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Are there ANY anons here who use a Mac as their daily driver, at work and/or at home?

There have to be at least a couple, right? Everyone complains about Windows, but desktop and battlestation threads are full of Windows 11
Windows 11 is the OS for work and gaming.
Linux for devs and weird gamers.
Any OS or system does fine for shitposting on 4chan.

Now go join the Mac fans on reddit, you are far better off there.
My work laptop is a M2 MBP
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I don't want to use one.
I don't need one.
I can afford it but have more important things to save up for.
I know better than to use one.

And yet it still calls to me like the fucking Green Goblin mask.
>Verification not required.
I know that feel for the iphone. Never had one, know that if I did buy one there's a 99.8% I would be disappointed, know that I would regret no using that money on a really nice Android that I'm intimately familiar with.

But damn I'm curious to see what it's like.
I have hackintosh on dualboot on my desktop since I am not goycattle techlet paypig, never use it much albeit.
i got a base m1 macbook air for cheap a while ago, and it's my most used device right now. very portable, surprisingly fast cpu for a 2020 pc. 8gb of ram kinda sucks but i offload anything that needs more to my linux desktop.
macos feels a lot more like linux than it feels like windows which is nice.
i don't think the price of new macs makes any sense though, so this could very well be the last mac i buy.
>Can't justify buying another Pixel because Google is gutting AOSP and the Graphene people are corporate cocksuckers
>Can't justify using iOS for the obvious reasons despite the fact that they still (and probably will for a long time) support the mini
There's a world where I end up using an iPhone too to be desu.
I have a maxed out M1 MBP from work and it's shit. Connect to two displays and even resizing window starts to lag
I tried liking a MBA but I just didn't like the OS nor did I like the trackpad either.
Exactly this.
I use a macbook pro and an ipad as a daily driver for my business. I take a lot of photos and it's super easy using airdrop to get them transferred. I have a windows PC for gaming though.
I'm considering replacing my current Thinkpad with one. The main thing I'm uncertain about is that the Apple M series CPUs don't seem to be particularly robust in terms of power compared to x64 CPUs; every chart I find is always focusing on battery life / power draw which is completely irrelevant because I plug my laptop in. But it seems like M series CPUs have relatively low core counts compared to x64 and don't have a clock speed that would make up for it.
Used to use a Macbook Pro as my daily driver, until it prevented me from installing uTorrent because it was le hecking malware (which, in retrospect, is actually true). That was the day I switched to gnu/linux
Yes. I use a mac as my daily driver at home and at work.

I like it.
me, the battery is awesome, but im a law fag so i dont really use it other than typing shit, zooming shit, docs shit etcetera
m1 air
Yes there are lots of faggots on this board
They have taller glossy displays instead of 16:9 matte displays. It doesn't sound like a big deal but they have really good viewing angles and it makes you actually want to use them

The battery lasts 16 hours too but windows laptops have caught up.

I have a separate laptop for gayming
I daily drive a 2015 MPB with Mac OS Sonoma using Open Core, It dose evrything I need 2.5 GHz core i7 16gb Ram and an AMD radeon R9 MX370X. I supppose its defanetly not as powerful as it used to be, but it dose what it needs to do.
I daily a 13" M2

works perfectly fine for what I'm doing

battery life is insane and no windows or linux laptop comes anywhere close
they are perfectly usable unless you're doing workstation level shit, in which case you shouldn't be using a laptop

I use a 2019 i9 MBP 32GB. Still works pretty good. I might upgrade to an M4 model this spring. We’ll see.
yes, I use a macbook air m2 16/512 as my daily driver for work
Thank you someone finally agrees with me, I mostly use it for studying, browsing the web and occasionally Virtual box or video editing. as soon as Open Core stops being supported I could move to linux and use it as a hard drive formating computer. although depending on how far in the future this will be it might just not be reasonable it can go with my retro collection. I have no plans on getting rid of it soon.
14" m1 mbp
It's the design. It's basically designed to give you the effect of looking at a pretty women, there is a strong reason why Apple has a cult following.

I fell for a Macbook, while I enjoy it, I agree with your reasoning. It's just a computer. Just because it has nice features, it's still a computer like any other so better to keep sticking to your money.
2020 m1 mac mini
might upgrade to an m2 studio in the future, i hope new m4 releases will bring the price down
I'm doing workstation level stuff (game dev and illustration) and I can't lug an entire desktop to work with me.
Just did a quick survey and no one has one
They have good hardware and good screens. They are better than most laptops out there, it just sucks you pay through the nose for a usable amount of ram and storage (16gb ram, 512gb storage). Also Windows is just so much more flexible as an OS.
I want try out Mac OS and alleged battery life but I don't want to be jewed like that. Maybe if m4 comes with 16 gb ram standard (not believing it till I see it, they'd probably jew out at 12)
Ditched the iPad and bought a macbook air m1. I don’t do much pc gaming anymore and my pc is just collecting dust in the closet.

Honestly, it is fine for shitposting and doomscrolling and some coding and stuff that’s annoying on the iPhone.

Sometimes I need to use programs that are x86 only and even with wine it doesnt work. That’s the issue that I currently have.

Which programs? Windows only rom patcher (patcher+ 64)
if you like the apple ecosystem then a macbook is an excellent tool for complex tasks
if you don't like the ecosystem then a macbook is an expensive linux machine that doesn't overheat or sound like a jet engine
my advice is to get an m1 mba on sale and only consider buying again/upgrading to a higher model if you like it enough to discard your other computers
me, loving the 13 inch base m2 (althought i wanted the 15 one instead cuz more speakers)
i barely use my core 2 quad desktop pc with gentoo now.
you can't get 20 hour battery life on windows
it just ain't happening
even intel evo is like 12 hours and only with the edge browser
using an m2 macbook feels like using your phone, use it ALL day then finally charge it and it'll only be at like 30%
Planning to get one once the m4 releases. My main use cases are development and light gaming every now and then. Shame that most games can't make use of the native performances since they are optimized for x86 but the translation layer does an ok job. I hope apple will develop that technology further considering intel is only just now trying to compete with apple with ARM chips meaning more investment in this tech might come soonish (I think intel already dropped support for translation layers in the past but you never know..). Valve is doing the same with Proton. In fact the whole business of translation layers is fascinating to me (see libhoudini and the likes). I still use linux on my home server but if I had to choose between windows and mac, after trying to develop with react native for a bunch of weeks, I'd totally pick mac. The cost is a non issue
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I've gotten an M3 Pro in anticipation of needing to move to japan for a few months. I've been using it all day for a week now.

I'm really split. The hardware is lovely but it's stapled to MacOs which has been not great.

My favorite parts are the silence and battery life.

As I understand it asahi linux is bootable on my m3 pro as of now. but a lot of features aren't fully integrated yet and im not eager to be the beta tester.

I think I may drop it off at the apple store it as nears the return period. Mostly because of the limited software capability. I don't play a lot of games, but because anti cheat isn't supported I can't play a lot of stuff with my friends.
Windows is dropping support for kernel level checks so things might soon change for the entire anti cheat business. Out of curiosity what games are you talking about?
I’m waiting for the M4 to launch, will buy it in Christmas for a discount
I use macbook at job
Have a PC at home for gaming and all other work
I would but i am not spending $2100 on a laptop for masterbaiting
I try to be one of the least stupid Mac users here
I’m waiting like a week or two for the bugs in the latest OSs to get worked around or quashed
Might do a clean install on my laptop while I play the new Zelda game coming out next week
I tend to not post anything more revealing than neofetch output because I’m paranoid
Battlestation posts are right out

— sent from my iPad
Get one from Apple and be mentally prepared to return it in the 14-day return window
I installed Debian on my old 2015 after getting a new laptop and ended up giving it away because I spent more time updating the OS than actually using it
I expect Rosetta to be yanked in 3-4 years from its introduction like it was last time
— also sent from my iPad
I personally use an openbsd machine cause i'm scared of exploits by the nsa. they can't get me on my openbased machine. hahahaha. anyway, other than my main basedbox i use an offline windows for gaming and mac for normie stuff. never had any problems. this setup has served me well.
i have a 2021 mbp, the keyboard is nice, the battery life is fucking ridiculous, the screen is nice and i am getting used to the OS. I dont need a big gaming windows PC anymore, i rarely if ever play vidya and all this is used for is shitposting and torrenting now. might just get a mac mini for my desk instead.
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>currynigger shit CPU that's clocked slower than a decade old i3 and has the same performance of a calculator has good battery life
why are iNiggers this retarded?
>rentfree poorfag shitposting
i'm whiter than you are, mutt.
>he retorted, his brown fingers furiously typing at his 7 row thinkpad keyboard that /g/ gaslit him into buying
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does hackintosh still work? i do music production, which sucks balls on windows, and am thinking of buying a mac just as my studio computer
I own a Windows 11 (Enterprise) and a Linux device (Arch), love 'em but would trade 'em instantly in for a Macbook :I
Yes an Air with 16Gb RAM. It’s been fantastic. Only minor bugs with multiple displays because of shitty OSX, and those can be fixed by switching the refresh rate to something else and then back. It’s honestly amazing how capable it is - drives a 5K monitor, its own screen, AND an iPad screen without breaking a sweat.

I fucking hate Apple though, so I’ll make this thing last forever and hopefully have it be the last machine I buy from them.
>reaching for his charger to extend his 35 minute battery life, DaShawn Rodriguez prepared another vicious verbal assault on the white man by implying he is indian, despite pajeets being unable to read or write.
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Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

Oh, cant you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Evry smile you fake
Evry claim you stake
I'll be watching you
i used my 2014 macbook pro for at least 8 years, personal daily driver and then for grad school, eventually gave it to my mom and she used it for basic email, browsing, and bills/spreadsheets, great quality and even though it stopped getting macOS updates it still works, screen is very nice despite being 10 years old compared to same era chinkpad screen
icloud photos has unironically preserved a lot of my memories really well, i switched to galaxy for a few years and those photos are basically lost, whereas i can go into photos any time and quickly share photos going all the way back to 2014 easily

i use a win10 desktop as my daily driver now, but considering getting an m1 macbook
>one more hour of western goyslop into my eyeballs
you have shown me the way DeQwan Shaniqua O'shae Luther Kang Rodriguez III, i will spend less time street shitting and more time ingesting goyslop on my $1500 lenovo with integrated graphics and low resolution screen.
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M1 Air. 8GB/256GB
Used to use Linux. Switched over about 2 years ago. Most of work is web based, so nothing I couldn't do on the new machine. I get thrown the occasional Word or Excel, but Pages & Numbers (or Libre Office) handles them fine.

Pic is my Macbook + Asus Zenscreen, next to my T420. Which would you rather carry around?
morning schizo
I hate Windows PCs with a passion and they're all I've ever used. Performance issues, overheating. Next time I'm gonna buy a high-end Mac.
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>Performance issues, overheating.
lmao even
I tried it, but it was absolutely horrendous, so it lives here now to play cool digital VSTs through my piano. There are many elements of Mac that were unacceptable, none of those things were related to privacy concerns, all related to ENRAGING levels of authorisation checks and enraging click drag """features""" that completely disallow click dragging things normally.

>OS correctly warning you about malware
>it's... LE BAD
All piracy tools tend to be marked as """"malware""""
I use a M1 mac mini as my main computer for web browsing/sshing in to work/watching shows etc. if i want to game i turn on my windows pc and switch the monitor input. sometimes when i'm bored i defend macs from the /g/ mafia
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MacOS is the operating system for the esteemed professional. Amateurs and other undesirables best use Windows 11, or God forbid - Linux! Goodness me!
qbittorrent installs without any issues, utorrent is literally comprimised spyware.

That's what I'm getting at

>try to install spyware
>OS warns you
>try to install legitmate program like qbittorrent
>no problem

And as said, it's somehow le bad.
>There have to be at least a couple, right?
yeah it's like 80% of devs are on macOS. go look at a crowd picture from any dev conf
i got rid of mine recently; sold it to a friend. my steam deck and linux was such a pleasant experience that i happily went back to my lenovo legion from 2021 because its battery is hotswappable and its keyboard wasn't fucking shit.
i forgot what having an OS that allowed you to do what you wanted was like
I use a MBA M3 for things like webdev, C# (Rider), etc.

My first Mac device and I’m blown away. Is my new workhorse
>i forgot what having an OS that allowed you to do what you wanted was like

If you want to work on a computer you don't want to work on the OS but on your working tasks.
bro i dont do diddly squat to linux and eveything i use is installed via discover
im just happy that i can change my theme again like the old days
enjoy your tranny os while real humans using a real unix.
My main PC is a mac. There are lots of anons that use macs, they're okay.
This thread has a surprisingly high number of positive answers
Well is a huge company for a reason
Mac users do love the "simple" interface for god knows why
But their programs and compatibility with their own products do seem nice tho
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Macs are for niggers that are scared of technology.
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>>soldered SSD/RAM/WLAN
>doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
here is your stinkpad bro
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Anon this is the distro-hopping neofetch screenshot board. The most work people do here is for-loop tutorials in a fotm language then arguing for hours about said language as if they're an expert.
werent macs getting so hot they were deforming
the same dude shills for intel's lunar lake with soldered in ram and wlan inside the SOC
>repeatedly designs mice that only aliens would be comfortable using
>"no bro its because mice are hard to use bro just trust me bro"
He's literally trans, he's autistic and his products are shit.
sold mine and just got a crappy laptop with a removable battery because it has more than fucking one or two ports.
i got sick of having to lug around a literal hub and 500 adapters.
I use a Macbook Air for my personal laptop but I use a Windows desktop most of the time at home.
I'm a very casual computer user. I've tried all major operating systems and I just dont like the feel of macOS. It feels like it forces you to adapt to it, rather than being agnostic like most other os'es. Linux is almost too customizable. I'm too dumb to make it work for myself. Windows used to be great. But modern windows is shit. That's why I retain a windows 7 desktop for youtube and browsing. And do all my banking on my iphone. I dont even play games anymore, because most modern games are dogshit with zero win7 compatibility. So why should I care? I do have a macbook too, but I barely use it at all.
they've actually decided to go back to unsoldered modules
>$100 chromebook
alright let's see it
I've used a MacBook pro m1 max 14" since launch, it was a lot of money though. Like $4,200 I think since I got 64gb ram 2tn storage. I won't pay that much again but it's been great
I got an Air 2020 last year, its a fantastic computer. I wouldn't ever buy Apple pre Apple Silicon but this is basically a fantastic little laptop, very well built and it literally runs at room temperature with no fan, so you can expect it to last until 2030 and beyond easily. And the best part is MacOS is unix based so I can basically do everything I was doing on linux previously.

Is it overpriced? Sure it is, but I can afford it.
>so you can expect it to last until 2030 and beyond easily
as long as you're not wrecking the SSD
i've used mine heavily for 1.5 years and my SSD wear is still at 0%, so it definitely can be done
After bistro hopping for a few years, I switched to mac in 2008. It's what linux wishes it could be.
that should say "distro hopping", of course, not "bistro hopping". I'm not even really sure what makes a bistro a bistro.
And creating burn victims.
>note taking across all apple devices
>word processor, excel, etc
>can work in the terminal
>supports window management with hotkeys
>volume/brightness keys just work
>20+ hour battery life on macbook
>looks better than most DEs
>iphone mirroring

Meanwhile, my fucking waybar is playing up and I'm too fucking lazy to spend all day tweaking modules and CSS to get it usable
All the Apple nerds — as distinct from Apple users — hate how you have to mouse over everything because the ghost of Johny Ive wants stuff like close boxes hidden on notifications and virtual desktops (Spaces)
All of 4chinz boards are full of retard contrarians that relentlessly attack whatever the most common/popular thing is.
If tomorrow Linux had 90% market share, you'd see these same faggits shitting up the board with "Linux sucks ass" "who the fuck would use such shitty OS and FOSS abandon ware, it's 2032"
People already claim to hate iOS as well so just because Linux has <3% market share, these tards defend it with their short tranny lives.
>iOS doesn't webms
yes but 2015 MPB 16 gb. they are about 1/10 - 1/5 of the cost so you buy 3 new battery and set them up identically - redundancy. I wout but anything I can not put the hard drive out of.
this is almost me by I dont want issues ith open core.

Have you put in bigger HD? if so did it run hot/ I put an samsung EVO and it just runs hot all the time....
I used to use it for my daily driver up until I got a new job. I now daily drive windows because it's my work PC while I use my linux machine for personal use.
I use an old MBA 13 that you can get for as little as $50 on ebay and I use Mint on it. These older Airs are pretty bulletproof in terms of durability and available parts and you can charge it with USBC with a $5 adapter from Aliexpress.
The new M2 and newer Macbooks are extremely fragile, putting a piece of paper inside the laptop and closing the lid WILL crack the screen.

t. education tech support
When Europe forces Apple to allow me to install Mac os on my PC and iOS on my galaxy s24 ultra, I'll install those oses.
Apple was right about the single button mouse, for normie retards it's easier to use. Try telling a boomer to "right click" or explain what a context menu is and they lock up like Windows 10 on a Pentium 4
Apple's hardware is really in another league.
Also using an M1 bought from day 1 after I saw geohots' setup.
Best laptop I've ever owned by far.

I only wish there was a lunix laptop even 80% close to it. I'd switch, but sadly that unicorn doesn't exit.
they were objectively wrong
mac wouldn't use rightclick/two finger press today otherwise
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I have a Windows machine at home, but I use MacBook M1 Pro for office and portable work (trains, conferences, sometimes I just feel like working in a Cafe/Library to vary the daily routine).
The battery life and the trackpad are incredibly good, so I usually don't even bother bringing the mouse with me.
- Unreal Engine works just fine, only a few experimental high end graphical features like Nanite are not available yet. I use Neovim/Neovide as an IDE instead of a shitty XCode, smooth sailing so far (it takes a few hours to setup the LSP/Debugger, but there are a ton of tutorials about how to do it, so it's not a problem)
- Developing my graphics engine using Vulkan and GLFW also works fine
- Web development is obviously great
- Blender works fine except for when you want to have multiple instances of it open at the same time. Requires some hacking.
- Video editing with DaVinci is the same as on Windows. Same with apps for writing/note taking.
- For art I just bring iPad with Procreate, it has a seamless connection to a MacBook. I wish I could also use my CSP Windows license on it too, but I can't be bothered buying a separate one now.
They gave me a Mid 2015 Macbook pro from work. I mostly keep it connected to a monitor. Sometimes I use barrier in order to use Linux Mint on the monitor next to it. This way I can separate the degeneracy from work. Even though I only use the terminal and a browser 98% of the time, I don't feel the need to switch to Linux of Windows full time. MacOS has some sort of fluidity that the other OSs do not.
>being a graphic designer is workstation work
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there is no equivalent to macs

macs have:
>soldered SSD/RAM/WLAN
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when pajeetOS runs out of RAM it swapfile rapes the SSD to death within 3 years
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when the SSD dies it bricks your entire currybook because the EFI is stored on the soldered SSD to save $0.05 on a dedicated chip
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>riveted keyboard that requires total destruction of the chassis to replace
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>serial numbered battery that prevents boot if you replace it yourself
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screens so fucking shit they have over 90ms response times (essentially 10Hz)
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
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>flexgate cables that are so brittle they crack from opening your screen past 90 degrees more than 2 dozen times
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screen made from pajeet trash glass that cracks from temperature change in seasons or tape over the iBotnet webcam
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
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>so fire and explosion prone the FAA have banned them from all flights
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>uses phone CPU that's so shit it gets destroyed by half decade old i3s from 2017 and can only "compete" by cheating at benchmarks in extreme edge cases with hardware accelerators
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>curryniggers at apploo get so full of sniffing their own currynigger silicon shit they ship currybooks with no fans and they run so hot they melt the keyboard keys
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
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>keyboards with 63.5% failure rate
unheard of on PCs, and yet you curryniggers defend it with "jus werx fer me!"
just because you're in the 36.5% survivor group doesn't make your currynigger trash any good
this list goes on forever
Look at it from another angle, the offering from the competition is so dogshit people would rather put up with double clicking rather than change.
look at it from another angle, you guzzle so much street shit straight from tim cucks anus you can't even reach walmart trash laptop levels of quality
Ok, name your better alternative, I'm waiting (and ready to laugh).
I have an 2020 M1 MBA as my portable that I use around the house when not at the desk (i.e. bed, dining, living) and it's pretty nice. I do most of my other stuff on it, hardly anything local even, most of my shit is either web based or self hosted now, but I do play the occasional game on it. Though I am looking at upgrading when the M4 comes out.

Not sure what I'll get yet, part of me wants a bigger screen so maybe a 15" air, or to step up to a pro 14, the 16 seems a little excessive.
I do, I have a Macbook Pro (M1) that I got from work a few years ago.
I regret not getting a windows laptop in hindsight.
literally anything is better than your currynigger shitbooks
Corporate windows is another tier of bloathell that most people don't have an idea exists. Everything is better than a windows laptop in a big company
I am 41 yo and 4-5 years ago I migrated fully to macos. I got a m3 pro and it's my only computer since I
>don't play games except on my 3ds
>don't have the time/care about customizing stuff anymore
>don't need more than 1 external display
>only code and maybe use adobe stuff at times
Literally no reason to use windows anymore. I don't have any other apple devices though. My phone is a 250€ redmi
>Everything is better than a windows laptop in a big company
Even back before the magic mouse Mac OS still had context menus with Control+click. Apple simply found another way of implementing that while not confusing boomers
Not an answer, what are you using?
using an m1 since it came out, still runs faster than 99% of current windows pajeet laptops.
I also don't have ads on my desktop, I never ever had a single fucking problem, never had to google "why are my fans not working" or "why is my screen blue" or "why is this software not working" or "latest driver updates".

My M1 doesn't make any noise, doesn't heat up like a fucking gas stove, isn't made of cheap plastic and it's cheaper too.

At this point if you're going for a windows laptop you're just being retarded
>Are there ANY anons here who use a Mac as their daily driver, at work and/or at home?
My wife uses one as her main driver outside of work. I begged her not to get one for several months, even in the shops as she stood in line to order it. She didnt listen and consequently, even though I fix computers and networks, build networks and develop networks for businesses I fucking HATE apple computers. The technical language they use does not conform to standards in their help pages, nor in their settings options. They suck wqhen it comes to logging problems, and consequently any problem involves this for me: Got a problem ok, lets try to resolve it. Oh fuck what the fuck does this mean? (one hour later... oh they mean what microsoft and linux refer to here.... Why didnt they just say that? I could have fixed this 45 minutes ago. For me, apple are the shittest devices ever. Even in the queue I was saying to my wife, please dont do this please, nobody who keeps networks or computers running for a living ever uses apple products
Maybe you are just stuck in your ways anon.
I've ran Macs, Windows and Linux PCs alongside each other since i was a teen and i move between them all seamlessly. Though i've had barely any funky issues with my macbooks because i don't do that much dumb shit with them.
Apple make as much money out of support as they do in selling their products
Ever wondered why macs cost so much? You arent only buying the hardware and software, you are buying the support. When you buy a mac, you can guarantee you will need their support at some time or another
i do. i mostly play videogames with handheld devices including a steam deck and do everything else on a mac m1 pro.
it has good battery, decent os, performance. the only thing that it can't do well is running ai stuff fast but thats more of a hobby for me and i dont know if there are any portable devices that can do it well.
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your designated shitting street will never be a toilet no matter how many times you street shit
at this point if you're going for a mac you're just a street shitting subhuman
qrd on google's AOSP and graphene? They dudes at privsec.dev recommend graphene
buy a mac studio
buy a toilet currynigger
Good to see I was right about a lot of things I thought about Apple devices even if I've never owned one.
Most of my desire to try an iPhone or Mac come from never having interacted with or seen them in any meaningful capacity, I've used Windows all my life and switched to Linux relatively recently so despite knowing that it won't be perfect and will absolutely not fit my needs, curiosity still gets the better of me.
Hardware seems nice, I bought the laptop I use today and after a year and a half the display frame broke, the ESC key keeps randomly spamming itself until I press it again, and the touchpad is okay at best and I'm pretty sure it causes stutters. It's like a little fantasy that if I buy a Mac all my worries about build quality will go away.
Software-wise it used to pique my interest as well but ever since I realized /g/ is full of retards and I bought a computer that's not from before 2010, I can just install Fedora with Gnome on it and everything will be nice and polished and I can forget about it. Some things are lacking like system tray icons but it really wouldn't be much different on a Mac where you can't even Cut and Paste (CTRL - X, CTRL - V) and that's probably why so many Linux bait threads here involve saying that Linux doesn't have perfect drag and drop, because it's somehow an essential featuee for Apple users.

Google sucks really fucking hard though, I may yet buy an iPhone.
Grow up

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