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It does not simply reduce the image quality by a desired amount, it changes the image by brazenly removing features, potentially important ones, without telling you. It uses a chosen contrast threshold for fine details and simply removes these details if its contrast differences are below this threshold. It disappears from the image and is replaced with a monotonous color without even a hint that there was something there. This isn't compression it's forgery, it's deception, it's image fakery.
JPEG XL is the real winning format. It preserves all fine details even the faintest ones whereas AVIF at the same file size replaces it with a monotonous area. It's a shame that Chrome (and all derived browsers) has decided to discontinue JPEG XL support citing lack of interest while promoting and spreading the inferior, deceptive and dangerous liar that is AVIF.
>Five dollars has been credited to your account
Upload examples
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>JPEG XL is the real winning format. It preserves all fine details even the faintest ones
Explain picture related
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aliased images my beloved
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Bro what the fuck, why is the polish tard shilling JPEGXL so much if it's this fucking bad
the absolute state of jewxl
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JewXL sisters how do we respond?
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might be a bad example but it works.
A 1.7 PNG is compressed to 100kb.
Top: PNG, middle: JXL, bottom: AVIF. You can see that JXL has preserved details of the face while the AVIF has no texture and is monotonous.
Animu has mostly monotonous areas by default and so is the only thing where avif is usable.
>avif shills shit on jxl with their meme storage requirements
>meanwhile their own format has forced "beauty" filter
quite concerning
>Animu has mostly monotonous areas
So like 90% of all images on the internet?
>w-what do you mean not every single one of the 40 million pixels in my 40mp image isnt present in the file?
you're blind if you think that overly smoothed avif is the better looking one
Now lets see a photo with fine detail.
what the fuck is that smoothing? It somewhat works for a 20kb anime screenshot (no use case) but it completely ruins any other image. I'm glad that JXL won.
This must be the ultimate cope
Oh no no no no no no
jpeg 30 year old cucks SEETHING as their garbage format is exposed to be trash
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Tell me ONE reason why i should use AVIF instead of storing a BMP in a ZIP file
See >>102454487
there are none
So jpeg xl has a built in face filter. Normies will love it.
That is why almost every screenshot shilling AVIF is an anime screenshot, it's the only case where it doesn't visibly fuck up the image to get anywhere near the same file size
The exceptions are usually captures of a frame of video that was already encoded with AV1 accompanied by the output of a diff algorithm showing that surprise, JPEG encodes a frame of AV1 less similarly to the image format that is literally a frame of AV1
this is a bot, yesterday it answered on itself and jumped one reply ahead
I like jpeg artifacts much more than the smoothing filters of nu-google-formats.
Both avif and jpegli do that. They try to filter out information that you don't want. They make that decision for you.

Meanwhile old JPEG simply does its thing without judging the data. And JPEG-XL tries its best to preserve as much information as possible.

If you have a jpeg compression streak, you can still imagine how its supposed to look like. You can extrapolate the information and fill in the blanks.
But with the avif smoothing, you can't. You simply don't know the state of the skin, because the whole thing is smoothened. For all you know, the whore could simply have make-up that seals her face.
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The AVIF smoothing is intuitively explained by the deviation in frequency space. JXL prioritizes low-frequency information since that's what remains visible when you move your face away from the screen or lower the resolution. Photography is again a common use case where raw 20 megapixel images are scaled down on demand.
Daiz is behind every AVIF shill post. He's a world famous shill and because he shills so much, he became schizophrenic.

His sock puppets are pixdaiz and fixlives.

If you shill for AVIF, then you're a retarded newfag who were groomed by Daiz and you should therefore not get mad when someone calls you Daiz.

He stopped using his trip code after someone looked into an archive and discovered that he's behind every AVIF shill post, something that he genuinely didn't expect anyone to do because 4chan is full of newfags who don't know what an archive is or can't do any research.

Expect lots of samefagging from the narcissist.

Also, he's probably not getting paid by Google.

Before he got called out:

Getting called out:


The reason he responds so quickly is because he uses a bot to notify him and ChatGPT or something similar to automatically spam threads. There are posts on /a/ posted well over a decade ago mentioning how creepy he is:
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You will never be an image format. You have no working lossless compression, you have no quality lossy operation, you have no progressive loading. You are a video codec twisted by google into a mockery of jpeg.

The only “validation” you get is by shills who don't use you. AOMedia regrets creating you, normalfags laugh at the blocky ghoulish appearance of images you compressed.

Men are utterly repulsed by your generational loss. Normalfags spot compression artifacts with incredible efficiency. Even avif images that “pass” look uncanny and unnatural. Your YUV color conversion is a dead giveaway. Even if a man manages to use RGB with an experimental avif library, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he spots the huge file size and lack of support.

Your lossy compression is faked and done by noise and color reduction filters. You wrench out a fake google study every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you, you know that you will never beat webp.

You pretend to have lossless compression, but a bmp file inside a zip is better than you. You don't support files with more than 35MP, while low-end phones create 40MP. Your limit is 10bit, while cams output 14. After four years of deployment, you still lose shares to your own predecessor. You load slower than a progressive jpeg from 20 years ago. You think you compete with jxl, while you can't replace png.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – AOMedia will release AV2 and deprecate you. Google will find your abandoned library, relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable disappointment, and remove you, citing an unpatched security vulnerability. They’ll erase image/avif from HTTP Accept, while image/webp is still there, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know that you were nothing more then webp 3.0. Nobody will notice that your images are gone, because nobody used you.

This is your fate.

This is what you chose.

There is no turning back.
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anime girls are already real and only thing that matters
AV1/AVIF was called obsolete by its creators a long time ago

Can't make this shit up.


AV1 Community admits AV1 is a failure: says AV2 will hopefully succeed where AV1 has stumbled


>AV1 is not good for encoding movies, loses too much detail. x265 and even x264 are still superior for movie encoding at Bluray-level bitrates. AV1 is only good for making YIFY-size encodes which sacrifice detail.
>VVC is already easily beating AV1 at compression and so AV2 is currently trying to beat VVC's numbers
>users of AV1 admit that encoding times are still not worth the end result, especially at moderate to high bitrates.
>one of the lead AV1 engineers (or maybe even someone above the engineer level at AOM) said they regretted "launching" the codec without having a hardware decoder designed and handed off to chip-makers to implement.
>reference AV1 hardware implementation was far too complex for widespread deployment across all cost tiers and the answer from the industry was "we have to do this again completely from scratch“, which surely hurt AV1 adoption by 1-2 years
>since AV1 does the best job at the lowest bitrates, it encourages companies like Netflix and Youtube to bitstarve their videos
>H.264 is much more widely supported and requires less energy to encode and decode and has proven so strong a long-tern performer that most companies don't see the need to rush to get AV1 supported.
>almost everybody in the AV1 community has given up on AV1 and is waiting for AV2 to improve upon AV1's failures
>AV2 won't be ready for another 4-5 years.
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Let's look at the so called image format that Daiz wants you to use and claims is competition for actual image formats

Supports only up to x4000 pixels

Only supports 4:2:0 (for clarity, the 30+ year old format JPG supports 4:4:4)

Gets beaten by JPG

Encodes slower than JXL

Decodes slower than JXL

Only produces a smaller file size than JXL if the image quality is extremely pixelated and blurred (below 0.4 bpp)

Note that over 90% of pictures on the internet are above 1 bpp

Doesn't have preview decoding

Can't convert back to the previous format without degrading the image quality (JXL can)

Is a video codec using HEIF to roleplay as an image format

Let that sink in
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3.27 MB PNG
Half-truth. By default AVIF is optimized for low file sizes. When you change a few settings Jpeg XL isn't that much better than AVIF for visually lossless images. It WOULD be nice if these settings eventually got enabled be default in a "photo" preset option.

avifenc -d 8 -y 444 -s 6 -q 84 -j 1 \
--cicp 1/13/1 \ # sRGB mainly used by PNG/GIMP
-a qm-min=0 \ # Forces max quality ceiling in super blocks.
-a deltaq-mode=3 \ # Psychovisual augmentation + speed boost.
-a aq-mode=1 \ # Enables variance boost.
-a sharpness=2 \ # Sacrifices some efficiency for image clarity.

Encoding with codec 'aom' speed [6], color quality [89 (High)]
Encode time: 2.5 seconds
ssimulacra2: 88.41067333
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Encoding [VarDCT, d0.790, effort: 7]
Encode time: 2.2 seconds
ssimulacra2: 88.45996710
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Daiz spams this shit in every thread to groom retarded newfags into thinking Tel Avif is good and then he cries about someone impersonating him when he sees no one is buying his retarded propaganda

He's such a schizo from shilling constantly that he can't make a single post without contradicting himself or disproving his lies, e.g. "you must support AVIF because Google likes it because it will help Google make more money" and "you're a corporate bootlicker if you like JXL because it's better than AVIF in everything"

He refuted himself by cherry picking from a study that proves people want more quality and lossless. Now he wants the study censored because of it.
Concession accepted
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That feeling when the supposed only good image format is a decade old and sees no use, with .ico being more used than it, despite a trillion dollar company and one extreme shill called Daiz shoving it down everyone else's throat
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Here's why Daiz has to cherry pick one image out of a million images to "prove" how good Tel Avif is

Also, he had to turn the picture quality into dog shit to make Tel Avif one bit smaller than JXL
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Where is Daiz seeing people wanting to turn their pictures into dog shit to reduce the file size by one (1) bit at the cost of fewer features?
Are you Daiz? Because you're doing more shilling for AVIF than that nigger could ever hope to. Your freakish rants aren't having the effect you think they are.
>You're doing more shilling for AVIF by exposing the AVIF shill Daiz (me)
>Stop exposing the AVIF shilling! This is freakish rant! This is antisemitism!

The actual and only annoying part is that there will be newfags getting brainwashed by you.

Also, four posts above your schizo self predicted you. I wonder if the reason you can't wait to make it less obvious is because you know how retarded newfags are or if you don't know how to make your bot wait a little before spamming your retarded propaganda

To reiterate what that post said:
You spam this shit in every thread to groom retarded newfags into thinking Tel Avif is good and then you cry about someone impersonating you when you see no one is buying your retarded propaganda
You're replying to a bump bot
This is false information yet again. AVIF also works very well on photographs it's just that nobody on this website cares about that. Also the source PNGs are known in both cases and you can clearly see they don't come from an AV1 video.
Where did you lsarn bow to self-project so much, Daiz
Daiz, pixdaiz, JonSneeder and schizodaiz are all the same person spamming and doing damage control at the same time
From his Jewish friends who like to bathe in the blood of gentiles (Palestinians)
Every decent study on the two has concluded that JPEG-XL does a better job with photos at reasonable real-world compression ratios
Essentially everyone except Google already agreed on that too, Facebook said they'd make it the default if browsers shipped it and Apple already did
Daiz, Daizschizo, fixlives and pixdaiz (samefag) started spamming more than ever since the IP counter was removed and any post quoting more than twp posts get automatically blocked.
You're replying to a bot.
Jonsneeder is not an AVIF shill like you, Daiz, and schizodaiz is another name for you.

Why do you think people can't tell you're samefagging?
Yes JXL is slightly better at photographs, AVIF is significantly better at everything else. But even on websites with a lot of photos (e.g. instagram) AVIF still stays superior because of zoomers doomscrolling all day and hardware acceleration largely saving battery life.
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Because he got every newfag on /a/ (98% of /a/'s userbase) to be his braindead coomer paypig through samefagging and spamming the shit out of /a/, lmao
Stop talking of yourself in the third person you aren't a king
Chat is this real?
Stop being a schizo, Daiz
AVIF is worse than JXL at nearly everything else than uber compressed images the file size of some old JPEG thumbnail.

I don't get why you'd want AVIF.
Avif is Generation Loss: The Format

I'd rather stick to PNG than this shit
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>muh falseflag
>it's not me, trust me goy
>i hate tel avif too

Who is retarded enough to believe you, Daiz? Especially after finding out that you're a narcissist, a compulsive liar, a shill and you put profit before people? Not once have we seen you condemn the Tel Avif shilling. In fact, you deny it exists and you become extremely hostile and start trying to brainwash people every time they point it out, like you're doing right now. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the shilling promotes your name and shares all of your characteristics. It's almost as if you're behind every Tel Avif shill post.

But sure, there is this nefarious plot by the Mafia trying to make you look bad by... flawlessly pretending to be you. Fucking lol.
>AVIF is worse than JXL at nearly everything else than uber compressed images
Watch them get really mad when you mention GIF needing a replacement.
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>accidentally open AVIF file
>now I'm gay
AVIF animation is even better than current webm but according to them animation doesn't have any use case on the internet. JewXL can't even do animation in 2024 lmao
Show me an animated JewXL then
They aren't even the same resolution. The sooner you kill yourself the happier we'll be, daiz
>lossy slop
>They aren't even the same resolution
>We couldn't even fit a similar resolution in the same filesize
>Somehow this makes JPGXL better
They are and the original files used for this were already posted multiple times in other threads, yet you are still pushing these lies just because you can't cope with the fact that JewXL is objectively worse.
I literally can't see any difference whatsoever.
What a shit thread. AVIF still sucks and is only good for stills of Chinese cartoons. Its not like you should store manga in it so its only useful for posting meme pictures of Vietnamese child erotica.
How does webm compare?
Qrd on daiz?
nobody uses 21kb images retard
Daiz is samefagging and making another retarded claim that he can't prove
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Oh the irony, literally every one of the images ITT are less than that before being opened
>inb4 th-thumbnails don't count, for some reason!
reminder daiz is doing friendly fire by attacking jews because they help him make millions of dollars in profit from promoting rape

the reason the hypocrite attacks jews on 4chan by claiming jpeg xl is jewish is that you can get newfags to avoid doing anything by spanming that it's a jewish or reddit custom, which he learned you could do a decade ago when he witnessed and was annoyed by newfags suddenly attacking paragraphs after a phoneposter, mods and feds said reddit invented paragraphs, i.e. reddit spacing

The fact that PNG is used on the web as much as JPEG shows that people don't care that much about excessive compression and filesize minimization but want quality and are totally fine with completely uncompressed.
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>paragraphs, i.e. reddit spacing
newfag go back
>shits on 1 format
>promotes another...

Yeah.. nah. Can jannies fix it so we can upload webp plz.
Yes 20kB is way too big, 90% of images on 4chan are 10kB or below
Doesn't work, just promts me to download a file that I can't open with anything
>Denies Reddit spacing means Reddit invented paragraphs
>Then says that's what it means
>All in a single post

This retarded newfag can't stop embarrassing himself/herself.

Also, Reddit's default text editor automatically creates a paragraph with one enter click, not two. You retarded newfags are such fucking retards.
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>Reddit's default text editor automatically creates a paragraph with one enter click, not two
now, not when the term was coined. little bro just outed himself as a newfag AND a zoomer. also
>doesn't know what a paragraph is
add ESL to the list. you can have the last word on this one champ, I'll be too busy taking my victory laps.
From the criticism I'm reading here it seems AV1 would be perfect for remote desktop streaming (good at low bitrates and images with large same-color areas). Am I right or is AV1 a meme even for that use case?
>now, not when the term was coined.

Reddit has been creating paragraphs for you with one enter click before 2016.

You newfags fell for Reddit spacing en masse in 2016. The hoax was invented by a phoneposter called Tioga060 in 2012 who wanted to scroll less on his tiny screen and noted how most of you newfags are insecure, uneducated, desperately trying to fit in and constitutes a majority on 4chan. So to get you retards to attack paragraphs, he spammed boards that it'll turn you into oldfags if you attack paragraphs because Reddit invented paragraphs, i.e. Reddit spacing.

Desuarchive finds less than 60 posts mentioning the hoax between 2012 and 2016, while finding 63110 posts mentioning it between 2016 and 2023/08/19.

Desuarchive doesn't keep posts from /pol/, but if it did, it would've found a billion more posts mentioning the hoax.

The hint is is in the name for you retarded newfags. The 2016 election tourist. Because you Redditors got banned on pro-Trump subreddits, you immigrated to 4chan during the US presidential election in 2016.

Your retarded picture is made worthless because of these facts out of many other facts.

So, either fess up that you're a retard or a liar. But it'll make no difference. You'll still be getting the rope when the right day comes.

Also, the reason you can't say normalfag is because you grew up on Reddit where they brainwashed you into thinking "fag" is hate speech. Between 2010-2012, normie was introduced to 4chan, and 2016 is when normie was used more than normalfag.

>add ESL to the list

Says the retarded newfag for not knowing what a paragraph is.

You're coping with being a schizo by avatarfagging and telling yourself that you're winning instead of necking yourself to escape your misery because you know the friends you constantly hear in your head will disappear and you think anyone gives a shit about you since you believe staying alive and being a pest means you're "winning".
I have a pretty large anime collection encoded in AV1/Opus. Looks better than H.264/265 IMO at similar file sizes (~160-220MB for a 25 minute episode).
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holy shit it's true
>he wrote all that and I'm not gonna read it
someone give him a (You) so he doesn't feel bad about wasting his time
Not that you need proof since it's very noticeable that these retarded newfags claiming Reddit spacing is real, i.e. Reddit invented paragraphs, are extremely retarded, insecure, desperately trying to fit in and from Reddit, but last year someone published a scientific journal that proves it

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>people fighting over lossy presentation formats when average web page JS horrors go into double-digits MB's

Fuck you all.
So, "oldfag", if reddit spacing doesn't mean that, what does it actually mean, can you tell us what your picture is saying and why you "oldfags" stopped getting attacked for typing like retards almost a decade ago when redditors spilled over?
I don't really care about image formats, I will use JPG/PNG until the day I die but why do mods let a certain schizo get away with so much spam? I don't give a shit about some eceleb who likes thing.
Simple, he pays them with fakku premium
We like avif here, go shill somewhere else
Weve been formatting our posts on for literally decades now. You can see it on ancient archived posts.
>fakku premium
no wonder he's so obsessed with anime pictures
So is WEBP getting boned again? Hopefully it will take a decade or two less time for JXL to get broad support. WEBP just finally got Adobe support like 2 years ago.

For large files less compressed AVIF seems to look great. Does it really smooth out details with heavier compression? I need to experiment.
APNG utterly mogs gif just for being able to properly use alpha channel and more than a handful of colors.
webp was another shitty image format shilled by google based on the outdated vp8 video codec before they started shilling avif
70% chance that it's a bot.
It likely will be quicker. Most open sauce software supports it at this point, DNG 1.7 supports it (and it makes a lot of sense to use it for photographers so I expect DNG and JXL support in many more professional cameras). AFAIK Apple also supports it for their smartphone cameras soon .

I for one will likely convert all PNG to ~50% smaller JXL losslessly sooner or later.
I see the newfag attempted to farm (You)s from me again and once again he failed miserably. Just gonna stop following this thread because we all know AVIF is the superior format and OP is coping. Also this is a paragraph for anyone who doesn't know that is.
>t. daiz the samefag

JXL will overtake JPG and PNG in three years if it can be viewed in Chromium.
>pick one of the decent compression programs
>compress images into medium tier .png locally
>upload without quality getting shafted further while maintaining a reasonable file size
why do I need a new file format exactly
You're replying to Daiz who is LARPing as a retarded newfag in those posts. His impersonation is actually accurate. Now why would Daiz do this is because they make up a majority on 4chan and he can get them to use AVIF by doing this.
Adobe pushing jpeg-xl helps a lot.
Both iPhone and Samsung phones can now make pictures as jpeg-xl (in the RAW option). Which means that iOS and Android both need to support it.
Instagram thots, who make pictures and then edit it with lightroom and photoshop, now have jpeg-xl in their pipeline.

The question of responsibility is pushing OS support.
If you make a picture with your camera or iPhone, move it to your PC, and Windows doesn't show its thumbnail... you blame Windows.
If you download a picture from a website and Windows doesn't show its thumbnail... you blame the Website. Why does the website serve this inferior bullshit?

The native avif support in Windows is bad. It shifts colors and shows the pictures differently than a browser. But there is no pressure on Microsoft to fix that, because nobody is going to blame them.
>I for one will likely convert all PNG to ~50% smaller JXL losslessly sooner or later.
Converting from PNG to JXL makes the file bigger in almost all cases, what you mean is converting loselessly from lossy shit quality JPEG to lossy shit quality JXL which might save you 10-15% if you are lucky, of course you need to covert it back every time you want you use it because nothing supports JXL.
You can reverse search AVIF on both yandex and bing, JewXL doesn't work, tells you everything you need to know
>Converting from PNG to JXL makes the file bigger in almost all cases
You literally have no clue what you're saying
I tried it many many times and it never got below the PNG size unless you do a huge amount of tampering which makes it lossy
We're supposed to pretend that data caps no longer exist.
Give an example then.
This is a bot
I made a thing
Comparison @ 400 kB: https://0x0.st/s/vA0UufUix18Kg_b40lwVJQ/X3Gt.png
Comparison @ 100 kB: https://0x0.st/s/jEF1v9VKvmdkE44nLwoWkQ/X3Gw.png
Original: https://0x0.st/s/QCA1JjqLXxPJwetZz43lwQ/X3G6.png

Link to original source? Best I could find was a lossy webp.
OK Daiz
why does the AVIF look like horseshit?
It makes it much smaller in almost all cases. For instance the comparison images from this thread at >>102454122 >>102454126 end up as 533300b and 294028b respectively.
How accurate is ssimulacra2? I remember there being a huge thread where jpeg xl was caught cheating in dssim by using modular encoding.
>top png
>mid jxl
>bottom avif
>file is a jpg
Avif is good for anime, memes and other simple images
JpegXL is good for photography and social photos
So avif makes more sense for 4chinz and other imageboards while JpegXL is only useful for Facebook and instagram

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