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Why don't zoomers care about computers??
i dont fw folders ong
Requires more than 30 seconds of effort
the oldest zoomers are like 27
yes, i’m dating a 27yo zoomer, she is a computer illiterate.
I like and care about computers and my friend does too. Guess it just depends on the zoomer, but I do admit tech-illiteracy rates are rising as technology becomes more prevalent in our lives.
But I do
>tech-illiteracy rates are rising as technology becomes more prevalent
Shouldn't it be the opposite though? Am I taking crazy pills?
I don't know what happened, the second I graduated high school everyone stopped caring about using graphics cards for games and everyone lost their fucking mind over Bitcoin. Thing didn't even break $20k that year.
I'm a '98 zoomer that likes computers and likes to think that they understand them to a degree but I am le nocoder.
This made me happy to be 29.

Thanks anon. I was a bit sad about the end of my 20s, but this cheered me right up.
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It may be a new form of bias, with a similar nature in counter-intuition like picrel, that the literature has yet to capture.
Windows 95 was easier to use than MS-DOS; your average Windows 95 user was therefore, on average, less proficient than your average MS-DOS user in the internal workings of the computer, but their numbers also increased vastly, meaning the number of experts/power users remained more or less stable as the number of absolute users grew.
Now we've almost hit global saturation and the averages need to balance themselves out again.

There is no infinite growth, maybe only an illusion thereof.
>It may be a new form of bias
*Or rather paradox, maybe, i.e.

The Idiot-Proofing Paradox:
>The more you idiot-proof, the more idiots you'll end up with
>The more tech caters towards the lowest common denominator, the lower this denominator will go

Go make a PhD on this and dedicate it to Anonymous. We love you!
Too infested with nigger culture and ebonics, therefore "compyutaz n shii are for nerdz, just use an iphone"
Most people don't care about computers. Period. I don't know what alt world or echo chamber you people live in where a lot of millennials, genx, or boomers use or care about computers.
>I don't know what alt world or echo chamber you people live in where a lot of millennials, genx, or boomers use or care about computers.
A digital anomaly known as MySpace in the early- to mid-2000s, where roasties were literally learning HTML.
Just that: An anomaly. It was clear something like Facebook/Instagram would soon fill the displeasure of having to deal with stinky nerds for one's own digital marketing ("influencing").

Anyhoo, those days are long past, but if we can somehow convince normies that we need to "open up social media," so that you can use Facebook as a social media *protocol* (like Email) using independent third party clients/hosts instead of a service, we could all profit off that.
It's definitely too much to ask of normies to know HTML, but normies kinda do understand that Email works with different providers and interfaces, and if you can make that jump in their head that they could still be using their Instagram profile, but using a third party (less annoying) app to access it, you might be able to win their vote over.
Of course, this will never happen organically, the government needs to force it, ideally because it can argue that Facebook is a monopoly due to the network effect and either must be broken up or provide access for other service providers.
Simpul as.
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>people think making a GUI is hard
>solution: Wrap all of the window management in a black box library to simplify it
>people just define that as the new "hard"
>solution: Make the UI elements xml
>people just define that as the new "hard"
>solution: Make a WYSIWYG window creator where you can select the method to run with the OnClick attribute
>people just define that as the new "hard"
>solution: Do it again, but with python
>people just define that as the new "hard"
What the fuck do you care about what zoomers do? Are you a pedo?
Not sure about that. There's a lot more tech inept women using laptops to post shit on pinterest, instagram, and xitter nowadays than there ever was in the past, and a lot of them are into somewhat techy shit like creating and taking care of a blog or creating mods for sims 4 or trying to become an eceleb and setting up a pc and programs for streaming and video editing. And I don't think that reflects the society being more tech adept or more pro computers, it just means more zoomerettes have access to laptops or notebooks and a lot more people are terminally online. There's also more women in computer science than ever before, largely because it's a sedentary job that pays very well and women will inherently show up at a job like that the more it is shilled by men as easy way to make money. But I don't think some front-end webdev soi latte drinking 25yo woman with an macOS in california is what we need more of in the world. Or even techbros chasing after money that never used computers before. Tech feels soulless because of that now, every retard in existance is trying to get into programming and cs, even if they couldn't care less about technology.
You're arguing the absolute number of tech adept women is larget, which is true, but the relative number has shrunk.
Mozilla Firefox didn't lose 60% market share or any users, the market just grew 10...000%, and none of those were Firefox users.
This. The younger the generation, the lazier and lower IQ. And I say this as a boomer hater.
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I can make a zoomer care about computers
It's a good thing, computers should be used by the elite of users, plebs can user their phones and consoles
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we do. who do you think the poorfags are keeping LinusTechTips afloat?
Even the in their 20s IT zoomers are not really into it. The dislike the harder stuff like network engineering.
>plz beat my cute femboi butt harder daddy~ uwu
how are you supposed to learn about computers when you're given a iPad or locked down Chromebook?

Even building a desktop PC nowadays is just expensive legos.
no, because these users are nothing more than consumers, they know how to navigate social media, not much else
Because they have phones
Why don't millenials care about fax machines? Why don't boomers care about horse drawn carriages?
Computers are not relevant to zoomers for leisure, and most zoomers are barely old enough to get a job in a tech field
I care about computers t.zoomer
when was building a computer not expensive legos?
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They were never taught in school then their parent slapped a smartphone on their face so they could be quiet because mom and pop never were mature enough to raise a child.
unironically this
Read the shot story called The Machine Stops written by E. M. Forster in 1909 for your answer and explanation
tiktok brain
this fits the muttmericans and their nigger-worshipping culture
well said. sadly the kid will be labeled an outcast at (((school))) without a smartphone nowadays. how would you counteract this? or maybe I am overthinking this
back when you had to set jumpers for IDE or IRQ bullshit
I doubt my kids can avoid being being outcasts anyway if they end up anything like me
>every generation in human history said the exact thing
Don’t be afraid of jews and their pets and just homeschool them.
How comes they all have curly hair?
my kids don't understand them. folders inside folders is foreign to them and can't understand it. zooms in general can't since they were raised on buttons.
... you do realize you can manipulate your hair to be straight, wavy, or curly? is everyone on this board underage
MS-DOS was just a thin layer on top of the PC BIOS. Knowing MS-DOS' quirks didn't mean you were a computer scientist or an expert.
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Yeah tho that's not it. It's just that percentage of kids with curly hair is higher than ever.
Back in the day having curly hair was guarantee you'll get bullied now it's considered cute or what.
Or heterosexual perhaps
The tech is easier to use and people know less about the underlying functions, nothing crazy about it. When people say tech literacy they're talking about sending emails, printing things and working with desktop computers, things the average joe realistically doesn't have to do anymore.
he's talking about the trend of looking like a fucking broccoli, it's retarded.
Cause modern computers fall in two categories now, cheap plastic garbage you can't tweak without it falling apart that's barely more perfomant than the phone in their hands but less convenient, or absurdly artificially inflated cancer for 30y/o manchildren that costs nearly the same than a house mortage in some parts of the world and isn't even free of manufacturing defects now.
You have a sweet spot to mine from the older hardware manchildren sell to consoom the next big thing. Or at least had, until the crypto fad and now AI shilling, now said manchildren overwork their hardware leaving it at a too poor condition to be worth buying for the price they're asking for.
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zoomers don't care about anything.
gegagedigedagedago gemmy alert
The ones that do still don't fucking get it.
I tried to explain to my little brother that he could easily pursue a tech job because he grew up with me, and because our dad is a fucking lunatic and installed Linux on his laptop to try to get him to stop using it.
My brother understands computers on a level better than most people his age, and better than some people even older than him. He didnt believe me. To be fair to him, i am the "unhinged schizo" of the family.
JAAAANNNNYYYYYYYYY i'm being (You)'d by a robot!!!!!
thanks janny ur da best bully hunter evar :))
It's not that zoomers don't care about computers, it's that people who don't care about computers have been given access to them.
You'll never tame me
every woman ever: i can fix him
I was forced to go "mobile" for a it after mu computer died. Since I was poor at the time I just used my phone and tablet for everything. It dragged on, and on, for about two years.

My wife bought a gaming laptop which we both use, and when I sat down to use it, I felt wierd, and kinda lost. I also went from windows 7 to 11.
Long story short, if zoomers are worried about speed and efficiency, mobile I felt had its limits in a lot of areas. I was glad I got a sit down computer again, so much more efficient.
I just think zoomers are lazy or unwilling to go outside their comfort zone.
Computers? you mean ifone? skibidi gyatt what chall know bout them blue bubbles sheeeeesh
>if zoomers are worried about speed and efficiency,
They aren't
The name might be misleading, but Zoomers don't really zoom
it's the black DNA.
curly hair is a nigger trait.
the coalburning gen x skank that birthed him gave him nigger genetics and with that comes a lower IQ.
I will never understand why this is a problem. You shouldn't have to be a nerd to be to use a computer
>Shouldn't it be the opposite though? Am I taking crazy pills?
Yes and no; Let us remember than computers as we know them are a pretty recent development compared to other technological fields.

With this in mind we could actually evaluate what's the percentage of say.... mechanical/naval engineers compared to the total population, or if you prefer a better metric, the labor population and then extrapolate the result across time.

My guess is that, while the number of engineers increased nominally, the percentage of them is constant due to demand.

Now unto Comp. Sci. the amount of technological works and development in such a small time is staggering across all fields (Networking,Storage,Virtualization,IA,Computing,Hardware design,etc,etc)

One could hardly justify the effort to learn how whole compilers/libraries work let alone learning a poorly documented closed source O.S. that will be deprecated in a couple of years at best.

That said; there is no "true and tried" learning path for computer science so of course people have a hard time grasping the necessary basic knowledge.
>Back in the day having curly hair was guarantee you'll get bullied
We need to go back to those days
Telegony.... many such cases
this has to do with demographics, if your lineage is from northern europe or east asia, you are less likely to have curly hair. demographic shift is substantial in north america and europe, 90% of people were of european descent in the united states in the 80s, and most european countries were 95%+ . now its more like 60-70% , with some regions dipping below 40%.
you're a sick fuck for dating a zoomer who's brain has ONLY been just 2 years into being fully developed. you are literally a predator and a groomer
>she is a computer illiterate
What did you expect from a woman?
Women are repulsed by technology and videogames, so it's obvious she wouldn't know how to use one.
I'm a zoomer and I could literally beat the shit out of most people that work with me on computer related shit.
I'm a zoomer and care about computers
no one uses computers anymore gramps, phone apps can do everything your winblows can do & more.
you answered your own question without even knowing it, look at your pic related, it's ghetto culture that left the hood and went mainstream. Zoomers. gen alpha whatever, people don't care about learning things, they want to just get rich from tiktok, youtube, soundcloud, dropshipping so that they can get pricey cars, shoes, vacation and flex. There's no motivation to learn things if it's not part of the gamble of getting rich and living the life social media taught them to yearn for. Zoomers barely have desktop computers, gen alpha will never care for anything outside of the tiktok scrolls
This shithole full of 35+ shitlennials doesn't actually care either.
>What did you expect from a woman?
More than I expect of you, despite your transitioning.
I am a zoomer and I most likely know more about those than half of the people on /g/. Simple as.

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