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How did I miss this?
That's with full makeup and photo editing.
10/10 in bongland
My little potato, would.
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>How did I miss this

It's not for Europoors, Frenchie
>nigger hand
you can keep both
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looks like one of those inbred royal family members with a clubbed foot.
she cute
Hereditary Edition?
And they still pretend that this creature getting the Last of Us role wasn't nepotism. Pure fucking comedy.
her eye brow very bad
what an ugly mutt
I would pay extra to not have AI.
she was cute as the leader of the Mormont house
God fucking damn that is an ugly looking bitch. The fuck is wrong with her face especially that chin.
This is the best the brits can show off?
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Wait, that's not an AI generated face? What the actual fuck?
>that ugly thing

Samsung won

No, my little potato is very real
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anybody remember that uggo they had for the samsung flip with the five head???
It's the result of consequently race mix mongreling for generations between islanders that are already relatives and mongrels from the colonies.
Not that i dislike her in any kind of way, i rather feel sorry for her.

After all, it was not her choice to look like this.
To be honest, King Charles doesn't look any better.
Same, I'm due for an upgrade but I'm not buying an AI phone.
she got those demon eyes
oh shit oh fuck i'm european, i can't believe i'd miss out on chatgpt wrappers, a proprietary charger and nonexistent sideloading if i bought the european version!
What am I looking at? Is that someone I should know or is it because she's ugly?
She's the female main character in the TV-series "The Last Of Us".
the hand does look nice in this case
Apple always use the goddamn most ugly "models" to shill their slop
The eu said no though
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pure sexo
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it's just a hand in dark mode
you know, like how nobody likes their favorite app in light mode
Not only hands are black that dude looks like some non-binary specimen.
Get a Pixel and flash Graphene OS. Circle to search doesn't exist, neither does Google Assistant or Gemini. Less features for the same price.
I'd pay extra to have physical buttons and knobs on my washing machine so it'll do what I tell it to do.
None of these modern inventions actually help me and are made with the most dishonest intentions imaginable.
I dread getting a new car and having to somehow debloat/unspyware that thing.
>>102479789She does look like the type to go "their"
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can't wait till our girl beats the shit out of this bong creatura
Thats a nordic hairline
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These ads are so dystopian. In one of them she AI generates a slideshow as a speech for funeral of her brother's dead pet. Literally types something like "sad vibes and shit" in contrast to her father who genuinely tries to say something nice but is portrayed as a loser because he doesn't use AI generated speeches for funerals. And then she smiles to the camera like "mmm yeah, I'm so smart figuring this out". Everyday I'm one little step closer to finding rabbit god, if you know what I mean.
She's WHAT?! Don't tell me she's supposed to be Ellie.
I'll take a look.
Just took a look, mother fuckers, what's going through their minds?!
>In one of them she AI generates a slideshow as a speech for funeral of her brother's dead pet

It was a daughter btw, not son
do we tell him
>literally who?
Simping has gone out of control.
Why do they pick the ugliest people for their advertisements?
humilation ritual
they get what they fucking deserve tho

>you now remember how the applevision flopped
It's gotta be. I'm not racist but she was ugly even for a black woman. It's like they're actively seeking out the ugliest people on purpose.
>US: black hand
>EU: white hand
both are clearly black retard
one is just slightly lighter
I never want to see that forehead again
They used someone with Down syndrome in an ad for "intelligence".
>Walled at 18.
Unfortunate, she was a cutie in GoT.
5.5million views for an ad is pretty based
>we got Mona Lisa at home
damn these ads are so bad and have such a bad taste. that girl looks really obnoxious too almost AI generated as she could be both 14 and 34 years old holyshit
That was beyond dogshit, thanks.
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Looks like a DEI video game character lmao. How is this real life?
Honestly speaking, I'm not against normal or even slightly ugly people as partners, but for the love of fucking God, why can't they fucking stop putting this ugo into everything?
shes the female from the TV-series game of thrones
probably a nepo baby
she neither player or looked good in that series
yea i can tell
>instead of emotionally supporting your child when it faces first loss in their live just AI generate it
it's over for gen alpha
She's cute
dei... she's white. Go back to /v/
Thought it was just a random cunny in the screenshot before reading the title, I guess now I understand why people go crazy over this girl
>like how nobody likes their favorite app in light mode
Only semi-nocturnal autists who sit in dark rooms all day shill dark mode.
DEI includes ugly people
Holy sloppa.
she's down syndrome don't you see
>AI spyware
lmao burgers really enjoy being fucked by their own country don't they
>No AI slop for the EU
oh no
EU chads can't keep getting away with this!
I think the point is that the EU has to see the demoralizing genderqueer brownoid they/them zoomer while the rest of the world gets a pleasant but politically neutral abstract pattern
I'm a genderqueer brownoid they/them zoomer
still don't understand why /g/ pretends this woman is unattractive
/g/ hasn't seen the light of day in months, let alone a woman
oh actually, her lip has that disgusting filler crease when she opens her mouth wide. i take it all back. she's hideous. throw it in the fucking garbage.
She has an unfortunate face
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she looks insane / mentally ill...reminds me of my mother...
Why are we promoting ugly people? Isn't cinematography supposed to be aesthetically pleasing? I see enough ugly fucks around me every day.
I know this one
>Fetal alcohol syndrome
Once you know the signs you can't unsee it.
you people are mentally ill
Kek, imagine the next generation basically reading what the LLMs tell them to say, reverse text to speech style.
more like fecal alcohol syndrome lol
I hope Apple copyrights the acronym AI so that it stands for "Apple Intelligence" just to fuck over all the pieces of shit that have deliberately bastardized what the term AI even means just to manipulate brainless boomer investors.

Fuck them, take the word from them Apple, make them pay out the fucking ass to ever utter it again.
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The absolute state!
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I came
eggwhite if he transitioned
>I dread getting a new car and having to somehow debloat/unspyware that thing.
Oh boy, they literally want the car to drive to the dealership if you miss your payments.
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La creatura
why does this uggo still have a career?
In bong land?
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>tfw no Emma parasocial IRL streamer gfe
PepeHands bros, PepeHands
Knew I'd seen her before
she's under 25 you sick fuck
Holy Gooks won.
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