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the competency crisis is becoming to much now. every single thing is dog shit now. made by literal mouth breathing retards who don't know what they're doing.

every website is dog shit. every web service is dog shit. I'm one of the last few super geniuses left.
Will you show us the very high quality things you've made with your genius-level competency?
>everyone is le idiot...except LE ME
the vest has fallen saar
go make something cool then. Make twitter but it's desktop and instead of tweets you just mass email people a giant xml file of today's tweets and likes they have to download and manually load in.
just wait for 24H2, it'll make Windows great again. Two more weeks.
I'm more of a consultant/director
Yeah man it's like you need both sides of the brain to succeed these days, right? Like the analytical technical knowledge and skills and the social creative skills to know what to make with it in the first place, when back in the day you could just box yourself into either of them and be fine. It's not fair, real drag.
I'll show you all and then we'll see who's yawning
You're confused. You think there is a competency crisis because you still think these people share your values and motives.

They don't. They see you as cattle. They are doing it on purpose.
the demand on everyone to specialize in everything is driven by the misconception that one professional doing everything is cheaper than having a few specialists on hand
in reality the expensive professional is pigeonholed into doing the cheapest work and nothing gets done
the end result is an engineer's salary for a secretary's work and no engineering being done
>big corporations discover that once they're big enough they can produce absolute shit and captive costumers will keep giving them money
>thus big corporations proceed to produce the cheapest shit they can to maximize their profit margin
>beardy economists literally predicted that this would inevitably happen and wrote lengthy books with the changes that would be necessary to avoid it
>said books are not only completely ignored, big corporations manage to convince everyone that nobody needs to read them because they're actually about how transvestites should be considered real women and other completely unrelated shit
>to the surprise of literally nobody, everything becomes shit
>"everything is le bad because m-muh competency crisis! poor billionaires want to give us good things but people are too stupid to produce them :("
At least it's partially right. Some people really are stupid.
but muh Cuba and vuvuzela
Post setup up or you're mossad
>>beardy economists literally predicted that this would inevitably happen and wrote lengthy books with the changes that would be necessary to avoid it
>>said books are not only completely ignored
i read it + it didnt work when tried irl.
I breathe through my mouth. I can't help it, my nose doesn't allow enough air to come through fast enough and if I force myself to breathe through my nose I start to get out of breath.
>the demand on everyone to specialize in everything is driven by the misconception that one professional doing everything is cheaper

this I have 14 yrs of systems/net admin experience and I know nothing. They constantly just throw shit at me at whatever company regardless of size or whatever the fuck. I am an inch deep in every god damn thing.

Manage the word press, fired the SOC vendor implement sentinel one. Setup local backup, raids, resolve data center bandwidth issues, resolve windows licensing bugs, setup helpdesk website, setup phones, load balance the data, setup point to point tunnels, do all this at a level of implementation of basically just copying what other people have done. I have almost no understanding of theory, just luckily have reading comprehension. I started a new job they wanted experience SCCM admin. Lie, ya sure I know all that. Get there its already setup, I just manage packages add shit, copy paste from whatever was setup before. Again I have no idea what I am doing. I've used multiple PXE boot OS deployment systems. Shit they had at HP running on linux, fuck all if I had ever used linux before. Theres always some instructions or some shit floating around some where . I just keep copying crap around me. When I am interviewed I have no idea how to explain any technology or how anything actually works. I went from 50k to 120k in 2020 but now im unemployed because the last company after making me do everything and firing the vendors. Then laid me off. I have MIS degree, Sec+. I just put whatever gay tech shit into short term memory take test, do the thing then completely forget about it. Feel like a total fucking fraud. Anyone with 3 digit IQ and reading comprehension can do this fuckin job. Ive had countless interviews and just can not get fucking hired. I am either over qualified and people are scared that I even want the job. or I am not qualified enough because I don't have "enterprise" experience. /rant
good post

I home you don't end up homeless

all that work sounds exhausting, why not do nothing at work

I'm also very similar, but I am a great pythonista (in my mind)
>making something good
never happened, updoots are the cancer of modern computing
Get deviated septum surgery, anon.
Changed my life.
>gorillionaires give us slop because it makes them money
It makes them money because people want slop.
People spend 40 bucks on galaxy-themed gun cosmetics for warzone because they want skins and microtransactions. People keep using shittier and shittier versions of shitty software because they actually legitimately want to use the retard-proof version.
The problem with 1860s communards is that they had a noble savage view of the average blue collar worker. They thought if you read them philosophy in factories everyone would be both a selfless udarnik-tier worker and a highbrow erudite that would refuse every vice and be readily interested in poltics.
The average blue collar worker spends half his paycheck on scratch lotto and the other half on fent-laced meth.

If you gave the average consumer a mid-2000s UX they'd crush your head with a brick. They want instagram reels on everything.
They'll stop making slop when it stops printing money.

Your alternative is retarded Bordiga-ist "everything is a commodity" mental illness by the way.
I'm also a genius and that's why I'm not working in tech. This industry's fucked.
you idiot you will never understand us geniuses
>I am an inch deep in every god damn thing.
I can relate. I think the Boomer overlords see us as "computer touchers" and assume we do anything and everything computer. Because we can rotate the cow, we generally succeed enough for them to be satisfied.

Specialization would require the executive class to understand "computer stuff" is hyper fragmented and can be done very poorly or exceptionally well, but I don't see them A) being capable of understanding that until the older generation dies of and B) caring because they make money either way in most cases.
Oh yeah I'll just take out a small loan of 50000 fucking dollars
What is "warzone"?
I walked away from 20 years of an IT career for similar shit. Although in my case I'd risen into a position (architecture) where my day was pushing paperwork and 'making cases' for things to get done. With so much stuff becoming commoditized and 'going cloud', I could see that this was only going to get worse over time.
Fortunately I've made enough money that I can coast with minimal expenses from here on out. A waste of capability, though.
That finish to my career had me struggling with a lack of purpose in life, and to be honest that part hasn't got much better after I ditched it.
honestly you sound like a diversity hire that got fast tracked because they were semi-competent and willing to actually try

I've never been given the opportunity to make more than $70k despite having a CKAD and decent backend skills, event technically multicloud although I'd never claim deep experience with AWS

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