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Linux users, what do you like about Windows and Mac?

Mac users, what do you like about Windows and Linux?

Windows users, what do you like about Linux and Mac?
superb cli
easy to dev for
crisp looks
there's a program for everything
Planning on swapping to linux from windows within the next 2 months (as in I just need to make time to do the swap itself) so I'll answer all 3:
Intuitive and fast interface, at least at surface level. I always felt that most Linux DEs were a bit sluggish.
the bar at the top, that's just nice 100% of the time
Not pestering me about ANYTHING at ALL. I don't want to be compelled to do anything.
>Linux users, what do you like about Windows and Mac?
Software compatibility
Hassle free
I'm switching to it as soon as I get a new machine. I admin many Linux servers. I am comfortable with it already so dealing with package managers and the CLI doesn't scare me. What I like most are how verbose the errors are. When shit breaks on Windows sometimes it's damn near impossible to figure out what's wrong without hours of troubleshooting.
I feel like a retard trying to use it. I guess it's nice that it's well supported by software.
just works, doesn't bother me, has everything I'll ever need two commands away or less.
haven't used it since 10 was new, material design, I guess? I'd say packaging everything a program needs is neat, but too often did I have to hunt down dependancies, because it wasn't included and windows has no way of telling you what you are missing.
at a glance it looks ok to breddy gud, I dread using it though, made that mistake once and never again
Intuitive, well polished and developer friendly
Beautiful, sleek, I disliked the minimalist look but now I kinda dig it.
Intuitive UI and it's best for gaming.
This board is the most Indian place on 4chan. Good morning sirs. Hope you are enjoying your idli and sambar this day.
>Windows users, what do you like about Linux and Mac?
Emacs has more support for it.
Never used it.
>easy to dev for
If you don't mind continually having to fix bugs caused by native distro packaging.
Windows: exe files have amazing backwards compatibility
Mac: I never used it, but I guess... stable?
Start menu, system tray, program availability, backwards compatibility, shit actually works in fullscreen
Global menu, consistent look and feel, Unix utilities, lots of great QoL features (file conversion built into the Finder as an example)
Can run any programs and games that were made for windows.
I've never used this shit. I guess what I like in Mac is that it's not Windows.
Not spyware, reliable, runs smoother
Literally no reason to use it
Goyslop vidya (if you're into that) and music production plug-ins (the only reason I still have a pc with windows 10)
Windows user here, used Linux for a couple years and use Mac for work.
Pretty, everything just werks, native bash/zsh, actually useful top bar
It doesn't force things on me and it has the potential to free desktop users from shady corporate and governmental practices if it ever becomes good enough to become widespread in the desktop.
Perfect for passive media consumption so I can turn my brain off and consooom
>I prefer editing video in Final Cut Pro
Perfect for PCVR
Legacy support is superb
Useful for everything else
daily mac and windows user here
I don't like anything about loonix
I use all three. What have you got to ask now?
I like Window's vast catalogue of software that's backwards compatible.
Unironically why?
Windows chad here.

I hope their ecosystem continues growing so that it represents an actual threat to microsoft and forces them to get back in shape and work on respecting it's users more. Linux devs are usually also synonymous with making FOSS apps that are often available on Windows as well, so I am glad for that to have access to free useful apps.
I like the fact that Apple pushes aesthetics over practicality, it's nice to see someone actually care about things looking good and not just being soulless and optimal. I'm not a bugman so I appreciate good design. Windows 11 UI has improved so much because it took inspiration from Android which in return took inspiration from iOS and macOS
anti-cheat isn't blocked
only mac i've used was an apple ][
>When shit breaks on Windows sometimes it's damn near impossible to figure out what's wrong without hours of troubleshooting.
in current year, it's almost always some kind of permissions error on windows no matter the error.
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I've been collecting PC parts and laptops since I was around 8, most are secondhand from relatives.
I like that its not mac
I Like that its not windows
I like that this isn't the only operating system available
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I actually use all 3, but primarily Windows for home machine. Linux and Mac for work.

Games, thats pretty much it. If games were as easy to run and performed as well as they did on my hardware on windows, I'd be on Linux 24/7, but its not quite there yet.

Its pretty, IMO, prettier than any linux DE or windows. Literally "just werks" 24/7, never had to tinker with it, aside from doing some custom shit with Brew. Just solid/easy to work on all around.

Never bothers you with anything, cli, I know I'm not being spied on, I unironically find doing shit in the terminal easier a lot of times, especially package/software management, I can quite literally do anything I want, the system doesn't block you from doing anything. Including just nuking everything by mistake.

I love Linux, I work on a lot of Linux servers, it just "clicks" for me. The only thing I don't like is the DEs are all pure fucking ass. Gnome isn't good, kde isn't good, none of them are good. I'm hoping cosmic works out. None of them stack up to windows/mac in this regard, but its superior in every other way aside from gaming and the desktop environments, and I don't give a fuck about ricing, I don't have the time.
Linus is more free than windows.

Mac is supposed to be idiot proof so there's that.
>Windows users, what do you like about Linux and Mac?
linux is safe and open to all customizations
mac has a decent ecosystem with other apple products, mac has decent hardware
Fonts are rendered better in Windows. That's it.
Also Winamp doesn't work right in wine. :(
I use Windows 7 for my personal computer, it's not connected to the internet and pretty much all that i ever need is on there. I have a LAN network of linux servers for various uses and i just control them with a crappy raspberry pi i got from a friend for like ten bucks. As for what I think? I don't like apple users or macs because they're overpriced computers for the mediocre actual work they do, windows is ok as long as it's not beyond win7 and doesn't bluescreen, and linux is kinda crap most of the time if i'm being honest. I hate using the terminal and have to have a whole binder with commands written down.
just use Audacious, Deadbeef, foobar2000...
I like Windows' backwards compatibility. Microsoft really worked hard to make lots of ancient software still work and it works remarkably well. Most people don't realize how much effort they put into it, but it becomes clear when you look at macOS and Linux where you need to re-compile/link software with almost every new release and software compiled years ago will almost certainly not work.

Linux distros are fucking awesome on servers to the point I can't even understand why anyone would ever use anything else.
I guess other unices also kinda work - but they have much less market share so you're often on your own when you run into problems.
Namespacing is a seriously great feature all around. Great for securely launching untrusted applications.Ggreat for running desktop applications with minimal required permissions (like with Flatpaks). And it lets you run complex software easily (without the usual dependency and config nightmare of install scripts wreaking havoc on your one and only filesystem) thanks to container tools like podman.
t. Linux user

i like DirectStorage. games load faster from my SSD on Windows.
nothing. at all. i wiped it from my macbook air, imac and mac mini, installing Linux on all of them.
No Album List plugin though.
I use all three
has games
has those programs that you're going to use once or twice and remember in like 6 months when you need to use them again
has sharex
nice interface that werks (on win10)
it's the industry standard
backwards compatibility
no need to tinker... if you're alright with what you're served with (which isn't too good imo)

really good for devving
incredibly powerful terminal
respects the user (no ads, no intrusive features)
open source
flavors for everyone
you can spend hours and have fun tinkering it (...unless it's out of frustration)

best of both worlds
really nice and consistent interface
powerful terminal as well, UNIX based
really good for devving too
werks, like, really werks
no need to tinker!

all three are great, I'd love to have a copy of MacOS on my custom desktop since I find it incredibly comfy, but oh well, linux does its job too
(also, fuck windows when it comes to devving)
> windows
Supported by tons of games.
> mac
Don't have real experience with it, but seems like it can be an advantage for your hardware and software to come from the same company.
Wangblows runs my games and music production software.
Linux is the cool new toy to me, and either can handle threadcrapping, anime, torrents, and many other little things.
You can make it whatever you like, plenty of ways or personalizing it, and it's not going to be spying, sending telemetry or running shit in the background eating up cpu and ram.

screens are insanely good
speakers are also insanely good

All software is made for it
For intel/amd its tuned for it so you'll usually get the best you can expect out of the system using it.
windows user here and i wish my machine had imessage
I use Windows and Linux 70/30. Windows at work and for games and music software. Linux for everything else at home and to fuck around with.
I don't hate Mac at all but never really used it for an extended period of time. I will say that macbooks are way nicer than any Windows laptop. Trackpad is untouchable, nothing comes close.
I wouldn't mind getting one of the new apple silicon macbooks for leisurely web browsing, media consumption, shit posting.
The best part about windows: every game, every piece of software you could want works on it
The best part about linux: ability to fuck around and it's so god damn fast and doesn't try to trick you all the time like Windows
best part about Mac: the laptops are the best
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> Windows
Absolute shit
> Mac
Absolute shit
> Linux
Absolute shit but at least it can be made tolerable
i use all 3 so
i like... ... almost everything? sorry. i don't like how resistant the community is to things changing even a little bit.
nice screen. i like using sidecar with my ipad but then i bought a real pen display and kinda ditched it.
i have nothing nice to say about windows in recent memory. its the reason why i have the other two platforms although its looking like i'm gonna stick to linux.
>Linux users, what do you like about Windows and Mac?
Not much otherwise why would I be using Linux?
Just how fucking retarded it is and still is essentially just some hacked together piece of shit from the 80s that some programmers who actually got shit done never thought would still be getting used 45 years later.

How dumb it is since it was clearly designed by jobs who had no fucking clue what he was doing. You can feel the pain of the guys who actually worked on the thing while having to deal with that retard.
less to no bloat, ads, etc. Works great on older machines
Slick UI. Ease of use --at least until your computer gets old :^) easy integration with other apple products if you use them.
games. I can't stand windows 10/11.
updates are sweet
topbar with global menus - me gusta
can run most things (incl. games) using 1 click (there's a wizard or an article for everything)
consistently working hardware acceleration

Walled garden makes UX be very nice. I'd use macOS, but I don't want to sell my soul.

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