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If you do anything other than "A" you're a certified psychopath
at least they're not the cursed subhuman back pocket users
I do B to minimize the amount of dust falling into the charging port
Why top-down? You're confusing the accelerometers needlessly.
The only correct answer.
It put it in either pocket in any configuration because I haven't autistically thought about this particular thing, yet.
dumb niggers who dont understand even the basic nature of the world
dust doesnt fall into the port, it gets grinded into the port by rubbing along the buttom of your pocket you retards
then how come the dust accumulating in my phone's port has drastically decreased after switching from A to B?
A or B, I don't really pay attention to the orientation. Logic is that if the screen is facing outwards, bumping into someone or something can crack the screen.
As for dust in the port, I have a toothbrush and isopropyl alcohol, I can clean it whenever.
B because I'm a fucking redneck who wears bib overalls most of the time and I want to have it in the right direction when I pull it out. Like screen facing my chest
yeah i'd rather not voluntarily radiate my testicles all day
enjoy your zero sperm count
A, B, C, D. I don't have time for that kind of autism.
Henlo, pocket lint.
A or B

C and D is not very protective of the display, then you bump to some sharp corner and you could damage display
One summer my leg got so sweaty that it activated the screen, clicked on bunch of shit and somehow turned on the airplane mode. Since then I put it with the screen to the outside.
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I don't.
E - It goes up my ass, the ideal way to put your phone away
Imagine having a dirty pocket lmao
post proof nigger
do iFaggots really?
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In my back pocket like god intended.
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please consult the graph
post instrument & method fucking nigger
>jesus christ look at that whale how is she not in a wheelchair with that crippling 200lbs of fat on her body
Only women do that. Webm proves it
>instrument: my phone
>method: looking
Those faces are not enjoying themselves
I do B
fuck the other side
A when not listening to music, B when my headphones are plugged in (headphone jack is at the top of the phone)
>she thinks those are ogles, but they were all faces of disgust and revulsion
A or B, I don't care about rotation.`
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I keep my phone under my foreskin
>amerimutts cannot do this
lmao sad
I have done A since my first Nokia 3410 phone
the orientation always remains correct, you don't have to fiddle with it turning it around and upside down
If you are OP, you are a FAGGOT.
I make one of my servants carry my phone on a silk pillow when I'm not using it
screen away from the leg because leg can use touch screen.
because I wanna be able to quickdraw. I even flip the phone when drawing it to draw it faster
Do you strap the phone directly to your skin?
no but pockets in some of my pants are made out of very thin material. mostly summer clothes are like this.
I have a Samsung Galaxy A03s.

This fucker falls out of my pocket for half of the pants that I use. I have resorted to using a "fanny-pack" I bought in the 90s. To carry it around.

I think I want to invest in >>102469615
fucking hell anon
well then how do you orient it in your cool satchel?
Everyone else in the thread is a retard, including myself
anon that's the second post
They did admit to being a retard.
ive literally never had this problem
A obviously because thats the natural orientation from holding your phone, all the others require you to flip it around which makes no sense
I've always done C and never looked back.
You reach into your pocket and grab the top corners of your phone with your thumb and middle finger then it's a very natural movement to rotate your hand and your phone is already right side up.
The screen faces away from your thigh so you don't accidentally interact with the screen with your thigh skin. Some pants have thing pockets.
At least we all agree on front right pocket.
I just realized you're probably an Israeli agent gathering data about where in the phone to place the explosives
Any advice on beginner's krav maga?
>thing pockets
thin pockets
Can I not enjoy a silly /g/ thread without being reminded that my parents mutilated me? Fuck off, man.
Whenever I see women with their phone in their back pocket I'm thinking
>Why is her phone poking out her back pocket like that? Is she doing that "record people looking at my ass" thing?
but is the screen up or down on the pillow and how do you ask them to orient it as they approach you?
And the whole "dust getting in to the port" thing? I've NEVER experienced this with any phone I've owned over the past 20 years. Are your cloths that fucking dirty or are you fucks that nuotic?
how fucking dusty are you
I do "A" but I also put my keys in there as well.
I do C, but I am definitely not a psychopath. I work outdoors a lot, my legs get sweaty and when I do A or B, the screen gets activated a lot, all kinds of weird stuff happens - the torch turns on, my phone turns into a wifi hotspot or goes into airplane mode, sometimes it starts dialing some random numbers, etc. I don't think there's anything wrong with C or D as long as you're not doing anything too crazy.
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B because of the camera bump
If the phone wasn't thicker at the top, I'd do A
What if I want to put my tiny penis in the charging port through my pants pocket? I can’t do that if the charging port is facing up.
Thigh generates heat and sweat, you don't want your screen to be so close to it. The back side is protected by the case. I do D.
Have fun beaming the cancer photons into your thigh you fucking idiot
>woman discovers heterosexuals men
>woman cannot belief that men do not want to be gay and instead like females
>its a miracle
anyone who prefers privacy will go for A or B.
Imagine doing C or D. Everyone around you will be able to read your notifications every time you take your phone out of your pocket.
i do C or D when phoneposting and it makes me wait 60 seconds
>phone not smalle enough to be put horizontally
used to exclusively do A but latest updates have increased incidence of phone screen turning on in the pocket
so far i've had three international calls and countless alarm sounds play
where is the "just drop it in the giant cargo shorts pocket" option you dumb retard
where do you think lint comes from retard
this has never been a problem in my life
C or D to avoid butt dial
my notifications are hidden until the phone is unlocked
A most of the time, D occasionally because when im sweaty it sometimes triggers the screen and pauses what im playing,calls people ...
>In my back pocket like god intended.
hm yes i enjoy bending the phone whenever i sit down and getting pickpocketed left and right!
I sometimes do D when playing a video of which I want to listen to the audio but due to user-hostile design, cannot lock the screen and continue the audio.
enjoy your baby wageslave when you leave a bitch pregnant
so get a hoodie or light jacket or something
The only correct answer.
Why not B all the time? Because the volume and power buttons are near the top of the phone, so when I fish it out I might bump into them.
you guys are mentally ill if you care so much about this shit

>fatty thinks she's hot shit
>Placing 100+ lbs of weight on your glass and plastic sandwich
Nah you're retarded
Generally I prefer B so the ports are facing downward. However the screen protector on my current phone has a tendency to migrate and so I have to switch between A and B every few weeks to keep the screen protector centered.
I put it in my back pocket because I am too skinny for it to fit with a case in my front pockets.
Put a dust cover on it like a freaking decent human being, sweaty
I have never seen a man put his phone in his back pocket
I'm not wrong handed, so none of the above.
>If you do anything other than "A" you're a certified psychopath
I have never once put my phone in my pocket. I use a holster like a real man. Phone on left, revolver on the right, pliers to the rear, knife with wave in pocket.
my pants are very thin material so screen has to face away or else my thigh turns on the phone and accidentally sends nudes to my mom
I lead with a finger or two to make sure it's actually going into my fucking pocket because I'm not a mong who drops their phone.
>Mossad data mining thread
A, B, C, or D at random. Any other answer is autism.
The science is settled.
Is there a reason the accelerometers need to be measuring anything while it's in my pocket? No?
I do B because I have the fine motor skills and dexterity to be able to get the phone out correctly. I also don't drag my knuckles while walking. These things are surprisingly highly related.
I have a fairly large phone so if I'm wearing slim cut jeans I feel my quads pressing into the phone in certain positions, and if the screen is facing the thigh I feel like I'm putting an uncomfortable amount of pressure on it.
It's probably nothing, but making it face the outside makes me worry less about it.
How would your phone get in any position other than A, are you all holding your phone upside down looking at the back of it???
so that the NSA knows not only your location, but also what you are doing at any moment.
A, screen is protected and you don't need to do any flips when you take it back out.
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just close your phone first and it makes no difference
who cares
I make sawdust for a living
C, because my bluetooth earbuds are garbage and disconnect if I insert my phone into my pocket facedown.
A, but that's only because I have a cloth loop thing and sneak my finger in there to pull it out. Also screen towards leg meat, because that just makes sense.
<phew> I'm finally normal about something
also, never put your hand sanitizer in the same pocket as your phone
this could be one of my favorite posts of all time
>he doesn't lock his phone
Screen towards the leg, but only because I have a loop for a finger on the back. Don't care if it's a or b. What kind of a retard thinks about shit like this?
I use D during summer because my pants are so thin that double tap to wake gesture gets triggered by my legs through the pocket.
A, if it's raining the B
Yeah that's a wom*n thing since their pants typically don't have front pockets
dubs of truth
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I do 'A', but i'm considering now becoming a 'B' tard, the reason is that i sometimes activate the light when taking out the phone. i have axiety because of videos of roasties being aggroed and think you somehow are filming them if the light is on.
You are based

I use a back pocket for my wallet and a back pocket for my phone. Simple as. You take it out when you're about to sit down, it's ez.
I use all 4 randomly to avoid staleness and keep an element of rng difficulty in my everyday gameplay, whenever I need to obtain my phone from my pocket and reorient it
I hand it back to my personal assistant (submissive gf)
I do B because that's where the headphone jack port is though
Yes, and?
C or D, I don't like the screen rubbing against my leg
A. I use the thumb to slide it in and two fingers to extract and rotate.
D after locking the screen. If the screen face muh cock it get's turned on.
What a fat ass i'd like to fuck gyat damn!
C, so I can check the time without pulling it out fully.
B with my old xiaomi which had a diamond screen ( no scratch after 7 years)
C now with my S23 which has a screen made of butter to prevent more scratches
Sorry but the study is true, its been independently peer reviewed >>102472972
I have a headphone jack at the bottom so it's A or D. Otherwise it doesn't matter as I use wallet for protection.
>getting pickpocketed
skill issue, not our fault you live in weimerica
they are all literally staring at her phone, not her ass. lol
A was the default until i truly became enlightened and learned the wonders of D
>doesnt rub up against your leg and get sweat all on the screen
>reduces the risk of scratching against some sand or something while walking
>pulls out into the correct orientation for immediate use
try it out
i do D if it's hot outside and i'm wearing pants that perspirate a lot
>this fat cunt thinks she's able to fit in those jeans
>dear god what an obese bitch

none of those guys were smiling
every one looked like they had just seen roadkill in the gutter
I have. Its a big wallet kinda guy thing.
A or B are sane, depending on the location of the fingerprint scanner.
C/D: How to get a smashed screen.
I just jam it in
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the others have it in their vagoo
it only happens in europe though. america has no public transport
correct answer
D is the correct answer. You can glance at the clock or notifications easily.
>america has no public transport
that's why you guys have home invasions instead
For me its C/D i don't really care which. I like the screen facing away from my leg.
Hahaha crack the screen? Is it an apple?
i do A but with my left hand
No human on earth does C or D.
i suck cocks
D when I’m listening to music because one of the speakers is in the earpiece.
I don't give a shit because I use a flip case.
I don't put my phone in my pocket. How am I supposed to sit down like that?
> You take it out when you're about to sit down
Good luck remembering this before sitting down on it.
depends purely on the pants
I'm sorry about the retardation you've caught.
it only happens in europe though. america has guns
>Put phone into pocket
>Israel detonates it
>Balls 404
I do all 4 anon
so what do you do with your phone?
i do none of those because i put my phone in my left pocket, despite being right handed
this is when you know someone is not fucking around and hire them on the spot
the cat is out of the bag on women ass ogling. it used to be something only talked about in quiet conversations between men but now preteen girls are comment on each others asses and get insecure about them. Every woman is trying to assmax now
You'd love the grapheneOS "randomize keypad" option with a long number based password. Every time you unlock it, the numbers are in different places.
This was a minor challenge for me at first, but after like a week of it, it was no big deal anymore.
Used to be A, now it's D. I still prefer A, but when I have the phone playing something like that it is liable to still click around. Skipping, pausing or clicking ad's if I am playing a video.
Front pocket is for keys and everyday carry items like my pocket knife
Back left pocket. Phone goes in front shirt pocket when I'm sitting down. Been doing this since 2002.
I don't own a phone.
A, but index finger goes into the pocket before letting go, sort of like what's shown in B. One too many times I've tried to slide my phone into my pocket without looking and had it drop on the ground.
B, rarely A

I don't want my screen breaking from hitting something, and the fingerprint sensor in the back gets activated randomly with my leg if I use C or D (which locks me out of using it, and my number code is long af (and scrambled))
B. The headphone jack is at the top of my LG V30
this guy fucks (women)
if you think about how you put your phone in your pocket you're definitely autistic beyond saving
I do C or D, at least if I'm listening to something because otherwise my retarded cheap phone will pick up touches and think I've paused it
I do the same. Plus, it prevents screen activations against the leg through the pants.
A but left pocket
I have never had a problem with 'butt dial' wtf are you doing? Just lock your phone.
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They need the exercise.

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