their last holdouts are OEM laptops/netbooks.
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Better performance compared to the last generation would be nice
He's playing interactive movies, duh
Also world of goo 2 was just released (but runs on a toaster)
If you're going to buy consumer gaymerslop hardware, at least don't buy outdated shit
they litterally sell the 7900x3d , and 5600x3d and 7600x3d, which are all rejects with a cache die.
Based, I'm gonna buy an i5 12400f soon, 100 bucks for a no nonsense 10nm 6core that just werks.
Don't care, its a good problem to have more gpu than you can use
To make a consistent cpu that doesn't crash unless you know the magic bios numbers (different for every chip btw)
Serisouly my 5800x started crashing and segfaulting nonstop, i've never had a cpu die like this before, so I got a 5950x and a new motherboard and new reinstalled os on a new drive, even tried windows, still random segfaults and crashing. Could only extend uptime to around 3 hours on the 5950x by fucking with cpu voltage and TURNING OFF BOOSTING lmao.
probably your power supply
That's just how CPUs are nowadays.
The only good reliable CPUs are old intel shit, 12th gen and earlier. Otherwise you end up with XPLODING amd cpus or RUSTING intel cpus both with dying memory controllers and instability
maybe people just dont have as much money due to failed economic policies?
yes i did
not a single good answer to this, >>102466568 lying even
clearly the common denominator isn't the CPU here
It's the AMD
My i5-4670k lasted from the day it released (2013) to 2021 (with a slight overclock) until I downgraded to the 5800x didn't even go past it's.
If I just kept it I wouldn't be seething right now.
my 5600x and my 7800x3d just werks on my machine(s)
What the fuck do people exactly expect from AMD and why the fuck do people feel the need to upgrade every single goddamn year? I am still on my ryzen 3700x that I bought at launch and I literally can't see a reason to upgrade. If I was some youtuber shit, I'd probably just get some threadripper and not upgrade for a decade. What is wrong with people really, lmao. I am amazed that people are actively following CPU news every year, like what do you expect from it m8?
Well we know people aren’t buying 14th gen either. Seems like people are either going older parts or not upgrading. I don’t have a source for that but it just makes sense with the news about the oxidized Intel and lackluster boost of zen 5. Complacency.
Realistically there's almost zero reason to upgrade desktop CPUs for the last 4-5 years or so. There's just nothing in practice to challenge the raw power of them unless you're running some render farm or supercomputer.
There is one reason to upgrade to newer stuff - 3d vcache, whether it is the 5600x3d or 7800x3d.
It gives 1.5x-3x performance in memory bound scenarios like high player count games over recent high-end non-3d CPUs such as the 5800x, 10900k, 9900k
Yep. AMD is just gonna become what Intel was during the sandy bridge to kaby lake days, complacent, non innovative, and boring.
In 10 more years Intel will get on top again and the cycle will repeat
x86 wont last this decade
qualcomm/apple will have 95%+ marketshare in 10 years
>x86 wont last this decade
what the fuck is wrong with arm niggers lmao
you were saying this shit back in 2012 when wangblows 8 came out
Both will exist for different tasks. A hybrid stacks of the two is the future.
It's almost like adults realize the value of time and don't want there's wasted by flakey hardware and fucking around troubleshooting shit they aren't qualified to touch.
Give them a thin client with everything in the cloud or nas that can be replaced in <5 minutes, can output to any monitor and x86 is over.
The issues your describing is more of a side effect of the retarded gayming and "enthusiast" crap that's infected DIY PCs so thoroughly. Even if you do something as simple as XMP/EXPO memory, you are doing something literally no other industry would dare fuck with.

Where most x86 CPUs are sold (in datacenters) they aren't seeing any real issue besides the usual things that happen when you run millions of CPUs
obvious intel lies
>oy vey, it's a disaster, AMD is finished goy, stop buying it
>stock has barely even budged since Zen 5 came out
intel psyop department getting increasingly desperate
what is it this time?
arrow lake doa?
18A cancelled?
they found out craptor lakes will all physically burn out within a year?
No, it is. The first batch of zen 3 was defective. You can go on OCN and look at how many people were getting idling BSOD or segfault issues in intensive workloads
what kind of retard paypig beta tests amd in the first place

i always buy at the tail end of a cpu generation if it winds up a good deal. it ends up being cheaper and just werks. thanks paypiggies!
This is true and the reason why I still use my 10 year old Xeon chip and a 980ti
the chances of getting 2 bad cpus in a row is very low, the poster is just retarded and probably has some shitty 10 year old power supply
I mean, the 7000 series CPUs work just fine for any game so I don't see why the broader market would need more powerful CPU in current year. For productivity, intel is still better.
Stop delaying APUs for 1 year after normal CPUs and give them updates more often than 2-3 years.

also release Strix Halo on AM5 and support it properly, not that bullshit "1 driver every two years" they do with all other iGPUs.
>way lower power usage

this, but in idle. Ryzen has one gigantic weak point, idle power usage. They can't even go below c3 residency. Intel is rocking sub-10W full motherboards nowadays, Ryzen setups can barely go below 20W.
how long does that take to offset the difference in load wattage?
never gonna happen, infinity fabric (which causes the idle power draw) is too integral to their chiplet strategy, and idle power is irrelevant for enterprise customers so there's zero motivation to do something about it
>X3D improves anything that likes memory bandwidth
Not really, it helps for workloads that access a lot of (typically small) random access data at any given time. Rendering loves bandwidth, but it doesn't help much there. AI too, again doesn't do much. The data sets are big and sequential, and it's easy to prefetch, so the extra cache actually doesn't help that much in those cases. It's certainly not a replacement for actual higher memory bandwidth.
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Even good modern gaymen can be played on a potato nowadays (picrel)
My gaymen puter is five years old at this point and the only upgrade I’ve made was a 3090 to get the 24 GB I needed to anime chatbots, I ended up power throttling heavily because the extra power was pointless
That's my cpu, lol.
I can't wait for strix apus to enter desktop.
They should ignore their competitive advantage and try to go toe-to-toe with Nvidia!!!!

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