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Another great piece of software with a potentially exciting future... ruined, by troon fascists.

If only there was a coordinator of the whole project who didn't budge an inch on his authority ( like Theo De Raadt from OpenBSD ) this wouldn't have happened.


The troons drafted a resignation letter on behalf Nix's founder, Eelco Dulstra, and DEMANDED he signs it. What a wimp.

A huge number of the contributors of the project were banned because they didn't want to fly the trans flag. Imagine a small group, writing, in google docs, a letter of abdication, and demanding you must sign it. How the fuck did this happen?
Wait did he sign the resignation letter? What kind of cuck does that. Even if I was on the fence about leaving the project I'd stay just out of spite because someone had the audacity to draft a resignation letter for me.
lol imagine letting discord troons have any influence on your life
Apparently he did. The foundation of his project, mainly consisting of "trans activists" wrote him, the founder, his own resignation. Everyday infighting, virtue signaling, projection, derailing, etc... he didn't crack down on them, so they took over his project. Now it's a troon stronghold. They themselves are saying they're doing a "Nazi purge" of Nix and NixOS community. You can't speak out against what's happening anymore cause you'll get banned.

Which Linux distros aren't doing this?
This is becoming a pattern.
I think arch generally doesn't give a shit.
Most men are cowards now. No surprise if true.
>Internet people contact you via internet and demand you hand them the keys to your internet project
Why would you even react? I'd just not open emails anymore from uwukitty33@gmail.cock
I'll have to read more on that. My guess is that they kept causing infighting and inciting chaos within the community, but Eelco is still in the wrong for letting them take over his project in any capacity.
He can just fork it and call it NixOS2
all the trans baiting arch threads are made by fuming trannies who failed to find a way to take over arch
>two months ago
are there any updates on this?
what has happened since?
Are there any niche open-source software, where the heads say "Fuck off with your tranny shit" and ban the trannies?
>archtroon blabbering nonsense again
Eelco Dolstra never actually left, just waited it over until troons -acked or moved to Lix.
>Which Linux distros aren't doing this?
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>Troons invade your org and start permabanning everybody
>Troons write you a fucking resignation letter
>Sign it
What a shitshow.
Fedora and debian are the only non-pozzed white person distros.
NixOS offers the ultimate in customisation for Linux so it's natural it attracts people who want to customize their bodies
go away you larping libtarded glowie
post the meme
Being written a reaignation letter is pretty bog-standard in any org
it's not troons but these are glowniggers that are either they themselves or they are the handler of these army who then proceeds to attack these open source stuff.
I remember one anon claimed that stuff like open source has hope since it was out of "elite's" reach turns out they started ruining open source right after like they got the idea and then suddenly they cancelled RMS. now they're also going to ruin anime since I got the memo that they started to also fund anime and there's also recently favorite artists of mine suddenly doing shady commissions like they're trying to really ramp up the propaganda even in independent artists.
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professional trolls of the cancer's yesteryear pted and became Communist Tranny Force

All of the tech news outlets are in on the scare, plus the guy who made that video, he is in on the scare. the Corrupt Trolls endorse this message ololololol
Come to think of it, the troon takeover of NixOS and the "purge of the Nazis from the Nix project" sounds a lot like Russia's denazification program, and Russian agents are obsessed with troonery. I wouldn't at all be surprised if this wasn't all a ploy by the Kremlin to gain control of this project.
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He didn't expel trannies from his project, but Andreas Klilng did enforce a "shut the fuck up about politics" policy.
Couldn't he just, you know, fork it? Call it nixtroonless and continue working on it with normal people. Sounds like just tired and found a good reason to quit?
anything that people enjoy gets subverted and destroyed. just basic communism for you.
uhh just create a fork of the project and keep the name. i don't care about licensing or any other talmudic nonsense.
the star of david snowflake os is pozzed hmm who knew
Look at those faggots in the replies desperately trying to take control lmao
Sad, many such cases.
My hardware doesn't support Guix... what do i do chud bros...?
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Artix is certified chudware
Debian and Arch are neutral
Fedora and RHEL are troonware because of Redhat
Void is compromised troonware
What about opensuse?
idk probably neutral
pozzed beyond belief
avoid Void also
No they fired devs for mean comments about troons on a some blog. Arch took them lmao.
Radio silence from the devs on troonshit. Respect.
horrid bait, troon
>zigger cries out as he's found out
This is why I've learned to never budge an inch to troons.
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The irony.
>now they're also going to ruin anime since I got the memo that they started to also fund anime and there's also recently favorite artists of mine suddenly doing shady commissions like they're trying to really ramp up the propaganda even in independent artists
How'd you discover that?
What the fuck are those replies?
>excluding certain groups of people
Why should I give a fuck about your religion, your political affiliation, or the genitals you have down there?
Does knowing any of that about you somehow make the code any better?
Should I judge your code based on your religion or political affiliation?
Why must these retards bring these discussions about irrelevant topics to a software project?
buy an ad for your recycled drama zogduke
They are trying to gain control. It's the same tired playbook over and over again:
>If you don't do [command], you're a [bad thing]!
Sometimes it's said directly, and other times they use passive-aggressive comments like in the screenshot. Repeat over and over until they have total control and kick everyone out that they don't like.
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why would the russians want nix their pcs all run debian based astralinux

think your shit through belter
>their pcs
and I mean the government, I mean I think, I ain't russian
except putin he's chilling on his personal airgapped win7 workstation
>Why must these retards bring these discussions about irrelevant topics to a software project?
its like an addiction to them
they HAVE to be affirmed
You forgot IBM is anti-white and woke?
as a casual linux user that just found out about nix this week. all this gives me a headache. really wish i could use a computer without this bullshit.
read through the article OP linked, then meeting minutes, then the forum post.
pretty much thinking >>102473881 the entire time.
i think i understand their argument but they're foolish for aiming for equal outcomes. if you know anything about history equal opportunity is how you actually create equality.
seems to me like these people want to (over)correct for past wrongs. i dont think that does anything but lead to resentment and more discrimination. a better use of energy would be addressing the source of these issues.
am i stupid or is this all as obvious as it seems?
You are missing the point, and by this point in the discussion I can only assume you're purposely doing so.
>Why should I give a fuck about your religion, your political affiliation, or the genitals you have down there?
Because these people build their entire personality around one or a few political or social "issues" that they feel very strongly about, if you refuse to discuss this (and obviously agree with their side of the issue) you are not only oppressing them in their eyes, you are also denying them their "identity" because they simply do not have anything else in their life that they identify with.
Essentially it's mental illness, depression and/or lack of self-worth, but they found that one thing they identify with and that's good enough for them to be a part of that thing, often to the point of fanaticism.
>am i stupid or is this all as obvious as it seems?
it’s that simple. Whether they admit it or not, faggotry and troonism in particular, but also the left in general, is made up of genetic refuse that in 99% of society would be either naturally selected against or bullied into normalcy. Rather than acknowledge this and improve themselves, they decide that society itself is the problem and therefore everybody else must change to accommodate their ever-changing whims
Politics is like this also, by the way. Most “conservative” ideologies start with the idea that humans are, in general, selfish jackasses and we need to design a system that constrains those urges and turns them into something useful, while most “liberal” or leftist ones (Marxism especially) say humans are good but society turns them bad so replacing society with one that lets people do what they want (except for you chuds holding everything back) is enlightened and progressive. I don’t need to argue the merits of either side aside from pointing to history and seeing which is more successful
>dude go back to pol
I’ll stop talking about politics when you stop injecting politics into every hobby and interest I have. Deal?
>yes its glowniggers, but RUSSIANS
This post glows.
Let me guess: You think Jian Tan is chinese?
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They don't want equality they want equity, which is just communism
you might be exactly right. do you think they realize what they are advocating for? generally id like to think most of these people are coming from a good place but they just don't understand what they're arguing for.
>politics aside
how much is this going to bleed over to the development of nixOS? i was thinking about trying it out but the term "nazi purge" after reading through this clusterfuck doesn't make me feel too good.
At best? even more bike-shedding like other software foundations. At worse? less contributors over time.
doesn't sound like the end of the world. love the rollback feature enough that i think i'll still give it a try.
any other distros with something similar to the rollback in nix that anyone can recommend?
Guix. It’s the freetard version and their development process being
>mods communicate with IRC and mailing lists
>patches are submitted by email
naturally ensures that the few troons that are present are actually kind of competent and not 100% focused on attention seeking faggotry
Why didn't the founder just delete all their stuff, remove their access and delete the forums?

"NixOS is now private and will not be accepting contributions from open source enthusiasts. There are only 2 genders. You will never be a woman."

switching to the +NIGGER license would be based beyond belief
Imagine some pink haired fella with male pattern baldness wearing a MLP shirt and a skirt comes up to you and hands you a resignation letter for you to sign. "It's for the best, nazi Chud, let's be civil about this". You get the distinctive whiff of shit emanating from his open wound neo vagina. He turns around with sass and struts off muttering something about fascist rotting flesh.

If I ever publish software it will be under the +NIGGER license. The project name will be something related to binary and my username will be "mooncricket".
>Why didn't the founder just delete all their stuff, remove their access and delete the forums?
He already made a foundation and gave up a lot of power in the project a long time ago. Also nix is a large project, the package repo has thousands of contributors and is the largest public repo on github.
Closing the whole project down would also mean.the actual death of the project. No more corporate support, no more companies using it, which is why that will never happen even if he could.
It was never great, zero reason for it to even exist. You're a huge fag, stop posting
they don't want equity they want superiority
which is also just communism
I haven't kept up with the void dev team, does anyone know if they've become infested by faggots? I mainly care about whether or not the void project has made any public moves in support of faggots, but knowing that they're there would be good to be ready to switch distro when the time comes that they inevitably try to take over.
What happened with void? When was this?
>troon fascists
My culture is NOT your costume. Don't degrade proud White Fascists by comparing troons to us.
google blackstone anime
>How'd you discover that?
many indie jp artist suddenly started to spam "blacked" commissions. but also there's the "anime" side of western music industry right now.
turns out the autistic concepts like open source or anime are not immune to the glows. it's so over but maybe we'll get more yuri so it's still win-win lol.
cool theory. the thing is the western glows are more focused on pink-psyop. like all those sissy hypnos are glownigger made. they even had glows that went full on bimbo now. russia is against that concept so the pinkification of Nix is simply a total takeover by glows to prevent shit like russia from getting open source goodies.
hard to believe the people in those replies have the same rights as me
Lol was thinking about switching, oops.
The fact that Linux is open source makes it an easy target for troons to invade them. No distro is safe, it's just a matter of time until it hits yours.

I just checked and it seems that the only incidents were individual devices signing the petition to fire Stallman and the official Twitter account making one BLM post. I greatly disagree with both of these things but since the devs who signed the petition were doing it separately from the organization and the twitter post seems like a one off thing I'm not going to stop using it, but I'll definitely be on the lookout for signs of more pozz.
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slackware linux ;-)
This couldn't happen, it's his lol. He can literally just say "fuck yourself YWNBAW" and kick them out.
Disgusting freaks.
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I dug around a little. It sounds like picrel is the most accurate of the descriptions that i found.
How the fuck does this even happen? Were they threatened with doxxind and being publicly branded nazis or something? How did they have enough leverage to be able to make 4/5 of the foundation and the founder resign?
Defense contractors direct involvement is horrible PR for foss project relying on lots of contributors. So theres not much ground you can hold in this situation, everyone lost in the end. One side was barred from direct position of power, other got butthurt over moderate decisions regarding ringer and pushed for forking.
Oh I don't know how but I missed the first sentence about a defense contractor getting involved. That's not great but honestly as long as it remains free it really shouldn't matter how it's used as it doesn't affect other users, and q defense contractor would have a hard time back dooring an actively developed open source project constantly increasing in popularity with new eyes regularly checking the code base. They still shouldn't have been able to ban 4/5 of the foundation and the founder though, it just doesn't make sense to me how they even have that power.
Fuck those commenters. Fucking nutcases.
>banned for not actively supporting pedophile culture
the absolute state
ok for real no joke unretard for a moment, how do these irl cartoon levels of disgusting and evil people have so much power and influence over fucking everything
nice people lacking in control over their faculties of imagination and mind in general, resulting in issues left festering very long and no one with both willingness and the strength to implement fixes to be found
Come home white man
I tried guix. Isn't bad but I don't feel like contributing rust packages when the task is essentially to remproduce a cargo.lock, in guile, for absolutely no reason.
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Leftists are the true alpha males.
They confidently consolidate power everywhere they can, while cuckservatives fruitlessly try to isolate themselves in small communities, terrified of losing their Blackrock jobs for speaking out.
blackrock are not leftists, anon
Does that mean satan gets elected?
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Yes, read Paradise Lost. Or just think about it
sweet summer retard
You're confusing democracy with aristocracy. Or are you suggesting souls and demons get an equal vote?
Unironically Gentoo. It was also the only distro that had less people signing the anti-Stallman petition than the pro-Stallman petition.
Blackrock, the company that pioneered ESG, is NOT leftist - says the leftist. A lie so blatant, so outrageous, you start to wonder that it might have an ounce of truth.
In every conversation, with every decision, every second of every day the leftist's mind works to find ways to spread his ideology to the maximum amount of people possible.
No right winger would defend his ideology with such religious fervor. This is why leftism will triumph in the end.
the troons have returned to their goon caves, eelco is still pocketing the same money from defense sector but now doesn't have to deak with mentally ill freaks spamming him and fucking up his project
the typical open soars commie to proprietary chad pipeline
>the typical open soars commie to proprietary chad pipeline
That's why i'm sticking to OpenBSD. No better license than a permissive one. Maybe i'll read Eelco Dolstra's phd work on the foundations of nix
>would have a hard time back dooring
the typical faggot objection to a defense contractor would be "military kills people :(((", nothing about back doors
Linux Mint is okay, r-right?
There's also the way the founder left for a while and some troons took over in his place, when the founder came back expecting his project back he was told to fuck off.
You can make a case the founder was an idiot for that but it's similar to the nix situation.
Lol, these people are literally the most pandered-to group of people in any society in the entirety of human history.
Wrong, chud. We're coming for Mint next. Take some free advice, Nazi, don't download it's .iso after the next Trans Day of Vengeance.
I've been enlightened
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Never create a foundation for your project and let it be infiltrated by troons and Marxist freaks.
The Long March through the institutions.
Marxists have been at this for decades.
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I KNimeel
>troons invade your project
>"you're all ebil natsees"
>"sign this resignation letter"

If he accept he admit that those who labeled him a nazi were right, and is seen badly by everyone outside of the foundation.
If he doesn't accept he's seen badly by the trannies and the defence contractors.
He can't win either way, but by choosing the former, people won't want to work with him on a possible nix fork as the trannies will discourage everyone to work with him as he "admitted he was a nazi".

Am I understanding this right? The situation look like this to me.
in nim we trust
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I guess we can call it TrannixOS now
Too bad for them, they'll have to tolerate me. Diversity is our strength after all.
Trans people are not pedophiles. I frankly have no idea how this myth started, it's such an insane leap in logic.
>Trans people are not pedophiles.
true, that's quite insulting for pedophiles honestly
Since 2018, pleddit trannies (mainly from r/AgainstHateSubreddits) started posting cp on subs they didn't like just to mass report their own posts, after some hours the Reddit admins will then permaban those subs for illegal content.
Here's one of them who spoke out against this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG8xWJaJO-c
The world is so fucking weird.
it is not so polarised as you think

i do not know the whole story but it only seems to me that nix-guy is a spineless sell-out and i suspect he got rewarded somehow for letting those sociopathic matrilineals seize control and feed their cursed egoes...

perhaps they are not even castrati but use the association as leverage
Has there been a project that started to thrive after being taken over by these people? Someone should collect data about these projects, something like the number of commits or mrs made (also would be good to discard useless changes like typo fixes) could work to quantify the real impact that these hostiles take overs have.
Just because they're exploiting a system doesn't mean they're actually fapping (or whatever the fuck you do with a neovaj) to the material. Pizza is one of the few types of material that's explicitly made illegal in the US.
The issue they had was contractor using NixOS on their military drones and systems, not back-dooring.
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Kill yourself, pedotroon.
You will never be a woman, you nasty freak.
troons are autistic child molesters
>openly state the distaste of transgenderism in parentheses outside of acknowledging their utilitarianism
Don't be retarded and get some better fucking reading comprehension. Unless you're some falseflagger, you're acting like feminists that ouroboros themselves.
This is why I don't pay for software. The remaining "men" are mostly pussy nerds who included their own worst enemies.

I'll use FOSS for coldly pragmatic reasons but never encourage donations.
All faggots are pedos at heart but if they work for free I'll freely exploit them.
>sexual offending
Who gives a shit about NPC narratives?
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>posts a nonsense infographic full of made up bullshit
>staggering levels of cope

if ur source is based on data from "england and wales" im sorry but its fake news. england is not real. get better bait
Troon here weighing in.
I really hate shit like this.
Narcissists and psychopaths, ie power and attention hungry types, LOVE things like the trans movement. Imagine a movement that allows you to abuse any opponents (or, in this case, people who aren't explicitly supporting your ideology) and your sadism is encouraged by people within the ideology and barely criticized or otherwise ignored by people outside of it.
Anyone who doesn't capitulate to the ideology or at least feign support is, somehow, allowed to be abused, coerced, etc.
The psychopathy, narcissism and sadism is infectious, similar to nazis.
Normies really need to stop capitulating to this bullshit but I totally understand - the alternative to not acquiescing is getting abused, harassed, ostracized, de-platformed, and so on. Corporations, similarly, are fraid of stepping on toes, accidentally ostracizing markets, causing boycotts movements against their products, etc.
Psychopaths and narcissists love being trans, because at the moment, it's letting them hold the west hostage and not only get away with it, but be celebrated and rewarded for it.
The result is increasing intolerance and vitriol towards trannies, which is understandable and not without cause, but the hate does not discriminate between unassuming fags who keep to themselves and legitimate psychopaths.
I really hope more people speak up, isn't the linux community supposed to be filled with autismos? I feel like they should be able to get away with, more so than other people, airing their honest opinions.
Honesty is the cure here, honesty free from overt hate, which is impossible, because they blur the lines so much to the point where not flying a trans flag is, in of itself, hateful. It's so retarded.
Soooo you're not a member or deliberate beneficiary of this "trans movement"? Or are you a hypocrite?
I don't really participate in it. I benefit from the movement to some extent, ie access to medication, but the negative attention focused on troons is mostly generated by the types I mentioned, who wield social justice and victimhood as a tool to gain and exert power over others. I just want to exercise agency over my own body and fly under the radar; I don't give a shit about pronouns, bathrooms, or obsess over the language that other people use. It's neurotic.
Well yeah, but so is exerting control over your body. I'm neurotic about my weight, I wish it'd be higher, I'm eating like 400g of rice today after I've finished a bottle of coke.
I wouldn't call "not being banned from (what you consider as) meds" a true benefit though, unless the government is mandating specific people to produce or sell you the meds. To my mind what the government bans or mandates is more of a question of the extent to which the people of a country are jerked around by their subconscious mind, I don't think you do anything unethical (beyond perhaps in relation to your own body) if you don't force people to provide you the meds.
I think I agree, but having an isolated neuroticism affecting only yourself is different from forcing/demanding other people to capitulate to it and participate in it.
The access to hormones is a "benefit" in the sense that it allows me to capitulate to my own neuroticism, ie body dysphoria, but I'd say in general that the government should leave it to the individuals discretion regarding what they do with their own body, even if it may seem to be harmful to them. It could be argued that, by providing me with hormones, my doctor is actively doing me harm by allowing me to chemically alter my body in service to my neurosis, but I would say that the harm is not that severe in this case, even if it may have been unnecessary (ie it may have been possible to alleviate my psychological discomfort about my body through other methods, instead of just giving in).
Obviously, there's an entirely different medical question, ie should a doctor perform a clearly harmful surgery to alleviate a particular patient's neurosis/psychological discomfort. People seem to be fine with less harmful cosmetic surgeries, such as a rhinoplasty or breast implants, but the medical ethics becomes much less clear when a patient approaches you asking to have their sole reproductive organ cut off or otherwise rendered inoperable.
Unfortunately, I doubt these ethical conversations will take places for a while, because the medical industry is making money off of it, and trans people are desperate to alter their bodies instead of investigating other potential root causes of their dysmoprhia, and to even suggest that their could be another solution is considered by them to be bigoted.
It's distinct but it depends on reality and not on anything I think about how things might be whether there is a real difference between harming my body and harming some other body.
I can't say much about this bc I've only recently noticed that I pretty much draw a completely arbitrary line around my skin and say "inside" and then "outside" for the rest. It doesn't satisfy or please me how I've set that one up, the opposite.
>what governments should do
I do my best not to get into that. I think if I tend to my mind properly, without being lax or crude, then I won't have significant issues with the government.
>It could be argued that, by providing me with hormones, my doctor is actively doing me harm by allowing me to chemically alter my body in service to my neurosis
You'd have to make the argument that you're affecting their character to become more sadistic as well, and that you're encouraging massochisic traits on your end. It takes two to tango.
If you don't mind I'll do you one better and not only.point to the limits of coping with substances (and surgery), but also to the limits of coping with psychology:
In my (pretty novice) interpretation, it's like... it's nice I have a hammer, I can drive nails into wood with it, but it's no substitute for being honest with myself and working on that directly.
Psychology being here, "just" a special hammer, or special wood.
Ehuhuhuh ^^

If I'm out camping I don't necessarily need an iron hammer, and only if I am setting up a biiig tent could I use a wooden hammer.
Daniel Mackler talks a bit about this when he shares his experience with Wes-African approaches to the treatment of schizophrenia:
Meaning, psychology as we know it is not some kind of "universal wisdom", which is an indication that it may work for some people *despite not dealing with the actual root issues*. (This bit is important.)
Why would they have it in the first place?
Interesting points, I'll take some time to checkout these videos later, they seem interesting.
I think you're sort of right with psychology;
>but it's no substitute for being honest with myself and working on that directly
While psychology can be used by people in the way that you described, as a special hammer which can treat special symptoms through its special means, I do also think it can serve as a tool to facilitate being honest with oneself. It's a double edged sword though, as it can be wielded easily in the name of dishonesty and not having to confront oneself - You see it all the time these days with people using a psychological diagnosis as an excuse to either not change their behavior, or as a shield against the hurtful truths about themselves that they do not have the courage to face.
In my mind, ideally, psychology would be used as a tool to uncover these "truths" (truth being a loose term here, which might be best understood as "not deceiving yourself for the sake of preserving your ego"); a way to facilitate being honest and upfront with oneself, for the sake of personal growth
nta, but you faggots can keep coping. there are countless statistics that show that queers make up an insanely disproportionate amount of sex offenders. a significant amount of child sexual abuse is committed against male children. who do you think is out there messing with little boys? women?
get a fucking grip
>queers make up an insanely disproportionate amount of sex offenders
And? You assume anyone with an IQ over room temperature in Celsius gives a fuck. And yes, that excludes you.
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>u-uhh no, that's not happening

>b-but if it is who cares?

you faggots are truly insufferable
which one is it? you're not sick fucks out there raping children or it doesn't matter if you are?
what kind of arguments are these?
really doesn't matter either way; you'll answer for it
>>b-but if it is
I never denied the "if".
>you're not sick fucks out there raping children or it doesn't matter if you are?
Why not both?

>you'll answer for it
>unironically defending troons
What the actual fuck is happening here?
It's called not being a pathetic bootlicker, sweaty.
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>nothing I do in life really matters or has any consequence when you consider the vastness of space and man's insignificance blah blah blah....
tell it to the judge
/lgbt/ rAIDS
Why do you assume I select a bench trial?
I wouldn't use fedora even if this weren't true.
They probably claimed to have some compromat over him, tho if it's rape it would have to involve maintaining an erection at the sight and smell of an unwashed surgical wound, a powerful feat indeed.

It is prb that he was gainfully employed unlike the others as >>102481531 said.

It turns out the "immutable" distro has a very mutable staff with very mutable genders.
the reason they get away with it is because white men are weak and there typically aren't consequences for troons who act like troons.
when you take a steel pipe to the head of a troon instead of letting them destroy civilization then things could start to get better. until then expect more of this.
there is also the case of void devs refusing to package hyprland because the dev is a HECKIN' nazi
I'm OK with civilization being destroyed though. It's exactly what we need.
Are you retarded? he worked with a defense contractor. what do you think that means? The entire US military is a DEI/CRT/Troongroomer cesspool precisely because all this shit is pushed from the very top (the white house, the CIA, etc) as a viable strategy against China and Russia. It's too crazy to believe, too retarded to work, and that's precisely why it's true. The defense contractor was a trojan horse for the project and a golden parachute for the founder.

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