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Was this language designed for genuine retards? I've spent the last few months learning C and x86 assembly. Currently I'm in the process of learning Python for uni and it genuinely feels like I'm getting brain damage from being exposed to this language
I like having 27 different package managers
you get used to it.
at first it's insane because there's training wheels on everything. but then you get used to the training wheels and you go back to a big boy language and it feels like you're drowning.
Every tech company in 2008 said "Let's hire a ton of python devs because anyone can learn python, it's super easy especially with the ecosystem!" and then all of these tech companies spent the next 7 years trying to kill python with a new language or framework because they realized their mistake very quickly. Facebook won that battle.
Explain why it's bad without being emotional.
>Facebook won that battle.
Didn't they spend a ton converting from PHP to C++?
python is for math and for scripting
React Native
A few months of programming? You have no perspective lol come back when you have an actual experience to share
Yes. If you weren't a zoomer you'd know that Python was known as the language for retards in the past
It's very clear guido didn't understand scoping when he implemented it, or at least chose interpreter simplicity over footgun protection.
Due to not having to declare variables (which is annoying due to typos), you have the local and global keywords
for loops will not create a new scope, the loop counter will stay a variable
here, the default parameter will be a global variable
def fun(listparam=[]):
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5 KB
sound like u have skill issue, noob
How long does that take? How long until I'm no longer swimming in the ocean of hobby project cucks and actually make things?
once you pay ten American dollars to the Microsoft store and twenty five American dollars to the Google Play Store
Usually I don't care about this, but I only know Go and Python and made a custom programming language. I decided to make a cli-based game of chess in it and searched for how people did it in Python. It was not of much help because every single retard who did it used a chess library, I'm not even kidding.
>How dare people do this for a hobby.
Sounds like you need to get a hobby that isn't Valorant anon.
>which is annoying due to typos
True, but linting mostly solves this thankfully.
>for loops will not create a new scope
If they did then it'd have to be a different kind of scope from the one functions create since you do often want to be able to reassign variables that already exist right outside the loop. Dunno what the best solution is but it's not trivial.
>here, the default parameter will be a global variable
Big wart indeed but not the right way to think about it, it's more like an internal field of the function object.
Python originally didn't even have lexical scoping so it's already better than it used to be but it really wasn't designed carefully from the ground up no.
everyone is getting tired of bjarne and herb. c++ is so fucking bloated.
are you retarded? too retarded for python?
sounds better than all those retards making a new library and uploading it to the package manager
That must be why some of the brightest hackers are also Python users. It's because Python has such a beautiful approach to just about everything. String manipulation, data structures, network programming, generators, classes, dynamic programming. Face it, Python is the language for hackers because it never gets in the way and you can code at the speed of thought.
No. You are just a shit programmer and not remotely as smart as you think you are.
>another first year student opinion
go back to your homework kiddo

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