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>screen with great color accuracy
>non flimsy build quality
>great speakers for a laptop
>10h+ battery life
>great trackpad

The formula is right in front of them. The literal laptop boilerplate.

I've tried tons of non-macbooks around the same price tag +-$1000, no dice. Making me unwillingly go back to Macbooks every time.

Don't turn this into a lazy mac vs pc thread, discuss why this is the case. And of course, if you know any non-macbooks that ticks all those boxes, please share with the class.
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Because they can't do it at scale like Apple can
Most manufacturers have higher costs and overhead compared to Apple who can do it in house
Applelfagd can't be converted, so why even bother.
because only Apple fanboys will spend $2000+ on a laptop and they wouldnt change brand even if the alternative was better quality.
rich people can be autistic too
I'm guessing it's because most manufacturers earn mostly from business sales, not consumer, where apple doesn't have nearly as much marketshare, maybe partly because of software support?
I'm not so sure about that. Microsoft seems to be able to do exactly that. Just look at their new Surface Laptop for petes sake. It's a macbook replica. Haven't had the chance to test it out though. Seems like the only decent competitor. I'm in the market for a new laptop and maybe this could be the one.
by converted you mean switching to a laptop with a worse screen, flimsier build, tin can phone tier speakers, worse battery life and garbage trackpad? really makes you think..
dell for example

It will always feel worse to them if it's not apple >>102468310
wait for lunar lake
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there is no equivalent to macs

macs have:
>soldered SSD/RAM/WLAN
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when pajeetOS runs out of RAM it swapfile rapes the SSD to death within 3 years
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when the SSD dies it bricks your entire currybook because the EFI is stored on the soldered SSD to save $0.05 on a dedicated chip
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
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>riveted keyboard that requires total destruction of the chassis to replace
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>serial numbered battery that prevents boot if you replace it yourself
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screens so fucking shit they have over 90ms response times (essentially 10Hz)
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>flexgate cables that are so brittle they crack from opening your screen past 90 degrees more than 2 dozen times
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
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>screen made from pajeet trash glass that cracks from temperature change in seasons or tape over the iBotnet webcam
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>so fire and explosion prone the FAA have banned them from all flights
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>uses phone CPU that's so shit it gets destroyed by half decade old i3s from 2017 and can only "compete" by cheating at benchmarks in extreme edge cases with hardware accelerators
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>curryniggers at apploo get so full of sniffing their own currynigger silicon shit they ship currybooks with no fans and they run so hot they melt the keyboard keys
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>keyboards with 63.5% failure rate
unheard of on PCs, and yet you curryniggers defend it with "jus werx fer me!"
just because you're in the 36.5% survivor group doesn't make your currynigger trash any good
this list goes on forever
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theres no PC laptop as total currynigger shit as crapple's streetshitterbooks
they are one of the biggest heaps of steaming currynigger shit in the history of computing second only to curryPhones
>it runs windows
So yeah, that’s one big problem. If I could run Mac OS on it then ok let’s go.
Bro I fucking bent my macbook by putting it into my bag with a pencil case between it and some textbooks its flimsy as fuck
Surface laptops are complete dogshit. They are the biggest example of why copying apple's looks without understanding their design is a bad idea.
>Self hating pajeet
Go suck out some foot fungus from the fans of your new trannypad.
your computer is a highly delicate, overpriced, mediocre trash at its best. you're just too stupid to see it. See:
>screen with great color accuracy
others do it better and have been for years
>non flimsy build quality
yeah wait till a spec of dust kills your laptop
>great speakers for a laptop
others already do it
>10h+ battery life
others already do it
>great trackpad
only valid point here but as a tradeoff you get the worst laptop keyboard in existence
The Framework laptop exists senpai
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Sounds like MS understands apple currynigger design perfectly.
The biggest benefit of MBA is no fan.
To get decent performance without needing a fan you need a chip as efficient and advanced as the M-series

This is not something that can be fixed or copied. Other manufacturers rely on outdated dinosaurs like Qualcomm, Intel and AMD. Apple doesn't need them.
because if you are really serious about hardware you should make your own software
apple will always be ahead of everyone else
please, kys you jeet schizo
An Apple machine is a composition, carefully crafted with both attention to detail and respect to the whole. A Microsoft machine is just various random parts stitched together in an unholy union.
Apple uses their own in-house components, which cuts down production costs. Their profit margin is probably ~the same as a normal laptop priced at $6000.
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Unironically, Razer Blade 18.
Unless maximum battery time is a top priority and you rather want a powerful workstation on mobile-steroids, the Blade is a top tier item.

Clean design, game capable, good and high FPS / resolution display, Plenty of USB connections.
If i would not be an apple fag, i would totally go for this if i searched for a laptop (which i don't do since i am a BST fag).
You meaning designing it to sabutauge repair efforts, just so they can get it *not* fixed by apple and then get told to buy a new one?
Do you own one, I've never had crappy products that break on me, except every Razer product I've ever purchased.
kek, might as well buy a desktop
iToddlers btfoed
There's a bunch of laptops that fit all the criteria out there, the problem is that you don't want to use anything other than applel garbage.
Plus, the build quality on applel products is literally subpar, you can't fucking be so incompetent you literally fuck some basic shit like a display cable or sata cable that break with normal use.
A friend of mine has a 17 inch one and he's satisfied.

There are smaller ones also.
A macbook is literally THE choice if you already have a Windows desktop - battery life reasons alone. Running things through Wine actually seems more fun anyways.
Don't forget
>doesn't randomly wake up when it's closed, drain the battery, and generate massive amounts of heat

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