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IRC operators would ban anyone on the spot for talking about politics.
"would"? i'm pretty sure most still do
They won't if the "right" kind of politics is being discussed.
well that's up to the owner to decide innit?
jannies don't own shit
Autism was the backdoor that let them in.

We must solve autism to solve the problem, either through medical mitigations or ostrasization campaigns to weaken public support for autists (this is already beginning to happen naturally but could be helped along).
this must be why IRC died, why would anyone use a service where you'll be instantly banned for talking about politics?
The problem is that tech people are too autistic and socially inexperienced, so its very easy to trick them into joining cults and social movements
ehh fuck it. I am getting tired of getting bombarded with politics fucking everywhere.
FOSS is inherently political, the ideology is based on every contributing to it and it's pro globalistic as well as pro communist and pro freedom. If you are a bigot you are not welcome in FOSS.
i hate niggers and women

i use arch btw
greetings, comrade.

retards join irc channels dedicated to one topic, start ranting about anything but off topic and then proceed to have a mental breakdown about how they've been banned.
I need one with seamonkey
FOSS is political in the sense it promotes FOSS. Beyond that is beyond the scope of FOSS.
Stallman is quoted as saying that FOSS should not be denied to either a pro-abortion or anti-abortion person based on their views.
bro as long as it blocks ads i dont care
more like subtle desu
so weird seeing my crappy shitpost edit from years ago
>we are all-inclusive
>exclusivity will be excluded
And none of you understand that there is a paradox...
>inb4 "right-wing"
No, I'm not wading into your ankle-deep kiddie pool that you expect me to drown in.
>pro globalistic
Only as far as the internet and free information is concerned. It cares not about whether nations should be abolished or strengthened
>pro communist
You can't apply principles that only operate well in a scarcity-free environment where copying software has no cost to a physical world where scarcity exists.
>pro freedom
Local sovereignty is an important aspect of freedom that is in direct opposition to globalism and communism. Communists and globalists want to turn everywhere into a totalized democracy where the majority rules over the minority. If you oppose this, then you're a nationalist.
>And none of you understand that there is a paradox...
Yep, and prepare yourself for an incoming projection about Popper's Paradox of Tolerance.
FOSS is political, I agree. However, that doesn't include identity politics.
>Paradox of Tolerance
Is what you started calling it because you can't stomach the more-accurate name, the Paradox of Freedom.
Isn't it kind of the same point that tolerance is only valid inside a sufficiently homogeneous culture, and freedom is also only valid inside a sufficiently homogeneous culture? Both concepts seem to point to nationalism as the natural order of things.
What I'm talking about is more broad than that. Have a few more examples:
>we should strictly police those who demand stricter policing!
>we should restrict the speech of those who demand restrictions on speech!
>we should remove the freedoms of those who would remove MY freedoms!
These are all things the radical left enthusiastically and openly call for, so I'm not sure you're actually saying anything here.
>radical left
See my comment about the ankle-deep kiddie pool.
Politics was never banned but people interested in technology just weren't interested in politics.

What happened was people who hate technology got into tech purely for the money and having zero tech skills they type political rants instead of code.
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maybe they're here because instead of defining yourself and others on a gender, you get to do it with a programming language and linux distro instead, and this time they all have lore.
why did the alphabet club latch onto the programming community?
millennial moment
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i thought firefox was based and trad
guess ill use chrome now
how about you play with my cock instead?
try Floorp. it's a Firefox fork by Japanese developers
I miss when the internet was full of guys like Stallman. The modern internet is too directionbrained for something like this

anon, were never on irc
>You can't apply principles that only operate well in a scarcity-free environment where copying software has no cost to a physical world where scarcity exists.
>Local sovereignty is an important aspect of freedom that is in direct opposition to globalism and communism. Communists and globalists want to turn everywhere into a totalized democracy where the majority rules over the minority. If you oppose this, then you're a nationalist.
Extremely high IQ takes. If you posted this comment on reddit you'd get a bunch of downdoots and insults and maybe even a roving janny removing your post but not a single comment capable of refuting you.
>Communists and globalists want to turn everywhere into a totalized democracy
Hence both ultimately being manifestations of eleutheromania.
I just now learned what that word means, but I disagree. Pure direct democracy has nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with herd mentality.
then fork it and create a smart contract mechanism for rewarding devs with donations
>Pure direct democracy has nothing to do with freedom
Tell that to anyone who believes in democracy.
They're naive. Without things like constitutionalism, representation, property rights, federalism and/or confederalism, courts and equality under the law, etc etc, democracy leads to terrible things.
>They're naive
So are all eleutheromaniacs, before they become malicious by way of knowing hypocrisy.
Well and good, if the constitution is well-enforced and consistently defends the survival of the State, such as granting a complete Monopoly of Force.
Oh, you still support that democratic fallacy that the lay people are knowledgeable enough to even choose a proxy for their political decisions, huh?
>property rights
How good are those when you run afoul of the State, I wonder?
Good, if the sub-divisions know their place within the larger State. For example, not allowing the sale or consumption of a substance that's federally banned.
So what the United States was originally meant to fall under. Wonder how that turned out...
That faithfully interpret the Law as it is written, and only as it is written, yes.
>equality under the law
With the notable and necessary exception being Members of the Government Body, yes.
>democratic fallacy that the lay people are knowledgeable enough to even choose a proxy for their political decisions
what's the alternative, my dude
>How good are those when you run afoul of the State, I wonder?
can agree they need to be strengthened
>So what the United States was originally meant to fall under. Wonder how that turned out...
counterpoint: the european union is a confederacy
>With the notable and necessary exception being Members of the Government Body, yes.
based based based based based
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> No one remembers me
I am autistic, but I am not a tranny. I don't want to get lumped up with them.
who the fuck is this
> Not nowing Eich
Created JavaScript.
Was ousted from Mozilla for a political donation that was found out due to a leak.
Created Brave Browser.
Wow, I use Brave and I didn't know.
Not all autists are trannies but ALL trannies are autists.
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>what's the alternative
Keeping the uninformed and uninitiated as far away from the political process as possible.
>they need to be strengthened
You need to understand: even under the most "liberal" Governments, everything in practice belongs to the State; you're just allowed to keep some of it.
>counterpoint: the [European Union] is a confederacy
Yes, and?
Pic. Related.
Lack of politics are the reason we're in this situation now. Remember, any instution not explicitly right wing will sooner or later become left wing. We need White Identitarianism and Traditionalism in our technology.
No, what you need is to abandon this childish "left/right" divide invented by terroristic rebels some quarter of a millennium ago.
Thanks, but I'm still sticking with Firefox.
few months ago i downloaded firefrox it felt slow
yesterday when i did it was fine n nice but then membered this, and i uninstalled
this but not enough /pol/tards are getting into tech
it's not the politics, it's the strictly enforced adherence to a single political ideology.

Things were always political but now it must be uniform. They do this by implying that any dissenting opinion intends to intentionally harm others and so it should not have equal standing with their "non-violent" and "inclusive" opinions.
Why does the state deserve a monopoly on force? This just hands them more power to do as they please. Citizens should be able to defend themselves without having to depend on the state.

Who said that everyone has to be able to vote?

>property rights
See constitutionalism. Without property rights, you have nothing.

This only failed the early US because they were already dealing with issues from immense debt due to the war, extremely high inflation and a money system that couldn't be converted, an economy that was based around the war which took time to readjust, and Britain basically stopping them from trading with much of anyone as a form of revenge.

>equality under the law
What special privileges would members of the government get? Why?

Why do you /pol/tards aka Neo Nazis co-opt basic words by turning them into dog whistles?

Is it because you're a chicken shit?

Is it because you're all retarded newfags because you forgot you're not on Reddit where they ban you if you say you want to gas trannies hence why you say "politics" to say "i no like"?

Tell us again how the tranny who makes up less than 0.005% of the US population is both inferior and superior to warrant your autistic screeching about them
>lay people
Thanks, but I'm still sticking with Firefox.
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Why did you add the meme arrow, chud
thanks but im still battling sjws
/g/ is an inclusive board and we don't believe in policing memearrows. >Please reflect on your behavior and do better.
>why can't i be racist in your inclusive server
Why indeed, such a paradox
I guess it would be cool if minorities had sovereignty inside the us and everywhere else
>Communists and globalists want to turn everywhere into a totalized democracy where the majority rules over the minority. If you oppose this, then you're a nationalist.

mutts need to be castrated
>Why does the state deserve a monopoly on force?
To enforce the Law. Give any Tom, Dick or Harry an armory, as is legally permissible under the second amendment, and you introduce chaos to a should-be natural Order.
>This just hands them more power to do as they please
Indeed, and in practice, they already do.
>Who said that everyone has to be able to vote?
Who said anyone outside of the Government should be able to vote?
>Without property rights, you have nothing
Then in practice, you have nothing now. See my second point in >>102478938.
>This only failed the early US because they were already dealing with
Pressures that would solidify any ragtag group of terrorists into a proper Government, only they resisted it every step of the way, yes.
>What special privileges would members of the government get?
Broad immunity from the Law.
To better enforce it.
Yes, and?
See >>102475846

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