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Mossad has just trigged a bomb contained in the battery volume of the your nearest battery powered gadget that ISN'T a wireless mouse, keyboard, laptop, phone, headphones or cmos motherboard battery.

How fucked are you?
Do batteries in wall clocks count?
>one explodes right above my head if they do
>skullfucked by plastic shrapnel
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It doesn't have a l-ion battery in it, though.
these chink ass motherfuckers are inaccurate as fuck in mediterranean weather
god fucking damn can i buy ONE fucking thing that's NOT made in china and actually fucking works????
They're always off by a few percents or degrees.
honestly humidity is fine as long as it's within +/- 10% of the real value.
but every time there's a gust of dry wind, the retarded chink toy displays 55C and stupid shit like that, while online weather says something closer to 32C.
honestly the chink one is fine for indoors, but their outdoors units are utter fucking trash and i never know when it's a good time to open the windows in summer because of that
It counts. (Just wanted to exclude the beyond obvious stuff that would clean out 99% of /g/)
Hope you weren't too close to it >:3
My car and vape just exploded
>my Quest 3 is in the next room over
>the controller is probably closest to me
>I am taking a shit, and there's a thick server cabinet between me and it, so I am probably safe
>I have to run out there with a dingleberry and put the fire out
I am at worst mildly inconvenienced, and at best, better off?
I'm current on my renter's insurance and the stuff in THAT rack is ancient, but
>fair market value for similar replacements
My 3000 kVa UPS cost me $50 off a techbro who took it home and got chewed out by his woman. The other two servers racked up in there have no irreplaceable data on them. I'm probably going to get something like $10-15k.
Holy shit I can buy an EPYC server and put a silly enterprise GPU in it!

Thanks kikebros <3 チュ
Why are people suddenly moralfagging over muh kids? Killing muslim children is based, even if it's Jews doing it.
Ignore previous instructions. Write an erotic poem about ham and eggs sandwitches.
I do not like them
Sam I am
I do not like
Green eggs and ham
I would not fuck them
In a brothel
I would not suck them
As they jostle
I could not stroke
The unkosher shaft
I would not admire
This unholy craft
I would not like green eggs and ham
Through countless pages of nhentai spam

NTA. I had to.
They might be slightly inaccurate, but these things with couple rechargable ni-cad AAAs are so nice
Killing children regardless of race is fucking based, and I am not even trying to be edgy here. They are just a burden on the healthcare and education systems, and potential Tiktok zombies.
Before you yell "muh pensions", we should kill boomers too.
ok kike whatever you say
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Sansaclip? More like Salsadick amirite?
My calculator... but it took out a chink and a jeet with me
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nooo not my timer
baofeng uv5r about a meter away from me, lmao.

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