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/g/ - Technology

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This is true actually
>ITT iToddlers can't do math.
yeah because you can't do anything with your toy computer
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8GB RAM on macOS is like 6GB of RAM on PC, because the NSApple reserves 2GB of it to spy on you
more than 8GB is only necessary for programs made with C++
>This is true actually
Provide actual proof or publicity apologize.
windows 10 only need 300mb to run in gui mode. 8gb on windows pc is like 16gb on apple, 8gb on Linux is like 126gb on apple
How's it true? Both operating systems use about the same amount of overhead.
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>Both operating systems use about the same amount of overhead.
I have an 8GB M1 Air and it does remain responsive and smooth even when I have quite a lot of shit running.
But I think it only achieves this thanks to aggressive paging to a fast SSD, so said SSD will probably wear out sooner than on a machine with more RAM.
It probably is due to how the hardware/software is designed but it doesn't changed the fact that their RAM/SSD pricing is insane. For the cost of the upgrades alone you can build a more powerful PC.
This is just cope that apple fans came up with to justify why Apple kept them chucked on 8gb of ram for so long
so fucking true.
Apple Iphone with 4GB in 2018 = play ZZZ
Android with 8GB flagship released in 2022 = still can't play ZZZ, you need at least 12GB due to all the bloatfuck bloatwares you can't debloat since debloater and devops do not let you debloat anymore

also noticed that I can multitask fucking better on iOS, on android the app is killed even if I had it locked unoptimized battery, persistent notif. and other android gymnastics shit the moment I open my messages or minimize app. it just is killed I get kicked in multiplayer game sometimes and has been the dealest deal breaker for me with lagdroid
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3 years ago it was a funny joke now its just depressing
I don't get it. 16 GB of ram is $20
>windows 10 only need 300mb to run in gui mode
a non configured one is something like 2GB what the fuck are you talking about
Tell that to apple who sold 8gb of soldered ram in this year and age.
Fagtoddlers came making post purchase rationalization threads everybday after they realize their mistake ”8 gb should be enough”
You're confusing cached ram with actual working ram probably
>”8 gb should be enough”
let me guess...
>We know our users are retarded hypster who only shitpost on twatter all day on starbucks, so 8gb of ram is enough for a web browser and a twatter tab
No need to guess here, if you're this slow and didn't get it its about crapple users anon, just read the op image.
Apple crafts their systems with respect to the whole. Patchwork clusterfucks like windowns need bigger numbers to make up for their lack of coherency. It’s white man’s engineering, winjeets wouldn’t get it.
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literal currynigger cope shill thread
meanwhile in the real world
>/g/ complains when Windows eats up all their RAM with "bloat" (actually just reserving it to speed up their programs but w/e)
>/g/ complains when Apple designs an efficient OS that can operate better even with less RAM

I don't get it. Seems like you guys just want to complain no matter what.
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>>operate better even with less RAM
>literally raping your soldered SSD using it to cope with the fact your currynigger shitbook is cucked with 8GB unupgradable soldered ram
that would probably be correct for people that quote was meant for.
less ram used by the os and more ram efficient browser. it all falls apart if you do anything else than web browsing
>it's own lp-ddr4
apple haters can't read
If you read that properly, the T2 module is its own enclosed cpu with its own memory. it doesn't share the system memory.
It doesn't operate better though. You look at most people running the 8 GB it's constantly using swap space and wearing out the write cycles on the soldered in storage.

It's all about planned obsolescence and punishing the itoddlers who bought the cheaper models.
Reminder that the original MacOS X was criticized for needing 128MB of RAM. That's 64 times less than modern MacOS.
128MB of RAM is more than my gaming computer has
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This is actually true, because on Mac the bottleneck lies elsewhere.
For instance, if you're rendering video on Windows and you only have 8GB of RAM, it'll likely slow down the process because it has to resort to using virtual memory instead.
Whereas on Mac, it doesn't matter if it has to use virtual memory because your system was already throttling and overheating from having to run at blazing speeds like 3.2Ghz on all four cores, and now you have to put it in the fridge or else it will die.
do retards in this board not know what RAM compression is, and that many OSes support it?
/g/ - Technology
windows, macos and linux all have ram compression
so... how does that make macos superior? i don't see the point of your post
do iNiggers on this board not know what toilers are, and that many countries support them?
/mac/ - one infinite loo
pretty sure it's enabled by default on macos, unlike linux
windows barely compresses shit
macs are PCs tho
Hardware-assisted RAM compression and decompression in real time. This is an ANCIENT concept and Apple's the only one doing it.

You can enable it with Linux too but there's no actual hardware support, so it's slower because software has to be run to compress and decompress the RAM.

I don't understand why people complain about this. Apple's not advertising twice as much RAM, they're truthfully saying that with their compression, it's like having double the RAM. And it is.
>Windows is unoptomized bloated spyware trash
>Windows has better memory management than MacOS
It doesn't.

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