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I have no idea if this goes here but nose trimmers are technology so I'm posting it anyways

what's a good nose trimmer brand? I noticed they tend to have different designs? Which one is best?
I bought one from a shitty local brand with a design like pic related and it's completely useless
Yeah sadly I am now needing one of these. Does all your ear and nose hard just go nuts as soon as you turn 30? Because that is what it feels like.
Any recs for a grooming nigga?
I got one just like that from Amazon and it works great. Your nostrils feel so nice afterwards. You breathe so clearly
no I just have med genetics lol
I've had lots of nose hair since I was a teen
no ear hair at all though
try >>>>/fa/
I just pull them out with my needle nose pliers.
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>got the exact same one as in the OPs pic

it's shit, but it sorta works so it's good enough
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i bought this for shaving my balls like 10 years ago but the nose trimmer works fine too
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I used to use something like this >>102463768
But I've moved on to using
I have the same. Apparently it's just one of those things that get produced by some chinese company and then rebranded 9001 times with different paintjobs.
It "works" just enough.
Important protip:
This thing is powered by just one AA. Only a well charged one and never those cheap coal-zinc AAs. Best option, get a good re-chargeable AA.
If you use shitty battieries this thing WILL painfully slowly tug your hair out or even better stall while tugging at one and choking to death. You want as much torque as you can get out of this shit and most importantly speed. The lower the battery charge the slower the speed. If it's too slow it will try to rip out the hair instead of cutting it.
*Use only
Stop being a zoomer nigger and just pull them out, jeez
I don't like the idea of cutting unwanted hairs, I prefer pulling them off, so I use a tweezers for my nose. My ears are becoming hairy and I can't do them with a tweezers though. I wish there were small epilators for nose and ears, but there are only tiny shavers like on your pic.

>Does all your ear and nose hard just go nuts as soon as you turn 30?
So true. :( It made me realize how we men are lucky we don't have to depilate our whole body like women do.
why dont you just recommend us a model, or several models so mods dont think youre shilling for one particular company
i just pull them out when they extend past the nostril
>so mods dont think youre shilling for one particular company
??? These things are ALL chinkshit, that thing mentioned before included. I only use that one since I literally haven't tried any else since it does the trick and I'm not consooming gadgets for the fun therefore I can't recommend anything else
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This shit works much better than the trimmers. Don't use it if you have a moustache though.
Hm, I'd hesitate using wax in my nose and ears but this seems interesting.
("kenashit!" kek)
It took a few tries to get the temperature right but i've been doing it for years now and man is it effective. I can breathe so much better after.
they kind of do. it is genetic though.
the manscaped one has some gay ass branding and packaging, but it works well.
you could get an infection that has direct access to your brain that way
nigga nose hairs protec tur lungs from dust
>went from twink to ogre the moment I turned 30
It's not fair bros
shoulda just aimed giga shrek mode from the beginning
that's what happens when you're a fag
So does a mask when you're actually working around significant amounts of dust.
I just have a shitty remington clipper that came with a nose head, not recommended unless you get one with replaceable batteries as the builtin one is dying, but I rarely need to trim nose hair so. I will however very loudly support their cheap ass $20 travel foil shaver, the one that takes AA or AAA batteries I forget, I use it instead of razors, it's not perfect but easy as fuck and has lasted me forever.
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I prefer the mini clipper ones. they seem to work better and are easier to clean
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imagine growing a filthy beard, instead of a clean daily shave, and some good'ol fresh-up afterwards.
how well does this work?
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This. Simply based.
I use a oneblade for shaving and every two weeks I insert the sides into my nose and do a loop. Cuts all the hair that's hanging out of my nose without cutting too much. When I trim everything in my nose it gets very dry and a lot of crust builds up.
I give it 3.5 years before Anons are on here talking about non-trimmed nose hair is hot on women. Nose bush we might call it.
I bought this thing and it has a different head for nose trimming, idk. It works fine.
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I've had several of the electric models but found the simple mechanical twist trimmer to work the best.
i bought a 1dollar nose trimmer when i did not even need it, it works great
fucks up your natural breathing.
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Based so did I. I replace them every few months as the get full.
Just get a razor from a well known brand you can swap the heads on.
Norelco or something.
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those are a pain in the nose when they get stuck while cutting. then manual way is best.
Don't get the random Amazon letter soup brands, they're shit. I got like a 'yugfono' or some shit and it took a chunk of skin out of my nose last week
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Snort some alcohol, put on fire, here you go problem solved.
if you've ever drunk any cocktails that get lit on fire , that'll be like 10% of it's power and it's already hot as balls
just grab em and pull em out with the roots, pussy
Everytime I do that my nose gets itchy like crazy
not at all, only some of the hairs are in a position where you can effectively cut them with scissors. you really need a spinning blade for this shit
i just use tweezers
hurts tho
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Those fuckers like yours just pull hairs, pure masochism if you use those.

get one of these, pic related
imagine grooming yourself like a fag of woman.
yeah, I think I got one of these, too
yeah a phillips, but a bit different
it's good
I also have two chinese trimmers, I got for like 2 bucks each, guess what, they work amazing
I use them when my beard grows too long, but normally I shave my ass and cock with them.
Do you use it on your ears? I want it for my ears
I have one like OP's pic and they don't, you just bought the worst of them all.
Tried 2. Different brands. One of them a phillips
They don't work for me.
I have a random no name one and never hurt myself using it, although I really don't care if it pulls the hairs because I usually do that too myself when I'm bored on my room.
grow a mustache and then the nose hair would be indistinguishable from it
Those never work, I use
Good for touching up your beard too.
I've been using the panasonic trimmer for years. Double A lasts awhile and you can rinse it out under the sink. It does ears and nose well enough.
>Does all your ear and nose hard just go nuts as soon as you turn 30?
Wait until you discover your prostate.
> just when you figure out what it is, it turns on you
no idea, i use my fingers.
i use scissors to shave because i'm too retarded to use a razor (cut my face multiple times)
nose trimmers are idiotic
Men groom and dress themselves proper because they need to be presentable at work and for the enjoyment of their wifes.

Manchildren just let everything grow because they live in alone in their basement and have no father to teach them proper man-tenance.
My nose hair hang all the way to my lips if I don't shave them

My biggest issue is my hair back, it's hard to shave it by myself and I'm single
Pulling out nose hairs can lead to some nasty infections that can end up reaching your brain. you're better off trimming nose hairs.
I legit use an exacto knife for my nose and ear hairs. Sometimes I cut myself, but I'm generally careful so it's not an issue.
Even a troon is more of a man than you will ever be.
This one is good but loud.
>So true. :( It made me realize how we men are lucky we don't have to depilate our whole body like women do.
It's 2024 women just laser everything off at 20 and never worry about it again
you should not pull the hairs, it can actually be very harmful
I only get nosehairs growing from the "front pocket" for lack of better words. Thick dark hairs. Trimmers don't have the reach and it's really hard to get into that crevace with curved miniscissors. It's really hard to make at least somewhat invisible. Maybe if there was some super bendy high-tech trimmer-end.
Considered stuff like >>102464742 but got spooked by >>102472585.
What the hell is even the purpose? I get the small hairs inside are for filtering shit but why is there fucking mustache hair growing out the front?
Wish I could safely burn them as they supposedly do at some barber shops. But there's no way I'm lighting my nose on fire or let a turk do it.
>for the enjoyment of their wifes
beta orbiter
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Pic rel has achieved far better results than any trimmer I have tried. No, it doesn't hurt. Plucking hairs out one by one with tweezers hurts and causes sharp pains each time. Yanking them all out at once causes a very short and not really painful "dullness."
I got the manscaped one, cause it came with my trimmer.
It works but can't really compare it with any other

i got the norelco 7750 back in 2021 during black friday sale. such a brilliant machine. it has everything you need.
I assume they exist so you don't inhale wasps while running
I highly recommend against this. I naively thought it was a good idea and incurred nasal and sinus infections as a result. Later I learned it's considered terrible to trim your interior nose hairs.

What I do now is take a small conventional shaver and trim back only the hairs which are sticking out from my nostrils. You can even use a cotton swab to tease out the longer ones. This will keep you presentable while also not becoming a medical issue.
Poast bleeding cut nostrils.
Spoken like a virgin.
>Does all your ear and nose hard just go nuts as soon as you turn 30?
I have a single long hair that likes to grow from the bottom of my earlobe for some reason. Middle age second puberty is not a meme.
Can you use it for you ears?
Use bic lighter for ears
No I don't wanna risk setting my actual hair on fire
but do they cut the hairs that are sticking out?
Use a hand to cover them.
What about my earhole? Can't flamethrower my earholes
Don't use those snake oil devices. It's prone to accident leading to infection to your brain. Manual is safer, there are many ways to do it safely.
Nose hair is natural. Why is it considered unattractive and something to remove despite having a biologically useful function?
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This >>102463797 is better. Those little blade trimmers are nice, but if you ever touch your nose the hairs are all prickly and "sting" your nose.
I started to just make an angry face so the middle of my nose goes down and sides go up, then just pluck them with tweezers.
this is the best option mine has over 6 years
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no batteries
it werks

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