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File: brave_moment.webm (1.1 MB, 1280x720)
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Why does my brave crash when I hover over this line in the spotify site?
Is this the power of Arch™ Linux™
No, that's the power of brave. Use firefox like a normal person, not like a nigger who can't download ublock
Are you blind?????
werks fine on my machine using windows+brave, seems like a loonix problem
desu yesterday xwayland crashed with firefox when spotify changed the song.
i ended up restarting sddm (yeah i get it "*krashes*")
Works on my PC (Kubuntu LTS 22.04) with Brave (Isntalled via it's APT repository).
Don't know what retarded shit you're doing wrong OP
You get what you deserve
>some redditwave desktop wallpaper
>a gorillion browser addons
>in some 3rd world language no less
stfu mcburger, stay in niggerland
do you have a compositor op?
I used to have picom, this started happening when I uninstalled it
File: 1600312580540.jpg (112 KB, 1087x1080)
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112 KB JPG
>porto monkey thinks he's special for using brave
>MY brave
>Spotify on a FOSS OS
found your issue. maybe stop using drmshit for music
> this paper
> this startpage
holy embarrassment
That's where Mozart's Ghost hides. You should leave it alone or your machine will be hacked.
>unironically listening to music
>unironically using spotify
Imagine being so boring and retarded that you don't listen to music
>is under a spell
>has no idea
many such cases

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