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Hey retards im back and was able to get a recording of the whispering im hearing everywhere i go. The one decent clip I could capture sounds like "rya if you can hear me youre being arrested" this along side insults and other statements is being broadcasted to my ears 24/7 and is even telling me what im doing. even when I am away from all my phones, computers, tvs etc. What do? this is literally torture.
take your meds
you need antipsychotics, you posted this yesterday. you have schizophrenia or something. you're experiencing psychosis.

Go check into a psych hospital, im not kidding man.
it's time to go to the hospital bro, you sound very lucid for someone with schizophrenia though. are you aware that this is nonsense?
I have the recording of it after i put my phone next to my ear... i wish I was schizophrenic then there would a reasonable explanation to this and why im being "chosen" to hear this everywhere.
either post it as proof or go see a doctor
Anon, did you replay the recording and hear it 100% consistently the same every time? If you have actual proof with a recording, it could be actual spook stuff, because that kind of stuff does happen to varying degrees.

Here's the thing though
>other statements is being broadcasted to my ears 24/7 and is even telling me what im doing. even when I am away from all my phones, computers, tvs etc. What do? this is literally torture
This part is where it gets far fetched. This kind of digital harassment by spooks does actually happen, but not this direct. If you heard whispers, but like only when you had your headset on, I could 100% believe maybe your audio drivers were being trolled or something. But I have to agree what you're asserting sounds more like schizo symptoms, which honestly discredit and does more damage for people that are unfortunate victims of spook harassment like this.

>tl;dr post the proof or go take your meds
Im on hotel wifi, uploading to youtube so you can hear it. Turn up the volume, i clipped the most audible part I could capture with my phone.
Op here- This is what I hear 24-7 but its more audible and clear.
This is what I hear 24-7 in my ears but more audible and clear. first 2 seconds.
Surely someone will respond to OPs proof..?
It's not the best time for me to listen to that
this reinforces my thought that you need to take your meds
youre telling me you genuinely cant hear the whispering???? turn the volume all the way and go somewhere quiet
Why are you pretending to be a schizo OP. Wack shit.
I can't hear anything, have headphones on, volume all the way up. Do you have a friend or family member you could talk to about this? They'd be able to help you out better than a bunch of random people on an internet forum.
headphones do pick up rf and convert them to sound.
just get different headphones
this dude literally uploaded a video of no sound. he genuinely has schizophrenia.
there is NO WAY you do not hear atleast the syllables and voice pitch changing. Slow it down or put it in a audio editing software. This is constant I have more hold on.
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screenshot so you can see I'm a separate person from the other anons
we can't hear anything anon, you appear to be having a mental breakdown OR you're trolling
call 911 and or get an ambulance to pick you up
on the off chance you ARE being haunted or something retarded, then its probably best you are around other people, ergo, go to the hospital
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There is literally zero audio here after the 2 second mark. Put the audio file into Audacity or something and you'll see that yourself.
>recording with his phone
can you even get literally 0 audio that way?
the 2 second mark is the audio. slow it down and add noise reduction and listen closely you can hear it.
OP, assuming you aren't trolling, you are pretty obviously experiencing psychosis. They can fix it pretty easily with pills. Please remain calm and contact emergency services. Everything is going to be alright.
does this board even have jannies? this is /x/ tier retard shit.
Dude it's just a hole for normies to shout into not an acoustic hypersensitive diving belll to sonically explore the depths of OP's rectum.
I slowed it down to 1/10th speed. There are no voices. Contact a doctor immediately and tell them about what you think you're hearing.
schizo anon has NO audio for most of it, NOTHING can be heard
just recorded nothing with my phone, it more or less just sounds like (very light) static/wind, but there IS a noise, contrary to schizo anon's video
Hey OP, I'm someone who reads meaning into stimuli, it can lead to misinterpretations and misreads of the intentions of others.

Instead of calling you schizo or advising meds, I'm going to suggest that, regardless of the nature of what you are experiencing, you can handle it by disempowering its effect on you. Don't react emotionally, don't push back or comply, let it be and pass through you, don't take it too seriously but accept it. The emotional intensity will lessen with time, especially if you are mindful of your physical health and quietly selective about the company you keep. This may be the aftereffect of suffering the harassment of bitter judgemental and controlling people. Minimize your time with them, these auditory perceptions may merely be the echo of strenuous experiences that had some impact on you. Let such things go and part ways with them, you are forgiven and invited to go forward in peace. You can do it, I believe in the value of what I have written, use this wisdom and benefit abundantly, my man
Some habits that have helped me alleviate burdensome stress:

Exercise daily
Work and be rewarded for it
Men's multivitamin
D3 K2
Fish oil
Also, for me, reducing simple carbohydrates and eating one meal a day with protein has reduced stress levels significantly
Two more suggestions:

Sleep regularly, preferably according to some schedule.

Retain semen. Helps regulate mood and improves emotional discipline
Finally, and this is crucial, stop focusing on this. I believe it's highly possible in this case for someone to find what they are looking for, similar to how humans alone in the forest see human faces just as a glitch of pattern recognition on the part of social creatures like us
yeah, that's preddy weird. My phone picks up EVERYTHING
Op is schizo or mistooken /g/ for /x/
hello bll
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I genuinely listened to this recording at max volume the whole way thru because I would hate the be one of those guys telling the poor apartment resident that he's crazy for hearing Yiddish under his floor.
I genuinely did not detect any discernable human speech. I wish you all the best anon. Get some help. Do it for your boy BT.
Jannies are all Malaysian or Pajeets
the audio cuts out completely after 4 seconds. you're either trolling or a legit schizo
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Or, he can go and get help from a professional. Don't give medical advice on the internet.
Oh. I had that too when I was a kid. It's a form of psychosis.
In my case that was prolonged stress due to parental psychological abuse. It went away when I grew up, went to boxing facility and started to defend myself.
You probably know the source of it or it will reveal itself after honest introspection. Face and overcome it. Voices will stop.
I will play into it: I know its very very very hard to argue and convince someone with psychosis that they are psychotic, but if you play attention to your recording you will realize its a different audio every time you listen to it, which is impossible, you need to contact a doctor but if you cant talk to a trusted friend or family member
drink semen it's better. Savor it. Might want to eat pineapple first to make the slurpage palatable
Where it is? still waiting.
Its the CIA niggers, you're being mkultra'd, they want to fry your brain using 5g, many such cases
You have a rabbi infestation below your house
I really hope OP actually got some help. But even if he didn't, the people trying to help him in this thread are some based chads and certainly will make it into heaven inshallah abdullahiahla salaami fettuccini pasta a pooty papa.
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Anon, I'm being 100% serious here: I listened to your video, there is no whispering at all, you're the only one that can hear it.
I would guess you initially heard actual electronic interference a long time ago in your chinkshit headphones or something, but your schizo/autist mind ran away with bonkers theories that have now crystallized into allconsuming psychosis
OP listen. Go to the hospital or see a doctor ASAP. There is no audio, I checked and there's literally nothing there.

>inb4 no but I HEAR IT
NONE OF US can though, that should signal something is wrong with you. Go to the fucking doctor.
as someone who has been stuck in a psych ward, you are probably suffering from some form of mild psychosis but it's impossible for us to actually tell
the most important thing is that you need to get help. now. NOW.
every day you do not seek help increases your risk of being totally fucked forever by a significant amount
I told you last thread you need to take lithium to cause acoustic reverberations through your body to be muffled. Then they won't be able to spy on you.
You might be picking up signal from police broadcasts. Or you are a schizo who knows.
Don't listen to the people saying there is no whispering. They didn't turn the volume up loud enough.
>pagan symbol
begone mason
Anon, there are more than two things and the black sun isn't a masonic symbol
in your best iinterest, take meds
Anon, with proper help you can still live a normal life. Contact a doctor and tell them about your experiences and they will help you.
And stop reading 4chan until you get help, a lot of things here will only make your symptoms worse.
stop trolling the schizo
If you are hearing things, you really are hearing things. Doesn't matter if any electronic devices can record the audio/sensory input. The craziest thing is humans telling other humans, who are hearing voices, that the voices are manufactured by the mind. That's truly insane. The sane perspective is that the voices do originate from somewhere outside of the mind and there is no disfunction of the perceptive organs. The human body acts more like a sensory filter, by the way, to provide you the human experience curated to life on this planet.

There's three possibilities to narrow down. Voice to Skull, Demonic beings, or you live in close proximity to a radio tower and your audio reproduction devices are suffering induction.

Voice to skull is obvious, it sounds like it's inside your head similar to cochlear/bone induction headphones.

Radio induction can be defeated when you understand EMF.

You say you're hearing, with your ears. Disembodied voices and sounds in 3 dimensional space are other beings. "Meds! Meds! Meds!" Chants a conditioned person ignorant of reality. Willfully ignorant actually. They're not entirely wrong. Drugs can dull the senses and change the tuning of the mind away from influential "frequencies", but they're temporary and have drastic side effects. The short answer is, stop listening. Reading ancient holy texts, pick one, is a very effective route. The long answer is up to you and how you improve the condition of the body and mind. Sleep, exercise, food, meditation, etc.
OP, I hope you get better. I didn't hear a thing from your audio either, but I guess you can confirm and maybe defeat these voices with logic, like >>102466295 using external tools and stuff
please visit a doctor, and don't do drugs unless prescribed by a doc.

this is a malicious post
It wasn't for you. Why do you recoil so, and lash out? I understand approaching life as a mature and sober being is scary and deeply frightening. You're welcome to divest bodily responsibility to a medical technician and drug yourself further into a zombified stupor.
report this malicious faggot for trolling outside of /b/ and don't engage.
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Haha, who do you think you are? Just because some words upset you doesn't mean it was trolling. You know, there are forums where you can read endless streams of very agreeable keyboard vomit regurgitated ad nauseum. Why not leave here, and go there?
toasting in an epic bread

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzoXQKumgCw will help OP
i hear it, the gnomes are acting up again
i reckon they want to assassinate you
you probably attacked a couch in the last few days right? this happened to nicolas cage once and they wacked him and replaced him with a clone
dont let the gnome bugs bite
I had this issue with one particular set of Bluetooth headphones I had about 8 years ago. I would be watching a video or listening to music when I would all of a sudden hear a muffled beeping sound on the left can, followed by a man speaking something, but it was very faint. I posted about this on a now defunct image board, and one guy said it was radio interference. That's the only explanation I have for it. The most recent one happened about 2 months ago, a loud screech on both cans while listening to music, but that was it. Different headphones.
fish oil just raised my triglycerides to sky high levels

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