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the absolute state of Linux
>adopt Rust into codebase
>suddenly a need for BSOD
>Introduce Rust into the kernel
>Language incentivizes panicking when anything goes wrong
>Previously the kernel did everything it could to continue running and not panic, but not anymore
>Kernel maintainers anticipate that users will see kernel panics much more often due to Rust code
>Must redesign kernel panic screen to appear friendlier, because users will be seeing it more often
>Rustroons will somehow spin this as a positive thing
I'm not surprised to be honest. Goodbye Linux, it was nice while it lasted.
Now it's time for the enshittification of the Linux kernel, brought to you by the Rust™ Foundation
>Linux hard forks to Freax, removing all Rust code
as it should be
>early adopters get screwed
Every time.
I literally cannot remember the last time I ever had a kernel panic on Linux. It must have been at least 10 years.
the lavendar feels neat with the tux in the corner, wallpaper worthy
not a problem on freeBSD
>Goodbye Linux,
You have nowhere to run. Are you going to switch to Windows? Of course not.
>Instead of Godot- use Unreal.
The language does not incentivise panicking, that only happens when you don't do proper error handling.
what is this shit
is this a qr code? Am I supposed to scan it with my phone? Like the hell I will you fucking kikes
You can configure it to output the error messages directly. The QR isn't even the default way this will happen. I don't know why op posted this specific picture. You have to enable it in a config file which is buried.
>thing has this thing I'll never see
Nothing burger
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>proper error handling
You mean
And of course they made it purple.
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Is it time to switch?
Hahah yeah no that's the opposite to proper error handling.
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>omg omg this is heckin' end of linu- ACK
Linux will be just fine
Nothing ever happens
amazing satire
kill yourself /pol/ tourist
I'm not against that desu, as long as I can opt out I don't care. I can see several cases where a QRCode could be a really nice addition.
next time don't feed retarded pajeets
There’s LITERALLY Rust code that backdoors your system for blicoblaft binblowzz to access anytime they want.
>Supported drivers are simpledrm, mgag200, ast, (and imx, tidss, on aarch64). I'm working on nouveau support, and I hope i915 and amdgpu will add support too.
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the kernel has falle
>does not incentivize panicking
>instead you should do the equivalent to if err != nil every time you call a function
yeah, no. tranny trash
correlation not causation filter thread
all fields
Actually, Results as tuples are a newer C++ thing too... Modern C++ is moving in the direction of explicit error handling because of the popularity of Rust's ideas.
because of infiltration from rust trannies**
Just use another PC with a webcam then, you spaz.
I do, in fact, have somewhere to run.
I'll either switch to a non-rusted BSD or write my own kernel from scratch.
If you're not some nocoder webshit trash you should be able to get a decent kernel up and running in about a month. Obviously rustroons aren't capable of that, so they prefer invading other people's kernels than building their own.
Are you fucking kidding me? Is this real?
Big corpos are pushing hard to hamstring Linux at every turn. Linux and RMS being "cancelled" is not a coincidence. SystemD and other monolithic replacements being adopted is no coincidence (and neither is backdoors being committed to these projects and going unnoticed for years).
There is a literal conspiracy and millions of dollars are at stake.
>shows a qr code
What the fuck am I supposed to do with this? I don't have a shartphone.
The point is that hobbyists hacking on the kernel do NOT do proper error handling. Therefore, the use of a hobbyist-enabling language does indirectly incentivize panicking. And bad practices in general.
I say this as a hobbyist myself, who should NOT be allowed to write a line of kernel code.
Paniks aren't new. But, I also hate Rustrannies. Probably a meme b8 post tho. Why retards feel the need to lie for (You)s I will never know.
And how will we know if rustroons are doing proper error handling?
Will they force kernel maintainers to audit all rust code and some 1000+ dependencies to make sure it doesn't have any unwraps?
Will we just sit and wait for the kernel to start crashing and for rustroons to start blaming the kernel rather than their own panicking code?
Honestly, they should have just built their own kernel and left Linux alone. If their own shit got good enough then it would have replaced Linux, instead they're now irreversibly enshittifying the Linux kernel.
>i don't think for myself i only regurgitate bill nye's one-liners
its over
>Speaking of Rust, Torvalds noted in his keynote that some kernel developers dislike Rust. Torvalds said, I'm not quite sure why Rust has been such a contentious area. It reminds me of when I was young. People were arguing about vi versus Emacs. Maybe they still are, but for some reason, the whole Rust versus C discussion has taken almost religious overtones in certain areas." While he finds these arguments amusing, he thinks Rust will play a significant role in Linux, and the groundwork to expand Rust's use in Linux is continuing.
nta take a look at the patch submission thread for this feature
>woman 1 writes le quirky rust feature
>woman 2 "reviews" it and comments on how nice everything is
>man points out the problems that need fixing

This kind of thing happens every day on a million different contexts where actual work is involved. We are deforming society in the best way for it to erode and self-destruct, and we will wonder why all the way to either the dark ages or an i have no mouth and i must scream future
Yeah, I've seen it's real. I was asking about the feature itself, not anon's train of thought (which is more right than wrong)
Linus was probably against this bullshit. But then this happened:

MANY such cases.
What editor you use has no effect on me. It's purely a personal preference. Including rust in the kernel mean every kernel dev has to constantly deal with it.
What a retarded comparison.
>And how will we know if rustroons are doing proper error handling?
>Will they force kernel maintainers to audit all rust code and some 1000+ dependencies to make sure it doesn't have any unwraps?
I know you're underage and have never actually touched the Kernel code once in your life at all by that comment. The Linux kernel has strict guidelines that have to be followed or your patches will be rejected, not to mention a single patch will end up being reviewed by at least half a dozen people at a minimum before it ever reaches the main stream branch. This goes for both C and Rust which was in place before Rust was ever accepted into the Kernel to begin with.
hey, you ruined life for women and made me have to work a 9-5 for some jew instead of being a stay at home mom so you don't get to complain
>The Linux kernel has strict guidelines that have to be followed or your patches will be rejected
Right, thanks for proving my point. It's the "force kernel maintainers to audit all rust code" option then.
Are you going to force all kernel maintainers to learn a completely new language just to audit any patches that are written in rust, or do you simply expect us to trust the rustroons to do the patch auditing themselves?
You do know the troons will just LGTM their own code to maintain their toxic positivity (like always) and end up pushing vulnerable or panicking code into the kernel, right?
>or write my own kernel from scratch.
Ever heard of Dunning-Kruger effect?
I bet it can be disabled. Linux is big on having options in the kernel.
Ever heard of psychological projection, you webshitter?
You troons can't stop me from writing my own kernel. Keep seething.
how do you expcet to make a kernel in a high level language, you should swith to c
>I say this as a hobbyist myself, who should NOT be allowed to write a line of kernel code.
Linux is a hobby OS for hobbyists. The trillion dollar corporations that want free labor should look elsewhere.
> I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and
> professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
> since april, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on
> things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat
> (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons)
> among other things).
the /g/tard gantry is hilarious.
especially when they pretend like they don't know that not a single kernel person, from any "side", will ever even know about their retardation's existence, let alone be affected by it.
>you will live to see Linux crashing more often than Windows
lmao even

This is why you never let these freaks get comfortable
>every kernel dev
Which means definitely not you.
>>you have been alive for the past 20 years
what did he mean by this?
He meant that (you) are retarded.
ummm no he didn't
assblasted leunuchs troon much???
better go check if your filesystem is corrupted
seething lintroon
You are an absolute moron. No wonder you think every technical decision you don't like is a conspiracy.
Linus gave a scathing retort of C++ midwits and yet allows Rustrannies to run wild all over the kernel. Confusing.
I was against Rust in the kernel, but seeing all these worthless /pol/ subhumans have an aneurysm about it is starting to change my mind.
Wrong. I gave one woman her life's dream of being a stay at home mom and homemaker.
You just didn't make the cut (because you're male).
maybe he wants to attract new blood to the kernel? rust is perceived as cool and it's no secret that linux maintainers are aging
That's possible, it could be. Personally I don't have a dog in that fight. I won't ever personally contribute to any Linux ever, so my opinion doesn't matter that much.
it's not even in the kernel, it's in tree. and that's been enough to devastate the poltards who don't even know how to program in c
His scathing retort of C++ came before his reeducation.
if only you knew
Rust is like Trump. Everyone in the C/Unix community is tiptoeing around problems and doing tiny bare minimum "fixes" and then Rustchads come up with a simple solution that actually solves the problem.
>sudo pacman -S pipewire wireplumber pipewire-audio pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack
Prepare to see it much more often thanks to rust :)
I don't either. I do think that both the pro-Rust and anti-Rust sides are overstating the impact. Rust fans overstate it because they like shilling their language at every opportunity, and the contrarian conspiracy theory believer crowd overstates it because they are stupid and hysterical. From listening to Linus speak about the project in Q&As, it's clear that he sees it as a long-term experiment to reinvigorate certain areas of kernel development. For him it's win-win, he can keep Rust if it works out and back it out if it doesn't, but either way it will provide an impetus to reconsider certain APIs or at least give them more attention and provide better docs.
It's worth noting that there's no plan to replace the core areas of the kernel with Rust, it's mostly about drivers and filesystems. The absolute maximum win scenario for Rust would look like a kernel with a C core and Rust outer layers. Which makes sense, as kernel devs can do a very good job of ensuring quality for core things like the scheduler, but they're more limited when it comes to externally contributed drivers for devices they may not even own. So Rust would act as a sort of firewall to ensure a quality floor for areas of the kernel that historically tended to be lower quality.
>just accept (EE)E
I'm just not going to switch over to Rust for my deps, so that'll be a move to a BSD or it'll be a Linux fork that undoes Rust inclusion.
So ridiculous to hear people be perfectly willing to let their software foundations be replaced under them without being capable of maintaining either the old or new version, just because they heard some FUD about C.
>I'm just not going to switch over to Rust for my deps
Who said that you'd be forced to switch to Rust for your software? Are you legitimately retarded? The kernel is still going to provide the same C API to userspace.
>Are you legitimately retarded?
Everyone complaining about Rust for Linux is
>The idea that "correlation implies causation" is an example of a questionable-cause logical fallacy, in which two events occurring together are taken to have established a cause-and-effect relationship. This fallacy is also known by the Latin phrase cum hoc ergo propter hoc
Bill Nye was a Roman citizen? based!
>Who said that you'd be forced
Who said anything about being forced, you disingenuous troll?
I'm simply not updating software when they newly include deps I don't want. If I want to pull a recent copy of the torvalds/linux tree it now includes Rust code, docs and instrumentation.
No thanks!
>Are you going to force all kernel maintainers to learn a completely new language just to audit any patches that are written in rust, or do you simply expect us to trust the rustroons to do the patch auditing themselves?
programming knowledge is very easily transferred between languages (master one, and you've essentially mastered all of them). so if a kernel developer can't understand rust code, then they might just not be a very good programmer in the first place
plot twist: l00nix was already shit, unix sucks, reactos is the way
You mean that you're compiling your own kernels and don't want the extra weight of a Rust toolchain on your conputer? If that's the case, I take that back.
Still, I kinda think that the experiment could yield good results. It could become almost like sandboxing less trusted code, except with languages. C for the trusted core contributors, and a more restricted language for the external stuff of uncertain quality.
>programming knowledge is very easily transferred between languages (master one, and you've essentially mastered all of them).
Absolute beginner tier post.
>28 years of development culminating in a dollar store Windows ME
Am I wrong?
I'd rather there not be even Perl in the codebase.
As it is the Rust code just so happens to be avoidable because the Asahi driver is for a more recent Mac GPU than the one I have, but having a subset of drivers be written in Rust alone and not in C is a feature gap to me.
I don't want to concentrate or base my efforts on a project that is structurally increasing that gap, so I'm on the lookout for forks and alternative kernels until they either cancel the experiment or don't.
>I'm on the lookout for forks and alternative kernels until they either cancel the experiment or don't.
okay, have fun with your sneedux meme fork and gnu hurd.
why do rust people do this? in zig nobody does this because proper error handling in zig is super easy, its easier than not handling errors
Yes. If you're smart, it's pretty easy to learn the syntax and rules of any language. But that's a pretty shallow type of knowledge. A language isn't just that, it's also the idioms, best practices in large programs, collective knowledge about common and less common pitfalls, tooling ecosystem. That takes years to truly master. I thought I knew C a few months after I started learning it, but in retrospect it took me about 6 years to actually get good. I didn't even know about pointer provenance and strict aliasing.
because people prefer to shill bugnux instead
If you're that focused on minimal dependencies, maybe take a look at the BSDs? I've heard that especially OpenBSD has a big focus on that. For Linux, I think the minimalism ship has sailed a while ago.
>programming knowledge is very easily transferred between languages (master one, and you've essentially mastered all of them).
Congratulations, you're absolutely retarded. Maybe that's true, if you're a leetcode fizzbuzzer who doesn't have a single clue of what it takes to write and maintain a kernel the size of Linux.
You master kernel programming in C, doesn't mean you've also mastered kernel programming in Rust.
lmao no payloads in zig errors
>no arguments
Seethe, you webshitter.
>"Memory safe" programming language
>Makes your kernel unsafe
Can't make this up.
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we had a good run.
Ehhh, I think still Linux is definitely worth archiving and studying for its sheer breadth of drivers and supported archs. If their approach is different from e.g. FreeBSD's, that simply cannot all be maximalism or "even bloat".
And yes, I'll be considering OpenBSD, I've used it before and it was quite decent.
>Linux kernel 6.11 is out - with its own BSOD
drm_panic was in 6.10 and the QR code option will be in 6.12.
The point is why Linux Kernel need be made over dozen of different languages, each one with different tricks of how handle errors and exceptions. Rust is the new shit, but why the kernel want integration of multiple languages that essentially are identical in capabilities
>you should do the equivalent to if err != nil every time you call a function
Do what retard show me the code you're so concerned about, because you're replying to a non-functional snippet in a 4chan post

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