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Just don't buy it.
Wtf is an e-bike?
>modify motor so it draws much more current
>overload battery or wires
>bike catches fire
>retard claims they didn't do anything
>company looks bad for flaming bike
only fags and fatties buy ebikes

so happy to be a carfag (gas)
Not a surprise, motor scooters are gimped even funnier. They must not exceed 45KM/h with 50ccm motors, the speed limiters almost always waste insane amounts of fuel. Some scooters drive 40 KM/h and consume 6L/100KM. The Audi A2 could do 100KM with 3L.

Germans are drunkards. You can walk around town completely wasted and most won't notice. It's the norm with these fools.
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ESL-bike, Harleys for gays
Its actually because of those faggot EU laws that restrict the speed to 15 miles per hour. It won't overheat wires by getting an extra 10 miles per hour.
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Oh no! The company looks bad! What shall we do, stop the earth from spinning everybody! A company is looking bad! Oh the humanity!1!
>Mehrheitlich liegt der Kraftstoffverbrauch der Krafträder und Roller zwischen etwa zwei und drei Litern pro 100 Kilometer
>Der 3-Zylinder TDI-Motor begnügt sich in der Stadt mit 5,5 l/100km, auf der Landstraße mit 3,5 l/100km und auf der Autobahn mit 5,7 l/100km. Der Durchschnittsverbrauch beträgt 4,8 l Diesel.
so what kind of scooter/audi are you driving?
>please keep the front door closed. someone shat in the basement!
They have to do that stuff to comply with German traffic regulations. It has all these crazy rules.

For an e-bike to be treated by law as a bicycle they require constant pedaling or else need to shut off and can't exceed 25km/h.
If you bypass the pedaling requirement, they count as mopeds. Which in Germany means you need insurance, a number plate, require a helmet to drive, and have to use car lanes inside towns.
And if you bypass the speed limit to go up to 45km/h, they'll count as scooters and require a regular driver's license.
If you go over 45km/h they count as motorcycles and you require a special driver's license for motorcycles.
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I had a CPI GTR but it was stolen, ever since then I don't give a fuck, basically. Fuel consumption was funny, sometimes 8l.
I can't even download a torrent in this country, or host a blog with a comment section lol. No opinions allowed! Only VW and Bierschinken!

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I should correct myself: it got stolen, not "it was stolen". Feds can even look at some pictures of it as well, as I had some in the "cloud" back in the day, when I was still naive and dumb
Interesting. That means I can borrow my brother's traditional, non electric road bike, pedal really hard and make the commies seethe and shit themselves.
You can go faster if you pedal yourself but the motor must turn itself off when you reach 25km/h.
But the extra weight of motor and battery will make it harder to reach the same speeds as a normal lighter bicycle.
>dude who cares about the reputation of companies producing product X!
>but I still want companies to produce product X!
lmao fucking retard
>Company uses warranty specialist
>All agree it's the customer's fault
>Due to bad press they go to court, suing him out the wazoo
>Someone shat in the basement again!
there is no reason to put exploding lithium batteries into bicycles to go so slow.
>none of this gets publicity
Those rules make sense. When i as a regular cyclist get nearly ran over by an electrically assisted faggot going 30-40kph with their e-"bike" something has to change.
Yes there a lots of people bypassing the speed and paddle requirements and nothing does anything against them.
>I can't even download a torrent in this country, or host a blog with a comment section lol. No opinions allowed! Only VW and Bierschinken!
I nearly got run down by regular cyclists, pedaling like hell on a sidewalk not giving a shit what's in front of them, countless times.
Retarded cyclists are the problem, not e-bikes.
It would help in uphill cycling but German law also requires the motor to not exceed a pitiful 250W which barely helps at all going uphill.
Cyclists do not belong on the sidewalk but these e-thingies just exaggerate the problem. You know its an issue when even cyclists are at danger from these people.
those things should require an empathy and iq test to make sure they wont behave like retards.
>Anon actually is right
Insane. Anyway, besides the registering of the ebike all of these things are acceptable. If you take a look at bigger cities people will already drive on the street anyway (as they are supposed to when there's no bike lane), insurance is low especially if you already have a car and a helmet is good. So the worst fate is having to wait to get an appointment at the zulassungstelle.
Electric bike. It's a bicycle that has both foot pedals and an electric motor.
>You see that three major big newspapers picked the story up but could not correct their articles
>You use the lifetime slavery of the modifier you sued to sue them too
>In the end you have way more money than you used to and a free marketing campaign as well as a historic example of you not sucking
I don't care about jewish bullshit applied to products that I can build myself.
Humiliation ritual
Again, no publicity and you wouldn't win.
Absolutely no fun is allowed in charmany
>You wouldn't win against newspapers publishing libel because you wouldn't
>Newspapers could literally be forced to correct themselves in a new article
Yes, companies, plural. Fuck company, go companies. May the better ones win. And not the ones being treated like they're some sort of poor fag or some shit.
I don't get it. You're a slave.
But what if you overwrite the code that checks for modifications with NOPs?
250w constant, power peak can be more. this is why 750w engines in us are marketed as 250w 70nm in EU.
Unless modification is done by Israel, in that case it comes with free flashing software from Bosch to integrate rdx bomb into battery.
I hate those petty EU laws so much.
Why is there no chink e-bikes, are they banned or what? Where I live you can't get nicer crank drive chink full suspension bike, it's all super overpriced western brands that cost almost like car.
>I hate those petty EU laws so much.
Malicious compliance. It's not the duty of bosch to check for modifications
I don't know, I never faced issues torrenting or writing what I want on the internet. Bit rich to call me a slave, you big bawling baby.
Is it really limited to 15? That's absurdly low, even a casual cyclist on a non-electronic bicycle can easily hit 22 mph entirely with pedalling power
Also insane German/EU law not allowing to use call recorder which I need for work.
With every new phone only spec I check is how easy is to sideload call recorder and ofc in the past it was Huawei but globohomo fixed that.
You say that, but on a similar note, the EU has banned snus for decades. It's a form of tobacco pouches popular in the nordic countries, the only places where it is legal to sell it. Zyns and other nicotine pouch products were developed as a way to bypass that ban. But it doesn't matter because Europeans get their snus from Israel. Some of the delivery bags even say kosher on them. Maybe they can start branching their schemes into other products.
That's insane. I get why it could be used maliciously, but it's beyond overkill. Thankfully all my work calls were over the Internet so I never had recording issues.
If only there was a way to find out if a customer did something without taking away his right to do it...
It's an electric/biofuel hybrid motorcycle that has been erroneously classified as a bicycle. The only thing worse is an electric scooter.
They are such a plague in our area that faggot landowners have started blocking off paths to anyone and everyone.
Yes, but the average cyclist who can hit that speed usually knows how to ride a bicycle and weighs 100-200 pounds less.
I hit 22 mph when I was 9 years old
I hate Germany and it's regulatory apparatus so fucking much it's unreal.
>Krautanon who's about to leave
>>Krautanon who's about to leave
Enjoying paying more for AOK, future nonfren
>Anon didn't know how to ride a bicycle at 9 and weighed in at 250 pounds
Don't care, Healthcare is a fucking meme. I love forced health insurance in Germany, I love paying half of my already low-on-global-average income for goods and services I will do not need, want or use. I love paying for an enforced TV license that costs more than Netflix. I love how prohibitively expensive a drivers license has become. I love the deindustrialization of Germany with it's renewable meme energy plans.

Deutschland verrecke.
>I love forced health insurance in Germany
Low income moment
>I love paying half of my already low-on-global-average income for goods and services I will do not need,
Not how it works, also part of solidarity so you don't have to pay 10k in 5 years
>I love paying for an enforced TV license that costs more than Netflix.
Only applicable if you have a TV and a connection to the TV network. Also if you say that netflix is cheaper you have to factor in your ISP costs making it more expensive.
>I love how prohibitively expensive a drivers license has become.
Around 2k and lasts you a lifetime
>I love the deindustrialization of Germany with it's renewable meme energy plans.
Not the cause of it but the excessive love of foreign goods while all don't want to work for german companies anymore since they prefer foreign salaries and getting laid off every few years
>Deutschland verrecke.
Lern erstmal die Gründe weswegen es dir scheiße geht, bevor du in ein schlechteres Land gehst. Vielleicht schaffst du es ja auf goodbye germany und kannst noch 5k machen, die du dann direkt reininvestieren musst in deine Gesundheit.
Shit like this, crumbling public infrastructure, and the hot summers (which are only going to get worse) is making me want to move to Finland.
>Shit like this,
EU regulation, Finland is not exempt
>crumbling public infrastructure,
Western problem
>and the hot summers (which are only going to get worse)
Legitimate concern but at least we can make wine again in the north
Thank God for the Chinese. Bosch can fuck itself. Germans legit can't make shit anymore, their whole country and culture have gone full retard. The moment something starts to emulate Apple I no longer want it.
>Only applicable if you have a TV and a connection to the TV network. Also if you say that netflix is cheaper you have to factor in your ISP costs making it more expensive.
Do you even live in Germany? Or do your parents pay the GEZ?
You need to pay a "tv license" even if you don't own a tv and just have a car radio or a computer connected to the internet.

With all the memes about Britain and their tv license, Germany is a hundred times worse.
>You need to pay a "tv license" even if you don't own a tv and just have a car radio or a computer connected to the internet.
Komplett falsch, bitte halt die Fresse.
>Low income moment
SysAdmins make like 50-70k/y - because IT in Germany gets paid in scraps. I would need to develop quadruple cancer to get my moneys worth out of health insurance.
>Not how it works, also part of solidarity so you don't have to pay 10k in 5 years
Enjoy paying for niggers, mudslimes and various other assorted human trash. Your money isn't going into your retirement fund (which is also taxed, btw)
>Only applicable if you have a TV and a connection to the TV network. Also if you say that netflix is cheaper you have to factor in your ISP costs making it more expensive.
It's no longer a TV, it's any device capable of watching public media (which is also your tablet, phone or PC)
>Around 2k and lasts you a lifetime
As opposed to say, the US's drivers license which costs like a tenth AND you get to drive ALL motorvehicles, as opposed to just cars. Enjoy paying another 2k for wanting to ride a motorcycle, paying another 1.5k for driving with a trailer etc
>Not the cause of it but the excessive love of foreign goods while all don't want to work for german companies anymore since they prefer foreign salaries and getting laid off every few years
Nigger please, VWAG is dying because they're fucking themselves over because >muh EV. We're getting fucked over by gas and electricity prices and you're just taking it up your ass like a greedy bitch
>Lern erstmal die Gründe weswegen es dir scheiße geht, bevor du in ein schlechteres Land gehst. Vielleicht schaffst du es ja auf goodbye germany und kannst noch 5k machen, die du dann direkt reininvestieren musst in deine Gesundheit.
BKA-Bernd troll dich weg, du Hurensohn. Dieses Scheißland verliert gutes Personal und schleppt sich dritte Welt Neger ein (unsere Goldstücke btw). Es ist alles überteuert weil so krass Steuern eingezogen werden für beschissenste Leistung. Ich arbeite in einer Klinik, die Duhmwichser hier würd ich nie an mich ranlassen.
German police have been dispatched to your residence for having unapproved opinions. While you're in jail, 15 Arabs will be moved into your residence.
i do get why legally tho

if a software isnt there and you change the motor and crash and you swapped it back and say it was bosch fault then what?
It's wrong in the sense that it doesn't even matter anymore if you have a radio or computer.
You always have to pay under the current rules.
Welfare cases are the only exception.

>Hast du in der Wohnung keinen Fernseher und kein Radiogerät? Das ist leider kein Befreiungsgrund. Du musst den Rundfunkbeitrag trotzdem zahlen!
ich hasse den deutschen staat
imagine buying german despotism
>buy dirt bike for dirt cheap (heh)
>ride it anywhere outside of cities
>cops can't catch you because you can evade them by riding through fields and shit
>if you're riding through a small city you might still be able to pull this off by riding it where cops can't follow
nothing personnel, glowies
It's limited to 25kph to match the 30kph speed limit in dense urban areas which is a tad retarded because that makes you just slow enough for drivers to want to overtake anyway, which can get pretty unsafe in narrow streets. It should be 30kph desu, so you can properly ride along urban traffic.
Have you tried not being a faggot?
Europe has cops on bicycles, they'll get you.
I've exceeded the 45km/h speed limit on a regular bicycle, what now, germans? Shouls I get a motorcycle loicence?
What do you do to make cops chase you?
People is being treated like retarded kids because they're that retarded.
1. electric bikes/scooters aren't normal motor vehicles, they are bikes
2. bikes can go faster than 24 km/h but their average speed is 16-24 km/h in cities.
That's the problem of electric things, people simply goes full throttle 90% of the time and their average speed is already +20 km/h, nearly 24 km/h (more than that speed if they use the fucking legs or during downhills). When e-bikers get a bike with max speed of 30km/h they'll use them as bikes and 'race' with them in bike lanes. Skaters, scooters, roller skaters are incredible retarded and suicidal most of the time, always going at max speed they're allowed, they don't know the concept of 'throttling down'.

A better solution would be enforce an max speed higher than the average speed but that's more complex and retards can't understand that complexity, the RMA wave and reputation stain would be terrible.
PS: I'm not defending those germans, they're retards and use feudalistic tactics.
riding your dirtbike illegaly (no license plate, license, registration etc.)
I meant an actual cross bike motorcycle, genius
Use warranty stickers on your hardware, if they are removed, missing or show signs of tampering then company gets a way out.
Buying a product comes with the ownership of that product, buying a service comes with the LACK of ownership of that product. Make it explicit for customers that it's either/or, done.
only until someone figures out a piggyback to fake power readings going back to the ECU.
>2020 models
Imagine having nothing better to do than make culture war threads about 4 year old article screencaps.

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