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Honest question , how do I get this good? I wanna make stuff anons but idk how
Fuck bro, you have the whole internet and a bulletpoint list of everything he used.
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Idk about lidar or 3d scanning but I guess it's just calculating the time it takes for a packet of light to bounce back?

And you call that good? He scanned a miniscule object with it and claims some square mm accuracy yeah but on the other hand he's just plotting 3d points in space it could be all fucked up and could be that it doesn't scale
Make it then ?
For this all you really need to know is the exact position of your lidar sensor in relation to some fixed point. The rest is basic math.
Why would I make something like that? It doesn't interest me and I have few other projects I'm working on right now.
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#define C 299792458.0f

float lidar_calc_dist(float time)
return C / time * 0.5f;

There, my highschool math lidar dist calculator.
>packet of light
the main difference between you and people like that is that they have learned how to solve problems by breaking them down into smaller steps
I hate this fucking website so goddamn much.
packets (or quanta) of light are sometimes called photons.
>it has a resolution of 2mm^2
That's not very good at all
It's hilarious how you managed to get something this basic so incredibly wrong while still acting smug about it.
It's hilarious how you are incapable of understanding sarcasm.
Software isn't like drawing where you master a few fundamentals and suddenly can make anything you want in a vacuum. It's more like learning an actual language, where every bit is just learning new things by reading. That's why they're called libraries.
you sit down, think and research the things you don't know its that simple. Its 99% discipline thats all it takes. Well apart from money.
what else can we expect from an esp32, lol
Buy breadboard
Buy some cheap programmable microcontroller
Buy cheap lidar
Plug in power
Read tutorial docs

Start programming
>Software isn't like drawing where you master a few fundamentals and suddenly can make anything you want in a vacuum.
drawing isn't like that either, lol.
>buy an esp32
>learn esp-idf
>buy VL53L1X, nema17 and A4988(this particular mother driver will get real hot so buy a heat sink for it if possible)
>look up and get driver libraries for the the lidar and the motor driver
>code, code, code with several trial and errors followed by more coding till it seem alright

If you have moneh then there is a quick version I could suggest
>buy nvidia jetson product. nano or xavier.
>buy intel realsense lidar camera
>plug the intel realsense into nvidia jetson and just run the provided script.
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>no no, that shit code was just written sarcastically! I swear!
Sure bud
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>drawing isn't like that either, lol.
true. Drawing can make you pregnant
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How can you think a few lines of code snippet like that was written seriously?
Fuck off we're full
It's probably not the esp32. It's more likely the stepper motors, and whatever gearing he has on them (if at all).
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>how do I get this good?

Stop being a brainlet.

>1. Think of a thing you'd like to make
>2. Try to make it
>3. OH shit shit doesn't work
>4. Learn why it doesn't work and pursue methods to overcome limitation
>5. Try to make it again
>6. Get further than last time
>7. repeat from step 3 over and over until thing is made
>8. done

Or in tl;dr terms, iterate and learn.
Or in even simpler terms, be white, don't be a shitskin.
I mostly fail at stage 1, the rest is alright once I actually get to those parts
be smart
Are you retarded, anon?
cool now that you have an understanding of the fundamentals, without reference you still can't draw anything

go back and break down your subject over and over until you can draw it from memory, do this for every subject ever and then still struggle and still use reference

doing anything good is fucking hard, why do you think people waste their lives posting here
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>how do I get this good?
You don't. That's a self-filtering question. If you don't have enough IQ you're not gonna make it. People with low IQ usually go to web-dev to build endpoints with frameworks like Springboot, NestJS, Django, .NET etc.
Low level and embedded programming is for people with high IQ.
step 1: learn computer engineering.
step 2: be smart
step 3: be autistic
step 4: have too much free time
step 5: profit

order is not necessary
Here's the easiest way in current year:
Buy the book Practical Electronics for Inventors. This is the only book you need.
Go to aliexpress and buy the following from mr chang:
- a cheap but good soldering setup. Do a bit of research here, the sweet spot is about $40. You probably won't start with a hot air setup. Start with a chisel tip. Pinecel was a good choice a few years ago, I don't know what people are getting now. It would be nice to have one of the cheap stations that can also hold the iron when you're using it if any of those are good and if portability isn't a big issue for you.
- 5 or so arduino nanos and sockets for them so you can re-use them. 5 because you'll probably break a few along the way.
- a few pi 2040 based microcontrollers on a board
- a few blackpill microcontrollers on a board
- silicone wire in a couple colors. Much easier to work with than the plastic wrapped kind and not much more expensive
- some good 60/40 lead solder. skip the lead-free stuff at least until you know what you're doing
- paste flux and a flux pen
- tip tinner (for maintaining your soldering iron)
- tip cleaner thing with the brass mesh. Just search soldering tip cleaner and you'll find them. they just look like a can with a brass scrubber inside of it.
- tweezers
- flush cutters
- wire stripper
- vacuum style solder sucker
- desoldering wick
- a couple bread boards (the plastic ones for prototyping). Get a good one and do your research. Also get a cheap kit with breadboard accessories. A lot of people prefer the solid core wire that fits in breadboards but the wires with pin terminal ends are fine too.
- double-sided pcb boards
- a third hand
- optionally a beginner projects set that comes with the components you will need (resistors / capacitors etc). Otherwise you'll have to find / think up your own projects and get the parts you need on your own. It can be nice to have a big box of common parts. Chang sells these too
it's a cool project but it's wouldn't be all that complicated
just step the sensor over the workzone for nested for loops, where the indices are the coordinates and the indices for your 2D array, then take a read at the current position and write that to the array
then display it, ironically that might be the hardest part
are you stuck on how the hardware works?
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>Honest question , how do I get this good? I wanna make stuff anons but idk how
The one described in OP pic is not a particularly hard project.
Like many social media users, mr. Thrasher is good at "marketing himself".
He used an expensive sensor which generates precise readings, but every Arduino hobbyist has probably done something similar with a cheap ultrasound range sensor and servo motor.
All in all it's a beginner-intermediate project.
If you are interested in that kind of things, you can buy one of those Arduino starter kits from amazon, usually they include a pdf guide with projects for beginners.

Once you have your set up, and have read at least enough of the book to understand very basic circuits, I would start with a macro board. Like a tiny keyboard with only a few buttons.

- Use a 3d print service or your local library to print someone else's case design, or make your own if you want to. CAD is a whole other ball game. Freecad is nice but make sure you're using the latest 1.0 version, it has a ton of improvements. If you don't care about free software and just want to use what everyone else uses, get fusion360. There's a 'free' version for people not using it to make money.

- order some keyboard switches from chang.

- decide if you want to create a custom PCB or just hand-wire. First project it would be easier to hand-wire but making your own PCB in software and sending off the files to be fabricated isn't that hard anymore. And it's pretty affordable. Plan to do both at some point.

- Follow a few tutorials and see if you can make your macro board work with all 3 types of micro controllers you bought. It would be easiest on the pi2040-based one. Do this with the breadboard so it's not permanent. Use your favorite one in the permanent version.

Once you get through the first project the world will open up a bit. From here see what other people are doing. Aim to learn things on a component-by-component basis at first. For example, "how do I control a motor with my favorite MCU?". Figure that out on the bread board, think of a project involving it, implement, repeat. Explore other MCUs but try to keep a favorite one that you understand how to use at a deeper level. For casual use that would be the pi2040. ESP32 is great if you're doing a lot of wireless stuff. There are too many options out there and you can waste a lot of time just buying and trying out different MCUs.

Don't be afraid to start to salvage parts. Especially things like knobs and switches from tech waste. Lots of fun to be had there. Don't overthink it and just start.

notes and addendums

The list of items to buy I provided probably looks intimidating and expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Many of these items you can really cheap out on and spend maybe a dollar on. You should make sure you buy a 'good' (not necessarily expensive) version of the following:

- soldering iron / station. You can get a good one for $20 or a really shitty one for $20. Make sure it's a good one and has a chisel tip. The small and mid size chisel tips are good, the huge ones might be bad for what you want to do.

- wire. As long as it's silicone it's fine. Can still be very cheap. Get a good gauge for bread boarding. I use 24 gauge. Multiple colors is a preference. If I need another color I color it with marker which doesn't look great desu. Most people would say get a few colors. Get them in spools if you can and spend whatever you want. A few bucks is fine.

- wire stripper. Just make sure what you're getting isn't the very bottom of the barrel. The ones at the hardware store are for electricians who are using much thicker wires. Get one from Chang that people online say is good. I would expect to spend about $10 here.

- double sided PCB bread boards. Get the absolute cheapest ones in a pack of multiples sizes. You can cut down the bigger ones pretty easily. Score them with a knife then snap. $5-$10 is reasonable.

- Flush cutters. Cheap out. Mine were under $2 from chang and are still going 10 years later. Only cut copper and they'll last forever.

- Third hand. You get what you pay for but you won't know how you want to work until you start working. I would buy the absolute cheapest for a few bucks and upgrade a few projects in. You might also want a PCB vise at that point but you don't need it to start.

- bread board. get a couple of the bigger ones from chang. The smaller ones are pretty much useless 90% of the time since they're temporary anyway so saving space isn't the prio. Try to get the 'good' chinese ones for $10 or less
4/2 (lol)

Another thing about bread boards is you really get what you pay for. After a while consider upgrading to a nice non-chinese one. I like mine by 3M but I'm not sure what people like. I just do this on my own, not an electrical engineer or anything.

A note on terminals. Eventually you might want to connect PCBs or components the right way. I really like JST connectors myself. I would leave this for the future but it's a good thing to know about. For crimping pliers you get what you pay for to a high degree. Never cheap out on crimping pliers. It's a miserable experience. Don't even buy from chang for these, go right for the made in Japan or equivalent stuff.

- solder. Buy the good stuff if you can. At least the premium Chang stuff is fine. If you buy shitty low-cost solder everything about this hobby will be unpleasant and your projects will look like shit.

For everything else I've found little to no difference between the bottom of the barrel stuff and the higher end stuff. Particularly MCUs. They all use the same chips so you can safely buy dirt cheap clones from chang and they will work just fine.

Other things that are useful to have on-hand are rubbing alcohol to clean flux residue off of your work, and a hot glue gun. I have a mellif hot glue gun that takes regular tool batteries (makita in my case) and it's one of my favorite things. A good light source and a jeweler's loupe can be invaluable too. Jeweler's loupes can be had for under a dollar from Chang and those ones are just fine for what you'll be doing. They'll help you see your fuck ups that are too small to see.
Study engineering instead of coooding
Not OP but I appreciate the effort of making good contributions to the board
honest answer: if all the knowledge of the world at your fingertips, any piece of tech/part imaginable readily available to buy, you still struggle to even start then i'm afraid you should pursue other things in life.
>>>/ic/ is shit because it's full of people that unironically think like that
That's how a neural network learns to draw, not people.
git gud at gamedev
if you can intuit the geometry required to go between image-space, camera-space, ray-space and ur mom's face that scanner is basically entirely a basic embedded project
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not OP, but this book was exactly what I needed. Thanks.
>but idk how
Have an idea of what you want to do, and have lots of time to research how to do it, it's really that simple.
Do you really think this dude hasn't spent like three years doing this shit to achieve what it would be an utter garbage 3d scanner?
Light is quantized into UDP packets by esp32.
read every paper and get chatGPT to spoonfeed you how to apply it understand it find prereqs
look for every tech patent that has expired and try and recreate it. you can bruteforce yourself into becoming "intelligent" you probably will fail because your attention span is fried and need to fix that first separately
Goddamn tripfags are consistently some of the stupidest posters here.
You get bonus points if you implement it on an FPGA
I agree with anon, do it on a FPGA and you'll be a step ahead of Mr. off the shelf slop maker
it literally measures light ACK delay
>getting started with veryshit
The problem with FPGAs for hobby use is that even the "student" "cheap" ones are still hundreds of dollars but for a small project like OP I would find them much more enjoyable than the C shitfest that embedded can be.

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