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Will your fav language get you a job?
No C? Did I waste my time learning it?
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it's not a big deal for me
I'll take a job in any of those languages except Rust and Ruby. Not that I hate Ruby but I have only used it for glorified shell scripts and don't have the slightest clue about all the rails magic which makes it a modern COBOL.
C++ more than Golang? That is okay with me as I know both, but it is unexpected
Let's be real, outside of /g/ memes, C is only used for kernel development, small embedded systems and legacy code. Those place are not hiring.
I'd care more about open positions compared to total positions
that is what the chart is
The 80s were a long time ago.
Clojure already did.
Yes you fucking retard
No. It's why I work in Accounting.
No, the chart shows solely open positions. If there are 5 trillion rust positions and solely 20k are open then it's a highly saturated market. Meanwhile if php had all of its positions still available it'd be fairly easy picking to get a good job.
How the fucking are there so many python jobs? Is it all some data science gigs?
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landed one today so yes
We are so back
Wait, why is java higher than javascript? I thought javascript was more used and popular.
Congrats bro! What programming language(s)?
Rubybros, how did this happen???
js and php
Why Javascript and PHP? Aren't they seen as competing, plus what about HTML and CSS?
>us only
>no swift
applesisters, what happened?
niche of a niche
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Impossible /g/ told me there are no jobs.
>kotlel below ruby
LMAO russian tards btfo. You can't create a good language just by hating on the Java syntax.
Go is the second youngest language on that list.
>Java & JS/TS
we eatin' good webapp bros
You can still work for the linux kernel and other FOS projects… for free
Embedded niggas only make up 4% of the tech industry
Yet they are responsible for 60% of all cve's.
Java has been used by corporation on the backend for decades. It's a nightmare.
Why would ts offer less job opportunities than js? If you know ts you know js of course
No, but it's a hobby so I'm not worried
If you think about it, this chart has little to do with what language will get you a job. Because the more popular languages will have a lot more applicants. In fact, being an expert in legacy COBOL systems or some shit might get you an easier and better job than python. It just *depends*....
>SQL #2
total datafag death
Because it's data based directly on keywords in job listings. Use your brain, my nigger?
Yes (Ruby)
yes apparently. Still never found a project thats good for sql duckdb sounded nice to replace python but nope it sucks.
Why would job opportunities mention js specifically if anything is production level is using ts anyway?
I don't know, what do you think?
>more rust jobs than typescript jobs
Not possible
PHP backend (Laravel/Symfony/Yii) + JS frontend (React/Vue/Angular) is a common stack, and in the PHP job land you're more often expected to be a full stack dev than not. HTML/CSS/JS are a given, the former 2 are not programming languages.
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WTF are you going to put your shit in mang, mongo? Lol
And they use mostly C++ nowadays, except for legacy code
Golang as popular as C#, that wild. Where I am from in Europe, C# is almost as popular as Java, and Java is king.
The government jobs love .NET and old businesses loves Microsoft so they also use .NET and Azure.

Only government systems that were early to be digitalized and their departments use Java, like the tax authorities since they are the most technically advanced in the entire government and don't like to depend on proprietary stuff.
yes, but sadly I am now stuck with python
I am only do low-level work and already know all the usual suspects ofc, so it would come down to brushing up on my python skills as sometimes there are python shells vs. learning Rust for a few meme jobs.

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